Dr. M.Syed Masood
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Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 18.06.1997 |
Qualification | : | MCA,M.E.,Ph.D. |
Phone | : | |
Email ID | : | |
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D. | Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences | 2018 | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology |
M.E. | Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) | 2004 | Anna University |
MCA | Computer Applications | 1995 | Bharathidasan University |
B.Sc. | Computer Science | 1992 | Madurai Kamaraj University |
Teaching and Research Experience
S.No | Organization | Designation | Period of service |
1 | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | Associate Professor | 01.07.2019 – Till date |
2 | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | Asst.Professor (Sel. Gr) | 09.03.2010 – 30.06.19 |
3 | B.S.Abdur Rahman University | Asst.Professor (Sr. Gr) | 01.09.2004 – 08.03.2010 |
4 | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College | Lecturer | 18.06.1997 – 31.08.2004 |
5 | MIET Arts College | Lecturer | 04.12.1995 – 05.05.1997 |
Teaching Experience: 27 Years and 3 months
Lecture Courses Handled
- Network Security
- Data Mining and Data Warehousing
- Organizational Behavior
- Computer Fundamentals and Organization
- Computer Organization and Operating System
Project Guidance: Guiding minimum of 6 projects every year
Research Experience: Guiding two Ph. D. Research Scholars (1 FT and 1 PT)
Supervisor Recognition Reference Number : CA/18/08
- Sivakani. R, and Syed Masood. M, Prediction of Dementia using Machine Learning Model and Performance Improvement with Cuckoo Algorithm in International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering published by International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 13(4), 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
- Sivakani. R, and Syed Masood. M, Comparative Analysis of the Performance Metrics for Machine Learning Classifiers with a Focus on Alzheimer’s disease Data. Acta Informatica Pragensia, 12(1), 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
- Sivakani R, and Syed Masood. M, Analysis of COVID-19 and its Impact on Alzheimer’s Patient using Machine Learning Techniques, International Journal of Computing, 21(4), 468-474, 2022. (Scopus Indexed).
- Radhika. A, Dr. M.Syed Masood, “Crop Yield Prediction by Integrating ET-DP Dimensionality Reduction and ABP-XGBOOST Technique”, Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, Nov 2022, Volume 1, Issue 4, Pp no: 177-196 (Scopus / SCI Indexed).
- Radhika. A, Dr. M.Syed Masood, “Effective dimensionality reduction by using soft computing method in data mining techniques”, Soft Computing, January 2021, Volume 25, Issue no: 6, Pp no: 4643-4651., ISSN No.14327643, 14337479 (Scopus Indexed).
- Syed Masood M. and Sheik Abdul Khader P., “Enhanced Round Robin Packet Scheduling Technique to support Multimedia Applications in MANET”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN: 0973-4562, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 8699-8713, 2015 (Scopus Indexed).
- Syed Masood M., Sheik Abdul Khader P. and Mohamed Abbas A., “Performance of TCP TAHOE and SACK over Loop-Free Multipath Reactive Routing Protocol in MANET”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN: 1992-8645 ,Vol. 64 ,No.2, pp. 504 – 510, June 2014 (Scopus Indexed).
- Syed Masood M. and Sheik Abdul Khader P., “Disjoint Multipath Probabilistic Based Reactive Routing over TCP Variants in Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, International Journal of Research in Advance Technology in Engineering (IJRATE), ISSN : 2347 – 7806, Vol. 1, Special Issue, pp. 135 – 139, October 2013.
- Syed Masood M. and Sheik Abdul Khader P., “Reducing Control Packets through Modified AODV with TCP Tahoe in MANET”, International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR), ISSN: 2277 – 8179, Vol. 2, Issue 8, pp. 143 – 146, August 2013.
- Sivakani R, and Syed Masood, Medication Analysis and Predication Alzheimer’s Disease using Machine Learning Techniques in International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, Inderscience publisher (Communicated on 27.01.2023 – Web of Science Indexed).
- Sivakani R, and Syed Masood, A case study on imputation techniques for handling missing data – A smart review in ASEAN Journal on Science & Technology for Development (Communicated on 26.11.2022- Scopus Indexed).
- Radhika. A, Dr. M. Syed Masood, “Crop Yield Prediction Framework Based on Cognitive Deep- Multiple Linear Regressions”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and communication Journal (Communicated in Feb 2023 – Scopus Indexed).
- Sivakani R, and Syed Masood, Prediction of disease using the retinal image in deep learning, ICCCES-Conference, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 977, Springer publication, 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
- Ms.R. Sivakani, Dr.M.Syed Masood, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, presented a paper titled “Retinal image in early prediction of Alzheimer’s disease using deep learning technique”, International Conference on Advances in Data Science Challenges with Big Data Analysis (ICADSC 2022), organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Applications and Department of Computer Science, Kattankulathur, Chennai – 603203, held during February 16 – 17, 2022.
- Radhika .A, M. Syed Masood, Roshan S, Sri Deepak Sakkaravarthi SS,B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science & Technology , “Premier League Table Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Engineering & Technology -3rd ICMPET-2021:: DATE: 24th-October-2021,Chirala,Andhra Pradesh, India”, International Institute of Research in Multidisciplinary – Skill Development Trust, BEST PAPER AWARD (In the Conference they have published only the abstract and in the Webology Journal they have published full paper).
- Radhika. A, M.Syed Masood, ”Comparison& Evaluation of Effective Data Mining Techniques For Crop Yield Prediction”, A International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences-ICRACE’20 (978-81-909948-9-7) March 6th and 7th , 2020.
- Syed Masood M. and Sheik Abdul Khader P., “Effective Queue Management using Fuzzy Logic for Congestion Control in Delay Sensitive Applications over Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Springer International Conference on “Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications” (ERCICA 2015), doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-0287-8_36, Vol. 3, pp.385-395, 2015.
- Syed Masood M. and Sheik Abdul Khader P., “Survey on TCP variants over AODV for reliability in Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, National Conference on Computing and Communication (NCCC ’12), Ganadipathy Tulsi’s Jain Engineering College, Vellore, Vol. 1, pp. 161-165, 2012.
- Anantha Nag R. and M.Syed Masood, “ Enhancing Quality of Service by alternate routing with mobility prediction in MANET”, Velammal Institute of Technology , Chennai – 601204 organized by Dept. of CSE, National Conference on Advanced Computing Technology, (NaCACT ’13) held on 2nd May 2013.
- M.Syed Masood and S.SaiKrishnan, “Enhanced AODV for delay sensitive Application in MANET”, Jaya Engineering College, Thiruninravur, organized by Dept of IT & CSE, National Conference on Web Technology and Open Sources’ (WEBTOPS) held on 20th April 2013.
- Ramya T and M.Syed Masood, “Improved AODV for increasing Packet Delivery Ratio in MANET”, Jaya Engineering College, Thiruninravur, organized by Dept. of IT & CSE, National Conference on Web Technology and Open Sources’ (WEBTOPS) held on 20th April 2013.
- M.Syed Masood and C.Ravichandra Babu, ”Increasing Throughput using TCP Congestion Window Adaptation Mechanism in MANET’, Jaya Engineering College, Thiruninravur, organized by Dept of IT & CSE, National Conference on Web Technology and Open Sources’ (WEBTOPS) held on 20th April 2013.
- M.Syed Masood and Hasiya Banu, “Improved QoS routing for reducing the Average end to end delay in MANET”, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur – 603 319, organized by Dept. of Computer Applications, National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Technologies’ (NCRACT ‘ 13) held on April 10, 2013.
- K.Fathima Farzana and M.Syed Masood, “Reducing the Packet Loss using Modified TCP Vegas in MANET”, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur – 603 319, organized by Dept. of Computer Applications, National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Technologies’ (NCRACT ‘ 13) held on April 10, 2013.
- M.Syed Masood and K.Gomathi “Enhancing Throughput using Modified TCP Reno in MANETs”, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur – 603 319, organized by Dept. of Computer Applications, National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Technologies’ (NCRACT ‘ 13) held on April 10, 2013.
- M.Prasanna Kumar, T.Saravanaraja, and M.Syed Masood, “Algorithmic Proposal for Performance Enhancement in MANET through modified AODV”, National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Web Technologies’ (RTWT ’13), October 04-05, 2013, organized by Dept. of Computer Applications, BSAIST. (Conference Proceedings also published in International Journal of Research In Advance Technology in Engineering (IJRATE), Volume 1, Special Issue, October 2013.)
Recently attended Capacity building workshops:
Name of the Training programme | Place where held | Name of the Organizing body | Duration |
Training Programme on Academic Leadership | The New College, Chennai | Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and The New College,Chennai, MHRD, Govt. of India | 6 days (17 January 2018 – 23 January 2018) |
Workshop on “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research” | BSACU | office of Dean (Academic Research) | 6 days (31.07.2017 – 05.08.2017) |
FDP on ‘R’ Programming | BSACIST | ICT Academy in association with SCIMS and Crescent Faculty Training Academy | 1st & 2nd March 2018 |
CYBERCREST’18 Technical Symposium | BSACIST | CA Dept. | 10.04.2018 |
CYBERCREST’ 19 Technical Symposium | BSACIST | Department Coordinator | Inauguration held on 20.09.2018 |
Institution level:
Assistant Director (Admissions): Oct 2017 to Jan 2023
- B.Tech. admission process – University Representative for BSAUEEE for other District Centre, since April 2013 (Trichy / Tirunelveli / Madurai). As a university representative actively involved in Admission Expo conducted at Tirunelveli during April 8th & 9th 2017.
- DNV Certified ISO Internal Auditor (Successfully completed the Quality Management Training) – BSACU ISO Internal Auditor to audit Inter department files, since 2004.
- Coordinator for Anti Ragging Committee for Computer Science Block for the academic Year 2018 – 19.
Department Level:
- Class Advisor
- Computer Society of India (CSI) Coordinator 2015 – 2017
- Member in Board of studies (BoS)
- Department Academic Audit Committee (DAAC) Member
- Project Review Committee Coordinator / Member
- Department Exam Cell Coordinator till Nov. 2017