Information Technology
Dr. P. Latchoumy
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Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 28.01.1998 |
Qualification | : | B.Tech.,M.E.,Ph.D. |
Phone | : | 044- 2275 1347,48,50 (Office) |
Email ID | : | |
Educational Background
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Computer Science and Engineering | 2018 | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology |
M.E | Computer Science and Engineering | 2005 | Anna University |
B. Tech. | Computer Science and Engineering | 1997 | Pondicherry University |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Associate Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 1.07.2019 to Till date | 3 years & 7 months |
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 15.5.2012-30.06.2019 | 7 years & 1 month |
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) | B.S.Abdur Rahman University | 1.4.2009-14.5.2012 | 3 years & 1 month |
Senior Grade Lecturer | B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College | 1.2.2007-31.3.2009 | 2 years & 2 months |
Lecturer | Crescent Engineering College | 28.1.1998-31.1.2007 | 9 years |
Lecture Courses
- Data Structures
- Operating Systems
- Programming in Python
- Microprocessors and Microcontroller
- Cloud Computing
- Expert System
- Software Requirements Management and Software Project Management
- Web Technology
- Distributed Operating System
- Advanced Computer Architecture
- Blockchain Technology
- Cyber Security
Area of Research Interest
- Cloud Computing
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
Research Guidance
- Guiding 1 Research Scholar in Ph.D in School of Computer, Information & Mathematical Sciences
International Journals (Scopus & WOS Indexed)
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P, ‘Reliable Job Execution with Process Failure Recovery in Computational Grid’, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Inderscience, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp: 607-631, 2015 (SJR: 0.12). (Citation:2)
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P,“Grouping based Scheduling with Resource Failure Handling in Computational Grid’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 605-614, 2014. (SJR: 0.15) (Citation:1)
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P, ‘Fault Tolerant Advance Reservation-based Scheduling in Computational Grid’, European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR), ISSN 1450-216X, Vol. 89 No 3, pp.409-421, 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.493) (SJR: 0.16) (Citation:1)
International Journals (Others)
- Kavitha.G, Latchoumy.P and Afreen Banu.H., “A Secure Anti Collusion File Sharing System for Un-trusted Cloud Storage”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, Vol.3, No.6, pp: 418-422, 2017. (Indexed in DOAJ, Citeseer, Index Copernicus)
- J. Subathra and P. Latchoumy, “QoS Ranking Prediction Framework for Cloud Services”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Reseach, Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2015. (Citation:2)
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P, ‘Job Scheduling with Failure Prevention Strategies in Grid Computing Environment’, International Journal of Research in Advance Technology in Engineering, Volume 1, pp. 140-149, 2013.
- V. Kalaiarashi, P.Latchoumy and A. Syedali fathima, “To drive a QoS using Group Based Job Scheduling In Cloud Computing Environment”, International Journal Of Research In Advance Technology In Engineering (IJRATE), Volume 1, pp. 93-97, 2013.
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P, ‘Improved Fault Tolerant Job Scheduler for Optimal Resource Utilization in Computational Grid’, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 48-No.22, pp. 6-12, 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.814) (Citation:2)
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P,’Fault-Tolerant Scheduler with Reduced Recovery Time in Computational Grid’, International Journal of Information Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2229-7367, 3(1-2), pp. 129-137, 2012.
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P, ‘Survey on Fault Tolerance in Grid Computing’, International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 97-110, 2011. (Citation:40)
International Conferences
- P. Latchoumy, G. Kavitha, S. Anupriya, H.Shaila Banu, “Hanwriting Recognition using Convolution Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Algorithms” in 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2022, IEEE, RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore,1-3 December 2022.
- K. Chitra, G. Kavitha, P. Latchoumy, “Penalty based Sentimental text Generation Framework using Generative Adversarial Network” in International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS), IEEE, Pudukkottai,13-15 December 2022.
- G.Kavitha, P.Latchoumy, A.Sonya, “Enhancing Data Security for Sharing Personalized Data in Mobile Cloud Environments”, in 4th International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (ICBDCC), Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Coimbatore, during 20th to 21st August 2021.
- P. Latchoumy and P. Sheik Abdul Khader, “Hybrid Failure Handling Approach for Guaranteed Service in Cloud Computing Environment”, International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing, pp. 0076-0082, IEEE, 2017. (Citation:1)
- A. Syedali Fathima and P. Latchoumy, “Resource Prediction based Job Scheduling in Cloud Environment”, Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Communication and Computing, ICECC, pp. 1768-1774, 2014.
- V. Kalaiarashi and P. Latchoumy, “Fault Tolerant Strategies for Application Deployment in Cloud Environment”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Science, Engineering and management, pp. 206-217, 2014.
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P, ‘Fault Tolerant Job Scheduler with Efficient Job Execution in Grid Computing’, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Software Technology (CST), Singapore, ISSN: 978-981-07-2969-1, pp. 1-5, 2012. (Citation:2)
National Conferences:
- Latchoumy. P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P, ‘Fault Tolerant Scheduler with Reduced Check Pointing Time in Grid Computing’, National Conference on Information Technology (NCIT), 2012, Pondicherry.
- P. Latchoumy, M. Chandra, G. Kavitha, “Enhanced Data Security using Multipath Routing in Ad Hoc Networks”, National Conference on Mobile Computing (NCMC ’05), Department of CSE & A, B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College, February 3-4, 2005.
- M. Chandra, Latha Tamilselvan, P. Latchoumy, “Remoter Tracking of Vehicle”, National Conference in Mobile Net, CMAT, Coimbatore, 2001.
Indian Social Congress
- P. Latchoumy, S. Harsheni, V. Dilip Hamilton, ”An Ensemble Model for Predicting Diabetic using Machine Learning techniques” at XLV Indian Social Science Congress held from March 28th to April 1st, 2022 at BSACIST.
- P. Latchoumy, B. Murali Krishna, ”Machine Learning Techniques on Crop Yield Prediction-A Sustainable Agrarian Applications” at XLV Indian Social Science Congress held from March 28th to April 1st, 2022 at BSACIST.
Details of Research Impact | All | Since 2017 |
Citations | 52 | 19 |
h-index | 2 | 2 |
i10-index | 1 | 1 |
Research Awards:
- Received B.S. Abdur Rahman Research Incentive Award and Cash prize for publication in Scopus / WoS Journals during the year 2020.
- Innovation Patent granted for “Internet of Things based Intelligent Irrigation System Using Cloud Computing”, Australian Government, IP Australia, and November 2021.
Book Chapters (Scopus Indexed) :
- G.Kavitha, P.Latchoumy, A.Sonya, “Enhancing Data Security for Sharing Personalized Data in Mobile Cloud Environments”, in Disruptive Technologies for Big Data and Cloud Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer book series – Scopus Indexed), Vol.905, pp: 739 – 750, 2022.
- Latchoumy, P & Sheik Abdul Khader, P 2014, ‘A Combined Approach: Proactive and Reactive Failure Handling for Efficient Job Execution in Computational Grid’, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Networking, and Informatics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) Series, Volume 243, pp. 713-725 (Springer Book Series-Scopus Indexed), (Citation:2)
Paper Published in Magazine:
- Barath Kumar & P. Latchoumy, “Face Recognition Systems”, IT Magazine, Jan 1999.
- Shahul Hameed & P. Latchoumy, “Exit Experts—Enter Expert Systems”, IT Magazine, July 1999.
List of Seminar/MOOC/ Workshop/ FDP/STTP Attended & Organized :
- Attended a 5-day FDP-SI UHV Online – “AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative) from 30.01.2023 to 3.02.2023.
- Attended a seminar on “Learning Domains and Taxonomies” taken by Dr. S. Baskar, Professor & Dean(R&D), TCE, Madurai & organized by IQAC on 23.12.2022.
- Attended Faculty Enablement Program (FEP) on Python Programming offered by Infosys Springboard platform from Oct 17th – Oct 21st 2022 and got certificate for Basics of Python.
- Attended an Intel Faculty Training Programme on “AI & HPC” during 14.9.2022 to 20.9.2022 organized by CIIC-BSACIST and Intel Unnati Labs, Chennai.
- Organized & Attended an Alumni webinar on “Rearchitecting Frontend Monorepos with GraphQL and Edge Servers” on 29.10.2021.
- Attended an ATAL Academy advanced online FDP on “Crypto-currency and Blockchain Technology” during 30.8.2021 to 03.09.2021 organized by Punjab Engineering College, Punjab.
- Organized (Co-coordinator) STTP on “Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Techniques” Sponsored by AICTE Slot-II (o1.02.2021 to 06.02.2021)
- Organized & attended an alumni webinar on “Challenges in Entrepreneurship” on 7.12.2020.
- Attended an ATAL Academy online FDP on “Cyber Physical Systems” organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology, Pune during 07.11.2020 to 11.11.2020.
- Attended an ATAL Academy online FDP on “Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence” organized by Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, New Delhi during 21.9.2020 to 25.9.2020.
- Attended a Live demo on “Azure Kubernetes” on 15.09.2020.
- Attended a webinar on “Adapting Devops Practives” on 4th Sep 2020.
- Attended a training Programme on “Crescent LMS” on 4.08.2020.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Android App Using Kotlin” organized by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India, during 01.07.2020 to 17.8.2020.
- Attended 12 weeks online course on “Deep Learning” from NPTEL during January to April 2020.
- Successfully completed the basic life support and first aid course through personal empowerment in emergency response (PEER) basic program designed by ALERT simulation lab for emergency response management in association with BSACIST o 13th March 2020.
- Attended one-day workshop on “C and C++” organized by Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay,funded by the PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Govt. of India on 29.2.2020.
- Organized and attended Two-Days Hands-on Workshop on “Architecting Cloud Services” in association with Inception Labs, Chennai, during 12.2.2020 and 13.2.2020.
- Completed 8 weeks online course with Elite Certification & Silver Badge in “Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning” from NPTEL during July to October 2019.
- Attended a workshop on “Automated Software Testing Tools” conducted by Department of IT on 8th August 2019.
- Attended Five days training programme on “Java Programming” at Jeppiar SRR Engineering College organized by Oracle Academy during 19.8.2019 to 23.8.2019.
- Completed 8 weeks online course with Elite Certification& Silver Badge in “Introduction to Soft Computing” from NPTEL during Jan to March 2019.
- Attended six days training programme on “Academic Leadership” at B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology in association with MHRD during 01.04.2019 to 07.04.2019.
- Attended a one day National Seminar on “ e-learning and MOOCs in Higher Education” organized by Guru Angand Dev Teaching Learning Center of MHRD in association with B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 09.03.2019.
- Organized and Attended two days workshop on “Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning” on 7th and 8th March 2019.
- Completed 8 weeks online course with Elite Certification in “Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems” from NPTEL during July to October 2018.
- Completed 8 weeks online course with Elite Certification in “Introduction to Modern Application Development” from NPTEL during July to September 2017.
- Attended One week training on “A school on Algorithms and Techniques” at CSE Dept., B.S.A University during 22.7.2015 to 27.7.2015.
- Attended One week training on “Enterprise Architect Modeller” at B.S.A. University during 17.11.2014 to 21.11.2014.
- Attended one week training on “IBM Seed Program- Rational Software Architect” at B.S.A University during 16-7-2013 to 20-7-2013.
- Attended a three day workshop on “Cloud Computing” organized by Department of Information Technology, Anna University, MIT campus during 12th -14th September 2012.
- Organized the 2nd National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (NCRTIT ’10) on 12th & 13th August 2010.
- Attended Two day National Workshop on “Cloud Computing” held at SSN College of Engineering during 2nd and 3rd April 2010.
- Attended QIP on “Web Collaboration and Technology” conducted by Department of Information Technology, BSA Crescent Engineering College, Vandalur from 18-05-09 to 31-05-09.
Extension Activities
- Reviewer for International Conference on Computer, Communication and Signal Processing 2023 conducted by SSN.
- Coordinator for 45th Indian Social Science Congress (Computer Science Research Committee (09) on Theme “Computational intelligence models for environment, energy and healthcare analytics solution methodologies”) from March 28-April 1, 2022.
- Co-Coordinator for conducting 6 days AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Techniques” in two slots during 30.11.2020 to 05.12.2020 and 01.02.2021 to 06.02.21 for faculty, research scholars and industry people.
- Resource Person for Covid Post Lockdown – Procedure preparation.
- Resource Person for Placement Training Programme for final year UG students
- Acted as an External Examiner for Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai on 7.09.2019
- Acted as a Course Instructor for Oracle i-Learning Programme & Online Course-Big data certification programme.
- Handled classes for TAHDCO training Programme.
- Handled classes & conducted practical examinations for Sub Inspector Cadet (TNPTA-Tamil Nadu Police training Academy).
- Visited DAV & Spartan Schools at Mogappair, Chennai to promote our Institute & IT Department during 2018.
- Visited 17 Schools for promoting our Institute at Perungalathur, Mudichur and Kanchipuram during December 2014.
- Professional training imparted to placed students for software industries-WIPRO & TCS.
- Evaluator for IGNOU students.
Fund Generated-Training & Consultancy
- Handled Computer Awareness Training Programme for Police Personnel (AIPDM) during November 2019.
- Conducted Spoken tutorial-MOOC-Value added courses “C & CPP programming” & “Python”- IIT Bombay, during July-Nov 2019.
- Two day workshop on “Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning” by Dcrew IT solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai during 7th & 8th March 2019.
Award of Appreciation
- Certificate of appreciation for world Cancer Day, 4th Feb 2022, Breast Cancer Awareness Program” participation and support towards spread this awareness message to the society.
- Certificate of appreciation for an outstanding contribution towards the growth of BSA crescent alumni association for the year 2020-2021.
- Certificate of appreciation for the contribution for achieving NAAC A+ Grade-2021 for our BSACIST.
- Certificate of appreciation for an outstanding contribution towards the growth of BSA crescent alumni association for the year 2019-2020.
- Certificate of Appreciation for the Resource Person for Placement Training Programme for the final year students of BSACIST from 12.10.2020 to 12.11.2020.
- Certificate of appreciation in recognition of conducting the value added course on “C & CPP” in coordination with IIT Bombay (Spoken tutorials) during Odd Semester 2019-2020.
- Certificate of appreciation in recognition of conducting the value added course on “Python” in coordination with IIT Bombay (Spoken tutorials) during Odd Semester 2019-2020.
- Certificate of appreciation for acted as a Resource Person for Covid Post Lockdown – Procedure preparation.
Extramural Engagements
- Life Member in Professional Body: Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
- Resource Person for Covid Post Lockdown – Procedure preparation.
- Successfully completed 30 hours of professional development for “Java Programming” Oracle Academic Course conducted by Oracle Academy on 23rd August 2019.
- Successfully completed TUV SUD training on “Internal auditing for Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2015”, held on 11th to 13th December, 2017. (Certificate No.: TUVSA/AC/CT/2017/1138/O/0001/QM33/1/0005)-Certified ISO Internal Auditor(9001:2005)
- Successfully completed the 2-day internal auditor training on Quality Management System as per ISO 9001:2008 standard conducted by DNV (Det Norske Veritas) at Chennai on 28th February & 1st March, 2011.
Additional Responsibilities
Institution Level
- Certified ISO Internal Auditor
- Women Empowerment Cell Member
- Academic Council Member
- Member of ISO Manual updating process
- Member of SOPs preparation for Crescent Post-Lockdown
- ISSC- Coordinator (9. CSE criteria)
School Level:
- School Level Advisory Committee (SLAC) Coordinator
Department Level:
- NBA Coordinator
- DAAC & EACC Coordinator
- Exam Cell Coordinator
- Alumni Coordinator
- ICT Academy Coordinator
- Project Coordinator (Batch 2017-2021)
- Class Committee Chairperson
- BOS Member
- DAAC Member
- UG Project Committee Member
- Class Advisor (Batch 2017-2021)
- Faculty Advisor
- Doctoral Committee Member