Educational Visits
Field Visit
The Department of Civil Engineering organized two days field visit to various water and sewage treatment plants located in and around Chennai. These treatment plants are constructed and maintained by Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB). B.Tech – Civil Engineering – II Year students of 2023 – 2027 batch students have visited these treatment plants from 07.10.2024 to 08.10.2024 for the course CED2101 – Mechanics of Structures, CED2102 – Mechanics of Fluids and CED2104 – Water and Wastewater Engineering. Total of 34 students and 3 faculties were visited the Nesappakkam Sewage treatment plant, Kodungaiyur Sewage Treatment Plant, Kilpauk Water Treatment Plant and Puzhal Water Treatment plant to educate students about the various methods used to treat different types of contaminated water, enabling them to obtain clean water for both domestic and agricultural purposes. They also explore topics such as water supply systems, pipeline distribution, and sources of lake water. Additionally, students learn about structural integrity, tank dimensions, materials, special concrete applications, as well as the durability and load-bearing characteristics of these constructions.

Industrial Visit
The Department of Civil Engineering organized three days industrial visit to various treatment plants like Water treatment plants, Sewage treatment plants and desalination plants for the B.Tech – II Year students (2022 – 2026) from 06.11.2023 to 08.11.2023 in and around Chennai for the course CED 2102 – Mechanics of Fluids, CED 2103 – Concrete Technology and CED 2104 – Water and Wastewater Engineering. Total of 40 students and 4 faculties visited the Nesappakkam Sewage treatment plant, Koyembedu Sewage Treatment Plant, Kilpauk Water Treatment Plant, Puzhal Water Treatment plant and Nemmeli Desalination Plant to gain knowledge about the various treatments provided to treat different kinds of impure water and attain the treated water for the domestic and irrigation use. The students also gain the knowledge on water supply, pipeline water distribution and lake water sources. The students also studied the structural stability, tank size, materials and special concrete used for the construction.

Survey Camp 2023
The Department of Civil Engineering organized survey camp for third year Civil Engineering students for batch (2020-2024) at “YMCA CAMPUS” at Yelagiri from 20.2.2023 to 25.2.2023.
Industrial Visit
The Department of Civil Engineering organized a three-day industrial visit to various treatment plants for the B.Tech – II Year students (2020-2024) from 21.11.2022 to 23.11.2022. The 66 students and 4 faculties visited the Koyembedu Sewage Treatment Plant, Kilpauk Water Treatment Plant, and Nemmeli Desalination Plant to gain knowledge about the various treatments provided to treat different kinds of impure water

Industrial Visit To Cheruthoni Dam, Idukki Dam, Port Harbour & Waste Water Treatment Plant (COCHIN)
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a three days industrial visit to Kerala for the third-year students (2020-2023) from 6th to 8th November. The students visited Cheruthoni dam and Idukki dam at Idukki district on 06.11.2023 and gained knowledge on hydraulic structures like Arch dam, Spillways etc. On 07.11.2022 students were taken to the Cochin Port Trust about the loading and unloading of goods, Container Freight Station and EWHARF. Students were taken into the waste water treatment plant at Wonderla Amusement Park on 08.11.2023.

Industrial Visit to CSIR
On 26th of September, 2022 the students of MTech Structural Engineering and CEPM visited to CSIR to attend the foundation day celebration. The students visited the following facilities in CSIR, Taramani: 1. Advanced Seismic Testing and Research Laboratory, 2. Wind Laboratory, 3. Advanced materials Laboratory and 4. Fatigue and Fracture laboratory.
The Team was guided and taken to the Advanced Seismic Testing and Research Laboratory. Samples of dampers of various types and base isolator samples were kept as models.
In Wind Laboratory, students were briefed about the kind of projects handled by their department. For example, a structure with an architectural different configuration for which the wind pressure coefficients may not be available in standard code books for analysis will be considered by wind engineers to calculate the wind pressures acting on the proposed configuration for further structural design purposes.
In the Advanced Materials Laboratory, the making of a 3D printing model was witnessed.
In the Fatigue and Fracture laboratory facilities such as heavy duty test floor, vertical reaction walls, loading frames, and hydraulic power packs were visited.

The Department of Civil Engineering organized three days industrial visit to Cochin and Munnar for the third-year students (2019-2023) from 4th June to 6th June 2022. The students visited Cheruthoni dam and Idukki dam at Idukki district in Munnar to gain knowledge about the hydraulic structures. The students were taken to Waste water treatment plant and Cochin port harbour at Cochin to witness the treatment process of waste water and about the loading, unloading of goods, and EWHARF.

Students of M.Tech. Structural Engineering – II semester visited Ascendas IT park at Taramani on 30.5.2022 to know about the Green Concepts in Building Environment. A short Seminar was presented by three diginities on various techniques adopted in building IT park and unique features implemented in all the three phases which granted USGBC and IGBC platinum certification. Dr. C. Velan sir the City Head of Capitaland spoke about the factors to bring in Green Environment such as Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency and Improved Indoor Air Quality.

EXCON visit
Industry Institute partnership cell of civil engineering department facilitated students of M.Tech. Construction Engineering and Project Management to visit “EXCON”- largest construction equipment event in South Asia on 20.5.2022. The exhibition fascinated visitors who witnessed latest advancements in equipment for earthmoving and construction, lifting, material handling, concrete mixers, crushers and screens, road construction and foundation piling rigs, compactors, compressors and generators, components, accessories and consumables besides service facilities like leasing, financing, and equipment rentals. The event provided a real on-ground experience to the visitors.

Auroville Visit
Students of M. Tech (Construction Engineering and project management) 2021 batch and second year of Civil Engineering visited Auroville to know about infrastructure management on 24-3-2022.

Survey Camp 2022
The Department of Civil Engineering organized survey camp for third year Civil Engineering students for batch (2019-2023) at “Seethakathi Farm House” from 8.3.2022 to 11.3.2022.

Soil Camp 2021
The Department of Civil Engineering organized a one day Geotechnical investigation camp at Manapakkam site on 28th September, 2021 for III year Civil Engineering students (2018-22 batch) to visualize the conduct of Standard Penetration Test and procurement of soil samples directly in the field. From this camp the students were able to understand the real time execution of soil investigation programme, sketching the soil profile (bore log) and also the method to compute the safe bearing capacity of the soil based on Standard Penetration number.

ATAL Tunnel Visit
Students of M. Tech (Construction Engineering and project management) and M.Tech (Structural Engineering) of 2021 batch visited Atal Tunnel (Himachal Pradesh) under AICTE YUVAK scheme from 23.09.2021 to 02.10.2021. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated it on 3rd October 2020. The cost of the entire project is 3,500 crore. A 2.25 m tall and 3.6 m wide emergency tunnel has been integrated into the tunnel cross-section beneath the main carriageway for evacuation during emergencies. The speech given by Lt. Colonel. Sunny & Lieutenant Mishra was remarkable.

Survey Camp 2021
The Department of Civil Engineering organised survey camp for third year civil engineering students at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology from 7.9.2021 to 16.9.2021.

Field Vist – Chembarambakkam Water Treatment Plnat
A Field visit was organized on 13th March, 2020 to Chembarambakkam Water treatment plant for II year B Section Civil Engineering students to understand the treatment of water. Chembarambakkam WTP has the capacity of 530 MLD and is the India’s second largest single stage water treatment facility with Pulsator clarifier and Aquzur V – filters.

Field Vist- Nesapakkam Sewage Treatment Plant
A Field visit was organized on 13th March, 2020 to Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewage Board Nesapakkam Sewage Treatment Plant for II year B Section Civil Engineering students to understand the treatment of waste water.
The Nesapakkam sewage treatment plant operates on biological treatment method (Activated Sludge Process) and receives the sewage collected from zone 4, covering the areas like Saidapet, West-Mambalam, Ashoknagar, M.G.R Nagar, K.K.Nagar, Thirunagar etc. Wastewater is collected from the south western part of the city at an average volume of 117MLD.

Field Vist – SSN College
The Department of Civil Engineering organized a one day field visit to SSN College of Engineering in OMR area on 20th February, 2020 for III year Civil Engineering students (2017-21 batch) to witness the stabilization of soil by Lime grouting to repair the uneven settlement in a lab building due to settlement of footing caused by presence of soft clay.

The Department of Civil Engineering organized a one day Geotechnical investigation camp in Porur area on 14th February, 2020

The Department of Civil Engineering organised survey camp for third year civil engineering students at Yelagiri (YMCA camp) from 2.2.2020 to 8.2.2020

Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organised a field visit to Faecal sludge Treatment Plant and Resource Recovery Plant at Karunguzhi, Kanchipuram, Chennai for III year Civil Engineering Students on 28.09.2019

As a part of Jal Sakthi Abhiyan 2k19 introduced by our Honourable Prime Minister Dr.Narendra Modi, an awareness campaign was done by the team of faculty members and the students at Karanai Puducherry Panchayat in Urapakkam on September 5, 2019 regarding the Safe Water Conservation and to avoid the Single use of plastic

Survey at Manimangalam village Kanchipuram district by third year students on April 23, 2019 for Unnat Bharat Abhiyan scheme

Chembarambakkam water treatment plant and Koyambedu sewage treatment plant visit on 7.03.2019 with faculty coordinators Dr.Priya VS and Ms.Ayisha Sidiqua.M by II year – A section students

Survey camp at Yercaud from 30/01/2019 to 02/02/2019

Survey camp 2018 at elagiri hills – Batch 2015-2019

Visit to Auroville on October 13th, 2017


Survey camp-2016

Faculty – Students visit to National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (October 2012)
Green Clean Project

As per the advice of the Pro Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, the team comprising Five faculty members from Civil Engineering Department and two faculty members from Mechanical Engineering Department visited the ongoing Muthiara Thermal Power Plant construction (constructed by M/S. Coastal Energen Pvt. Ltd.) near Tuticorin during 19th & 20th, April 2011. The visit to this 2 X 600 MW Thermal Power Plant with an estimated cost of Rs. 4,500 Crores was found to be very useful and it will definitely lead to future collaboration of our faculty members in terms of Research and student visit.
The following are some of the photos taken during the Muthiara Thermal Power Plant site visit, Tuticorin.