Dr. Mohamed Ismail
![]() |
Designation | : | Professor & Dean (Academic Affairs) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 11.12.1996 |
Qualification | : | B.E.,M.S.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | 044-22751347 Extn 222 |
Email ID | : |, |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | VLSI | 2014 | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. |
M.S | Electronics and Control | 1997 | Birla Institute of Technology and Science |
B.E | ECE | 1989 | Madurai Kamaraj University |
Work Experience
Designation : | Professor & Dean Academic affairs |
Date of Joining at BSAIST: | 11.12.1996 |
Years of Experience at BSAIST: | 27 years |
Previous Experience : | 7 years |
Research Guidance
Currently Guiding 4 Ph.D Research scholars at BSA Crescent IST and Doctoral committee member for 11 Research scholars of other universities.
3 completed Ph.D.
Areas of Research Interest
- VLSI Modeling,
- Microprocessor and Microcontroller designs and
- Digital and Embedded systems Applications
Funded Projects
- Received fund Rs 1.28 Lakhs from Jasmin Infotech Chennai to implement the project titled “Fabrication of Oxygen Concentrator” under Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Scheme (2022).
- Received grant of Rs 1 Lakh from Jasmin Infotech Chennai to implement the project titled “IOT Enabled Surveillance System” under Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Scheme(2021-22)
- Received grant of Rs 1.5 Lakhs from Jasmin Infotech Chennai to implement the project titled “Digital Assistance to Saranalayam Old Age Home” under Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Scheme(2020)
Research proposal submitted:
- Project proposal titled “Design and Implementation of e-Cardiotocography (e-CTG) and interpretation of the symptoms using machine learning and deep learning techniques for the Cardiotocography signal” by Dr. U. SaburaBanu as Principal Investigator and Dr. Mohamed Ismail as co-PI under Maternal and Child Health Programme by Department of Biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology Division, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India was submitted on 13th January 2020
Research Publications- International Journals
- Anitha, G., Ismail, M., & Lakshmanaprabu, S. K. (2020). Identification and characterisation of choroidal neovascularisation using e-Health data through an optimal classifier. Electronic Government, an International Journal, 16(1-2), 39-55
- M. S. Kumar, , G. Sakthivel , R. Thiyagarajan , M. Vanmathi , R. V. Mangalaraja , M. Ismail , A. Elayaperumal “Synthesis and characterization of cordierite and cordierite-zirconia by conventional approach “Journal of ovonic research,Vol.18,No. 4,August 2022.
- M.Vanmathi, M.Mohamed Ismail, M. Senthil Kumar, ‘Optimization of RF sputtering process parameter on electrical resistivity , deposition rate and sensitivity of Al doped zno thin film grown on Si substrate using grey taguchitechnique”,Bulletin of material science,2019. (SCI)
- Vanmathi, M. Senthil Kumar, Mohamed Ismail, G. Senguttuvan,” .Optimization Of Process Parameters For Al-Doping Back Ground On CO Gas Sensing Characteristics Of Magnetron-Sputtered”, Material research express, page 1 to 14, August 2019.
- Anitha, G., and Mohamed Ismail. “Detection of Choroidal Neovascularization Through Characterization of Changes in Anterior and Posterior Eye Segments.” 3D Research (Springer) 9.3 (2018): 37. (SCI)-IF.0.762
- N. ParthibanAnitha, G., Ismail, M, (2019) ‘Identification and Characterization of Choroidal Neovascularisation using e-Health data through an optimal classifier’, Electronic Government (Inderscience) Accepted for publication
- Parthiban, Mohamed Ismail “A Dual band microstrip double slot antenna for wifi and wimax applications”, “International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering” (IJERCSE) Volume4, Issue 6, June 2017,pp 198-202.
- Vanmathi.M,MohamedIsmail,Senthilkumar.M,Venkateshvarlu.M,” Synthesis And Electrical Characterization Of Aluminium Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films”, Journal of Ovonic Research, Vol.No.13, Issue No.6, Page No.345-349,Impact Factor 0.698, November-December 2017.
- Anitha , Mohamed Ismail, Uwaiseahamed,” Analysis of diabetes Mellitus and NPDR through characterization of Changes in Tongue geometry features using NN classifier”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Volume No.117, Issue no.15, Page no.1015-1019, Impact factor 0.149.
- Ms. Venkata Lakshmi Sowmya Achanta,Mohamed Ismail M, , “Design of ARM7 Based Embedded Web Server,, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10,No.9 (2015), pp 6980- 6984.
- N.Parthiban , Mohamed Ismail M, “Compact UWB Co-axial fed low expensive Microstrip antenna for WLAN applications, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT), ), Volume 4,Issue 11,Nov 2015.
- K.Vidhya, Mohamed Ismail M, “Design of Pervasive Monitoring Systems using ARM-SoC for the Vital Signs, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10,No.9 (2015), pp 7010-7013.
- Mohamed Ismail M, Rangachar M.J.S, Paradesi Rao D.V, “VLSI Implementation of OFDM using efficient Mixed-radix 8-2 FFT Algorithm with bit reversal for the output sequences, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering Volume 5,No.4 (2012),pp 513-520
- Mohamed Ismail M, Rangachar M.J.S, Paradesi Rao D.V, “An Area Efficient mixed Radix 4-2 FFT Algorithm for OFDM Systems.” European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR, Volume 40, No. 4 (2010),pp515-521.(This journal is indexed in Scopus with Impact factor 0.48)
- Mohamed Ismail M, Rangachar M.J.S, Paradesi Rao D.V “VLSI Implementation and Performance Analysis of efficient mixed-radix 8-2 FFT Algorithm with bit reversal for the output sequences, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology(JATIT), Volume 11,No.2 (2010),pp164-168.
- Mohamed Ismail M, Rangachar M.J.S, Paradesi Rao D.V , “Design and Analysis of FFT Architectures using VLSI” in the International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications (IJERIA), India ,Volume 2,No.I (2009),pp237-245.
International Conference
- M.P. Nageswari, Mohamed Khaja Sheriff, U. SaburaBanu, Mohamed Ismail “Classification of Abnormalities in Brain using GLCM And RLM with Neural Network Classifier”. International Conference in Trends in Industrial Measurements and Automation organized by Department of Instrumentation Engineering, MIT campus, Anna University, during 6th to 8th January 2017.
- M.Arulvani, M.Mohammed Ismail, R.Mahalakshmi “Process Variation Effects on FinFET based Content Addressable Memory” International Conference on communication and Signal Processing, 2017 Volume : 1, ISBN : 978-1-5090-3799-5/17.
- Vanmathi, Mohammed Ismail, Synthesis, Characterization and Electrical properties of TiO2 and Al doped TiO2 thin films deposited by thermal evaporation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies for Smart and Clean Cities (SETS & CC-2016), Pp. 182, July 27th -29th ,Tirupati, India .
- Vanmathi, Mohammed Ismail, M. Senthil Kumar, M. Venkateswarlu, V. Elango, Effect of the Sol gel coating on Microstructural, Optical and Electrical properties of Al doped ZnO thin films, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies for Smart and Clean Cities (SETS & CC-2016), Pp. 121, July 27th -29th , Tirupati, India .
- S.Nithyanandam, Dr.Mohamed Ismail, “Design and Development of Enhanced Embedded system for severity estimation and accident avoidance in automotive application”, in International conference on Innovative Research in Electrical sciences, 2016(ICRES 2016), 21.05.2016.
- Ms. Venkata Lakshmi SowmyaAchanta,Mohamed Ismail M, , “Design of ARM7 Based Embedded Web Server,, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10,No.9 (2015), pp 6980- 6984.
- Parthiban , Mohamed Ismail M, “Compact UWB Co-axial fed low expensive Microstrip antenna for WLAN applications, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology(IJERT), ), Volume 4,Issue 11,Nov 2015.
- VidhyaMohamed Ismail M, , “Design of Pervasive Monitoring Systems using ARM-SoC for the Vital Signs, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10,No.9 (2015), pp 7010-7013.
- The Paper Titled “Real time supervisory control for hybrid power system” presented in international conference conducted by RMD Engg. College (2013)
- Mohamed Nooruzzaman Khan, Mohamed Ismail.M., Jawahar, P.K,” An efficient FFT/IFFT architecture for wireless communication“, IEEE sponsored International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP) conducted by Adhiparasakthi Engineering college, Melmaruvathur, March,2012.
- The Paper Titled “Network Management for Residential Broad Band Interactive Services“, presented in international conference on “Asia Pacific Telecom 2000”, organised by Vellore Engg. College, Vellore during Dec’2000.
- The Paper Titled “Study and Analysis of contemporary FFT Algorithms and its VLSI Implementation” presented in international conference on “Trends in Intelligent Electronic Systems TIES-2007”, organized by Sathyabama University, Chennai and IGCAR (Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research) during 12-14, Nov’2007
Paper Presented in National Conference
- Paper Titled “Enhanced Security system using an Embedded Real Time Finger Vein Detection” Presented in National conference, conducted by GKM College, 2014.
- Paper Titled “Design and Implementation of Floating point Unit in hybrid FPGA” Presented in National conference, conducted by Thiruvalluvar College, 2013.
- Paper Titled “Modeling wireless mobile network using Asynchronous VLSI” Presented in National conference on VLSI design and Testing , conducted by PSG college of Technology , Coimbatore Feb’2003.
- Paper Titled “Synthesis of timed Asynchronous circuits without state graph generation” Presented in National conference on VLSI design and Testing, conducted by PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore Feb’2003.
- Paper Titled “An Environment for a Virtual Hypermedia Factor” Presented in Southern Regional Conference (SRC-2000), conducted by CSI chapter, Pondicherry during June’2000.
- Paper Titled “Recent Trends in Polymer applications in Electronics” Presented in National Seminar on polymers in new millennium, conducted by Anna university, Chennai-25,during march 25-26,1999.
- Paper Titled “Security system using finger vein detection ” Presented in National conference, conducted by Karunya university, Coimbator
List of Conferences, Short-term Courses etc. participated
- Attended a Refresher Course on “Modern MOS technology tools and design” Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi, Organised by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology during 28 NOV’ 05 to 17 DEC’ 05.
- Undergone three months training in VLSI Design course at ACCEL TECHNOLOGIES, Chennai during April’2002 june 2002.
- Attended the Beginner’s course of Intel Teach to the future program from 27.5.02 to 17.6.02
- Attended intensive training programme on MATHCAD,ORGANISED BY ISTE CHAPTER OF OUR COLLEGE on31.3.04 and 1.4.04.
- Attended a two days training programme on ‘Advanced VLSI software and hardware tools’ at VDesign training and placement center, Pondicherry from 4.3.03 to 5.3.03.
- Participated in the two day workshop on “Physical design and Verification Issues in ASIC “on 8th and 9th Sep’05, organized by Madras Institute of technology, Anna university,Chennai-44.
- One day seminar in VLSI Design at Muthukumaran Institute of Technology, Chennai on 25.01.2002.
- Attended a two days Seminar on Embedded systems in Automotive and Industrial Automation organized by Software technology Park of India in association with Embedded forum of India on 24th and 25th FEB’ 06 at Chennai.
- Attended 2 day workshop on CMOS VLSI Design at MS Ramaiah School of advanced studies, Bangalore on 18.08.06 and 19.08.06
- Attended the International conference on “Asia Pacific Telecom 2000” organised by Vellore Engg. College, Vellore During Dec.2000
- Attended the National Seminar on “Polymers for the New Millennium”, held at the University of Madras, Chennai-25 during March 25-26, 1999.
- Attended the International Conference on “Evolutionary Computing for computer communication, control and Power” (ECCAP-2000) organised by our college during 4-7, Jan’2000.
Additional Responsibilities:
- Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs) till 2022
- Member- Academic Council-Crescent Institute
- Member-Board of Studies-ECE department- Crescent Institute
- NBA coordinator- M.Tech (VLSI & ES) program.
- Member -Curriculum Revision-ECE Department.
- UG/PG Project committee member
- Laboratory Incharge- Microprocessor Lab
- MoU with Jasmin Infotech
- Member-PG DAAC Committee
- Member- Research Review committee
- Time table coordinator
- Incharge-Projector Installation to all class rooms
- ISO Internal Auditor, etc.
Organizing committee Member
- “Advancements in VLSI, DSP and RF Communication” -06 & 07 April 2006 (WAVDC 2006).
- Workshop on “Advancements in VLSI and Embedded Systems”-05 & 06, November 2007 (WAVES 2007).
- Organizing Committee member in the national Conference on Multimedia signal Processing and broadband technologies -9-10 JAN’ 08.
- National Conference on “Recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication- NCRVIC 2009” conducted on March 11, 2009.
- Coordinator in the National Conference on “Recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication- NCRVIC 2010, conducted March 31,2010.
Technical Exhibitions organized
- Co-Convenor of “Open House and Technical Exhibition – 2015” organised on 9th and 10th January 2015 at BSAIST.
- Co-Convenor of “Science Exhibition & Technical Expo- 2015” organised on 23rd and 24th January 2015 at Madurai Crescent School campus.
- Co-Convenor of “Open House and Technical Exhibition – 2014” organised on 30th and 31st March 2014 at BSAIST.
Organizing committee Member
- Coordinator in the National Conference on “Recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication- NCRVIC 2015
- “Advancements in VLSI, DSP and RF Communication” -06 & 07 April 2006 (WAVDC 2006).
- Workshop on “Advancements in VLSI and Embedded Systems”-05 & 06, November 2007 (WAVES 2007).
- Organizing Committee member in the national Conference on Multimedia signal Processing and broadband technologies -9-10 JAN’ 08.
- National Conference on “Recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication- NCRVIC 2009” conducted on March 11, 2009.
- Coordinator in the National Conference on “Recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication- NCRVIC 2010, conducted March 31,2010.
- IMPULSE 2011, an inter college symposium during October 2011.
- Workshop on “Electronics Measurement & instrumentation” on 20th & 24th September 2012.
- Organizing Guest Lecture and Internship for students periodically