Mohammed Wajid Khan

Designation:Assistant Professor
Nature of Employment:Regular
Date of Joining:09.09.2022


Educational Background

DegreeDisciplineYear of PassingUniversity
Ph.DVLSIPursuingB S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
M.Tech.VLSI & EMBEDDED SYSTEMS2017B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
B.Tech.ECE2015Bharath Institute of science and technology

Work Experience

DesignationInstitutionDurationNo. of Years
Assistant ProfessorB.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & TechnologySeptember 2022 to till date6 months

Lecture Courses Handled

  • IoT
  • Cyber Security
  • Digital Electronics


Area of Research Interest

  • IoT
  • VLSI
  • Embedded System


International / National Journals

  • Mohammed Wajid Khan, S KajaMohideen, “Design and Implementation of Low power one Dimensional DCT architecture using MUX Based pipelined CORDIC Algorithm” Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol 14, issue 6, 2021. Elsevier Publisher.
  • Mohammed Wajid Khan, S KajaMohideen, “Design and Implementation of Low Power 8×8 Array Multiplier with Proposed CORDIC Algorithm Architecture” International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, vol 29, issue 8, 2020.
  • Wajid khan,S.KajaMohideen, S. Vijayakumar “Design and Implementation of 1D-DCT in CORDIC Using SPST” Journal of Advances in Electrical Systems and Applications, Vol 11, 2019.(Cite Score-0.19)
  • Wajid Khan, A Kumar, R BahlDesign and analysis of air acoustic vector-sensor configurations for two-dimensional geometry, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139 (5), 2815-2832, 2016.
  • S Pandey, M.W.Khan, R Hyder, R Pandurangan, A Selvi,Attaining Augmented Overhaul and Profit Maximization in Cognitive Wireless Interlock Networks, IJERT-2015

International / National Conferences

  • Mohammed Wajid Khan, S.KajaMohideen “Low Power Architecture for Barrel Shifter using MUX CORDIC” in 5th International Conference on Nano-electronics, Circuits &Communication Systems (NCCS-DEC 2019)
  • Mohammed Wajid Khan, S.KajaMohideen “Design and Implementation of array multiplier using CORDIC” ICCMSO International conference Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok-Thailand-January 2019
  • Wajid Khan, Kaja Mohideen,Gupta hardware architecture for eigenvalues computation using the modified jacobi algorithm on FPGA, 2019 5th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC)
  • Mohammed Wajid Khan, S.KajaMohideen , “Implementation of CORDIC Algorithm and It’s Architecture for High-Performance DCT Application“ , in IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical , Control and Communication – RTECC18 , March20-22,2018 at BSACIST.
  • Wajid Khan, Kaja Mohideen,Dual fixed-point CORDIC processor: Architecture and FPGA implementation, 2016 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig).

Books/ Book Chapters

  • Khan M.W., Vannammal Revathy V., MohideenS.Kaja (2021) “Design of Low Power Barrel Shifter Architecture by Using Proposed MUX Based CORDIC in CMOS Logic” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 692. Springer, Singapore. (Cite Score-0.32)


Professional Membership

  • International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
  • International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES)

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Department coordinator for Research and Publications
  • Department coordinator for Consultancy
  • Department coordinator for Ph.D. Admissions
  • Department Co-coordinatorfor NBA