Mathematics & Actuarial Science
Dr. Sindhu J.Kumaar
![]() |
Designation | : | Professor & HOD |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc.,M.Phil,Ph.D |
Phone | : | 044- 22751347 -Extn:265(Office) |
Email ID | : |, |
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
M.Sc | Mathematics | 1991 | Madurai kamaraj University |
M.Phil | Mathematics | 2002 | Madurai kamaraj University |
Ph.D. | Formal Language –Grammar Systems | 2013 | Madras University |
Teaching Experience: 30 years
Area of Research Interest
- Formal Languages-Grammar Systems
- DNA Computing
International Journals:
- Sindhu J Kumaar and P.J. Abisha. “Learning sub classes of pure pattern languages”, Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, vol.1, pp. 280 – 282, 2008, (Impact factor – 0.25)
- Sindhu J Kumaar, P.J. Abisha and D.G.Thomas. “Learning sub classes of parallel communicating grammar systems”. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 301-304, 2010, (Impact factor – 0.25)
- Sindhu J Kumaar, P.J. Abisha. “A study on insertion and deletion of words”, Universal journal of applied computer science and technology, vol. 1, pp. 28-32, 2011
- Sindhu J Kumaar. “CDP grammar systems – A new model”, International journal of computer science issues, vol.9, 2012
- Sindhu J Kumaar, P.J. Abisha and D.G.Thomas. “Learning simple splicing grammar systems”, International journal of engineering, research and technology, vol. 1, pp.1-7, 2012
- Sindhu J Kumaar. “Variants in synchronized pure pattern languages”, International journal of scientific and engineering research, vol. 4, pp. 1337-1341, 2013
- Sindhu J Kumaar, P. J Abisha, D. G. Thomas, Nor Haniza Sarmin and K. G. Subramaniam. “Languages defined by pure patterns”, International journal of applied mathematics and computer intelligence , vol. 2, pp. 195-203, 2013
- Sindhu J Kumaar and F. Amjad Basha. “On non-synchronized pure Pattern grammars”, International journal of applied mathematical sciences, vol. 8, pp. 6835- 6841, 2014
- F. Amjad Basha and Sindhu J Kumaar. “Centralized parallel communicating non-synchronized pure pattern grammar system with filters”, American international journal of formal, applied and natural sciences, vol.1, pp. 35- 39, 2015
- Sindhu J Kumaar and F. Amjad Basha. “A note on contextual InsDel system with sequential operations”, International journal of applied engineering research, vol.11, pp. 7- 13, 2016
- F. Amjad Basha and Sindhu J Kumaar. “A comparative literature survey of insertion- deletion systems”, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.12, pp. 50- 54, 2016
- Arokia Arul Doss and Sindhu J Kumaar. “The application of Pumping lemma on Context free grammars”, International journal of pure and applied Mathematics, 2017, Vol 21, Issue 8, pp 31 – 36.
- Ramachandran and Sindhu J Kumaar. “Embedded cryptosystem in analytical geometry”, GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL (UGC CARE II), 2020, vol 7, No 9, pp 60-65.
- Ramachandran and Sindhu J Kumaar. “Application of Cryptosystem Using NSPPL”, BULLETIN MONUMENTAL (UGC CARE GROUP II), 2020, Vol 21, Issue 8, pp 31 – 36.
- Ramachandran, Sindhu J Kumaar and C. V. Jayakumar. “Algebraic Structural Application of Finite Field GP(pm) in Cryptography”, BULLETIN MONUMENTAL (UGC CARE GROUP II), 2021, Vol 22, Issue 4, pp 121 – 125.
- D Hebsiba Beula1, Sindhu J Kumaar2. “ An Analysis of Crop Insurance as an Adaptation Tool of Climate Vulnerability in Cauvery Delta Zone”, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, ISSN: 1074-133X Vol 31 No. 2s (2024). Pp: 664 – 675. (Q4 journal)
- D Hebsiba Beula1, Sindhu J Kumaar2. “APPLICATION OF BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY IN CROP REINSURANCE”, Tec Empresarial, Tec Empresarial | Costa Rica, v. 19 | n. 1 | p 2586-2595 | 2024. , (Q4 journal)
- Julaika Begum K., Dr. Sindhu J. Kumaar, “Genetic Algorithm Based Fuzzy System Optimization for Breast Cancer Detection”, Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology (Q3 journal) – Accepted for publication.
- Julaika Begum K., Dr. Sindhu J. Kumaar, “Hybrid Geno-Fuzzy Classifier for Breast Cancer Diagnostics”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE), (Q4 journal) – Accepted for publication.
International Conferences:
- Sindhu J Kumaar and Hajira Beevi. “Facilitated transport of silk dye acid red 10 B through bulk liquid membrane using tri – n – butyl and Phosphate as carrier”, in proc. Cleaner technologies and environmental managements, 2007, pp. 4 – 6
- Sindhu J Kumaar. “Parallel communicating synchronized pure pattern grammar systems with filters”, in proc. Bio-Inspired computing: Theories and applications, 2011, pp. 216-219
- Sindhu J Kumaar. “Simple splicing pattern and synchronized pure pattern grammar systems”, in proc. Bio-Inspired computing: Theories and applications, 2011, pp. 220-224
- Sindhu J Kumaar and P. J. Abisha. “Parallel communicating pure pattern grammars with filters”, in proc. Discrete mathematics and its applications, 2007, pp. 27 – 29
- Sindhu J Kumaar and P. J. Abisha. “Simple splicing on pattern and pure pattern grammar systems”, in proc. Applied mathematics, 2008, pp. 129 – 135
- Sindhu J Kumaar and P. J. Abisha. “Learning parallel communicating grammar systems”, in proc. Cryptography, automata and learning theory, 2009, pp. 145–153
- F. Amjad Basha and Sindhu J Kumaar. “A survey of recent on splicing system”, in proc. Recent trends in linear programming, 2016, pp. 1- 8
- F. Amjad Basha and Sindhu J Kumaar. “Sequential and graph contextual insertion-deletion systems”, in proc. 2016 IEEE ICCIC
- F. Amjad Basha, Sindhu J Kumaar and Dr. C.V. JayaKumar. “Learnability of Language Identification Using Antithetical Reply”, in proc. Second IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (ICCCT ’17)
- F. Amjad Basha, Sindhu J Kumaar, V. Lavanya and Dr. C.V. Jaya Kumar “A Computational Model for Monitoring Hexose Monophosphate Shunt Pathway”, Second IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (ICCCT ’17)
National / International Conferences:
- Parallel Communicating Pure Pattern Gramars with filters, National Conference on Discrete Mathematics and its applications, Thyagarajar College of engineering, Madurai, September 27 – 29, 2007
- Simple splicing on pattern and pure pattern grammar systems, National conference on Applied Mathematics, Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, pp 129 – 135, Jan 3 – 4, 2008
- Learning Parallel Communicating Grammar Systems, Proceedings of National Conference on Cryptography, Automata, and Learning Theory, Madras Christian College, Chennai (2009), 145–153.