Dr. V. Jean Shilpa
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Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 01.06.2011 |
Qualification | : | B.E,M.Tech.,Ph.D |
Email ID | : | |
Academic Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing |
Ph.D | ECE | 2020 |
M.E / M.Tech | VLSI Design | 2008 |
B.E./B.TECH | ECE | 2006 |
Work Experience
Designation : | Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr) |
Areas of Expertise : | VLSI Design |
Currently Teaching: | VLSI Design |
Date of Joining: | 01.06.2011 |
Years of Experience at this Institute: | 9.7 years |
Areas of Research Interest
- Hybrid FPGA-CPU Architecture
Presentation in Conferences
- V.JeanShilpa, R.Anitha, S.Anusooya, Imran Ahamed, Shaik Mohammed Sohail, Syed Md,Hameer, “Analysis of convolutional neural networks on FPGA”, 2nd international conference on research in electronics engineering and communication techniques, SRM Institute of science & technology, 2022, ISBN: 9789394412019
- Anitha, V.Jean Shilpa, V.Kiruthigaa, S.Ruchitha Reddy, R.Rajeshwari, “Industrial Design and Development Of Temperature Controller For Furnace”, 2nd international conference on research in electronics engineering and communication techniques, SRM Institute of science & technology, 2022, ISBN: 9789394412019
- Dr.V.Jean shilpa, R.Anitha, S.Anusoya, “Efficient Algorithm Design for task based scheduling on HCF system”, International conference on research on electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques”, 3 rd May, 2021.
- S.Anusooya, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, Dr.V.JeanShilpa, “Design and Analysis of On chip Buck DC-DC Converter for Energy Harvesting and Low Power Applications”, International Conference on smart automation in computer, electrical, electronics and communication engineering,10 th april, 2021,ISBN:978-81-95396-0-0.
- V.JeanShilpa, Badhrunisha, “Design and Analysis of On chip Energy harvesting DC-DC converter”, Virtual International Conference on AI and ML applications in smart buildings, VIT, Chennai on 23rd July 2020
- V.JeanShilpa, Badhrunisha, Afrose, “Design And Analysis Of On Chip Buck Converter Based Dc-Dc Converter For Energy Harvesting, Virtual International Conference on Innovations in Interdisciplinary Research (VICIIDR – 2020) held on 23.06.2020
- V.JeanShilpa, MdHarris, “Piezoelectric Powered City And Energy Management”, Virtual International Conference on Innovations in Interdisciplinary Research (VICIIDR – 2020) held on 23.06.2020
- R.Anitha,S.Anusooya,JeanShilpa,Pragadeesh,KiranBalaji, “NexGen Indoor Farming Monitoring System”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT-2020) 26-28 February 2020
- V.JeanShilpa, Kubra Fathima, Mohamud, Lehari, ”Design and analysis of three axis cost efficient CNC, PCB milling machine”, ,IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON recent trends in electrical, control& communication,RTECC-’18, ISBN: 978-1-5386- 4309-9, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 January 2019
- V.JeanShilpa, S.Karthik, Priya, ”VLSI implementation for Simulataneous in logic simulation”, IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON recent trends in electrical, control& communication,RTECC-’18, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4309-9, IEEE Part Number: CFP18O32-CDR, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 January 2019
- V.JeanShilpa, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, ”DESIGN OF HYBRID CPU-FPGA PROCESSOR FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE APPLICATIONS”, National Conference on research in electronics engineering and communication techniques, January 2019
- Hanusha A, Anusooya S, Jean Shilpa V, Anitha R, kalaivani S, ”Design and Implementation of Configurable DPLL using Adaptive Threshold Optimization ATO“, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, Jerusalem College of Engineering, 22nd March 2019
- V. Jean Shilpa, Dr.P.K. Jawahar, “Design Of CAT Window On Hybrid CPU – FPGA Architecture”, “World Summit on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology”, Cambridge Summit-2018
- M. Sivapriya Jean Shilpa.V S.Anusooya, “High Performance Reconfigurable Unit for use in DSP Applications”, Proceedings of IETE South Zone Conference on VLSI, Embedded Systems, Signal Processing and Communication, 18th February 2017
- V. Jean Shilpa , P. K. Jawahar , S. Karthik,” Development of Adaptive LMS filter IP on Zedboard”, RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING AND COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES – REACT 2016.
- V.Jean Shilpa, “Geo – fencing for surveillance and protection”, International conference on VLSI, Embedded Systems, Signal Processing and Communication technology, May 2016.
- V.Jean Shilpa Dr P.K.Jawahar, “Implementation of Heterogeneous Multicore Processor on FPGA for Parallel Computing”, RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING AND COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES – REACT 2015
- Madhavi Lakshmi Singaraju,V.Jean Shilpa, “High Speed Matrix Multipliers”, International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science (ICETS’15) .
- V.Jean Shil[pa, “Fixed point least mean square adaptive finite impulse response filter”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science & Management on 15th March 2015.
- Hanumantha Reddy N, V.Jean shilpa, “Floating-Point Division Implementation using a Chebyshev Series Expansion Algorithm”, SET conference, VIT, 2011.
Publication in Journals
- Prashant Kumar Shukla, Priti Maheshwary, E.K. Subramanian, V. Jean Shilpa, P. Ravi Kiran Varma, “Traffic flow monitoring in software-defined network using modified recursive learning”, Physical Communication,Volume 57,2023,101997,ISSN 1874-4907,
- V. Jean Shilpa, P. K. Jawahar , “Efficient algorithm design on hybrid CPU-FPGA architecture for high performance computing”, International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, Int. J. Systems, Control and Communications, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2021
- V.Jean, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, “Efficient algorithm design on hybrid CPU-FPGA architecture for high performance computing”, International Journal of Systetms, Control and Communications (IJSCC), Accepted for publication. (SJR = 0.22)
- S. Kalaivani, R.Anitha, S.Anusooya, Jean Shilpa, ”Iot Based Physical Condition Screening System For Animals”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277 – 3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S5, July 2019
- V.JeanShilpa, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, “Advanced Optimization by Profiling of Acoustics Software Applications for Interoperability in HCF Systems”, Journal of Green Engineering, Volume-9, Issue-3, October 2019 (SJR = 0.55)
- V.JeanShilpa, Dr.P.K.Jawahar,”Cognitive adaptive travelling window for high performance computing”, International Journal of Circuit, Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, January, Vol. No.13, issue 1, pp. 170-176.(SJR=0.34)
- V.JeanShilpa, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, Karthik S, ”Design of Hybrid CPU-FPGA Processor For High Performance Applications”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 15 2018, 1047-1052 ISSN: 1314-3395
- M. Sivapriya Jean Shilpa.V S.Anusooya, “High Performance Reconfigurable Unit For Use In DSP Applications”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, May 2017
- V. Jean Shilpa , P. K. Jawahar , S. Karthik, “Development of Adaptive LMS Filter IP on Zedboard for Hardware-software Co-design”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, December 2016.
- S.Soundarya,S.Anusooya ,”Design And Analysis Of Low Power Adders Using Sub threshold Adiabatic Logic”, International Journal Of Advanced Computing And Electronics Technology, ISSN(PRINT):2394-3408,(ONLINE):2394-3416, Vol. 3,issue 3, (2016),pp-26-31.
- PatanAleem khan, V.Jean Shilpa “fixed point least mean square adaptive finite impulse response filter”, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015
- Madhavi Lakshmi Singaraju, V.Jean Shilpa, “High Speed Matrix Multipliers”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 9 (2015).
- V.Jean Shilpa, Dr P.K.Jawahar, “Implementation of Heterogeneous Multicore Processor on FPGA for Parallel Computing”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.26 (2015
- V. Jean Shilpa* and P. K. Jawahar, “ Implementation of Multi-threading on Hybrid ARM Cortex Dual Core A9–FPGA architecture for Energy Efficiency”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 7(12), 2015–2019, December 2014
- V Jean Shilpa, Dr P K Jawahar, “Design Of User Level Threads For Multi-Core Pro- cessors Implemented On FPGA”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 813.
- Shahir P, V. Jean Shilpa, “A 40.0 GSS TIME INTERLEAVED 6 BIT FLASH ADC FOR 40GBE APPLICATIONS”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 2, February 2013
- S.karthik , Jean shilpa, “ Implementation of Partial Reconfigurable FIR Filters using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES Vol No. 6, Issue No. 1, 065 – 069, 2011
- Received award from Alumni office for the contribution for alumni activities from VC
Guest Lectures Delivered
- Session Chair for International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering and Communication Techniques (ICREACT 2022) 2nd and 3rd May, 2022
- Delivered a Guest Lecture with hands on training in “Mastering in Labview” organized by Department of ECE, School of Electrical and Electronics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and technology from 21 on 26th, July 2021 (Virtually).
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “LABVIEW for the beginners” from 9th to 11th August 2021 organized by IEEE Communication society, Madras Chapter.
- Session Chair Person for Online International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineering And Communication Techniques(ICREACT)’21 organized by SRM Institute of science and Technology, on 3rd and 4th May 2021.
- Jury member for paper presentation event for National Level Symposium – NOBICOM 21, Department of ECE in association with IEEE, IETE organized by Panimalar Institute of Science and technology on 22.05.2021 (Virtually)
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Transistor design of logic gates” for Panimalar Institute of Technology on 05.08.2020.
- Invited Talk in workshop “Labview for Beginners”, at Panimalar Institute of Technology, from 11.6.20 to 12.6.20
- Delivered hands on training in six days FDTP on “CMOS Analog IC Design” at sairam Engineering College from 25.11.2019 to 30.11.2019
- One of the resource person for Core 1 & core 2 LABVIEW training session which takes place every semester.
- One of the resource person in “Series of skill development workshop for 8th semester B.E / B.Tech Students” – Real Time Applications using LabVIEW on 6.12.17
- One of the resource person in three days “Hands-on training on LABVIEW software” held on 23rd – 25th of February 2017
- Completed NPTEL COURSE on “DATA SCIENCE FOR ENGINEERS” organised by IIT – Madras
- Awarded as “Certified Lab VIEW Associate Developer (CLAD)” by National Instruments on June 2018
- Received ELITE+SILVER grade in the course “Teaching And Learning in Engineering” organised by NPTEL-AICTE FDP, funded by ministry of HRD
- Received ELITE grade in the course “Developing Soft Skills & Personality” organised by NPTEL-AICTE FDP, funded by ministry of HRD
- Completed NPTEL course on “Patent Drafting for Beginners” during the period July –Sep 2017 by IIT-Madras
- Secured 91% in “Emotional intelligence” NPTEL course
Value Added Courses
- Completed NPTEL COURSE on Python for Data Science, Introduction to Machine Learning (Tamil), Effective Engineering Teaching In Practice, Data Science For Engineers, Teaching And Learning in Engineering, Developing Soft Skills & Personality, Patent Drafting for Beginners, Emotional intelligence.
- Awarded as “Certified Lab VIEW Associate Developer (CLAD)” by National Instruments on June 2018
- One of the Co applicant for the Patent title on “An Efficient Digitate Leaf Shaped Micro strip Patch Antenna For Wearable Applications” Application No.202041025860 A, Publication Date : 03/07/2020, The Patent Office Journal No. 27/2020
- One of the Co applicant for the title on “IOT BASED LPG CONTROLLER SYSTEM” Application No. 202041034373, Publication Date :21/08/2020, The Patent Office Journal No.34/2020
Events – Organized
- Two Days Workshop on “IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS IN FPGA” on 22.04.2022 & 23.04.2022
- TGuest lecture on “Industrial view on Electronics and Communication Technologies – Practical examples” for UG and PG students on 17th March 2022.
- TOrganized Online webinar in “Introduction to AI” on November 20th, 2021
- TTwo Days “Hands-on training in HDL language Constructs” on 22.12.2021 & 23.12.2021.
- TOrganised Webinar on “Automotive Embedded System” on 8/14/2021 for HEC students
- TGuest Lecture on “Opportunities for Graduates in VLSI Industry” on November 23rd , 2021
- THands-on training on “BASICS OF ARDUINO” on for the Second year ECE students, on 29/12/21
- TWebinar – Neural Networks in Real Time Systems on March 20th 2021.
- Organised workshop on “Introduction to web design using Django framework” for hobby electronics club members on Nov 7th 2020
- Guest lecture on “Implemenation of Approximate Computing in VLSI by Dr.Noor Mohammed SK, AP, IIITDM, Kanchepuram on 20th November 2020
- Organized 5 days webinar series on “recent trends in AL, IoT and Data Sciece” from 8th to 12th June’20 by ALumni of ECE
- Organised webinar on “Multicore architectures” for our ECE students on 30.05.2020. Resource person was our alumnus Mr, Jawad Hussain, Intel Corporation
- Organized three day workshop on “MY ROBO- CAR RACE” on 23.01.2020 to 25.01.2020
- Under Hobby electronics club, Organized the event “PITCHIT” for ECE students in the month of October 2019 and March 2019
- Under Hobby electronic club organized PROECT EXPO every year to showcase the talent of ECE students
- Under Hobby electronics club, Organized “ Hands-on training on Arduino” for First year ECE students for the period 24.09.19 to 26.09.19
- Organised “Certified LabVIEW Developer” training for ECE students during the period December 2018-2019
- Organized two days workshop on “Industrial IOT” on 6th & 7th of April 2018 in association with Optithought, Academic Partners of National Instruments, Bangalore& student chapters of IE(I) & IETE
- Under Hobby electronics Club ,Organized hands-on-training on “Arduino” for two days per week from 04.10.2017 to 20.10.2017 between 4.30PM to 6.00 PM
- Organized LabVIEW training for (2015-2019)Batch ECE Students Duration: 3/7/17 to 14/7/17(12 days)
- Organized a three days “Hands-on training on LABVIEW software” held on 23rd – 25th of February 2017 for other institutions
- As a Hobby Electronics Club co-ordinator organized a seminar on “Assembling of processing unit” and hands-on-training on “Webpage creation using html” on 10.02.17(utilizing the free slots) for III year ECE students
- As a Hobby Electronics Club co-ordinator organized a hands-on training on “Interfacing Arduino with LABVIEW” on 17.03.17 for III year ECE students
- Organized Five days Short term Summer Internship on “Embedded Processor/PCB layout” from 18th – 22nd July 2016
- As a Hobby Electronics Club co-ordinator organized a PROJECT FAIRE for first, second and third year students of ECE department on 25.11.16
- Organized a one day workshop on “ORCAD PSPICE” for the members of hobby electronics club on 20/10/2015. The Resource persons Mr.Manoj, HCL Technologies, India and Mr Shantha, HCL Technologies India, trained the students. Totally 50 students have participated in the training
- Co – Coordinator for Faculty Induction program , FTA, BSAIST on 30th June to 6th July 2014
- Organized Placement Training for Pre-final year ECE students” Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering On 31/10/15
- Organized “Embedded System Development using ARM and Xilinx Boards”, June 9th& 10th 2016
- Organized a “Short Term Course on Carrier Advancement” in the department of ECE from 18.07.2015 to 22.07.2015
- Organized four days workshop on “Embedded Development using ARM and Xilinx Boards” from 23rd to 27th December 2013
- Organized Three days Workshop on RTOS based Embedded Application using ARM on 4th,5th and 6th of September 2014
Industrial Training
- Work Shop on Virtual E Labs – VLSI and Analog Design Experiments, From 4th to 5th-1-2021 organised by Pantech E Learning and VIT Vellore
- Underwent 5 days industrial internship at QMAX Testing solutions, Chennai
- 5 Days Industrial Training Program on Internet of Things & Cloud Interface organized by SIVET College in association with PANTECH E LEARNING, 7 to 11.9.2020
Seminars / Workshops – Attended
- 6-days FDP on “Innovation in Mentoring Pedagogy and incorporation of ICT techniques in Education” Paavai Engineering College, 30.1.23 to 4.02.23, IETE
- 5-day Online FDP on the theme : Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education”
- Online mode, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, 19th December to 23rd December, 2022, AICTE
- Four weeks Faculty Induction Programme for “Faculty in Universities of Higher Education”
- Teaching Learning center. Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, 20th sept – 19th Oct, 2022
- Ministry of Education, India
- STTP on “Connecting people to the Semiconductor Industry”, SRM, Vadadpalani, 5th – 16th, Dec, 2022, SRM, Vadadpalani
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning Techniques for VLSI, KL University, 15th – 19th November, 2022, SERB
- Advances in VLSI Design using Cadence, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, 17th – 21st Oct, 2022, Entuple Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
- National level FDP on “VLSI Design Technology & Architecture for Biomedical Applications”
- Bangalore Institute of Technology, 5th Sept – 15th Sept 2022, IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Bangalore Chapter
- Hands-on training of online TCAD – Circuit Simulation Workshop, IIT Bombay, August 1-5, 2022
- Synopsys Participated in 2 days – National Level Online Workshop on “High Speed CMOS Design” Organised by IITK with Pantech E Learning from 21-1-2021 to 22-1-2021
- Participated in 2 days – National Level Online Workshop on “Two Days Workshop on System Verilog Design and Verification for beginners using EDA Tools” Organised by Department of ECE, Vel Tech, Chennai from 20-1-2021 to 21-1-2021
- Participated in 2 days – National Level Online Workshop on “LabVIEW Programming & Applications” Organised by NITK – STEP National Institute of Technology, Surathkal in Association with Pantech E Learning from 26-12-2020 to 27-12-2020
- Attended Workshop on Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi organized by VIT Chennai in association with PANTECH E-LEARNING from 02.10.2020 to 04.10.2020
- Partcipated in the “Training Program on Crescent LMS for Faculty Members” on 4th August 2020 organised by the The offices of Data centre and Dean Academic affairs
- 5 days FDP on Research Issues in Advanced VLSI Design from 17th to 21st august at QIS college of engineering and technology
- Attented Online workshop on “Design and Development of E- Content” on 12th August 2020 from 2.30 Pm to 5.00pm through Zoom web conferencing application jointly organised by The Center to Innovation in teaching and Learning (CITL) and Office of Dean (Academic affairs)
- Attended Webinar on “Outcome based educaion software” on 11-6-20 organized by Vmedulife Software services
- Attended Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence in Neurology” on 5-6-20 at VELS University
- Attended webinar on “Virtual Workshop on PYNQ” on 25-6-20 at APPLY VOLT
- Attended Certification program on “Partial reconfiguation on Zynq” from 20 to 24, 6.2020
- Attended FDP on “Datascience for Python” from 25th to 27.6.20 at KSR college of arts and science for women
- Attended FDP on “teaching and learning”, 27th June to 1st July, 2011 organized by our institute
- Participated in FDP on “Data Science using python” organised by jeppiar institute of technology from 18th to 22nd May 2020
- Participated in FDP on “VLSI
- Technology and hardware for AI and ML” organised by GMR institute of technology
- Attended Webinar on “Cyber Security “organized by Eshwar college of Engineering on 15.05.2020
- Participated on “Data Analytics and the basics of R language” on 11.04.2020 by IEEE-Panimalarengg college
- Participated on webinar titled, “Stress Management” on 12th April 2020 by BSACIST
- Participated on webinar titled, “XilinxZynqUltrascale+ MPSoC and Pynq Framework custom design”, on 20-4-2020 by Coreel Technologies, bangalore
- Attended FDP programme on HTML Training by Spoken tutorial IIT bombay & BSACIT on April 21 st to 24th 2020
- Participated in “Semi Custom design flow Using Mentor Graphics EDA tools“ from 10:00 am to 12:00pm on 10th April 2020
- Participated in “Data science with machine learning algorithm” on 08.04.20 from 4:30 to 5:30
- Attended webinar on “Advancing through Adversities” on 4:30 to 5:30 from 14th april 2020 conducted by FTA, BSACIST
- Attended webinar on “Entrepreneurship & Govt grant schemes for Startups for Faculty” on (19.04.2020, Sunday) from 5.30 PM to 6.30 PM conducted by FTA, BSACIST
- Attended Webinar on “Why and How to write papers, proposals for Research, Projects, patents and consultancy” on (21.04.2020, Sunday) from 5.30 PM to 6.30 PM conducted by FTA, BSACIST
- Attended One Day Hands-on FDP in the topic “Usage of Raspberry Pi in Machine Learning Environment” on 03/04/2019 organised by FTA of BSACIST
- Attended One Week training programme on “Soft Skill for Teching staff” from 12.03.19-18.03.19 in BSACIST
- Participated in “Natinonal Seminar on e-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education” on 9/03/2019 organised by FTA, BSACIST
- Attended one day workshop entitled “Predictive Modelling using-R programming language” on 2-11-2018 @ B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
- Attended Two days hands on workshop “System design on Zynq using SDSoC”, CoreEL Technologies & IITM, Chennai, 2nd, 3rd 2016
- Attended “Real time signal & Image Processing” – two day workshop-st.joseph institute of technology, 23rd & 24th July 2016
- Attended “One day workshop on “Circuit Simulation/PCB Design” – DellSoft Technologies, 13th july 2016
- Attended One day Workshop on “Gift Yourself”, Women Empowerment Cell, BSAIST, 18th January, 2016
- Delivered guest lecture on “Embedded Processors in FPGA & Switched Capacitors”, at SRM University, vadapalani
- Delievered guest lecture on “Digital & Analog IC design” at SRM University, vadapalani
- Attended Two days workshop on “QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS”, June 28th and 29th, 2012 organized by our institute
- Attended Workshop on “MATLAB Simulation of Digital Communication & MIMO Sytem” at our institute,15th March-2012
- Attended One day training program on “Embedded systems design on ARM processors”, March,2013, Organized by ECE department
- Attended One day workshop on “Embedded Design on MSP430 Processor”, 24th Oct, 2013 organized by our institute
- Attended two day workshop on “QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES”, JUNE 28th and 29th, 2012 organized by our institute
- Attended a one day workshop on “Multi threaded and Parallel Programming” by School of Computer science & Engineering, VIT, Chennai on 14.02.14
- Attended workshop on “Embedded Systems & Industrial Applications”, conducted by SSN Engineering College, Chennai on 4.04.2014 & 5.04.2014
- Attended One day workshop on “Embedded Design on MSP430 Processor”, 24th Oct, 2013 organized by our institute
- Attended webinar “Introduction to deep learning using matlab” 23rd April, at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM conducted Dr.N.G.P.Institute of Technology
- Attended FDP on “Advanced VLSI Design”, Nov17-19, 2011 organized by SSN College of Engineering and Technology
- Attended one day workshop on “Matlab Simulation of Digital communication and MIMO systems”, March 15th, 2012 organized by our institute
- Attended Two days workshop on “QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS”, June 28th and 29th, 2012 organized by our institute
- Attended One day training program on “Embedded systems design on ARM processors”, March,2013, Organized by ECE department
- Attended workshop on the topic of National – Level Workshop on ‘Multi-threaded and Parallel Programming’, conducted by VIT University, Chennai Campus on 14.02.2014