Dr. R.Prakash
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Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Pharm., Ph. D |
Email ID | : | |
Educational Background
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Pharmacology | 2014 | Anna University, Chennai, India |
M.Pharmacy | Pharmacology | 2005 | Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India |
B.Pharmacy | Pharmacy | 2003 | JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty, India |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Associate Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | Jan 2020 to Till date | Till date |
Professor | Faculty of Pharmacy, (Bharath Deemed to be University), Chennai | Aug 19 to January 2020 | 05 months |
Professor & Head | Surya School of Pharmacy, Villupuram | Mar 18 to Aug 19 | 1 year 04 months |
Professor & Head | K.K. College of Pharmacy, Chennai, India | Dec 15 to Mar 18 | 2 Years 03 Months |
Assistant Professor | C.L.Baid Metha College of Pharmacy, Chennai, India | Oct 10 to Dec 2015 | 5 Years 02 Months |
Assistant Professor | Maharaji College of Pharmacy, Chennai, India | Sep 07 to Oct 2010 | 2 Years 11 Months |
Lecturer | Thanthai Roever College of Pharmacy, Perambalur, India | Nov 05 to Aug 2007 | 1 Year 09 Months |
Lecture Courses
- MPL 103T- Pharmacological and Toxicological Screening Methods-I
- MPL 201 T- Advanced Pharmacology-II
- BP101T- Human Anatomy and Physiology I– Theory
- BP107P Human Anatomy and Physiology – Practical
- BP201T Human Anatomy and Physiology II – Theory
- BP207P Human Anatomy and Physiology II –Practical
- BP602T Pharmacology III – Theory
- BP608P Pharmacology III – Practical
Area of Research Interest
- Lipopolyssacharides (LPS) induced neuroinflammatory conditions in rats models.
- Pro inflammatory markers, Neurotransmitters, Biochemical markers, Neuronal damage using cresol violet staining and Immunohistiochemistry.
- Prakash Ramakrishnan. Role of Anti Cytokine Interventions in COVID 19: SARS COV-2. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol 12[2] Jan 2023: 96-104.
- Ramkrishnan Prakash. Pathophysiology and Management of Onychomycosis and Novel Approaches for Effective Transdermal Applications. international journal of pharmaceutical compounding. Nov/Dec 2023. pg 494-502.
- Prakash Ramakrishnanan. Croton hirtus attenuating streptozotocin-induced neuroinflammation in rats. Digital Chinese Medicine. Volume 6, Issue 3,September 2023, Pages 295-306.
- R.Prakash. Differntial Pharmacokinectic Interplay of Atrovastatin on Lacosamide and Levetiracetam on Experimental convulsions in mice. Current drug metabolism. Vol. 24(9), 2023.
- R Prakash. Insight Into Bulimia Nervosa Eating Psychological Disorder: An Updated Overview. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences. Vol.14 / Issue 77 /April / 2023.
- Prakash R. Corona virus disease (covid 19) – an insight on the origin, transmission, pathology and therapies. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences.January, 2023, 12(1): 409-420
- Prakash R. Protective effect of non selective COX inhibitor in Lipopolysaccharide induced neuroinflammation rats through NFκB pathway. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy. Vol. 16 (1) 2022.
- 8. Prakash R. Impact of methanolic extract of Bauhinia racemosa stem bark on brain neurotransmitters and antioxidant levels in swiss albino mice. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2012, 4(1), 22-25.
- Prakash R, Ramanathan. Protective effect of non selective COX inhibitor in Lipopolysaccharide induced neuroinflammation rats through NFκB pathway. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy (In press).
- Devi M, Prakash R*, Dhivya R, Ramya N, Priyadharshini M, Sandhya E, Sakthi priya B. Anti-urolithiatic activity of various extract of Azima tetracantha Lam. on ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis in male rats. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. July, 2021, 10(7): 2274-2288.
- Prakash R*, Ramya N . Apoptosis induction of ethanolic extract of Amomum subulatum in HeLa cell lines. Indian Drugs Vol 58(3) March 2021 pg. no: 41-47.
- Prakash R*, Panneerselvam P, Dhivya R, Parthiban R, Subash V. Amelioration of Cognitive Deficits, Oxidative Damage, Neurochemical Alteration by Bauhinia purpurea (stem bark) on Scopolamine Induced Amnesia. Journal of Young Pharmacists. 2020; 12(3): 231-236.
- Prakash R. Protective effect of resveratrol and celecoxib on lipopolysaccharides induced oxidative stress. JPSR. Vol. 11(6), 2019, 2440-2444.
- Prakash R*, Sandhya E, Ramya N, Dhivya R, Priyadarshini M, Sakthi Priya B. Neuroprotective activity of Ethanolic extract of Tinospora Cordifolia on Lipopolysaccharide induced Neuroinflammation. Translational Biomedicine Vol.8, 4:135.
- Ramya N, Prakash R, Dhivya R and Priya V. Anti cancer activity of Trachyspermum ammi against MCF-7 cell lines mediates by p53 and Bcl-2 mRNA levels. The Journal of phytopharmacology. 2017: 6(2): 78-83
- Prakash R, Dhivya R, Priya V, Ramya N. Antidiabetic, Antihyperlipidemic, Antioxidant Property of Cordia obliqua On Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats. Journal of Young Pharmacist. 2017: 9(3): 321-326
- Prakash R, Ramya N and Dhivya R. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of Justicia gendarusa against CCl4 induced acute hepatic damage in rats. Advance in Biomedicine and Pharmacy. Vol. 3(4) 2016, 198-204.
- Prakash R, Baseem, Nowreen Fathima S, Karthick K, Devadass, Muralidharan. P. Evaluation of Analgesic activity of Hibiscus schizopetalus by central and peripheral models. Mintage Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences, Vol. 5, Iss. 3, July- Sep 2016.
- Muralidharan P, Prakash R and Thenmozhi M. Cell proliferative action of hydroalcoholic extract of Trigonella Foenumgraecum in rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2016; Vol.7, (2).
- Prakash R, Chandrasekar T and Muralidharan P. Cognitive enhancing, anti acetylcholinesterase and antioxidant properties of Tagetes Patula on scopalamine induced amnesia in mice. International Journal of Green Pharmacy, Vol. 9, (3), July- Sep’ 2015.
- Prakash R , Dheeraj R, Muralidharan P, Vijayakumar R, Karthickeyan K and Purushoth Prabu T. Aphrodisiac activity of cocos nucifera attenuates ceric sulphate induced infertility in male rats. PTB Reports, Vol. 1(2), May- Aug 2015.
- Prakash R. Gastroprotective and antisecretory properties of methanolic extract of Trianthema portulacastrum (L) in aspirin and pyloric ligature induced gastric ulcer in rats. PTB Reports, Vol. 1(2), May- Aug 2015.
- Prakash R and Ramanathan M. Effect of COX inhibitors attenuated LPS induced behavioural alterations in male Wistar rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2013, vol. 5, issue 11.
- Prakash R, Jayashree V and Pranav swarup G. Neuroprotective effect of flavonoids in global cerebral ischemic conditions. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences. Vol 3 Iss 2Apr-Jun 2012, pg no.1161
- Prakash R, Pranav swarup G and Jayashree V. Studies of the immunostimulant properties of Tinospora cordiofolia. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences. Vol 3 Iss 2Apr-Jun 2012, pg no.1148.
- Mrunal. S. Davey*, Clement Atlee.W, Mohanragan. H, R. Prakash. Cardioprotective effect of methanolic root extract of Calotropis gigantea Linn in isoprenaline induced myocardial infarction in rats. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2011, 4(6), 1659-1662.
International Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
- Research work presented in oral presented in AICTE Sponsored Decennial National Conference on Recent Trends in Industrial Pharmacognosy 2021, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute Of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, 3rd Sep 2021.
- Research work presented in e-poster presented in 71st IPC, SRMC, Chennai, 20-22 Dec 2019.
- Research work presented in oral presented in 44th Annual conference of Indian Pharmaceutical Society at Manipal University, Manipal from 19-21 Dec 2011.
- Research work presented in oral presentation in 46th Annual conference of Indian Pharmaceutical Society at NIMHANS Covention Centre, Bengalaru from 16th – 18th Dec 2013.
- Research work presented in poster presentation in Laboratory Animal Scientist’s Association, Bengalaru from 14-15th Oct 2016.
- International conference on recent discoveries of diabetic biomarkers and challenges ahead on 2-3rd March 2015 @ School of life sciences, BS Abdur Rahman University, Chennai.
National Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
- Dept of and technology in 3 Mar 2006 @ Tiruchi
- SDP on Exp. Pharmacology & clinical research on complementary system of medicine from 12-28th Dec 2006 @ Periyar College of Pharmacy.
- ICMR sponsored national seminar on advances in traditional drug discovery & clinical drug evaluation held @ RVSCOP 17-18 Feb 2011.
- Alternative to use of animals in medical education held on 28th April 2012 @ SRMC, Chennai.
- State level workshop on Pharmacokinectics 2011 on 3rd Sep 2011 @ SRMC, Chennai.
- XLIV Annual conference of IPSCON 2011 Department of Pharmacology, Manipal University, Dec 19-21, 2011.
- Workshop on Molecular docking studies in drug discovery on 23-24 Feb 2012 @ SRMC, Chennai
- Pharma vision-present & Future on 6-7th 0ct 2012 @Chettinad health city, Chennai.
- Role of clinical pharmacist in better healthcare of patients on 22nd Apr 2013 @ SRM University, Chennai.
- Global threat of antibiotic resistance on 22nd june 2013 @ CLBMCP, Chennai.
- National Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Good Clinical Pharmacy Practice on 4th – 5th Sep. 2015 @ CLBMCP,Chennai.
- National workshop on intellectual property rights on 2nd -3 rd July 2019 @ TN Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai
- Molecular modeling and drug discovery on 10-12 july 2013 @ PSGCOP, Coimbatore.
- Current perspectives in pharmacovigilance and drug safety on 9th Aug 2014 @ CLBMCP, Chennai
Book Chapter
- Prakash R. Nanotherapeutics for diabetic cardiomyopathy using metal nanocomposites. Metal Nanocomposite in Nanotherapeutics for oxidative stress induced metabolic disorders. 2023, 1st edition, 4348.
- Prakash R. Role of phtoconstituents: Neuroprotective approach. Pharmacological benefits of natural agents. 2023, pp 69-84.
- Prakash R. A Comprehensive review on the newer therapeutic approaches in treating Alzhemier’s Disease – Hand of neurodegenerative disorders- Springer nature (In Press)
- Shaheedha, Prakash R, Jainaf Nachiya. A Novel Herbal Combination Of Salvia Officinalis, Melissa Officinalis, And Rhodiola. 202341075445. Indian Patent
Seed Grant Received
- Received grant from B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology “Empagliflozin attenuates neurodegeneration through behavioural, antioxidant, biochemical and neuronal damage on Scopalamine induced amnesia in rats” on Aug 2022.
Grant Received
- Received grant from TN Dr MGR Medical University to conduct the national level seminar topic “The Role of Neuro Inflammatory Mediators in Neurodegenerative Conditions in Drug Discovery” on 24 Jan 2018.
Guest Lecture
- Second International conference on Pharmacy and health Sciences in Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, University Kuala Lumpur Royal College of Medicine Perak.
- AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Building an innovation Platform about development of natural products” in Nanda College of Pharmacy at Erode on Nov 2019.
- Life time Membership in Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India
- Nominee in Committee for the purpose of Control and supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), New Delhi.
Research Experience
- Toxicity studies (Acute, Sub Acute, Chronic and Sub Chronic) well versed in both rodents as well as non rodents.
- Neurodegenerative conditions in rats models.
- Antidiabetic activity (Alloxan and STZ induced in rats and rabbit model)
- Immunostimulant activity using in vivo models
- Hepatoprotective activity (Paracetamol and ethanol induced liver toxicity model)
- Antiulcer activity (pyloric ligation, Aspirin and ethanol induced ulcer model)
Moreover, I have supervised 12 nos. M.Pharmacy (Pharmacology) and 22 groups in B.Pharmacy Project work.
Editorial Board
- Reviewer in Advance in Biomedicine and Pharmacy
Additional Responsibilities
- Placement Coordinator
- Proctor