Organized by HR & Faculty Training Academy In collaboration with Department of Commerce ,Crescent Innovation Incubation Council (CIIC) Training and Placement Cell Of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
In Day-1 IHRC (International HR Confab) our participant are HR heads, staffing managers, CEO Coaches, B-School & engineering graduates, employees across sectors, social skilling organizations and government organizations promoting skills & development will discuss various issues around Gender Diversity in corporate sectors and management education.
Various Topics were discussed by the eminent panel members,
- Leadership and EQ
- Work Place Divergence – Fight for talent and policies and culture
- Misogynic behavior @ workplace
- Gross National Happiness as Human Holistic Development
- Addressing organizational politics positively and micro-aggression behavior
- C2C (Campus to Corporate)/ Industry expectation
More than 75 participants including corporate HR’s, Faculties ,Research Scholars, Industrialists and Students were participated and got benefited.
In Day-2 ICC (International Commerce Confab) is organized for teaching fraternity and Emerging Research Scholars.
Theme of the Conference Coined as “Recent trends in business & commerce”
The “International Confab on Emerging Trends in Business Management” aims to provide a forum for the exchange of new ideas and interactions in the areas of Commerce, Business and other social sciences through discussions with the peers from around the world. Accessing the need of entrepreneurship and new business start-ups for building an ecosystem to facilitate start-ups requires concerted and coordinated holistic effort.
More Than 30 participants presented papers and panel discussion by eminent speakers were also conducted during the course of the programme.

Speakers for the Confab 2019

Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. IR. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar

Prof. Nawab Ali Khan

Prof. Khaliq Ahmad

Dr.Saamdu Chetri

Dr.Md. Mamun Habib

Dr. Nikhil Gokhale

Dr.Fazalur Rahman

Prof. Radhe S. Pradhan

Dr.Rajan Babu


Dr. Krishnamurthy Prabhakar