Quality Education
Educational Events to Public
Data Centre in association with Department of Information Technology has organized the Computer Awareness Training Programme to Police Personnel from Tamilnadu Police Academy for 63rd All India Police Duty Meet 2019 from 24.10.2019 to 01.11.2019 (Level I) and 25.11.2019 to 06.03.2020 (Level II).

Around 14 teams from Crescent University participated in the ― Smart India Hackathon organised by the MoE, of which nine teams were selected to compete in the regional level and one team progressed to the National level
CIIC & Scotsgrad Jointly organized the Webinar on Insights On Cell Signalling In Normal And Diseased Tissues Dated. 30.06.2020

CIIC has organized the Webinar on What”s in it
GCC Crescent Alumni? (crescent) Date: 04.07.2020

CIIC has organized the Webinar on Crescent Global Hybrid Accelerator
Date: 04.07.2020

Global Bio-India roadshow was organised by CIIC where Ms. Arshi Mehboob from BIRAC presided online and four start-up founders Ms. Sruthi B, Dr. Nithyakalyani, Dr. Rachna Dave, Ms. Geethanjalli Radhakrishnan were the speakers for the event. Date: 22.02.2021

CIIC organized grand startup raodshow “Thedal” an initiative by Native Leads guest
speaker Mr. Karuppiah Lakshmanan, MD, Edubotics Date.24.09.2021