Mathematics & Actuarial Science
Mathematics & Actuarial Science
Dr. S.Srinivasan
![]() |
Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc.,M.Phil,MCA,Ph.D |
Phone | : | 044- 22751347 -Extn:265(Office) |
Email ID | : | |
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
M.Sc | Applied Mathematics | 1987 | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli |
P.G.D.C.A | Computer Applications | 1990 | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli |
M.Phil | Mathematics | 1992 | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli |
M.C.A | Computer Applications | 1999 | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli |
Ph.D | Mathematics | 2009 | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli |
S.No | Name of the Institution / University | Position Held | Years of Experience |
1. | Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Tiruchirappalli | Lecturer | 6 |
2. | Velammal Engineering College, Chennai | Senior Lecturer | 6 |
3. | Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Senior Lecturer | 5 |
4. | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai | Associate Professor | 3 |
5. | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai | Professor & Head | 3 |
6 | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai | Professor | 8 |
Total | 31 |
Area of Research Interest
- Operations Research
- Discrete Mathematics
- Graph Theory
- Fuzzy Logic
Research Publications
List of Publication in International Journals and National Journals
- K. Kapil Raj, S. Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, Impacts of Crossover Risk in Reverse Mortgage Loans for Senior Citizens, International Journal of YMER, Volume 20, Issue 12, 2021. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.103)
- D Hebsiba Beula, S. Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, Crop Insurance Prediction using R for Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana in Tamilnadu, International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management, Vol. 10, Issue 04, 46 – 53, 2021
- D Hebsiba Beula, S. Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, Application of Actuarial Methods in CropInsurance Designing, International Journal of Aquatic Science Vol 12, Issue 02, 2921 – 2932, 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019. Indexed in Web of Science.
- D Hebsiba Beula, Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, Problems and Challenges Faced by Indian Agriculture in Current Scenario, International Journal of Aquatic Science Vol 12, Issue 02, 2908 – 2920, 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019. Indexed in Web of Science.
- J Leo, Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, An Economic Impact of Covid-19 in India, International Journal of Aquatic Science Vol 12, Issue 02, 1360 – 1366, 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019. Indexed in Web of Science.
- J Leo, Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, The Feasibilities of Modern Technology for India’s Crop Insurance Scheme Economic ordering model for multiple items with stochastic demand and budget constraint, International Journal of Aquatic Science Vol 12, Issue 02, 466 – 471, 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019. Indexed in Web of Science.
- Mahadev Ota, S.Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “Economic ordering model for multiple items with stochastic demand and budget constraint”. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol 38, No. 1, 2021 (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.29)
- Mahadev Ota, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumarand KhalidWaheed, “Manufacturer optimal stock requirement and production rate to maximise the expected profit during peak time”. International Journal of Procurement Management, Vol 13, I 2, B 257-E 277, 2020. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.335)
- P. Vignesh and S. Srinivasan, ”Analysis of a non-Markovian single server batch arrival queueing system of compulsory three stages of services with fourth optional stage service, service interruptions and deterministic server vacations”. International Journal of Operational Research, Vol 34, I 1, B 28-E 53, 2019. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.321)
- Mahadev Ota, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “Exponential Fractional age assumption for the survival function and mortality rate”. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, Vol 9, I 1, B 34-E 41, 2019.
- C.D. Nandakumar and S.Srinivasan, “Optimal Reserve Inventory from Output of One Machine to Input of Two Machines when Inter-arrival Breakdowns is a Random Variable”. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, Vol,I, B -E, 2019. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.327)
- Mahadev Ota, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “Optimal order quantity by maximizing expected utility for the newsboy model”.International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, Vol,I, B -E, 2019. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.327)
- C.D. Nandakumar and S.Srinivasan, “Evaluation of Reordering Time in a Manufacturing Inventory Division”.International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Vol 13, I 1, B 128-E 139, 2018. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.325)
- P. Vignesh and S.Srinivasan,” Analysis of non-Markovian batch arrival queueing model with multi stages of service of restricted admissibility, feedback service and three optional vacations in production and manufacturing”. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Vol 11, I 3, B 285-E 309, 2017. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.325)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Optional Services in a non-Markovian queue”. International Journal of Operational Research, Vol.28, No.1, pp.1-17, 2017. (ScopusIndexed,IF: 0.321)
- C.D. Nandakumar and S.Srinivasan, “Optimal Reserve Inventory between two machines when the duration of breakdown time undergoes some distributions”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, S(1) 2015, 305 – 313.
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan “Batch arrival queueing system with two stages of service”. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol.8, No.6, pp.247-258, 2014. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.339)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Analysis of Batch arrival queue with two stages of service and phase vacations”. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.26, No.2, pp.189-205, 2014, (Scopus Indexed,IF: 0.122)
- C.D. Nandakumar and S.Srinivasan, “PDF of the random variable when its distribution function changes after the change points”. Applied Mathematical Sciences vol. 8 no.7 pp. 337-343, 2014. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.368)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “A Non-Markovian Multistage Batch arrival queue with breakdown and reneging”. Mathematical problems in engineering, Volume 2014/16 pages. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.285)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Three phase M/G/1 queue with Bernoulli feedback and multiple server vacation”. International journal of applied Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 33 no. 3, 2013. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.108)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan and A. Ranjitham, “A Batch Arrival Non-Markovian Queue with Three Types of Service”. International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 83 no. 5 pp. 43-47, 2013. (Indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest, IF: 0.752)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Analysis of M/M/1 Queueing Model for ATM Facility”. Global Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Sciences, vol. 2 no. 1 pp. 41-46, 2012
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Time dependent solution of a Non-Markovian Queue with Triple stages of service having compulsory vacation and service interruptions”. International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 41 no. 7 pp. 37-43, 2012. (Indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest, IF : 0.752)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Analysis of transient behaviour of M/G/1 queue with single vacation”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 76 no. 1, pp. 149-156, 2012. (ScopusIndexed,IF: 0.299)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Multi Phase M/G/1 Queue with Bernoulli Feedback and Multiple Server Vacation”. International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 52 no. 1 pp. 18-23, 2012. (Indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest, IF: 0.752)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Analysis of M/G/1 with feedback queue with three stage and multiple server vacation”. Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 6 no. 125 pp. 6221-6240, 2012. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.368)
- S.Srinivasan, P.S Sheik Uduman and R. Sathyamoorthy, “Determination of Optimal Reserve between Two Machines in Series with Truncation Point in Repair Time Distribution”. Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 6 no. 100 pp. 4995-5004, 2012. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.368)
- C.D Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, and P.S Sheik Uduman, “Optimal reserve inventory between two machines when the repair time has change of distribution after change point”. International Mathematical Forum, vol. 7, no. 54, pp. 2659-2668, 2012.
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Analysis of M/G/1 queue with Bernoulli feedback and multiple server vacation”. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 69 no. 1, pp. 61-80, 2012. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.238)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Retrial queue with phase type vacations”. European Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 93 no. 2 pp. 226-235, 2012. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.132)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Analysis of M/G/1 queue with triple stage of service having compulsory vacation and service interruptions”. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 76 no. 1, pp. 6221-6240, 2012. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.238)
- P.S. Sheik Uduman, S.Srinivasan and R. Sathyamoorthy, “An Inventory Model with change in demand distribution”. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 5 no. 8 pp. 479-488, 2011. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.125)
- S. Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “M/M/C Queueing Model for Waiting Time of Customers in Bank Sectors”. International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, vol. 1 no. 3 pp. 1569-1575, 2011.
- Dowlath Fathima, P.S. Sheik Uduman and S.Srinivasan, “Generalization of Newsboy problem with demand distribution satisfying the SCBZ property”. International journal of Contemp. Math. Sciences, vol. 6 no. 40 pp. 1989-2000, 2011
- S.Srinivasan, A. Sulaiman and R. Sathyamoorthy, “Estimation of the expected time to re-order in inventory control”. The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics, vol. 30 no. 2 pp. 425-433, 2008.
- S.Srinivasan, A. Sulaiman and R. Sathyamoorthy, “Optimal reserve inventory between two machines under SCBZ property of inter arrival times between breakdowns”. International Journal of Physical Sciences Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, vol. 19 no. 2(M) pp. 261-266, June 2007
- S.Srinivasan, A. Sulaiman and R. Sathyamoorthy, “On the determination of optimal inventory with demand distributed as order statistics”. An international Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, vol. 26E no. 1 pp. 25-32, 2007
List of publications in International / National Conferences:
- K. Kapil Raj, S. Srinivasan and C.D.Nandakumar, Application of Two – Stage DEA in analyzing the Performance efficiency of Public Sector General Insurers in India, Heber International Conference on Applied Mathematics, HICAM 2021, ISBN: 9788194816034, pp.43, April 26, 2021.
- J Leo, S Srinivasan and C.D.Nandakumar, Survival Analysis of The People Living in Tamil Nadu During Covid – 19, Heber International Conference on Applied Mathematics,HICAM 2021, ISBN: 9788194816034, pp.44, April 26, 2021.
- S.Srinivasan, ”Stochastic models in SCBZ property”, HeberInternational Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science-2020. Key note address-KEY012, PP.13, Jan 9-10, 2020, ISBN: 9788194450924.
- D.Hebsiba Beula, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “An analysis of public and private sector involvement in Agriculture risk and crop insurance”, Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science-2020, PP.21, Jan 9-10, 2020, ISBN: 9788194450924.
- K.Kapil Raj, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “Examining the factors influencing frequency of claims in motor insurance policies”, Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science-2020, PP.25, Jan 9-10, 2020, ISBN: 9788194450924.
- JAS. Surendran and S. Srinivasan, “Analyzing the factors influencing the prices of commodity products in MCX derivatives market”, Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science-2020, PP.23, Jan 9-10, 2020,ISBN: 9788194450924.
- J.Leo and S. Srinivasan, “Crop insurance premium ratemaking based on survival analysis model: A case study from Cauvery delta zone, Tamilnadu, India”, Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science-2020, PP.26, Jan 9-10, 2020, ISBN: 9788194450924.
- P.Nithya, C.D. Nandakumar and S. Srinivasan, “Forecasting the price of oil using data mining techniques”, Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science-2020, PP.22, Jan 9-10, 2020, ISBN: 9788194450924.
- S.Baby Latha, C.D. Nandakumar and S. Srinivasan, “The role of general insurance business in economic development and social security production”, Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science-2020, PP.24, Jan 9-10, 2020,ISBN: 9788194450924.
- J.Leo,S. Srinivasanand C.D. Nandakumar, “The feasibilities of modern technology for India’s crop insurance scheme”, Virtual conference on world of machine learning and artificial intelligence in digital era”, Computer Studies, Sankara College of Science and commerce, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu,India. May 2020.
- S.Baby Latha, C.D. Nandakumar and S. Srinivasan, “The Best Estimation of General Insurance Claim Reserve”, Seventh International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence, December 5-7, 2019.
- P.Nithya, C.D.Nandakumar and S. Srinivasan, “A study on Repo Rate Impact Significance on NIFTY Index, National Conference on Recent Trends on Computer Science and Mathematics, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-88398-88-6, pp.77-79, April 4 – 5, 2019.
- D.Hebsiba Beula, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “Problems and Challenges faced by Indian Agriculture in Current Scenario”, National Conference on Recent Trends on Computer Science and Mathematics, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-88398-88-6, pp.80-84, April 4 – 5, 2019.
- S.Baby Latha, C.D. Nandakumar and S. Srinivasan, “The Ultimate Cost of Claim Reserve for General Insurance using Run-Off Triangle Techniques”, National Conference on Recent Trends on Computer Science and Mathematics, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-88398-88-6, pp.85-89, April 4 – 5, 2019.
- Mahadev Ota, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “Exponential Fractional age assumption for the survival function and mortality rate”, Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, Proceedings of HICAAMMC-2019, pp.33 – 41, January 7 – 8, 2019.
- C.D.Nandakumar and S.Srinivasan, “Optimal Reserve Inventory between two machines when the duration of breakdown time undergoes some distributions”, Presented a paper at NCRTMAA 2015, CMS College of Science and Commerce.
- S.Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Analysis of M/G/1 queue with Multi stage of service”, Proc. of the 5th National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and its Applications, vol. 6 no. 2S3, Mar.1-2, 2013.
- S.Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Transient analysis of M/G/1 queue with Bernoulli feedback and three types of service”, International conference on mathematical modeling and applied soft computing (MMASC 2012, CIT, Coimbatore), vol. 2, pp. 327-345, 2012.
- S.Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Analysis of M/G/1 feedback queue with multi stage and multiple server vacation”, International conference on mathematical sciences and computer engineering (ICMSC E 2012, Malaysia), vol. 90, 2012.
- D.Karthikeyan and S.Srinivasan, “Simulation of Graph Neural Networks to Complex Networks in Combination with Microarray”, International Conference on Mathematics in Engineering and Business Management organized jointly by Stella Maris College and Loyola College, Chennai, Mar. 9-10, 2012.
- S.Maragathasundari and S.Srinivasan, “Transient solution of M/G/1 queue with multi stage of service having compulsory vacation and service interruptions”, National Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization – NCMSO 2012. ISBN: 975-81-924031-9-9.
- P.Mageshbabu and S.Srinivasan, P. S. Sheik Uduman and C. D. Nanda Kumar, “A study of Influenza Viron using Fractal Based Graph Theory”, International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMCS 2011) Organized by Loyola College, Chennai, Jan. 7-8, 2011.
- S.Srinivasanand P. S. Sheik Uduman, “A Novel method of Over lapping Clusters”, International Symposium Organized by Nanyang University, Singapore, August 12-13, 2010.
- P.S.Sheik Uduman and S.Srinivasan, “Fractal based features Extraction method”, International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering, Organized by International Islamic University, Malaysia ISBN: 978-983-43090-4-6, August 3-5, 2010.
- P.S.Sheik Uduman and S.Srinivasan, “Base Stock System for Patient Customers with Demand Distribution undergoing a change with constant coefficient”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Application (ICETMCA 2010), Organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering, Sivakasi, Dec. 16-18, 2010.
- C.D.Nandakumar and S.Srinivasan, “On Determination of Optimal Resource between Two Machines in Series with change in Revamp Time”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Application (ICETMCA 2010), Organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering, Sivakasi, Dec. 16-18, 2010.
- P.S.Sheik Uduman and S.Srinivasan, “An Inventory model for Patient Customer with Demand Distribution”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Application (ICETMCA 2010), Organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering, Sivakasi, Dec. 16-18, 2010.
- P.S.Sheik Uduman, S.Srinivasanand A. Sulaiman, “Determination of optimal reserve between two machines in series with change in repair time”, The National Conference on Optimization Techniques in Engineering and Technology (NCOTET 08), organized by Vinayaga Mission, Salem, Mar. 28-29, 2008.
- S.Srinivasan, “Economic dispatch using linear, non-linear programming method”, The National Conference on Optimization Techniques in Engineering and Technology (NCOTET 08), organized by Vinayaga Mission, Salem, Mar. 28-29, 2008.
- P.S.Sheik Uduman, S.Srinivasanand A. Sulaiman, “An Inventory Model with Change in Demand Distribution”, The National Conference on Applied Mathematics, Organized by Crescent Engineering College, Jan. 3-4, 2008.
Ph.D. Awarded
Three students have completed Ph.D. in following topics.
- A Study on some mathematical models in Non-Markovian Queue
- Some stochastic models for determination of optimal reserve inventory
- Determination of optimal ordering quantity for the newsvendor model under certain business environment.
Pursuing Ph.D.
At present 6 students are pursuing Ph.D including one foreign student from country – Ghana .
Invited Talks
- Special invites and session chair person for Heber International Conference on Application of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science (HICAAMMC 2019) on January 7-8, 2019 at Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirapalli.
- Invited talks on “Applications of SCBZ property” and session chairperson for Heber International Conference on Application of Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science (HICAAMMC 2020) on January 9-10, 2020 at Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirapalli.
- Delivered a special lecture on the topic “Application of Eigenvalues and eigenvectors” in a orientation program on 19.10.2020 at Sri Venkateshwaraa college of Technology, Chennai
- Plenary speaker on the topic “Application of Analysis of Variance” in the national actuarial submit on Actuarial Pricing Methodology on 18th and 19th Feb 2021 at Bishop Heber college, Tiruchirapalli.
International journals Reviewer
- International journal of Operations Research, Inderscience publishers