Dr. Vasanthi Padmanabhan
![]() |
Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 12.07.1995 |
Qualification | : | M.Tech.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | +91 44 22759240 Ext.240 |
Email ID | : | |
Educational Qualification
Programme | Specialization | Name of the University/Institution | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Civil Engineering | College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai | 2010 |
M.Tech. | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering | Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi | 1993 |
B.E. | Civil Engineering | College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala University | 1988 |
Work Experience
Sl.No. | Designation | Employer | Period of Employment | Teaching/Industrial/ Research | |||
From | To | Years | Months | ||||
1 | Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | January 2023 | Till Date | Teaching & Research | ||
2 | Dean SoI | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | 25.05.17 | December 2022 | Teaching & Research | ||
3 | Professor & Head (Civil) | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | 24 August 2015 | 24.05.17 | 1 | 9 | Teaching & Research |
4 | Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | Feb 2010 | 23 August 2015 | 5 | 6 | Teaching & Research |
5 | Associate Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | April 2009 | Feb 2010 | — | 10 | Teaching & Research |
6 | Assistant Professor | B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College | June 2003 | March 2009 | 5 | 8 | Teaching & Research |
7 | Sr. Lecturer | B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College | June 1997 | June 2003 | 6 | — | Teaching & Research |
8 | Lecturer | B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College | June 1995 | June 1997 | 2 | — | Teaching & Research |
9 | Lecturer | Hindustan College of Engineering | January 1989 | June 1995 | 5 | 5 | Teaching & Research |
Courses Taught
Theory Courses
Soil Mechanics
Foundation Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
Estimation and Costing
Construction Equipments and Techniques
Modern Construction Practices
Modern Construction Materials
Environmental Engineering I
Environmental Engineering II
Basic Civil Engineering
Laboratory Courses
Soil Mechanics Laboratory
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Strength of Materials Laboratory
Surveying Laboratory
Areas of Research Interest
- Soil Pollutant Interaction
- Ground water Contamination modelling
- Advanced Water treatment methods
- New Construction materials using fly ash.
- Environmental Geotechniques
- Sustainable Green buildings.
Areas of Research Publications:
International Journal /Monograph in Book:
- S.MaryRebekah Sharmila, P.Vasanthi (2024) “Evaluation of Corrosion potential in near- shore piles and analysis through RSM modeling” ad5078. June 2024
- MaryRebekah Sharmila, P.Vasanthi (2024)“Performance evaluation of corrosion protective coatings on marine concrete piles: an experimental study utilizing artificial neural network and statistical analysis” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering. January 2024
- Rupa RajKumar, P.Vasanthi, M.Nagaraj (2024) “Experimental Investigation and Modeling of the behavior of interior Air Temperature in a High – Rise Residential Building in Winter and Summer” Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association Vol.30, No.2,163-176.
- Rupa Rajkumar,Vasanthi Padmanabhan,Velraj Ramalingam,Nagaraj Meenakshi Sundaram (2023) .,Computational Modelling In A High-Rise Building With Different Building Envelope Materials For Sustainable Living, ISSN 0354 -9836,Thermal Science, ,Volume 1,Issue 4,Pages 245,
- K. Kanmani, Vasanthi Padmanabhan and P. Pari .,(2023) .,Accuracy Assessment of different classifiers for Sustainable Development in Landuse and Landcover mapping using Sentinel SAR and Landsat-8 data., EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web, Vol. 10.,
- Ibrahim Y and Padmanabhan V., “A Novel Natural Coagulant used in the Treatment of Textile Dyeing Effluent”, ‘Indian Journal of Environmental Protection’, ISSN: 0253 – 7141, Vol. 43, Issue-4, pp. 304-312, April 2023.
- K. Kanmani, Vasanthi P., Packirisamy Pari, N. S. Shafeer Ahamed (2023), “Estimation of Soil Moisture for Different Crops Using SAR Polarimetric Data”, Civil Engineering Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 06, pp. 1402–1411, June 2023.
- Rupa Rajkumar, Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Nagaraj Meenaskshi Sundaram and Umamaheswari Kandasamy “A Study on Computational Analysis for Natural Convection in Tall Building – A Macroscopic Approach” Journal of Nanomaterials Volume.2022, Issue 4, pp 1-12.
- M. Ajona, P. Vasanthi, D. S. Vijayan (2022) “Application of multiple linear and polynomial regression in the sustainable biodegradation process of crude oil” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Volume: 54, pp: 102797
- Yakoopali Ibrahim, Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Navabshan Irfan (2022) “An evidence of bio- adsorption of acid blue dye using neem cake powder: A natural approach for water Treatment” Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology Volume : 42,
- R.Singaravelan, P.Vasanthi, A.Abdul Salam and Nirmala Krishnan (2022) “Electrochemical degradation of organic pollutants using Cu nanocubes modified electrode – A facile approach for environmental remediation” Inorganic Chemistry Communications
- M.Ajona and Vasanthi Padmanabhan,(2021), “Bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soils–A review”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol 45, pp7117-7122
- Pamila Ramesh, Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Praveen, Saravanan & Bhagavathi Pushpa Thillainayagam(2021) “Batch studies of turquoise blue dye (TB) adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from low-cost adsorbents: an ANN approach” Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery pp1-14
- M.Ajona and Vasanthi Padmanabhan,(2021) “Bio-remediation of crude oil contaminated soil using recombinant native microbial strain” Environmental Technology & Innovation,23,101635
- R. Singaravelan, M. Shanmugam, A. Abdul Salam, P. Vasanthi, M. Magesh, Durai Mani & Young-Ho Ahn,(2021) “Electrochemical Synthesis of γ-Cu5Zn8 Bimetallic Nano Alloy for Efficient Degradation of Methyl Orange Dye and Antimicrobial Efficacy” Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, Volume 31,Issue 7
- R.Rupa and Vasanthi Padmanabhan,(2020) “Evaluation of Operative Temperature in Naturally Ventilated Residential Buildings in Urban Coastal Area for Sustainable Development” Journal of Green Engineering (JGE). Volume 10, Issue 11, pp11384 -11401
- M.Ajona and Vasanthi Padmanabhan,(2020) “Identification of Native Microbial Strain from Petroleum Contaminated Soil and Degradation Potential Study for Bioremediation” Journal of Green Engineering (JGE), Volume 10, Issue 11, pp 11727-11742
- R.Pamila, Vasanthi Padmanabhan, R.Arunadevi, P.N.Sudha Abd el-Zaher.M.A. Mustafa, Abdullah Al-Ghamdi Ahmed, Amal H.Alajmi, Mohamed Soliman Elshikh (2020) “Batch and column mode removal of the turquoise blue (TB) over bio-char based absorbent from prosopis Juliflora: Comparative study”, Chemosphere, Volume 271, pp 1-11
- R. Pamila, PadmajaMegham and Vasanthi Padmanabhan,(2020) “Optimization of Cu (II) and Cr (VI) Removal Efficiency using ANNs and RSM”, Journal of Test Engineering and Management, Volume 83, pp 8343-8348.
- M. AyishaSidiqua, Y. Ibrahim, Vasanthi Padmanadhan, SufiyanAhamedJeddy and TauseefAhamed,(2019) “Waste water Treatment: Milk Processing Industry Effluent using sequential batch reactor process”, Ecology Environment and Conservation, Volume 25,Issue 2,pp.779 – 783
- AnayatullahMushtaq and P.Vasanthi, (2019) “A Study on Environmental Sustainability of Construction Projects in Tamilnadu”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology. Volume 6, Issue 4,pp.270 – 277.
- S.Booma and Vasanthi.P (2017),Analysis of Traffic Flow using Q-GIS, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 6,Issue 4,pp 5225-5331
- Pamela R.,Vasanthi P and Sivacoumar.,(2015) “Influence of Homemade Coagulants on the Characteristics of Surface Water Treatment: Experimental Study” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),pp 342-344\
- Abdul Salam.,A.,Singaravelan R. and Vasanthi P(2015) “Electrochemical fabrication of Ag–Cu nano alloy and its characterization: an investigation” Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 383-392
- Suresh.R., and Vasanthi P.(2015),“Green Highways rating system” International Journal of Science ,Technology and Management, Volume 4,March 2015, pp 1118-1125
- Vasanthi Padmanabhan., Kaliappan S. and Srinivasaraghavan R. (2008), ‘Dispersion of non reactive solutes through Perungudi soil’, Environmental Research Journal , Vol. 2, pp. 15-19.
- Vasanthi P., Kaliappan S. and Srinivasaraghavan R. (2008), ‘Impact of poor solid waste management on ground water’, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 143(1-3),pp. 227-238.
Testing & Consultancy Activities:
- Routine testing service: Soil testing for its various engineering properties,Design of foundations etc
- Bearing Capacity Recommendation and design of foundation
- Design of Water and Sewage Treatment Plants
- Testing of Soil and Construction Materials
- Strength of concrete cubes, hollow blocks, solid blocks, slab panels and beam members
- Adequacy report for water and sewage treatment plants
- Water and Wastewater analysis
Soil Consultancy
1. Laboratory Testing of Soil
2. SPT
3. Plate load Test
4. Bearing Capacity recommendations
5. Foundation Design

Chapter in Books
- Article titled “Ground water Contamination Due to Solid Waste Disposal: A Solute Transport Model based on Perungudi Dumpyard, Chennai, India” is published by Springer Verlag, Heidelberg as a chapter in the book on a Sustainable future for earth’s natural 425 to 434(ISBN 978-3-642-32916-6,ISBN 978-3-642-32917-3 (eBook)
International Conference/ Workshop
- K.Kanmani, Dr.P.Vasanthi, N.Maharajan (2021), “Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Sentinel SAR Image”, International conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology(ICCET–2021), Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College,Ponmar, Chennai, Vol1, April 10-11, 2021, pg no.130, ISBN 978-93-81288-22-1
- N. Maharajan, K. Kanmani, Dr. P. Vasanthi (2021), “Forest cover mapping using backscattered images of SAR data”, International conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology(ICCET–2021), Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, Ponmar, Chennai, Vol1, April 10-11, 2021, pg no.131, ISBN 978-93-81288-22-1
- Y Ibrahim, Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Ram Kumar R, David Vasantharaj, Ibrahim Aduham, Kishore (2021), “study on the effect of pH on the degradation of textile dye by novel natural coagulation process”, International conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology(ICCET–2021), Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, Ponmar, Chennai, Vol1, April 10-11, 2021, pg no.129, ISBN 978-93-81288-22-1
- Umesh Rajan J K,, K. N. Lakshmikandhan, K. Sivasubramanian,,S. Arjun,Vasanthi Padmanabhan(2019) ,Analytical Investigation on Sandwiched Roof Panel With Lightweight Ferrocement Concrete ,International Conference on Recent Advances In Civil Engineering, ICRACE 2k19,April 08 & 09, 2019, ICC227
- Pamila Ramesh, Padmaja Megham and Dr.Vasanthi Padmanabhan “ Bio Sorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions Using Adsorbents Derived from Waste Biomass” Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Build Environment (ITSBE’17) 14-16 March 2017. pp.110
- Ajona.M and Vasanthi Padmanabhan “Influence of Oil Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Soil” Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Build Environment (ITSBE’17) 14-16 March 2017 pp.112
- Rahman.S, A.Salman Khan, K.Rizwan Ali, S. Yunus Mohamed, P.Gajalakshmi and P.Vasanthi “Study on Engineering Properties of Stabilized Expansive Soil” Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Build Environment (ITSBE’17) 14-16 March 2017. pp.129
- Monisha.R and Vasanthi Padmanabhan “Corrosion Protection of Concrete Piles in Marine Environment – A Review” Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Build Environment (ITSBE’17) 14-16 March 2017. pp.133
- Dheepika.B and Vasanthi Padmanabhan “ Study to Reduce Traffic” Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Build Environment (ITSBE’17) 14-16 March 2017.pp 134
- Suresh.R., and Vasanthi P.(2015),“Green Highways rating system”Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering Science and management, JNU,New Delhi 15nth March 2015, Volume 4,March 2015, pp 1118-1125.
- Vasanthi Padmanabhan ,Anandam S. T. M , “Recent Developments in Membranes of Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater and Leachate Treatments”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Management And Green Technologies, (ICEMGT 2014),St Peters College of Engineering and Technology,19-21 March 2014,pp 6-14.
- Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Pamila Ramesh, Padmaja Megham, Parkavi Dinesh Babu “Color Removal From Waste Water Using Eco-Friendly, Low Cost Adsorbent- Chitosan Beads”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Management And Green Technologies, (ICEMGT 2014),St Peters College of Engineering and Technology,19-21 March 2014,pp 47-50.
- Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Prasad S. and Srinivasaraghavan R,”Ground Water Contamination Modeling” Proceedings of the International Conference on “Recent Advances in Earth Resources Research” organized by Periyar University, Salem in collaboration with Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, September 7 – 9, 2011.
- Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Kaliappan S. and Ganesh S., ‘Soil leachate interaction and its influences on Solute Transport Modeling –A Discussion’, Fifth International R&D Conference, Organized by Central Bureau of Irrigation and Power at Bangalore 15-18 February 2005, pp. II-59 to II-66
- Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Kaliappan S. and Srinivasaraghavan R. ‘Ground water contamination due to municipal solid waste disposal’, International Conference on Soil and Ground Water Contamination – Risk Assessment and Remedial Measures, Organized by NGRI, Hyderabad December 2004, p. 24.
National Conferences / Seminar / Workshop
- K. Kanmani, N. Maharajan, Dr. P. Vasanthi (2021), “Image processing and classification of SAR image”, National conference on recent advancements in geotechnical engineering (NCRAG 2021), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode, Tamilnadu
- Ibrahim Y, Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Jagadeesh K, Abyaz Aiman A, Abhishek R, Shaik, Mohammed Hanief (2021), “Indigenous Sustainable Natural Coagulant used in the Domestic and Industrial Effluent Treatment”, National conference on recent advancements in geotechnical engineering (NCRAG 2021), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode, Tamilnadu
- Paper titled “Green Highway ratings for existing NH and SH in Tamilnadu –A case study” at the National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies & Practices on 29th & 30 April 2015 organized by BSAIST.
- Paper titled “Cost comparison of Conventional versus Green Building-A case study “at the National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies & Practices on 29th & 30 April 2015 organized by BSAIST.
- Paper titled “Assessment of Cost Savings in Building Construction using Demolition Waste” at the National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies & Practices on 29th & 30 April 2015 organized by BSAIST.
- Paper titled “Experimental Investigation on Ductility and Crack behavior of Glass Fibre Modified Ferro cement Panels” at the National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies & Practices on 29th & 30 April 2015 organized by BSAIST.
- Paper titled “Experimental Investigation on Ductility and Crack behavior of Glass Fibre Modified Ferro cement Panels” at the National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies & Practices on 29th & 30 April 2015 organized by BSAIST.
- Paper titled “Comparison and Performance Evaluation of low cost and naturally available materials as coagulants for water treatment ” at the National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies & Practices on 29th & 30 April 2015 organized by BSAIST.
- Pamila Ramesh and P. Vasanthi Presented a Paper titled “Evaluation of Adsorption Efficiency of Dye from Aqueous Solution onto Waste Shell Powders ” at the National Conference on Futuristic Innovations & Emerging Trends In Civil Engineering – FIETCE’14 organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai ,pp198 – 203,May 2014.
- P. Vasanthi and S. Booma Presented a paper on “Analysis of Traffic Congestion at Medavakkam” of the National Conference on Futuristic Innovations & Emerging Trends In Civil Engineering – FIETCE’14 organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai pp 243 – 248,May 2014.
- Muhammad Salih K. P. and P. Vasanthi ,Mechanical Properties of Recycled Steel Fiber Reinforced Silica Fume Concrete Proceedings of the National Conference on Futuristic Innovations & Emerging Trends In Civil Engineering – FIETCE’14 organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute,Chennai, ,262 – 269,May 2014.
- Paper titled “Uplift load carrying capacity of piles” at the National Conference on ISSC 2013 organized by B S Abdur Rahman Institute, Vandalur, Chennai 600048 during May 3 and 4, 2013.
- Paper titled “Implementation of lean construction in KGS Greens, Trivandrum at the National Conference on Sustainable and Emerging Technologies in Civil Engineering – SETCE 2012 organized by B S Abdur Rahman Institute,Vandalur, Chennai 600048 during May 3 and 4, 2012.
- Paper titled Risk management in Indian construction industry at the National Conference on Technological advances in Civil engineering organized by B S Abdur Rahman Institute, Vandalur, Chennai 600048 during May 3 and 4, 2011
- Paper titled Mechanical properties of Glass Fibre reinforced concrete at the National Conference on Technological advances in Civil engineering organized by B S Abdur Rahman Institute, Vandalur, Chennai 600048 during May 3 and 4, 2011.
- Delivered a lecture on “Ground Water Contamination-Present and future scenario-A case study” at the two day value added course on Recent issues in Civil Engineering, RICE, organized by BSA Crescent Engineering College during March 2010.
AICTE MODROB Scheme: Modernization And Up Gradation of Structural Engineering Laboratory – Establishment of Non-Destructive Testing Facility For Concrete.
Fund Sanctioned : Rs 10 Lakhs (F.No.9-117/Rifd/Mod/Policy-I/2018-19)
- International conference on “Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment”, ITSBE’17, 14-16 March 2017, sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), New Delhi and Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi: (Fund Obtained: Rs 1.2 lakhs)
- International Workshop on Smart and Sustainable Green Infrastructure” conducted on 03.04.2019 & 04.04.2019 at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai: (Fund Obtained: Rs 3 lakhs)
- AICTE Sponsored Online- Short Term Training Programme(STTP) on Disaster Mitigation – A Shift From Disaster Management Towards Disaster Preparedness was organized during September to November, 2020 In Three Phases (Fund Obtained: Rs 3 Lakhs)
- One day Seminar on “Sustainable Management of Clean Water and Sanitation in Rural and Urban Areas” on 15th February 2023 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (in association with The Institution of Engineers (India)) (Fund Obtained: Rs 10000.00)
- IEI Sponsored All India Seminar on “Recent Advancements In Ground Improvement Techniques For Problematic Soil” during 23.05.2023 & 24.05.2023: (Fund Obtained: Rs 50,000.00)
- Study on the effect of pH on the treatment of Acidic blue Textile dyeing effluent by combined novel natural coagulation process: Rs 50000.00
- Sustainable Architecture for High Rise Buildings
- Leachate Treatment Using Nanostructured Membranes
- Affordable and Effective Industrial Effluent Treatment Technique for Sustainable Development”
- Bio Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil using Genetically Modified Microbial Strain
- Optimum utilization of existing infrastructure for efficient transportation systems
- Leachate Treatment Using Bi-Metallic Nano Particles
- Obtained TNSCST grant for student’s project. titled Influence of soil leachate Interaction on flow parameters during 2004.
Details of Research Guidance
SL.No | Name | Affiliation | Research Topic | Supervisor / D.C. Member | Status |
1. | Ms. R. Pamila | Assistant Professor Sri Sai Ram College of Engineering,Chennai | Affordable & Effective Industrial Effluent Treatment Technique for Sustainable Development | Supervisor | Completed |
2. | Mr. Abdul Salam A | ArupadaiVeedu Institute of Technology,Chennai | Leachate Treatment using Bi-Metallic Nano particles | Supervisor | Ongoing |
3. | Mr. N. Maharajan | Director Hexamap Solutions Chennai. | Exploiting Polarimetric capability of RISAT for applications of Forestry | Supervisor | Ongoing |
4. | Ms. R. Rupa | Assistant Professor Jain College of Engineering Chennai | Thermal comfort of high rise naturally ventilated residential buildings in hot and humid climate | Supervisor | Ongoing |
5. | Ms. Ajona M | Assistant Professor MGR University,Chennai | Bio-Remediation of Petroleum contaminated soil using recombinant microbial strain | Supervisor | Completed |
6. | Ms. K. Kanmani | Assistant Professor B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | Application of SAR Polarimetry for soil Moisture Estimation | Supervisor | Ongoing |
7. | Mr. Ibrahim Y | Assistant Professor B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | Feasibility studies for Carbon and organic matter removal from textile industry dyeing effluent adopting SBR process with/ without pretreatment | Supervisor | Completed |
8. | Ms.Mary Rebekah Sharmila | Assistant Professor SRM University, Chennai. | Corrosion protection measures for piles under off shore structures | Supervisor | Ongoing |
Doctoral Committee Member for Research Scholars
Doctoral Committee Member for some research scholars of Anna University, VIT University, SRM University, Sathyabama University and AMET University.
- Fellow member – Institute of Engineers
- Life Member – Indian Concrete Institute
- Life Member – ISTE
- Member – Society of Women Engineers
- Award of Excellence for 100% results in the subjects handled
- Award for Meritorious Service at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai.
Invited Lectures:
- A Series of lectures on “Solid waste Management Practices” was delivered as part of “Technical and Skill Training” for RD and PR officials. AEEs and AEs Director in association with State Institute of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj(SIRD) during February and March 2023
- Delivered a lecture on “NDMA Guidelines for landslide mitigation” during the AICTE sponsored short term training programme on “Disaster Mitigation – A shift from from disaster management to disaster preparedness on 21.11.2020
- Lecture on Deep Foundations at SRR Engineering College during March 2019
- Lecture on Solid Waste Management at the National conference on Advancements in Civil Engineering at SRM University during March 2018
- Lecture on Importance of Soil Mechanics at Dhanish Ahmed college of engineering during March 2018
- Lecture on “New Approaches in Teaching,Learning-Case Studies”at the Faculty Development Programme organized by B.S.A.C.U during January 2017
- Lecture on “Impact of Poor Solid Waste management on Ground water in Urban areas “at the six day workshop on Urban Disasters –Nature’s Fury or Human Negligence organized by B.S.A.C.U during Sep 19-24, 2016
- Lecture on “Shallow and Deep Foundations” for faculty and students at Aalim Muhammed Saleh College of Engineering on August 31, 2016.
- Lecture on “Importance of geotechnical aspects for Durable RCC structures” at the six day workshop on Impact of Climate change on Durability of RCC structures at B.S.A.C.U on 24.04.2016.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Foundations” for the B.Tech Civil Engineering Students at Vels University, Chennai on 9.9.2016.
- Lecture on Importance of Soil Mechanics at S A Engineering College during April 2016
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Soil Mechanics –Importance in Civil Engineering” for the B.Tech Civil
- Engineering Students at S.A Engineering College on 22.03.2016.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Soil Mechanics –Importance in Civil Engineering” for the B.Tech Civil
- Engineering Students at S.A Engineering College on 22.03.2016.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Soil Pollution and its effects on Ground Water” at the National Workshop on Pollution and its monitoring on 31.03.2015 at S V University,Kancheepuram
Lecture on “Foundations” for the third year students of civil engineering at D.M.I College of Engineering, Chennai on 5.08.2014 - A talk on “Environmental Impact of Solid Waste management in Chennai city” at the AICTE sponsored National Seminar on Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College on 11.11.2013.
- Lecture on “Municipal Solid Waste Management-Issues and Solutions” at the International Workshop on Energy, Environment and Efficiency,EEE 2013 organized by GKM College of Engineering during September 12 & 13,2013.
- Lecture on “Soil Conservation” for Students from University of Mara on 20.08.2013 during the Training program for Agricultural Students of University of Mara, Malaysia from 29.07.2013 – 30.08.2013 organized by B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai.
- Lecture on “Soil Types and characteristics” for Students from University of Mara, Malaysia on 20.08.2013during the Training program for Agricultural Students of University of Mara, Malaysia from 29.07.2013 – 30.08.2013 organized by B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai.
- Lecture on University Regulations for the second year students during the orientation programme held on 26.07.2013.
- Lecture on “Mitigation of Liquefaction Hazards” at the three day workshop on Aspects of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and management organized by B. S Abdur Rahman Institute, Vandalur, Chennai 600048 during April 17-19 2013.
- Lecture on “Earth Retaining Structures” during the Faculty Development Programme on Foundation Engineering at DMI College of Engineering on 24.06.2013.
- Lecture on “University regulations” on 21.06.2012 for new faculty of B S Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Lecture on “Geotechnical Site Investigations” on 21.01.2012 for faculty of B S Abdur Rahman Institute
Value Added Courses:
- Value added course on BIM software’s and soil investigation Sponsored Project:
Sponsored Project:
- Submitted and presented four R& D Project proposals to DST.
- Obtained TNSCST grant for student’s project “Titled Influence of soil leachate Interaction on flow parameters” during 2004.
Administration and Current Responsibilities:
Institution Level:
- Professor and Dean, School of Infrastructure since 2017
- Member of Board of Management during 2016 to 2018.
- Member of Research Advisory Board
- NAAC Coordinator (Criteria 7)
- Member of Academic Council
- NBA Convener for B.Tech, Civil Engineering, M.Tech Structural Engineering, M.Tech Construction Engineering and Project Management.
- ISO Internal Auditor
- Staff In Charge of ISTE Student’s Chapter during 2003-2004
- Member of various enquiry committees
- Prepared and compiled the complete B.Tech curriculum and syllabi for the department of Civil Engineering of the Institute
- In Charge of Academic Calendar 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014
Department level:
- Soil laboratory in Charge, Treasurer,DAAC Coordinator, Class Advisor, Students Counselor, Timetable in Charge, In charge of Society of civil engineers, Department Library in Charge, Project Coordinator.,Professor in Charge of M.Tech CEPM.
- Course material on “Site Investigation and Soil Exploration”
- Course material for three units in Soil Mechanics
- Laboratory manual for Soil mechanics laboratory
- Reviewer of Journal of Applied Sciences.
- Reviewer of Journal of Natural Hazards-Springer
- Reviewed Book on Environmental Engineering (Pearson Publications)
- International Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management
- International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology