Dr. G.Anitha
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Designation | : | Assistant Professor (Sel. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E, M.E, PhD |
Email ID | : | |
Academic Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Institution | Year of Passing |
Ph.D | EIE | BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | 2022 |
M.E | Instrumentation Engg. | Madras Institute of Technology, Anna university,Chennai | 2007 |
B.E | EIE | Govt.College of Technology, Coimbatore | 2002 |
Teaching Experience
Sl.No | Position held | From | To | Organisation |
1 | Assistant Professor (Sel. Gr.) | 01.09.2019 | Till date | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology |
2 | Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) | 13.01.13 | 31.08.19 | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology |
3 | Lecturer | 6.7.07 | 31.3.09 | B.S.A. Crescent Engineering college |
Areas of Research Interest
- Biomedical Image Processing
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Bio medical Instrumentation
- ANN based modeling and control
Publications in Journals:
- G.Anitha, N. Supriya, F. Alenezi, E. Laxmi Lydia, G. P. Joshi et al., “Chicken swarm optimization with deep learning based packaged rooftop units fault diagnosis model,” Computer Systems Science and Engineering, vol. 47, no.1, pp. 221–238, 2023 - Vellivel, P., Vembu, S., Gunasekaran, A., & Vaithilingam, S. (2023). Water depth effect on energy, exergy losses, and exergy efficiency of solar still with wick materials: an experimental research. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-13 - Parimala Vellivel, Savithri Vembu, Anitha G , Kalaivani Selvaraj “Comparative study of conventional solar still with and without black painted wick materials: energy and exergy study ”Desalination and water treatment, 294 (2023) 11–19, May 2023 - Anitha, G., Ismail, M., & Lakshmanaprabu, S. K. (2020). Identification and characterisation of choroidal neovascularisation using e-Health data through an optimal classifier. Electronic Government, an International Journal, 16(1-2), 39-55
- Gomathy V, Malini K V, Hemavathy P R, Anitha G, Abdul Wahid Nasir. (2020). Design of Multivariable PI Controller for Distillation Column using Simulated Annealing Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 2807 – 2814.
- Anitha, G., and Mohamed Ismail. “Detection of Choroidal Neovascularization through Characterization of Changes in Anterior and Posterior Eye Segments.” 3D Research 9.3 (2018): 37.
- G.Anitha, Mohamed Ismail ,Uwise Ahmed.A “Analysis of Diabetes Mellitus and NPDR through Characterization of Changes in Tongue Geometry Features using NN Classifier” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Volume 117 ,No. 15, 2017, 1015-1019
- G.Anidha,U.Sabura Banu,’ Automatic Characterization of Choroidal Neovascularization Lesions in Fluorescein Angiograms using Parametric Modeling’ International Journal of Computer Applications,(2014)pp 0975 – 8887.
- G.Anidha, U.Sabura Banu,’ Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Assisted Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy from Fundus Image’, International Journal of Computer Applications, (2013) pp 0975 – 8887.
Industrial visits arranged
- Organized and accompanied an industrial visit for Second year and Third year students to Hatsun Agro Products Plant at Kanchipuram district on 23.02,23
- Organized and accompanied an industrial visit for Third year students to TVS Training and Services Centre, Ambattur on 05.02.19
- Organized and accompanied an industrial visit for final year students to Chemin C & I, Pondicherry on 28.08.2019
- Organized and accompanied an industrial visit for Third year students to Signals And Systems (India) Private Limited on 29.10.18
National/International conferences
- G. Anitha, A. S. Usman, S. Ahmed and H. Nasser, “Detection of Brain Tumor using Machine Learning Classifiers – A Comparative Study,” 2022 OPJU International Technology Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development (OTCON), Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/OTCON56053.2023.10113960.
- P.Harini, J.Deepan Raj , G.Anitha “Crop pest detection in natural scenes using Yolo V3 Convolutional Neural Network” in 3rd International conference on Recent trends in Engineering Technology and management organized by Christ The King Engineering College in collaboration with Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan held on 06.05.23. ISBN:- 978-93-5406-579-8
- Shafiq Ahamed S ,Tejas A, G.Anitha “Intelligent Coal Mine Monitoring using Lorawan” International conference on Innovation, Creativity and Computing applications in Engineering, Pharmacy, Architecture and Management –ICICAEPHAM 2023 organized by Nehru Group of Institutions-Kerala 29.04.23. ISBN:- 978-93-5406-579-8
- Yaasir Ahamad. M.S, G.Anitha, Mohammed Asith. N presented paper on “A deep learning classifier for face mask detection in the Era of the Covid-19 Epidemic”, International conference on contemporary research advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICCRAME 2023) organized by Ramco Institute of Technology on 24.03.23.
- Anitha.G,Sabura Banu.U, Abhineshjayram.M &Gowtham.S, “identification of Choroidal Neovascularization through the salient features of Optical Coherence Tomography images”, 8th International Conferencer on Applied Science, engineering and Technology, Pondicherry on 30.12.19. (ISBN: 978-93-89107-68-5)
- G.Anitha, Naveeth Imran, Raseena Parvin& Ranjan Krishna “Measurement of angle of elevation and Drusens in OCT images” at International conference on Recent trends in Electronics, Computing and Communication Engineering 2019 (ICRTECC 2019), Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai on 26.04.19.(ISBN:978-81-940474-1-4)
- G.Anitha, Mohamed Faisal M.S ,Mohamed Uzaer.A “ A comparative study of various machine learning classifiers on Choroidal Neovascularization data” at the International conference on Recent trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research” , APC Mahalakshmi College for Women , Tuticorin on 20.12.18 (ISBN : 978-81-939399-6-3)
- G.Anitha “Characterization of changes in retinal pigment epithelium layer in Choroidal Neovascularization” in the International conference on Applied Research in Engineering –iCARE14 at Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engineering College, Chennai during 21-23 May 2014 (ISBN 978-93-5107-243-0)
- G. Anitha, U. SaburaBanu “ANT colony optimized Edge Detection for the segmentation of Choroidal Neovascularization” at “International conference for convergence of Technology-2014” at Pune during 6th April to 8th April 2014. (ISBN: 978-1-4799-3759-2/14)
- G.Anitha, Feras Ahmed .A “Mathematical modeling of Choroidal Neo Vascularization” International Conference on Engineering and Technology at National Institute for Engineering and Research, may 2017.
- G. Anitha, Dr.U.SaburaBanu, Mr. Uwise Ahmed “Analyzing choroidal Neovascularization through characterization of changes in posterior eye segment ”at the International Conference on Technical Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.RangarajanDr.Sakunthala Engineering College held on 20.8.15.
- Priyadharshini.M, Anitha.G “Analysis of Anterior and Posterior Eye Segment in Age related Macular Degeneration” at National Conference on Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Automation, Department of E&I, Vellammal Engineering College, Chennai 10.4.2015.
- Ms. G. Anitha, U. Saburabanu, Mohamed Thowfiq Raja “Automatic Characterization of Choroidal Neovascularization Lesions in Fluorescein Angiograms using Parametric Modeling” at National Conference on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Quality Software CiQS 2014 organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology on 21.08.14
- G.Anitha,U. Saburabanu, “Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Assisted Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy from Fundus Image” at Recent Trends in Computer Applications (NCRTCA’13) organized by SSN Engineering College held on 26th July 2013.
Guest lectures delivered
- Delivered lecture on “Introduction to Digital Image Processing” in Workshop on “Matlab and its applications” at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 29.3.12
- Delivered lecture on” Intensity Spatial Transformation” in Workshop on “Digital Image Processing using Matlab and Labview” at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 4th September 2013
Guest lecturers arranged
- Arranged a presentation for 3rd yr students on “ How to prepare for GATE” delivered by Mr.Syed Saleem,The Gate acdamey, chennai on 19.9.18
- Arranged a presentation for 3rd yr students on “Soft skills” and “how to prepare for interviews” delivered by Mr.Bhaskar, Manya Institute, Tambaram, Chennai
Awards/Achievements received
- Ms. G. Anidha, AP(S.G)/EIE received best paper presented award for the paper titled “Analyzing choroidal Neovascularization through characterization of changes in posterior eye segment ”at the International Conference on Technical Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College held on 20.8.15.
NPTEL Courses completed
- 12 week course on “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things” in Dec.2023
- 12 week course on “Control systems” in October 2022.
- 4 week course on Introduction to Machine Learning (Tamil) in March 2022
- Organized a IEEE sponsored Workshop on Machine learning and Deep learning for Bio-medical applications for the benefit of faculty and scholars
- Organized a webinar on Significance of Engineering Education in the Modern world on 04.06.22 for the benefit of 12th students. Dr.A.Abudhahir, Professor (EIE),Director(IQAC) of BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology gave the leture
- Organized a Webinar on Importance of Engineering Education in the Modern world 03.06.21. The resource person is Dr.A.Abudhahir, Professor (EIE),Director(IQAC) of BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
- Organized a webinar on GlobalopportunitiesforInstrumentation Engineers on 20.05.23 and 18.06.22 for creating an awareness among school students. Mr.J.V.Parthasarathy, Pump Instrumentation Specialist, Ruhrpumpen India Pvt.Ltd gave the lecture.
- Organized a webinar on “Global opportunities in Instrumentation” on 20.6.2020
- Organized society (SEIE) inaugural function on 06-02-2020
- Arranged workshop on “Signal and Image processing using Matlab”for third year EIE students on 10.10.18
- Organized two days national level workshop on “Research Oriented Approaches on Biomedical Image Processing using MATLAB” on 11th and 12th April 2017
- Conducted one day workshop on “Digital signal processing using MATLAB” for third year students on 10.3.17
- Organized a one day workshop on “ Simulation of control systems using Matlab” on 6.10.17 for the benefit of IV year EIE students.
- Organized a one day workshop on “Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB” on 6.5.16 for the benefit of III year EIE students
- Conducted one day hands on training in “MATLAB and its applications” on 19.9.15.
- Delivered lecture on ‘Digital Image processing’ in two-day workshop on Matlab and its Applications at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 30.3.2012
- Organized two day National workshop on “MATLAB and Labview applications for Bio-medical Applications” during 14th and 15th December, 2011.
- Organized two day National workshop on “MATLAB and Labview applications for Bio-medical Applications” during 14th and 15th December, 2011.
- Organized student’s technical symposium Precision 2009.
Workshop / Seminar / FDP Attended
- Attended a webinar on Skills for Personality Development on 23.11.23 organized by B S A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
- Attended a workshop on Engineering Design-An activity bases approach on 11.09.23 organized by B S A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
- Attended an Online FDP on Machine learning and Deep learning : Recent trends and applications from 1.5.23 to 5.5.23 organized by OP Jindal University, Raigarh
- Attended an Online FDP on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Image Analysis from 13.02.23 to 17.02.23 organized by CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
- Attended an online STTP on Frontier Areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering : An Industry-Academia Convergence from 27/09/21 to 1/10/21 organized by NIT, Uttarakhand
- Attended an International Conference on “Multidisciplinary Roles of Pharmacist From Benchside to Bedside and Beyond from 28.06.21 to 29.06.21 organized by Sathyabama Institute Of Science and Technology
- Attended a FDP on Machine learning Techniques for imaging and Healthcare with Python from 28.01.21 to 10.02.21 organized by Sri sai Ram Engineering college
- Attended an Online STTP on “AI in Healthcare” from 14.12.20 to 20.12.20 organized by SSN college of Engineering
- Attended a FDP on Digital image processing and its Techniques from 6.7.20 to 10.7.20 organized by B S A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
- Attended a FDP on Deep learning Application -Design development and Deployment in IoT Edge from 27.5.20 to 29.5.20 organized by SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy
- Attended a FDP on Health Care and Clinical Research from 4.6.20 to 10.6.20 organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
- Attended a STTP on Internet of Things, Big data Cloud-IDBC 2020-Phase II from 17.8.20 to 22.8.20 organized CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Attended a Webinar on Engineering Optimization-Methods and applications on 27.7.20 organized by Shri Eshwari College of Engineering, Coimbatore
- Attended a Workshop on Analytical Instrumentation from 5.7.20 to 9.7.20 organized by B S A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
- Attended a Webinar on Machine learning-Biomedical and Telecom applications 18.5.20 organized by EIE Dept, Velammal Engineering College
- Attended one day workshop on “Image classification using Matlab” at Intellectz Tech, Chennai on 7/6/18
- Attended 5 days workshop on “Biomedical Signal Processing and Computational Biology for Healthcare Applications” at BSAIST, May 2017
- Attended workshop on “Industrial Automation using PLC” organized by the Dept.of EEE, BSAIST, Jan 2016
- Attended workshop on “program objectives and program educational objectives” at BSAIST, Feb, 2016
- Attended workshop on “Research Methodology and Quality Assurance” at BSAIST, Dec 2016.
- Attended national workshop on ‘Advanced computing for control and optimisation’ on 8th – 9th Jan 2016 organised by Industrial Automation and Instrumentation division, VIT University, Vellore.
- Attended a one day workshop on ‘Industrial Automation using PLC’ on 20th Jan 2016 organised by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg., B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, vandalur, Chennai- 48.
- Attended national workshop on ‘Role of mathematics in Bio-modelling’ on 1st August 2015 at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, vandalur, Chennai- 48.
- Attended Hands on training programme on ‘soft computing using Matlab’ organised by Department of computer technology, MIT campus, Anna University, Chennai – 44 during 28-30 Aug 2015
- Attended one day seminar on MATLAB & Simulink for Engineering Education on 20.8.14b in Chennai
- Attended two-day workshop on ‘End-to-End Exploration of Matlab for Image Analysis’ conducted by Anna University.(12th to 13th Apr 2013)
- Attended national seminar on ‘Medical Imaging Techniques and Telemedicine’ conducted by Easwari Engineering college.(21st to 22nd Mar 2012)
- Attended one day collaborative workshop on “Excellence in Academic Performance and Leadership Skills” at BSAIST (6th July 2012)
- Attended one day collaborative workshop on “Control Valves, Actuators and their Industrial Applications” at BSAIST (22nd Aug 2012)
- Attended Educators Day organized by National Instruments(17th Oct 2012)\
- Attended Pre-conference tutorial on MEMS for Industrial Applications organized by Anna University, Jan 6- 2011
- Attended Pre-conference tutorial on MEMS for Industrial Applications organized by Anna University, Jan 6- 2011
- Attended national workshop on ‘Intelligent Modeling and Control using Matlab and Labview’ conducted by Easwari Engineering college( 25th-27th, August 2011)
- Attended two-day workshop on ‘PID Controller’ conducted by MIT, Anna University.
- Attended national workshop on ‘Intelligent Modeling and Control using Matlab and Labview’ conduted by Easwari Engineering college during 28-30, june 2010 and 25-27, August 2011.
- Attended workshop on ‘Recent Trends in Evolutionary Computation in Electrical Engineering’ conducted by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Attended the In-House orientation programme conducted by B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College.
- Attended the national seminar on’ Automation Systems Technology and Tutorial on Advanced Automation’ conducted by MIT, Anna University.
- Attended national seminar on ‘Medical Imaging Techniques and Telemedicine’ conducted by Easwari Engineering college.
- Attended faculty development program on ‘Biomedical Instrumentation’ conducted by SriSairam Engineering College.
- Attended faculty development program on ‘Computer Networks and DCS’ conducted by BSA Cresent Engineering College.
- Attended two-day workshop on ‘PID Controller’ conducted by MIT, Anna University.(17th & 18th Sep 2010)
- Attended one day workshop on ‘Recent Trends in Evolutionary Computation in Electrical Engineering’ conducted by B S Abdur Rahman Institute ( 2nd Nov 2010)
- Attended national workshop on ‘Evolutionary Optimization Techniques-EOT 2009’ conducted by B S Abdur Rahman Institute ( 23rd March 2009)
- Attended the national seminar on’ Automation Systems Technology and Tutorial on Advanced Automation’ conducted by MIT, Anna University(18th & 10th Dec 2009)
- Attended the national seminar on’ Automation Systems Technology and Tutorial on Advanced Automation’ conducted by MIT, Anna University(18th & 10th Dec 2009)
Professional Membership
- Life Member of Instrument Society of India, ISOI