Dr. P.K.Jawahar
![]() |
Designation | : | Professor/ECE & Director (CSD) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 03.07.2000 |
Qualification | : | B.E.,M.Tech.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | +91-44-22751347 Ext :313,305 |
Email ID | : |, |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University/Institution |
Ph.D | Information & Communication Engg | 2010 | Anna University,Chennai/ Madras Institute of Technology,Chromepet |
M.Tech | Electronics & Communication Engg | 1998 | Pondicherry University/Pondicherry Engineering College |
B.E | Electronics & Communication Engg | 1989 | Bharathiar University/Coimbatore Institute of Technology |
P.G Diploma in VLSI | VLSI | 2002 | Accel Technologies, Chennai |
Professional Body Membership
- Senior Member of IEEE since 2018 – SMIEEE
- Member of ACM from 2019
- Member of IAEng from 2019
- Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India) – FIE
- Fellow of Institution of Electronics & Telecomn. Engineers-FIETE
- Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education-ISTE
Work Experience
Designation: | Professor |
Date of Joining at BSACIST | 3rd July, 2000 |
Years of Experience at BSACIST as on Feb 1,2024 | 23 Years 7 months |
Previous Experience | 10 Years 6 Months |
Areas of Research Interest
- VLSI system Design
- IoT and Embedded Systems
- Blockchain
Research Guidance:
- Supervisorship recognition No: EC/10/04
- Orcid ID : 0000-0003-3559-178X
- Scopus ID : 19934191100
No.of Ph.D candidates guiding : 1
No.of Ph.Ds produced : 8
Research Publication in Journals:
- Magesh.M,Jawahar.P.K.,Saranya.S.N,” Kinetic stabilities of perched landing approach for novel Auxetic landing gear in UAV with the aid of Deep reinforcement learning based IMC PID control”, Defense Technology,Elsevier Publications (Accepted for Publication)
- Magesh.M,Jawahar.P.K,”Spider Monkey metaheuristic tuning of Model Predictive Control with perched landing stabilities for Novel auxetic landing foot in drones”, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika Journal, Elsevier Publications, (Accepted for Publication)
- Magesh.M,Jawahar.P.K.,Saranya.S.N, “Perching Dynamics of Landing Gears in Drones over Asymmetrical Surfaces Using Deep Reinforcement Learning ”,Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol. 44 No. 4,pp.7825-7831, Nov.2023
- S.Anusooya,P.K.Jawahar, “Design A Power Efficient Based DC to DC Converter Using SCC”, EAI Endorsed Transacions on Energy Web, 9(38), e2, 2022
- M.Magesh,P.K.Jawahar, “Examination of shape memory polymer-axetic landing gears on landing approach for quadcopter”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol.47, pp-471-479, 2021
- V.Jean Shilpa, P.K.Jawahar, “Efficient Algorithm Design on Hybrid CPU-FPGA Architecture for High Performance Computing”, International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, Vol.12, Issue.1, 28-45,2021, Inderscience Publishers
- S.Anusooya,P.K.Jawahar, “Design and implementation of advanced step down switched capacitor converter using threshold voltage logic” International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, Vol.12, Issue.3, 175-191,2021, Inderscience Publishers
- Indragandhi, K., & Jawahar, P. K. (2020). An Application based Efficient Thread Level Parallelism Scheme on Heterogeneous Multicore Embedded System for Real Time Image Processing. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 21(1), 47-56.
- Anusooya, S., & Jawahar, P. K. Design and analysis of a step-down switched capacitor converter for low power applications. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020
- V.Jean Shilpa,P.K.Jawahar, “Advanced Optimization by Profiling of Acoustics Software Applications for Interoperability in HCF Systems”, Journal of Green Engineering, Volume 9,Issue:3,pp. 462-473,2019
- N.Rajendran, P.K. Jawahar, R Priyadarshini, “Make span of routing and security in Cross Centric Intrusion Detection System (CCIDS) over black hole attacks and rushing attacks in MANET”, International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 162-176, 2019
- N.Rajendran,P.K.Jawahar,R.Priyadarshini, ”Cross centric intrusion detection system for secure routing over black hole attacks in MANETs”, Computer Communications, Volume 148, pp:129-135, December 2019.
- S. Syed Rafiammal, D. Najumnissa, G. Anuradha, S. Kaja Mohideen, P. K.Jawahar, ”A Low Power and High Performance Hardware Design for Automatic Epilepsy Seizure Detection”, Int. Journal Of Electronics And Telecommunications, Volume: 65, Issue:4, pp: 707-712,2019
- V.Jean Shilpa,P.K.Jawahar, ”Cognitive Adaptive Travelling Window Filter Technology Implementation On Heterogeneous Multi-core Architecture”,International Journal Of Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing, Vol. 13, pp.170-175,2019
- R Manikandan, PK Jawahar, PH Rao,”Low Sidelobe Level CSRR Loaded Weighted Array Antenna” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Volume: 66, Issue: 12,pp: 6893 – 6905, Dec. 2018
- R Manikandan, PH Rao, PK Jawahar,”Gain Enhancement of Horn Antenna Using Meta Surface Lens,”Advanced Electromagnetics 7 (4), pp.27-33,August 30,2018
- K.Indra Gandhi,P.K.Jawahar, “Fuzzy based Efficient Task Scheduling Scheme (ETSS) on Heterogeneous Multicore Processor”, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Inderscience Publications, Vol.1,2018
- V.Jean Shilpa,P.K.Jawahar,” Cognitive Adaptive Travelling Window Filter Technology Implementation On Heterogeneous Multi-core Architecture,”, NAUN International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.13,pp.170-175, 2019
- R.Manikandan, P.K.Jawahar, ”Cross Polarization Reduction of Circularly polarized antenna with SRR”, International Journal of control theory and applications,Vol.10,Issue 9, pp.613-618,2017
- V. Jean Shilpa and P. K. Jawahar,” Development of Adaptive LMS Filter IP on Zedboard for Hardware-software Co-design”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(47), December,2016
- V. Jean Shilpa and P. K. Jawahar,” Implementation of Multi-threading on Hybrid ARM Cortex Dual Core A9–FPGA architecture for Energy Efficiency”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 7(12), 2015–2019, December 2014.
- S Muthukumar, P.K.Jawahar,” Cache Replacement Policies for Improving LLC Performance in Multi-Core Processors”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.105,2014
- Manikandan.R,Dr.Jawahar.P.K,”Quad Band Planar Inverted F Antenna for Smart Phone”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.573,Issue 394, pp 394-399,June 2014.
- S.Muthukumar, PK Jawahar,” Cache Replacement for Multi-Threaded Applications Using Context Based Data Pattern Exploitation Technique”, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol.26, Issue 4, January 2014.
- S.Muthukumar, PK Jawahar,” Hit Rate Maximization by Logical Cache Partitioning in a Multi-Core Environment”, Journal of Computer Science,Vol.10,Issue.3, pp.492-498, November,2013.
- V.Jean Shilpa,Dr P K Jawahar,” Design Of User Level Threads For Multi-Core Pro-cessors Implemented On FPGA”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11,pp 813-816,November,2013
- Salai Thillai Thilagam.J, Dr. P.K.Jawahar,”Patch antenna design analysis for wireless communication”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 7, pp 3101-3109,July 2013.
- S.Muthukumar, P.K.Jawahar, ”Redundant cache data eviction in a multi-core environment”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 168-175 Jan. 2013
- P. K. Jawahar, V. Vaidehi & D. Egfin Nirmala,” Qos Enhancement in Wireless VoIP Networks Using Interactive Multiple Model Based Kalman Filter”, An International Journal Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Publications, Volume 65, Number 1,pp-67-81,June 2012
- Salai Thillai Thilagam.J, Dr. P.K.Jawahar and A. Sivakumar,” Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Characteristic Study for Wireless Communication Applications”, International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation-(IRECAP)- Italy, Volume No.2, Page No.1,2012
- P.K.Jawahar, V.Vaidehi, “Dynamic Reconfiguration of FPGA for Voice Quality Improvement In Internet”, The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.5 No.1, 2009 pp.18-23.
- P.K.Jawahar, Dr.V.Vaidehi, “Analysis of Reconfigurable Architecture for Delay Sensitive Voice Streams over IP Networks”, Asian Journal of Information Technology 5 (12): 1458-1463, 2006
Research Publication in Conference
- Ranjitha.K,Mubeena.S, Jawahar.P.K,” Blockchain Based Iot Security in Edge Nodes for Healthcare Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Research in Electronics Engineeering and Communication Techniques held at SRM institute of Science & Technology,Vadapalani Campus on 3rd & 4th May, 2023
- Fahdl Ur Rahman, Jawahar.P.K, “Vision and Voice recognition Bot using TinyML” , 13th International conference on Science & Innovation Engineering, held at Jawahar Engineering College in collobaration with Samarkhand State University,Uzbekistan on 14th May,2023.
- Magesh.M.,Jawahar.P.K, “Spider monkey based metaheuristic tuning of PID controllers for stability landing of UAV’S with SMP-Auxetic landing gears”, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT), Jan,2022
- Magesh.M.,Jawahar.P.K, “Aerodynamics of Drones with Auxetic Landing Gears During Perching Conditions”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Conference, Dec,2019
- V. Jean Shilpa, P. K. Jawahar, S. Karthik,” Development of Adaptive LMS filter IP on Zedboard”, National Conference on Research In Electronics Engineering And Communication Techniques (REACT 2016),SRM University
- V.Jean Shilpa Dr P.K.Jawahar, “Implementation of Heterogeneous Multicore Processor on FPGA for Parallel Computing”, National Conference on Research In Electronics Engineering And Communication Techniques (REACT 2015), SRM University
- Mrs.S.Anusooya,Suhail ahmed.A,Dr.P.K.Jawahar “Design Of Stepdown Switched Capacitor Converter For Subthreshold Applications”,National Conference on Research Engineering and Communication Techinque(REACT 2015) ,SRM University.
- R.Manikandan,P.K.Jawahar,” Analysis of metamaterial with microstrip antenna”, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering(ICIEICE), 2017
- R.Manikandan,P.K.Jawahar ,“Cross Polarization Reduction of Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna with SRR”, International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technologies, (ICPCIT), D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune 2016
- Salai Thillai Thilagam.J, Dr.P.K.Jawahar,”Design and Anlysis of multiband microstrip meander patch antenna using slits for wireless applications”,International Conference OnEmerging Novelties And Vistas In Space Technologies And Applications(ENVISTA), Sathyabama University, 2016
- SalaiThillai Thilagam.J, Manikandan.R and Dr.P.K.Jawahar,” Optimized Octagonal Shaped Antenna using Split Ring Design and Analysis for Wireless Communication Applications”, 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking(ICSCN), Conducted by MIT campus,Anna University, March 26-28,2015.
- Salai Thillai Thilagam.J, Dr.P.K.Jawahar & Sivakumar A, “Multiband Microstrip antenna design and analysis for wireless networks,” Second International conference on Information, Communication And Embedded Systems conducted by SA Engineering College,Chennai 24-25,Feb,2012
- Dr.P.K.Jawahar, Salai Thillai Thilagam.J “Circular Patch Antenna with Microstrip line feed”, National conference on “Expanding Horizon in computer, information technology, telecommunication &Electronics” conducted by IETE Chennai centre and Loyola ICAM CET on 20-21 April,2012, proceedings published by CIIT, ISBN 978-1-4507-5679-2; pp. 158-161
- Mohamed Nooruzzaman Khan,Mohamed Ismail.M., Jawahar, P.K,” An efficient FFT/IFFT architecture for wireless communication “,IEEE sponsored International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP) conducted by Adhiparasakthi Engineering college,Melmaruvathur, March,2012
- Dr. P.K.Jawahar, Salai Thillai Thilagam.J, “Design of Microstrip antenna for wireless communication” pp.2372-2375, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) vol.6,No.18 (2011) special issues, print ISSN 0973-4562
- Salai Thillai Thilagam.J, Dr. P.K.Jawahar, “Design and Comparison of microstrip slot antennas”, International Journal on Electronics and Communication Technology (IJECT), Cosmic Journals, Chandigarh, India. ISSN: 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN: 2230-9543 (Print) IJECT Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 111-113, Oct. – Dec. 2011
- Jawahar, P.K., Nirmala.D.E, Vaidehi, V.” QoS enhancement in wireless VoIP networks using interactive multiple model based Kalman filter“,Second International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), 2010, conducted at Madras Institute of Technology,Chennai,December,15,2010
- Paper titled” RF planning in Design of GSM network” National conference on mobile and ubiquitous computing(NCMUC’10) at Ganadipathy Tulsi’s Jain Engineering College,Vellore on March 19,2010
- Paper titled “FPGA implementation of runtime reconfigurable architecture for voice quality improvement over internet”- 1st International IEEE conference on High Performance Computing at Bangalore on 17th Dec,2008
- Paper titled “Analysis of runtime reconfigurable architecture for real-time voice over IP networks using modular approach”- International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, and Networking (ICSCN2007)” from Feb 22-24, 2007 at MIT, Anna University, Chennai
- Paper titled “Pilot based adaptive channel estimation for OFDM system using GS FAP algorithm” – 12Th National Conference on Communications (NCC,2006) held at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, during January 27-29,2006
- Paper titled “Modeling of Reconfigurable architecture for VOIP networks” was selected for presentation in International Conference on Communication, Computing and Technology, Texas in September,2005
- Paper titled “Enhancement of Quality of Service in VoIP networks using Partial Runtime Reconfigurable Architecture (PaRuRA)” was selected for presentation at the IEE sponsored International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS,2005) held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during December, 1-3,2005
- Paper titled “Reconfigurable Architecture to enhance QoS for VoIP networks” was selected for poster presentation at 13th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC,2005) held at Goa during 18-21 December,2005
- Paper titled “Implementing Dynamic Reconfigurable Architecture to improve Quality of Service in Voice Over IP networks” was selected for presentation at 13th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM) held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore during 14-17 December,2005, sponsored by CSI
- Paper titled “Synthesis of Timed Asynchronous Circuits without state graph generation” – National Conference on” Emerging trends in VLSI Design & Testing (NCVDAT 2003) during 21-22 February,2003 held at P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Paper titled “Wireless Mobile networks- Modeling with Asynchronous VLSI” – National Conference on” Emerging trends in VLSI Design & Testing (NCVDAT 2003) during 21-22 February,2003 held at P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore
Patents Applied
- A patent titled” Development of Boiler tube leakage detection system using intelligent techniques” has been submitted to Intellectual Property India,Chennai office on 28th December 2017 by Prof. S.Sahul Hamid, Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Dr.P.K.Jawahar and Mrs.M.S. Murshitha Shajahan.
- A patent titled “A system and method for communication by a vocal and auditory impaired person” filed on 4th September 2023 by Indra Gandhi,Jawahar.P.K
Workshop Attended:
- Attended one day workshop on ”Commercialization of IP and Quality Assurance in Higher Education” at BSACU on 9-2-2017
- Attended two days workshop on ” Leadership in Higher education” at BSACU on 25,26-05-2017
- Attended one day training on”Essential Design with the Planahead Analysis and Design Tool” conducted by Xilinx Corporation in Chennai on August 23,2011
- Attended one day seminar on “Educators ay 2010” organized by National Instruments on 14th December,2010
- Attended 1 day workshop on “Advanced Communication Systems” conducted by ECE Dept,BSACEC on 18th November,2009
- Attended 2 days National workshop on” Current trends in Communication and Networking” organized by Dept.of Electronics, MIT, Anna University from 17-02-2006 to 18-02-2006
- Attended 2 days workshop on ” Physical verification and testing of ASIC” at MIT during September,2005
- Attended 2 days refresher course on ‘VLSI design’ at MIT during April,2005
- Attended 3 days workshop on “Emerging trends in Electronics & Communication” at CEC from 19-4-2004 to 21-04-2004
- Attended 2 days workshop on” Convergence in Telecommunications” organized by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering during 16th & 17th February,2004
- Attended 2 days training course on “Advanced VLSI software and Hardware tools” at Vdesign Training and Placement centre, Pondicherry from 04-03-2003 to 05-03-2003
- Attended 15 days training on ” INTEL TEACH TO THE FUTURE” organized by INTEL from 3/6/2002 to 17/6/2002
- Attended 3 days workshop on” VLSI design using Verilog HDL” organized by ECIL, Hyderabad from 23-08-2001 to 25-08-2001
Workshop Organised:
- Organized 2 days workshop on “VLSI design using Cadence tools” on 23rd and 24th January,2013 in association with Cadence Design solutions Pvt.Ltd.,Bangalore.
- Organized 2 days workshop on “VLSI design using Cadence tools” on 23rd and 24th January,2013 in association with Cadence Design solutions Pvt.Ltd.,Bangalore
- Organized one day workshop on “ Embedded system design using Keil tools” on 1st March,2012 in association with Embedded Systems Solutions Ltd.,Bangalore.
- Organized 1 day workshop on “Advanced System Design Using Altera Tools” on 01-03-2012 in association with Enixs Technologies India Pvt Ltd,Bangalore
- Organized 2 Days workshop on “Embedded System Design “ in association with Electronic Control Systems Chennai during July,2011
- Organized 2 day workshop on “Embedded System Design on MSP430” on 20-21,Jan,2011 in association with Gill Instruments,Bangalore
- Organized one day National conference on ‘Recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication”, in March 2010
- 3 Days Inhouse Orientation Programme For Fresh Faculty Members of Crescent Engineering College from 15-10-2002 to 17-10-2002
- 2 Days Training Programme On “Mathcad” for our faculty members from 31-04-2004 to 01-05-2004
- Organizing committee member of 2 days workshop on “Advancements in VLSI and Embedded Systems –WAVES 2007” conducted by Dept.of ECE, Crescent Engineering College from 5-11-2007 and 6-11-2007
Seminar Attended:
- Attended one day Webinar on” Scientific Writing and Publishing” by Springer Nature on Feb 20,2023
- Attended 1 day seminar on “Matlab & Simulink” organized by Cranes Software at Le Royale Meridien,Chennai on 1st July,2005
- Attended 1 day seminar on “RF and Microwave measurements and Testing” conducted by Agilent Technologies at Le Royale Meridien, Chennai during March,2004
- Attended one day ISTE sponsored National LEVEL Seminar on “Technologists vision for Engineering Practices in 2000’s with nano-technology” at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College on 26th February,2003
FDPs attended
- Attended 5 days AICTE ATAL FDP on “Internet of Things” organized by NITTR,Chandigarh from 20-4-2020 to 24-4-2020
- Attended 5 days online FDP on “Opportunities and challenges in Next generation Semiconductor devices” organized by Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakapatnam from 16-06-2020 to 20-06-2020.
- Attended 7 days online FDP on “MOODLE learning management systems” organized by Govt.Arts and Science college, Thrivennainallur in association with Spoken tutorials, IIT, Bombay from 02-07-2020 to 08-07-2020
- Participated in 4 days International Technology Data Sciences Bootcamp presented by IEEE SSIT Madras section in association with WePower, Tableau and IEEE YESIST12-2020 from 04-06-2020 to 07-06-2020
- Attended 5 days FDP on “Recent Trends in Information and Communication Systems (RTICS 2020)” organized and conducted online at Karpagam College of Engineering during 16th June to 20th June 2020.
- Participated in 3 days national level online FDP on “Research Topics in VLSI and Industry Trends” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, AP, during 29th May 2020 to 31st May 2020.
- Participated in 5 Days FDP on “Arduino” organized by Potti Sriramulu Chalavadi Mallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering and Technology , Vijayawada in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay from 29-04-2020 to 03-05-2020
- Participated in 3 Days FDP on “Hands on experience on Arduino using virtual tool” organized by Potti Sriramulu Chalavadi Mallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada in association IIC, MHRD from 25-06-2020 to 27-06-2020
- Participated in the 6 days AICTE sponsored online short term training programme on “Recent Trends and Challenges of Internet of Things in Automation- I” organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, RMD Engineering College, Kavaraipettai from 13.07.2020 to 18.07.2020
- Attended One week FDP on ”Academic Leadership” organized by MHRD, India and BSACIST from 01-04-2019 to 07-04-2019
Additional Activity:
- Resource person for AICTE ATAL one week FDP on “Sensor Technology” at G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool on 7th December 2021
- Expert member in AICTE Student Learning Assessment Project(SLAP) from April-June 2021
- Chairperson in IEEE conferences
- Reviewer for SCOPUS indexed Journals from Elsevier, Springer, Taylor-Francis publishers and IEEE conferences
- Technical Programme committee member in IEEE conferences
- Signed MoU with Eaton MTL Instruments Ltd and arranging internship, training programmes with the support of EIE faculty
- Established “Crescent Calibration Centre” with the support of EIE faculty for calibrating pressure, temperature, voltage, current measuring instruments.
- DC member for research scholars of Anna University, Sathyabama University, SRM University, VIT University
- Board of Studies member in Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumpudur, RMD Engineering College, Kavaraipettai.
- Started “NI Academy” in ECE Department
- Signed MoU with National Instruments during February 2016 and conducted training programmes with the support of ECE faculty
- Member of Institute’s Admission Council
Administrative Responsibilities:
- Head of the Department, ECE: 2013- 2016 (3 Years)
- Dean of Student affairs: 2016-2018 (2 Years)
- Head of the Department, EIE: 2017-2021 (4 Years)
- Additional Director, Centre for Sustainable Development: Feb 2023- May 2023
- Director, Centre for Sustainable Development: June 2023 – till date
- Nodal Officer, Students Grievance Redressal Cell: February 2023- till date