Dr. S.Sathik Basha
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Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc,M.Tech.,Ph.D. |
Phone | : | 044-22751347(Office) |
Email ID | : | |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Laser Surface Alloying | 2015 | Anna University |
M.Tech. | Non-Destructive Testing | 2000 | Bharathidasan University |
M.Sc. | Electronics | 1998 | Bharathidasan University |
B.Sc | Physics | 1996 | Madras University |
Work Experience
Designation | Professor |
Additional Responsibilities |
Areas of Expertise |
Date of joining at BSAIST
Years of Experience at BSACIST
20 years
Previous Experience
Areas of Research Interest
- Laser surface modification
- Surface modification Techniques
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Erosion and corrosion analysis.
- Thin Film Technology
- Sathik Basha, S, Periasamy, VM & Kamaraj, M, ‘Slurry Erosion Resistance of Laser-Modified16Cr–5Ni Stainless steel’, International journal of Chemtech Research, 6, 691-704, 2014.
- Sathik Basha, S, Periasamy, VM, Kamaraj, M & Shariff, SM, ‘Improvement of Slurry Erosion Wear Resistance of 16Cr-5Ni Martensite Stainless Steel by LSA and LTH’, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 22, 3689-3698, 2013.
- Sathik Basha,S, Kamaraj, M, Periasamy, VM & Shariff, SM 2013, ‘The Effects of Laser Surface Alloying and Laser Transformation Hardening on Microstructure and Erosion Properties of 16Cr-5Ni Alloy Steel’, Proceedings of Thin Films and Nanomaterials, held on Nov 12-16, 2011 at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India.
- Sathik Basha, S, Periasamy, VM, Kamaraj, M & Shariff, SM 2013, ‘Improvement of erosion wear properties of 16Cr-5Ni alloy steel by Laser Surface Alloying and Laser Transformation Hardening, Recent Advances in Materials (NCRAM-2013), during 9-10, April 2013 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Vandalur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Sathik Basha, S, Periasamy, VM, Kamaraj, M & Shariff, SM 2013, ‘Microstructure, hardness and slurry erosion study of laser modified 16Cr-5Ni martensitic stainless steel, Advances in Materials, Design & Manufacturing (AMDM-2013), during 17th April, 20l3 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Vandalur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Publication Details
Year | Authors | Title | Journal Name | Volume/ Page No. | Impact factor |
2020 | MH Mamat, N Parimon, AS Ismail, IB Shameem Banu, S Sathik Basha, RA Rani, AS Zoolfakar, MF Malek, AB Suriani, MK Ahmad, M Rusop | Synthesis, structural and optical properties of mesostructured, X-doped NiO (x= Zn, Sn, Fe) nanoflake network films | Materials Research Bulletin | Vol.127 pp. 110860 | 3.139 |
2020 | S Abhirami, S Sathik Basha | Phase stabilization and effect of trivalent lanthanide substitution on Dy2FeMnO6 double perovskite compound | Vacuum | 109412 | 2.906 |
2020 | N Gopinathan, S Sathik Basha, IBS Banu, MH Mamat, MMS Sirajudeen | Solvents driven structural, morphological, optical and dielectric properties of lead free perovskite CH3NH3SnCl3 for optoelectronic applications: experimental and DFT study | Materials Research Express | Vol. 6 pp. 125921 | 1.929 |
2019 | M. H. Mamat, N. Parimon , A. S. Ismail, I. B. Shameem Banu, S. Sathik Basha, G. V. Vijayaraghavan,M. K. Yaakob, A. B. Suriani, M. K. Ahmad, M. Rusop | Structural, optical,and electrical evolution of sol– gel‑immersion grown nickel oxide nanosheet array films on aluminium doping. | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, | 30(2019) 9916-9930 | 2.195 |
2019 | Viswaprakash Babu, S. Sathik Basha, Y. Mohamed Shuaib, M. Manikandan, S. Syed Enayathali | A Novel Integration of Solar Fed Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Compensating Sag and Swell Voltage in Distribution System Using Enhanced Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (ESVPWM) | Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 6(5): 329-350 | 0.44 |
2019 | Viswaprakash Babu, S.Sathik Basha, Y. Mohamed Shuaib, R.Srinu | DYNAMIC VOLTAGE RESTORER-ULTRA CAPACITOR DESIGN FOR IMPROVING POWER QUALITY | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 6, 491-497. | 0.22 |
2019 | Syed Muzafar Ahamed, S.Sathik basha, S.Syed Enayathali | FPGA CONTROLLED THREE LEVEL DIODE CLAMPED MULTILEVEL INVERTER FOR SOLAR PV SYSTEM | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | 6, 2076-2081 | 0.21 |
2017 | Ikram un Nabi Lone, M.Mohamed Sheik Sirajuddeen, I.B.Shameem Banu, S.Sathik Basha | Structural, elastic and magnetic properties of Mn and Sb doped chromium nitride- An ab-initio study | Journal of Materials chemistry and Physics, Elsevier | 192, 291-298 | 2.101 |
2017 | Ikram Un Nabi Lone,Sheik Sirajuddeen M. Mohamed,I.B. Shameem Banu,S. Sathik Basha | Structural, Elastic and Magnetic properties of Mn and Sb doped chromium nitride – An ab initio study | Materials chemistry and physics | Vol.192 PP.291-298 | 2.101 |
2014 | Sathik Basha, S, Periasamy, VM & Kamaraj, M | Slurry Erosion Resistance of Laser-Modified16Cr–5Ni Stainless steel’, International journal of Chemtech Research, 6, 691-704, 2014. | International journal of Chemtech Research | vol. 6, pp. 691-704 | 0.616 |
2014 | M Mubeen, K Periyanayagam, S Sathik Basha | Anatomical investigation on the leaves of Piper betle (L) var. sirugamani 1(SGM1) links an ethnomedical important medicinal plant and its pharmacognostic relevance. | International Journal of PharmTech Research 6(1):244-251 · | vol. 6 pp. 244-251. | 0.616 |
2013 | Sathik Basha, S, Periasamy, VM, Kamaraj, M & Shariff, SM, | Improvement of Slurry Erosion Wear Resistance of 16Cr-5Ni Martensite Stainless Steel by LSA and LTH’ | Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. | Vol.22, pp.3689-3698 | 1.094 |
2011 | K Periyanayagam, M Mubeen, Mohamed M Sakeem, Sathik S Basha | Phytochemichal studies and GC/MS analysis on the isolated essential oil from the leaves of Piper betle var. Siguramanil 1 (SGM1) | J Pharm Res | Vol 4,pp 2411-2413 | 0.787 |
Conference Full Paper Publication Details
- Gopinathan, S.Mohamed Asif, S.Sathik Basha, Study of MASrCl3 and MASr(1-x)Sn(x)Cl3 Perovskite As Light Harvesting Material in Optoelectronic Devices, Indian Journal of Environmental protection,39 (2019), 90-92.
Conference Paper Presentation Details
- N.Gopinathan, S.Sathik Basha, Synthesis of perovskite structured lead-free tin nanocomposite and it is optical properties, presented at national conference on new generation materials on 21st and 22nd, October, 2019 and conducted by department of physics.
- N.Gopinathan, S.Sathik Basha, New class of MAXCl3, (X = Sn, Sr, Ca, Zn) lead-free perovskite nanoparticles for light-harvesting materials in optoelectronic application presented at International Conference on Nano in Engineering, Science and Technology (I – NEST), VIT, Vellore on 4th and 5th of October, 2019.
- Abhirami, S.Sathik Basha “Effect of Strontium on Morphological, Structural and Optical Properties of SnO 2nanoparticles for Energy and Electronic Applications”Presented paper in 7th National Conference on Hierarchically Structured Materials –NCHSM 2019,22nd and 23rd February 2019, organized by Department of Physics, SRM,Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai – 89
- Abhirami, S.Sathik Basha “Synthesis and Characterization of Zn doped SnO 2 Thin film”Presented poster in International Seminar on Advanced Nanomaterials – ISAN 18,organized by National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University ofMadras, Guindy Campus, Chennai.