Dr. S. Prema
![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M Pharm., Ph D., |
Email ID | : | |
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph D | Pharmacy | 2015 | Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research |
MPharm | Pharmceutical chemistry | 2005 | The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University |
B.Pharm | Pharmacy | 2003 | Sri Ramachandra University |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Assistant Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | November, 2021 to till date | Till date |
Professor | KK College of Pharmacy | November, 2020 To November, 2021 | 1 year |
Asst. Professor | Sri Ramachandra College of pharmacy, SRIHER | May, 2015 sep, 2020 | 5 years 4 months |
Lecturer | Sri Ramachandra College of pharmacy, SRU | Sep 2005 till may 2015 | 10 years |
Lecture Courses
- Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry
- Pharmaceutical organic chemistry I
- Pharmaceutical organic chemistry II
- Pharmaceutical Medicinal chemistry I
- Pharmaceutical Medicinal chemistry II
- Pharm (Quality Assurance) – Pharmaceutical Validadtion
- Pharm (Pharmceutical Analysis) – HERBAL AND COSMETIC ANALYSIS
Area of Research Interest
- Invitro and Invivo anti arrthiritc activity
- Invitro and Invivo anticancer activity
- Suseela L, Prema S. Pharmacognostic studies on Lagascea mollis (Asteraceae). Journal of Phytological Research. 2007;20(1):95-101.
- Suseela L, Prema S, Pharmacognostic study on Ruellia tuberosa, Journal of Medicinal and aromatic plant Sciences. 2007;29:117-22.
- Prema S, Saraswathi A, Chitra K, Gopal V. A review on Stereospermum colais Mabb: Bignoniaceae, Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res. 2013;53:314-7.
- Prema S, Saraswathy A, Chitra K, Gopal V, Preliminary phytochemical evaluation and quantification of metabolites of Stereospermum colais bark, Journal of Phytochemistry. Photon. 2014;115:253-60.
- Prema S, Chitra K, Gopal V. Heavy Metal And Trace Element Content In Stereospermum colais Bark, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014; 3(5): 238-41
- Deepa S, Prema S, Babu KA, Kumar KS, Chitra K. GC-MS analysis of ethanolic bark extract of Alstonia scholaris and evaluation of its pharmacological studies. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res. 2014;28(51):284-7.
- Anand Babu. K, Prema. S, Deepa. S, Ajit kumar. T, Chitra. K., Invitro anti arthritic activity of marketed siddha formulation –rumagesic capsule, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2014: 3(4); 518-522.
- Prema S, Chitra K, Gopal V, Reddy CU. HPTLC and GC MS Analysis of Bark of Stereospermum colais. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 2015; 5(8): 287-297.
- Jasmin Sajini R, Prema S, Phytoconstitutents, pharmacological activities of Marsilea minuta L (Marsileaaceae)- An Overview,IJPSR, 2019;10(4): 1582-1587.
- Jasmin Sajini R,Prema S, NivedithaS, Nithya S, Pavithra G. M, NivethaV, HPLC Method Development And Validation For Estimation Of Rifabutin In Bulk And Capsule Dosage Form, IJPSR, 2020; 11(1): 1000-04.
- Sindhuja Kannan, Shabna Roupal Morais, Prema S, Chitra K, Auditing as A Management Tool in Pharmaceutical Companies, IJPBS, 2020; 10 (1): 230-235.
- Shoba E, Rohit Jain R,Prema S, Jasmin Sajini R, Reviewon Satpal Ghrita-A AyurvedicFormulation as anAgnidipana,IJPBS, 2020; 10 (3): 34-52.
- Suseela P, Krishnan C. Anti-arthritic potential of ethyl acetate extract of Stereospermum colais in animal model. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(14):991-998
International Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
Paper presented (8)
- Presented Paper titled “Analgesic Activity of Ruellia Tuberosa Linn. in Experimental Animals” in International Conference on The Role of Indian Systems Of Medicine and Homoeopathy in The 21st Century during February 1st and 2nd, 2003.
- Presented Paper titled “Analgesic, wound healing activities of extracts and antimicrobial activities of isolated constitiutents of Cassia occidentalis Linn” in international conference on drug development from medicinal plants- issues and problems. Oct 20-22, 2005, Chennai.
- Presented Paper titled “Alternative to animal experiments” in Indo- American pharmaceutical symposium during 12th to 14th Oct 2009 at Nalgonda, AP, India.
- Presented Paper titled “High pressure extraction of food dyes from natural sources” in Indian pharmaceutical association, 2nd IPA- students congress, in during 9th to 11th July 2009, at Acharya and B. M Reddy College of Pharmacy, Bangalore
- A paper entitled “Antioxidant and Anti-proliferative activities of Isolates of Stereospermum colais Bark” presented in 64th IPC at SRM University, on 7th to 9th Dec 2013.
- A paper entitled “In-vitro Study of A Novel Potential Anti-inflammatory Agent From Bark of Stereospermum Colais (Buch. – Ham. Ex.Dillw). Mabberley” presented in ICMP-2015 at Hotel Le Royal Meridien chennai, on 28th to 30th January 2015.
- A paper entitled “IN-VITRO EVALUATION OF ANTI-ARTHRITIC ACTIVITY FOR LAPACHOL FROM BARK OF Stereospermum colais ( – HAM. EX.DILLW) MABBERLEY” presented in National seminar on scientific interpretation of Indian Traditional medicine organised by school of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vels university, on 25th August 2015.
- A paper entitled “Invitro evaluation of arthritic and anti cancer activity of lapachol from bark of Stereospermum colais ( – HAM. EX.DILLW) MABBERLEY” Ist Pharmceutical Sciences Congress, Bengaluru on 18th and 19th march 2017.
National Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
Conferences attended: (33)
- Participated in “54th Indian pharmaceutical congress 2002”, Pune, Dec 13 -15 2002.
- Participated in “55th Indian pharmaceutical congress 2003”, Chennai, Dec 19- 21 2003.
- Participated in the UGC sponsored one day national level workshop on “Drug Synthesis Stratergy” on 17th Feb 2007 at Annamalai University.
- Participated in the “Faculty Development Programm” held from 16th to 18th March 2009 at Sri Ramachadra Univeristy.
- Presented a paper on “High Pressure Extraction of Food Dyes from National Source” during the IPA-SC, bangalore-2009.
- Participated in the “National Level Symposium on Newer Technology in Pharmaceutical Education and Industry” held on 18th July 2009 at College of Pharmacy, MMC, Chennai.
- Participated as a delegate in Indo-US CITI Workshop on “Promoting Research Ethics Education in India” organized by SRU, Chennai, and CITI, University of Miami, USA on 24th and 25th November 2009. (8 international credit hours).
- Participated in the International Conference on “Computational Biotechnology ICCBN-2010” at Vivekananada College of Engineering for Women on 20 -26 Feb 2010.
- Participated as a delegate in SRU-Pfizer Workshop on “Clinical Research” organized by SRU, Chennai and Pfizer Ltd, Mumbai on 8th and 9th of May 2010.
- Participated in the National Seminar on Recent advances in Herbal “Drug Technology” Sponsored by All India Council for technical education, from 1st to 3rd July 2010 at Sri Ramanchandra Univerisity.
- Participated in the workshop on “Practicum on HPLC” on 4th Sep 2010 at Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of pharmacy, Sri Ramachndra University.
- Participated in the seminar on “Recent Trends in Chromatograpy and Mass Spectrometry” at GRT Grand Annexure, Chennai on 3rd Nov 2010 Organised by Spinco Biotech Pvt LTD.
- Participated in the Indo American Pharmaceutical Regulatory symposium during Nov 20-21, 2010 at Sri Ramachndra University.
- Participated in “62nd Indian pharmaceutical congress 2010”, Manipal, Dec 17th-19th 2010
- Participated in “64th Indian pharmaceutical congress 2010”, SRM, Dec 7th-9th 2012
- Participated in the “Faculty Development Programm” held during March 2011 at Sri Ramachadra Univeristy.
- Participated in Herbotech 2012, a national conference of nanotechnology in herbal drug development, SRU, on 20 and 22 Nov 2012.
- Participated as a Delegate in International conference in Medicinal chemistry India 2013 held on 11-14 feb 2013
- Participated as a Delegate in one day conference on “Herbal drugs: A Treasure to Entreperneurship” conducted by the department of pharmaceutical chemistry, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM university on 23rd august 2013.
- Participated as a Delegate in CME on Guidelines on drug regulations organized by Department of Pharmacology, Sri Ramachandra University,porur Chennai 116 on 2-Dec 2013
- Participated as delegate in CITI ,Updates in Research ethics and research methodology ,, Sri Ramachandra University , Miami, USA on 4 & 5 Mar 2013
- Participated as a delegate in Ethics and responsible conduct of research; basics and beyond organized by CITI India Sri Ramachandra University, CITI University Of Miami, USA 11-12 November 2014 held at Sri Ramachandra University.
- Participated as a delegate in “Career Opportunities for Pharma Graduates) on 17th February 2015 at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Sri Ramachandra University.
- ACS on campus presents a certificate of completion verifying that S.Prema attended the full agenda of ACS on campus events at Sri Ramachadra University on 11th February 2015.
- Participated as a delegate in the SRU, CITI-USA, AIIMS-NEW DELHI AND IPC INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PHARMACOVIGILANCE organized by department of pharmacology, SRMC & RI and central research facility, SRU and CITI, University of Miami, USA on 27th October 2015.
- Participated as a delegate in the SRU, CITI-USA, QCI-DELHI, Y.R.G. CARE – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACCREDITATION OF ETHICS COMMITTEE, CLINICAL INVESTIGATOR AND CLINICAL TRIAL SITE organized by department of pharmacology, SRMC & RI and central research facility, SRU and CITI, University of Miami, USA ON 28th & 29TH October 2015.
- Participated as a delegate in the national seminar on pharmacovigilance of AYUSH DRUGS on 19th Jan 2016.
- Participated as a delegate in the national conference on setting benchmarks in teaching and learning through ICT (sponsored by NAAC) ORGANIZED by the internal quality assurance cell- SRU on 5th& 6th Feb 2016.
- Participated as a delegate in the national conference on Academia, industry collaborations- Opportunities and challenges organized by the internal quality Assurance Cell, SRU on 2nd – 4th March 2017.
- Participated as a delegate in pre conference workshop on Recent advances in Analytical Techniques- Dugs & Pharmceuticals held on 27th June 2017 organized by SRU.
- Participated as a delegate in workshop on Chemaxon tools organized by advent infromatics at SRU on 13th and 14th July 2017.
- Participated as a delegate in workshop on Glide software organized by the department of pharmaceutical chemistry, SRU on 19 July 2018.
- Participated as a delegate in “Research methodology workshop” Sri Ramachandra centre for Health professional’s education and faculty development and department of community medicine in SRIHER, on 3rd October, 2018.
Additional Responsibilities
- Participated in Faculty Development program organized by education unit, on 16-18 march 2009
- Participated in 2 nd Faculty Development program on Quality Indicators For Andragogues organized by Pharmacy education unit, Faculty of Pharmacy, on 6 may 2013
- Participated in 3rd Faculty Development program on Standards for Pharmacy teachers a holistic approach organized by Pharmacy education unit, Faculty of Pharmacy, on 6 may 2014.
- Participated in 5th Faculty Development program Basic skills for acquiring EMR Funds organized by Pharmacy education unit, Faculty of Pharmacy, on 31st august 2015.
- Participated in 6th Faculty Development program pharmacy curriculum- Framing objectives organized by Pharmacy education unit, Faculty of Pharmacy, on 18th May 2016.
- Participated in 8th Faculty Development program Empowering Faculty on Mentoring Objectives for pharmacy curriculum organized by Pharmacy education unit, Faculty of Pharmacy, on 4th Nov 2017.
- Participated in focused workshop on “Effective implementation of soft and ICT skills in teaching and learning” organized by Pharmacy education unit, Faculty of Pharmacy, on 2nd March, 2019.
- Completed Faculty Development program on “Body Language: Key to professional Success” organized by NPTEL online certification course during July- August 2019 (4 week course).
- Participated and completed one week National Level e-Faculty Development Programm on “Comprehensive Quality Initiatives for Higher Education in pandemic Era” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Uka Tarsadia University (UTU), Bardolo, Gujarat during 26th -30th May 2020.
- Participated and completed One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Open Source Tools for Research” organized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujam college university of Delhi Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching from 8th to 14th June 2020.
Conference organized
- International conference in “Medicianl chemistry and Drug discovery and development India 2015” held on 8th to 12th February 2015 at Sri Ramachandra University.
- International conference in “Medicianl chemistry India 2013” held on 11th to 14th February 2013 at Sri Ramachandra University.
- Workshop on Workshop on pathway to drug discovery- analytical techniques (IR, HPLC) AND TEST on 7th and 8th March 2016.
- Workshop on drug discovery – an approach to cheminformatics, drug evaluation and analysis held on 13th and 14th July 2017. Organized by the department of pharmaceutical chemistry and department of pharmacology, SRU.
- Analytical skill development program 2018 Hands on training on 15/12/18 “UV visible spectroscopy- from material to application” Organized by the department of pharmaceutical chemistry, SRIHER.
- Analytical skill development program 2019 Hands on training on 7/3/19 “HPLC- from material to application” Organized by the department of pharmaceutical chemistry, SRIHER.
- Organized Scientific session during IPC 2019 held at SRIHER
Resource person
- Workshop on pathway to drug discovery- analytical techniques (IR, HPLC) AND TEST on 7th and 8th March 2016.
- Workshop on drug discovery – an approach to cheminformatics, drug evaluation and analysis held on 13th and 14th July 2017. Organized by the department of pharmaceutical chemistry and department of pharmacology, SRU.
- Analytical skill development program 2018 Hands on training on 15/12/18 “UV visible spectroscopy- from material to application” Organized by the department of pharmaceutical chemistry, SRIHER.
- Analytical skill development program 2019 Hands on training on 7/3/19 “HPLC- from material to application” Organized by the department of pharmaceutical chemistry, SRIHER
Certificate Course
- Completed NPTEL online certification on ‘Body Language: Key to professional Success”
- Completed the Course Defeat COVID-19 be a Champion.
- Completed the Course “ Personality Types at Work ” and Online Non-credit Authorized by University of Florida and offered through Coursera
- Completed the course “Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by McMaster University & University of California San Diegoand offered through Coursera
- Completed the course “How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course)” an online non-credit course authorized by École Polytechnique and offered through Coursera
- COMPLETED e-learning course ETHICS AND BEST PRACTICES IN SHARING INDIVIDUAL LEVEL RESEARCH DATA with a score of 90% on 25/06/2019, recognised for its quality and content by THE GLOBEL HEALTH NETWORK.
- COMPLETED e-learning course ON INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL RESEARCH with a score of 94% on 25/06/201, recognised for its quality and content by THE GLOBEL HEALTH NETWORK.