Computer Applications
Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader
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Designation | : | Senior Professor & Professor in charge, Library |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | Ph: +91-44-22759226, Extn: 226 |
Email ID | : | |
Summary of Qualification
Education | University / Board | |
Ph.D (2004) [Hybrid Optimal Internet Routing Techniques] | Anna University, (Chennai, India) | |
M.Phil (1991) | University of Madras, (Chennai, India) | |
M.Sc (1985) | Anna University, (Chennai, India) | |
B.Sc (1983) | University of Madras, (Chennai, India) |
Academic Experience
Company / Organization / Institution | Designation | Period | Experience in Years |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | Senior Professor | 01-May-2018 to Till Date | 0.8 yrs |
Professor | 17-Jan-2005 to 30-Apr-2018 | 13.3 yrs | |
Assistant Professor | 15-Jul-1996 to 16-Jan-2005 | 8.6 yrs | |
Senior Lecturer | 01-Jul-1994 to 14-Jul-1996 | 3.0 yrs | |
Lecturer | 22-Aug-1985 to 30-Jul-1993 | 7.11 yrs | |
Total Experience | 33.4 Yrs |
Administration Experience
Company / Organization / Institution | Designation | Period | Experience in Years |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | DIRECTOR (Data Centre) | 2014 to 10.11.19 | 5+ Yrs |
DEAN (School of Computer, Information and Mathematical, Sciences) | May 2017 to April 2018 | 11 Months | |
Head of the Department (Department of Computer Applications) | 2005 – 2016 | 11 Yrs | |
Total Experience | 17.2 Yrs |
Research Summary
RESEARCH SUPERVISION | Guided and Completed 15 Ph.D. Scholars |
PROJECT GUIDANCE | Guided more than 60 MCA, B.E., M.E., M.Phil students |
EXTENSION ACTIVITY | Visited Austria, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Srilanka for paper presentation and Development of Indian Education in abroad |
Journal Article Published | Published 38 papers in International Journals in which more than 25 journals are refereed journals. |
Conference Papers | 51 Papers (25 papers in National Conference and 26 papersInternational Conference) |
Received “Certificate of Appreciation” award for having produced excellent academic results during the year academic 2007-2008, 08-09, 09-10 in the College Day celebrations. | |
Received cash award under the Research incentive scheme of B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute for publishing the papers in International Journals with Impact Factor. |
International Journals
Published 47 papers in International Journals in which more than 25 journals are refereed journals.
- Mohsin Fayaz, P. Sheik Abdul Khader. “Identifying the parameters responsible for Landslides on NH-44 Jammu Srinagar National Highway for Early Warning System”, “Disaster Advances”, 13, Issue 2, 32-42. February 2020.
- Shaikh Abdul Waheed, P. Sheik Abdul Khader. “A machine learning approach for managing the potential risk of odds of developmental stuttering”,“International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management”. DOI:, June 2021.
- Shaikh Abdul Waheed, Dr. P. Sheik Abdul Khader, Dr. Abdul Azeez Khan, Dr.Javubar Sathick. “Feature extraction from behavioral styles of children for prediction of severity of stuttering using historical stuttering data”,“International Journal of Speech Technology”. DOI: 1007/s10772-021-09868-2, June 2021.
- Imran M., P. Sheik Abdul Khader. “Forecasting Water Level Of Jhelum River Of Kashmir Valley India, Using Prediction And Earlywarning System”, “GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY”, Vol. 13, Issue 2.,June 2020.
- Imran M., P. Sheik Abdul Khader.“Reducing Life and Property Risk of Jhelum Basin using Flood Risk Mapping and Early Warning System”, “Disaster Advances”, Vol.13 , Issue 4,April 2021.
- Reducing Life and Property Risk of Jhelum Basin using Flood Risk Mapping and Early Warning System. Imran Mirza and P, Sheik Abdul Khader, Disaster Advances, vol. 13(4) pp. 52-58.
- Research paper titled “FORECASTING WATER LEVEL OF JHELUM RIVER OF KASHMIR VALLEY INDIA, USING PREDICTION AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEM” has been accepted in a Scopus Indexed Journal, GES and will be Published in May issue.
- Fayaz Mohsin., and Sheik Abdul Khader., 2020. Identifying the parameters responsible for Landslides on NH-44 Jammu Srinagar National Highway for Early Warning System. Disaster Advances, 13(2), pp.32-42.
- Mohsin Fayaz., and Sheik Abdul Khader., 2019. Disaster Data Extraction Through Crowdsourcing Using Socialforms (twitter), Big Data & ZigBee. International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, 9(2), pp.1688-1700. (ISSN NO : 2249-7455)
- An Approach for externalization of expert tacit knowledge using a query management system in a E-learning environment”, International Review of Research in open and distance learning (Scopus indexed), IF 2.1, Hindex 50, December 2014
- Deployment of Proposed Botnet Monitoring Platform using Online Malware Analysis for Distributed Environment, Indian Journal of Science and Technology,Aug 2014
- Pro active routing with early congestion detection in Manet, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,Aug 2014
- Framework for Personalized Learning System using Ontology, Asian Journal of Information Technology,Jan2014.
- Performance of TCP and SACK over loop free Multipath reactive routing protocol in MANET, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Jan 2014
- Extended Buffer Zone Algorithm to Reduce Rerouting Time in MANETs,, The Journal of Technology,Apr 2014.
- Multicast QoS Provisioning under Enhanced Admission Control for Multicast, Asian Journal of Information Technology,Jan 2014
- Adaptive Teaching and Learning using Ontology, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Dec 2103.
- Grouping Based Scheduling with Resource Failure Handling in Computational Grid,, International Journal of Research in Advance Technology in Engineering.Oct 2013
- RFID and effective data cleaning Approach for Healthcare Monitoring system, International Journal of Research in Advance Technology in Engineering,Oct 2013
- An Emperical study on importance of malware analysis and Honeypot technology in Botnet Research, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,Oct2013.
- Disjoint multicast probabilistic scheme based reactive routing in MANET, International Journal of Research in Advance Technology in Engineering (IJRATE) ,Oct 2013
- Mitigation of Subsequent Request Problem in Probe Based Admission Control for Multicast, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,Oct 2013
- Efficient two hop local route repair mechanism using QOS aware routing for Mobile Adhoc Network, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, November 2012
- Efficient Broad Casting using preventive conjession mechanism in Mobile Adhoc Network, European Journal of Scientific Research, August 2012.
- Improved fault tolerant job schedule for optimal resource utilization in computational grid, International Journal of Computer Application. June 2012.
- Query suggestion generation methods for mobile phones, Information Technology Journal ,April 2012.
- Energy aware improved least and most significant bit arbitration algorithm for WORM tags, Elsivier Egyptian Informatics Journal ,April 2012.
- Collision resolution Techniques in Dense passive RFID systems ,International Journal of Mathematical Archives, Feb 2012.
- Comparative Analysis of Packet Delivery in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Computational Information Systems ,January 2012
- Mobile Ontology Design for Semantic Web, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science,Dec2011.
- Mobile Information Retrieval: A Survey , European Journal of Scientific Research,Dec 2011
- Use of Term Frequency methods in Mobile Information Retrieval-A Case Study, Journal of Computational Intelligence Research,Dec 2011
- Information Retrieval Through Mobile Devices Using Semantic Ontology, Journal of Information Technology,,Dec 2011.
- Survey on Fault Tolerance In Grid Computing ,International journal of computer science and Engineering Survey ,Nov 2011
- Gateway node based Greedy Algorithm for efficient packet forwarding in Vanets, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, May 2011
- A Hybrid Context Based Approach for Web Information Retrieval”, International Journal of Computer Applications November 2010.
- Dynamic data caching for Mobile Adhoc Network”, International Journal of Wireless Communication, Oct 2010
- Performance Evaluation study of Intelligent Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (InVANETs) using NS-2”, International Journal of Wireless Communications, August 2010 .IF 0.532.
- Fuzzy Priority based algorithm for optimal routing in internet traffic, International Journal of Engineering Intelligent systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, Sep. 2001
- Optimal File Allocation using Genetic Algorithm ,OPSEARCH Journal, India2001
- Video on Demand ,information Technology IT Magazine Feb. 1999
- Cluster Adaptive Memory less Protocol in Passive RFID Tags, International Journal of Wireless Communications, August 2010 .IF 0.532.
- Analysis of Bit Pooling Algorithm for Collision Resolution in Passive RFID Systems, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, September 2010.
- Preemptive Routing for Ad hoc Networks to Conserve Battery Power, International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, March2009.
- Framework and Architectural Style Metrics for Component Based Software Engineering, International Journal of Web Services Practices, 2008.
- Intrusion detection system for MANET security, IJERIA (International Journal of Research and Industrial Applications), May 2008.
- Instructional Design Template for E-Learning, MBA Review The Achievers Magazine, I ICFAI, University, Press, Hyderabad, November 2006.
Conference Papers
51 Papers (25 papers in National Conference and 26 papers International Conference)
International Conference
- Shaikh Abdul Waheed, P. Sheik Abdul Khader. “IoT based approach for detection of dominating emotions in persons who stutter”, “2020 Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)”,DOI: 10.1109/I-SMAC49090.2020.9243392, October 2020.
- Mohsin Fayaz, P. Sheik Abdul Khader. “Causes of Landslides and Identifying the Parameters Responsible for Slope Failure on NH-44 Jammu Srinagar National Highway for EWS”, “Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science –Jan 2020” At: Trichey, Tamil Nadu
- Imran Mirza, P. Sheik Abdul Khader, Mohsin Fayaz. “Cyber Attacks: Their impacts and Security Risks in Various Networks”, “International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering (ICMCE 2020 )” at: VIT, Chennai.
- Mohsin Fayaz, P.Sheik Abdul Khader. “Landslides Monitoring System Using Machine Learning Approach: A case study of Jammu Srinagar National Highway”, “3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED SCIENTIFIC INNOVATION IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2020” at #173, New Agaram Rd, Selaiyur, Chennai- 600073, Tamil Nadu.
- Presented a paper titled “Cyber Attacks: Their impacts and Security Risks in Various Networks” at International Conference (ICMCE 2020) in VIT Chennai.
- Mohsin Fayaz., and Sheik Abdul Khader., 2020. Causes of Landslides and Identifying the Parameters Responsible for Slope Failure on NH-44 Jammu Srinagar National Highway for EWS. Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science – 2020 At: Trichy, Tamil Nadu
- Imran Mirza., Sheik Abdul Khader., and Mohsin Fayaz., 2020. International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering ( ICMCE 2020 )At: VIT, Chennai
- S.A. Waheed and P. Sheik Abdul Khader, “A Novel Approach for Smart and Cost Effective IoT Based Elderly Fall Detection System Using Pi Camera,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), Coimbatore, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/ICCIC.2017.8524486
- Unicast Approach for detection of destination in VANET using Position based routing ,International Conference on Software Engineering and Mobile Application Modelling And Development ,December 2012.
- Gateway node based greedy routing for minimizing packet delay in Vehicular Adhoc Network, International Conference on computing communication and Informatics, August 2012
- Improved Cluster bit collision algorithm for read only RFID passive tags, IEEE Control and system Graduate Research Colloquium Malaysia, June 2012.
- Fault tolerance job scheduler with efficient job execution in grid computing, International Conference on Advances in Computer and Software Technology, May 2012
- Fuzzy Based Integrated security model for Mobile Adhoc Network, International Conference on Recent Trends in computing ,communication and InformationTechnologies,Dec 2011.
- Enhanced adaptive data cache invalidation approach for mobile adhoc network,International Conference on Network and Computer Science, April 2011
- Mobile middleware for web information retrieval, IEEE International Conference on Network and Computer Science, Kanyakumari, April 2011.
- Cluster Bit Collision Identification for Recognizing Passive RFID Tags ,at International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Jan 2011 (Proceedings available in Springer LNCS).
- “Hybrid Group Adaptive Memoryless Algorithm for Collision Resolution in Passive RFID Tags”, IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Dec 2010.
- “Least and Most Significant Bit Arbitration Algorithm in Uniform Distributed Passive RFID Tags”, at IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Dec 2010.
- Extended Adaptive TTL Based cache Invalidation Strategy in MANET”,at International Conference on Computer Applications ,Dec 2010
- B – Bit Pooling Memoryless Algorithm for Collision Resolution in Passive RFID tags” at IEEE International Conference on Communication Control and Computing Technologies, Oct 2010.
- A Quantitative Evaluation of Frameworks for Web Applications International Conference on Software and Technology, Rome, Italy, April 28-30,2010
- Implementation of Automated Protection Strategies to unwelcome Insider Behavior , International Conference conducted by KSR College F eb 2010
- Implementation of Automated Detection in response to increasing recognition of dangers posed by Insider Threat, International Conference on Information Science and Applications ICISA 2010, Feb 2010
- “An RFID based patient location with low power and reliability improvement”, at International Conference on Impact of Economic crisis in Global Business Scenario”, September 2009
- “An Algorithmic approach to improve the QoS for MANET, International Conference INCON,09 at Sri Sairam engineering college Chennai, 24th September 2009
- “IEEE 802.11p Performance Evaluation for Intelligent Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (InVANETs) using NS-2”, at International Conference on Impact of Economic crisis in Global Business Scenario”, September 2009
- “RFID faces the Society”, at International Conference on Researching for Transforming the Society, Feb 2008.
- Reducing control packets in AODV-based Routing in Adhoc Networks, at International conference on “Trends in Information Science and Computing,dec 2007
- Reducing Control Packets in AODV – based Routing in Ad hoc Networks, International Conference at Sathyabama University , Chennai , December 12-14, 2007
- Security Adhoc Network using fuzzy techniques at Obcom’06 International Conference, VIT, Vellore Dec 2006
- Technical Enhancement for Learning System – Concept for speedup of dijkstra shortest path algorithm at International conference on Technology Enhance Learning and Teaching, Dec2002.
- Fuzzy shortest path algorithm for optimal routing in internet traffic ,at International Conference on Modeling identification and control, IASTED, Feb. 2001
- Fuzzy Priority Based Algorithm for optimal reliable routing in internet traffic, at International Conference on Advances in Telecommunications and Information Technology, Dec 2000
- Securing Mobile Ad Hoc Network Using Authentication Key Distribution, International conference on Smart Technologies for Materials, Communication, Control and Energy, Jan2011.
National Conferences
- Presented a paper “Advancements in Flood monitoring and Early Warning Systems” in the MoES sponsored national conference on “Recent Trends in Climate change studies”.
- Presented a paper “On prediction of the water level of river Jhelum at Sangam Anantnag (J&K) using ANFIS (Best Paper Awarded)
- Presented a paper “The Detection of an Intrusion by “Selfish Herd Strategy” for DDoS and Malicious port scans” in the Ministry of Earth Sciences sponsored national conference on “Recent Advances in Earth and Atmospheric Monitoring from Space”.
- Mohsin Fayaz., and Sheik Abdul Khader., 2018. Fatal Landslide Causes and Early Warning Systems Using Wireless Sensor Network and IOT. (ISBN No: 978-93-83409-28-0) National Conference on Recent Trends in Climate Change Studies (RTCCS-18)
- Disjoint multicast probabilistic scheme based reactive routing in MANET, National Conference on Recent Trends in web Technologies,Oct 2013.
- An Efficient Broadcasting method Along With Rebroadcast Probability for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks” National Conference on Recent Trends in web Technologies,Oct 2013.
- English to Tamil Web Translator, National Conference Advanced Computing Technology ,May 2013
- Intelligent Collaborative system for studenta, National conference ,April 2013.
- The role of Botnet threat in Today’s Distributed Networks-A Survey, Natioanal conference ETICT 13, April 2013.
- Implementation of Video Survilliance system in Android mobile phone , National Conference, April 2013.
- Survey on TCP Varients over AODVfor reliability in Mobile Adhoc Network , National Conference on Computing and communication, Feb 2012
- Fault Tolerance scheduler with reduced check pointing time in Grid computing,National Conference on Information Technology,Feb 2012
- Improving Intrusion detection system for Mobile Adhoc Network using Fuzzy approach, National conference on computing concept and current Trends ,August 2011
- Dynamic Transition mobility model for packet Delivery Analysis in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Applications and Management, Arubadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Chennai,March 2011.
- Enhanced AODV Routing Protocol with well organized Congestion Adaptive Techniques in Adhoc Networks,National Conference on Computing Concepts in Current Trends NC4’T 10 , 30th July 2010
- AP Route Reply for On-Demand Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, National Conference(NCCC ’09) at GTEC, Vellore , 21th February 2009
- Minimizing Routing overhead for AODV routing protocol in Ad Hoc Networks, Second National conference on Emerging trends in Advance computing, March 2008
- Trusted AODV Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Second National conference on Emerging trends in Advance computing, March 2008
- Reducing control overhead using pure selection algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks National Conference on Emerging trends in Advance computing, March 2008
- Authorized AODV Routing protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc at National Conference on Emerging trends in Advance computing, April 008
- Performance evaluation of loop free routing algorithms at National Conference on Emerging trends in Advance computing, April 008
- Comparison of TCP and UDP performance using DSR and AODV Routing protocols in MANETS , at National Conference on Emerging trends in Advance computing, April 2008
- Improved performance of route discovery process in Mobile Ad Hoc network, National Conference on Recent trends & Technologies in soft computing (NCRTSC-08), may2008
- Distributed Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network ,at National Conference on Recent trends & Technologies in soft computing (NCRTSC-08), may 2008
- Behaviors of DSR and AODV routing protocols in TCP and UDP environment,at,at National Conference on Recent trends & Technologies in soft computing (NCRTSC-08), May2008
- Comparison of Loop free routing algorithms in wireless Ad Hoc networks at National Conference on Recent trends & Technologies in soft computing (NCRTSC-08), may 2008
- Probe Based Admission Control for Multicast, at IEEE National Conference on Information and Communication Convergence, Dec 2007
- A fully Distributed IDS for MANET ,at National Conference-2006, Bharathidasan University, Trichy Aug 2006
- Attacks and Defense in Wireless Ad Hoc Network at National Conference-NCCNS’06, Karpagam Arts & Science College, Coimbatore, Sep 2006