Dr. C. Tharini
![]() |
Designation | : | Professor & Dean (SECS) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Date of Joining | : | 13.06.2002 |
Qualification | : | B.E.,M.E,Ph.D |
Phone | : | +91-44-22759238, Extn: 238 |
Email ID | : |, |
Educational Background
S.No | Programme | Class | University | Year of Completion |
1. | Ph.D (Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering) | Completed | Anna University, Chennai | 2011 |
2. | M.E (Applied Electronics) | I | Bharathiar University | 2002 |
3. | B.E | I | Madras University | 1997 |
Work Experience
Designation : | Professor & Head (SECS) |
Date of Joining at BSACIST : | 13.06.2002 |
Years of Experience at BSACIST : | 22 years and 10 months |
Previous Experience : | 4 years |
Organization Name & Address | Designation | Job Description | From | To |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai | Dean | Administration | 01.01.23 | Till date |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai | HOD | Administration | 22.4.16 | 31.12.22 |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai | Professor | Teaching /Research | 13.6.12 | 21.4.16 |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai | AP(SG) | Teaching /Research | 1.4.09 | 12.6.12 |
Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Lecturer | Teaching /Research | 13.6.02 | 31.3.09 |
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore | Lecturer | Teaching /Research | 1.11.2000 | 30.4.02 |
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore | Project Assistant | Research | 23.3.98 | 31.10.2000 |
Research Guidance
- Currently guiding 5 research scholars
- Six research scholars completed PhD
Areas of Research Interest
- Nano material based sensors
- Wireless Networks
- Wireless Communication
- Signal Processing
Patent Published
- Title of Patent Journal: A System and Method for Encoding and Decoding Data for Communication and Cloud data storage, India Patent, 18 Nov 2022,Appln.202241064171
- Title of Patent : A system for detecting leakages & blockages in micro irrigation systems CBR date 15.12.19 and CBR No-41381
Funded Projects
- Received grant of Rs 3584360 for the project titled ‘ Development of low cost reader for soil macronutrient detection using printed electrode and integrated android application from the department of biotechnology.(2022-24)
- Received grant of Rs. 16.66 lakhs for the project titled “Modernization of RF and Microwave Lab forSignal Quality Measurements in Sub 3Ghz” from AICTE under Modernization andRemovalofobsolescence (MoDRoB)scheme”(2020-2022).
- Received fund Rs 1.28 Lakhs from Jasmin Infotech Chennai to implement the project titled “Fabrication of Oxygen Concentrator” under Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Scheme (2022).
- Received grant of Rs 1 Lakh from Jasmin Infotech Chennai to implement the project titled “IOT Enabled Surveillance System” under Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Scheme(2021-22)
- Received grant of Rs 1.5 Lakhs from Jasmin Infotech Chennai to implement the project titled “Digital Assistance to Saranalayam Old Age Home” under Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Scheme(2020)
Consultancy work
- Carrying out consultancy project on Poultry Management System for Denvik Technologies, Chennai from February 2023 for a period of 6 months.
- Completed a research consultancy on “An automation using LabVIEW program to interface LCR meter and Furnace for the measurement of dielectric property at high temperature“ for Centre for High Pressure Research, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University during 2018 .
Research Publications – International Journals
- P. Chakraborty, T. Chandrapragasam, A. Arunachalam, and S. Rafiammal, “Artificial Intelligence-based Oral Cancer Screening System using Smartphones: Oral cancer screening system”,Eng. Technol. Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 12054–12057, Dec. 2023. .doi:
- A. Ambika, C. Tharini, P. Chakraborty, T. Islam, S. Das, M. El Ghzaou,” A Modified SRR-Based Miniaturized Monopole Antenna with Ultra-wide bandwidth for Wireless UWB Systems” ,Journal of Nano and electronic Physics, Vol 15,No,6, 2023.
- Maya. P and Tharini. C, “Optimizations in Dynamic Origin Technique for Efficient Lane Detection for Autonomous Vehicle”. Intl Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 69,2,407-413.DOI: 10.24425/ijet.2023.14437.2023(SCI Index)
- Tharini, C., Iyappan, G., Manikandan, E. PJ Sephra ,”Potentiometric sensing of potassium ion (K+) using valinomycin supported on ZnO/rGO nanocomposites,”. JMater Sci: Mater Electron 34, 1474 (2023).
- Ramakrishnan MI, Chandrapragasam T. Analysis of Improved Rate Adaptive Irregular Low Density Parity Check Encoding for Fifth Generation Networks Using Software Defined Radio. International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications. 2023 Jun 30:296-309.
- G. Sudha & C. Tharini (2023),” Trust-based clustering and best route selection strategy for energy efficient wireless sensor networks”, Automatika, 64:3, 634-641, DOI: 10.1080/00051144.2023.2208462
- Vairaperumal Bhuvaneshwari , Chandrapragasam Tharini,” Novel construction of quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes with variable code rates for cloud data storage systems”, ETRI Journal, 2023/6, Vol 45, Issue 3, PP 404-417.
- Bhuvaneshwari, V. and Tharini, C., Novel construction of quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes with variable code rates for cloud data storage systems, ETRI Journal (2022), 1– 14.
- Maya, P., and C. Tharini. “Lane Detection by Dynamic Origin Technique for Advanced Driver Assistance System.” International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications (2021): 589-594
- Parnasree Chakraborty & C. Tharini, ”Integration of Prediction Based Hybrid Compression in Distributed Sensor Network”, Wireless Personal Communications, August 2021, DOI10.1007/s11277-021-08896-0, ‘Online First’:
- Parnasree Chakraborty, Tharini Chandrapragasam. Extended Applications of Compressed Sensing Algorithm in Biomedical Signal and Image Compression. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B (2021).
- Bhuvaneshwari, P.V., Tharini, C. “Review on LDPC Codes for Big Data Storage” Wireless Pers Commun 117, 1601–1625 (March 2021).
- Parnasree Chakraborty, C. Tharini, ”Pneumonia and Eye Disease Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks”, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research ,Vol. 10, No. 3, June 2020, pp.5769-5774, eISSN 1792-8036,pISSN 2241-4487, Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Indexed
- R.Mahalakshmi,P.V.Bhuvaneshwari,C.Tharini & Vidyacharan Bhaskar “A Novel Algorithm to design Rate Adaptive Irregular LDPC codes” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer March 2020.
- Kalaivani, S., Tharini, C., Saranya, K. et al. Design and Implementation of Hybrid Compression Algorithm for Personal Health Care Big Data Applications. Wireless PersCommun (2020).
- S.Kalaivani and C.Tharini, “Analysis and implementation of novel Rice Golomb coding algorithm for wireless sensor networks”, Volume 150, 15 January 2020, Pages 463-471.
- Ambika, A. & Tharini, C. & Ali, M “Novel D SRR-based dual band antenna for WiMAX/C applications” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 61. 10.1002/mop.31578, 2018
- G. Sudha, Dr.C.Tharini,” Modified Contourlet Transform Based Effective Image Compression Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 01-Special Issue, 2018
- Subhashree, V.K., C.Tharini,” An Energy Efficient Routing and Fault Tolerant Data Aggregation (EERFTDA) algorithm for wireless sensor networks”, Journal of High Speed Networks, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 15-32, January 2017,DOI 10.3233/JHS-170554.
- ParnasreeChakraborty and C. Tharini, “Performance Analysis of Threshold Based Compressive Sensing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks”, American Journal of Applied Sciences, Issue 7, February 2017, DOI: 10.3844/ajassp.2017
- Subhashree V K and ThariniC,”Real-time implementation of Locality Sensitive Hashing using NI WSN and LabVIEW for outlier detection in wireless sensor networks”,Journal of wireless mobile networks, ubiquitous computing and dependable applications, Volume No.7, Issue No.3, Page Nos. 22-39, September 2016.
- S.Kalaivani and Dr.C.Tharini “Efficient Data Compression Technique Using Modified Adaptive Rice Golomb Coding for Wireless Sensor Network” ARPN journal of Engineering and applied sciences,VOl 10,No 12,JULY 2015.
- Ms, ParnasreeChakraborty and Dr.C.Tharini, “Analysis of suitable modulation scheme for compressive sensing algorithm in wireless sensor network” DOI: SR-06-2014-666, Sensor Review, Vol. 35 Iss: 2, pp.168 – 173, 2015.
- Ramya.P, Parnasree Chakraborty, Dr. C.Tharini, “Analysis Of Electroencephalography (EEG) For Alzheimer’s Disease”, International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research ,Volume 10, Number 20 (2015), pp.16286-16290, 2015.
- S.Vidhya, Dr.C.Tharini, Parnasree Chakraborty,”An Efficient Compressed Sensing CODEC for Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research ,Volume 10, Number 20 (2015), pp. 17293-17297, 2015.
- Chellappa Glory, Joy Merline, Dr.CTharini, Govindarajan, Uma Gowri “An Efficient CRC based Network on Chip (NoC) Architecture for Improved Quality of Service(Qos)” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Volume-9 Number 23(2014) pp 18849-18866.
- C. Tharini, P. VanajaRanjan, “An Energy Efficient Spatial Correlation based Data Gathering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems,Vol 2, No.3,pp 16-24, May 2011
- C. Tharini, P. Vanaja Ranjan, “An Efficient Data Gathering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks”, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp 148 – 145, 2010
- C. Tharini, P. VanajaRanjan, “Design of Modified Huffman Data Compression Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network”, Journal of Computer Science, vol.5 No.6, 466 – 470, 2009
Research Publications : Conference
- P. Maya and C. Tharini, “Performance Analysis of Lane Detection Algorithm using Partial Hough Transform,” 2020 21st International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Giza, Egypt, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ACIT50332.2020.9300083
- P V Bhuvaneshwari ; C Tharini, LDPC Codes for Distributed Storage systems,IEEE, 2019 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC),18-20 Dec. 2019, IEEE Conference, MIT, Chennai
- R.Mahalakshmi alias Isakki, Dr.C.Tharini, M.Arulvani “Performance analysis of Pulse shape filter for repetition channel coding “ Proceedings of IEEE international conference on Power,control,signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-17) during September 2017. 978-1-5386-0814-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
- M.Nazneen, C.Tharini “Analysis of different pulse shaping filters for BPSK and QPSK modulation techniques in a communication channel using USRP “Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, April, 2016.
- Ms. Kalaivani, C.Tharini “Efficient Data Compression Technique Using Modified Adaptive Rice Golomb Coding for Wireless Sensor Network” was presented in the International Conference on Technological convergence for Information, Health, Food and Energy Security (TCIFES 2015) at CLRI, Chennai.
- Ms.Kalaivani, C.Tharini “An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Spatially Correlated Sensor Network” was presented in the International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS’15) at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Ms. Kalaivani, C.Tharini, “Processing of ECG Signal for the Detection of Diabetic CAN” was presented in the International Conference on Recent discoveries of Diabetic biomarkers and challenges ahead (ICDB 2015), at BSAIST, Chennai.
- Ms.Kalaivani, C.Tharini “Real time ECG acquisition and detection of Anomalies” was presented in the International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technologies (ICPCIT 2015),at Velammal College of Engineering, Chennai
- Shyamala, C.Tharini, “Design of Data Aggregation Algorithm using Random Linear Network Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Innovation , Embedded and Communications Systems, organized by Karpagam University, Coimbatore, March 2015.
- S.Vidhya, Dr.C.Tharini, ParnasreeChakraborty,”An Efficient Compressed Sensing CODEC for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Innovation , Embedded and Communications Systems, organized by Karpagam University, Coimbatore, March 2015.
- Ramya.P, Parnasree Chakraborty, Dr. C.Tharini, “Analysis Of Electroencephalography (EEG) For Alzheimer’s Disease”, IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Innovation , Embedded and Communications Systems, organized by Karpagam University, Coimbatore, March 2015
- V.K. Subhashree, C. Tharini, M.Swarna Lakshmi, “ Modified LEACH: A QoS-aware Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks ” Proc. of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Network Technologies (ICCNT) 978-1-4799-6266-2/14/$31.00 © 2014 IEEE
- Sirajueen S, Dr.C.Tharini, An Optimal network design to provide secured communication in mobile ADHOC networks”, Conference on “Recent trends in communication, Electronics and Instrumentation”, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, 13th April 2013.
- Balakumar.A, Dr.C.Tharini,” Tree based data aggregation algorithm to increase the lifetime of wireless sensor network”, Expanding horizon in computer, information technology, telecommunication, Electrical and electronics-“EXCITE-2013”, Prathyusha institute of technology and management, 2nd and 3rd April 2013.
Chapter Publication
The chapter titled “Real time ECG acquisition and detection of Anomalies” is published in the book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer India, ISSN: 2194-5357, 06 February 2016, Volume 394, pp 503-513.
- Reviewer for the paper submitted to Journal of Computers, Academy Publishers, UK.
Certificate of Appreciation
- Received the certificate of Appreciation from AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) academy for successfully coordinating ATAL online Faculty Developlment Programme on “Artificial Intelligence Applications in Medical Diagnosis” from 04/10/21 to 08/10/21
- Received Research Appreciation Award from BSACIST for the year 2020,2021,22
- Received appreciation for Best Contribution in Academic Research at BSACIST during the year 2021.
- Appreciated for the role as Sigle point of Contact(SPOC) for the NPTEL Local Chapter of BSACU which is rated as “A” based on the performance in NPTEL online certification courses during January –June 2017.
- Awarded certificate for providing excellent academic result in the Anna University examination for the course Computer Networks
- Knowledge Expert for the CIIC Start up “Falcon-D” which received Rs 2 Lakh grant for the project ‘Warehouse maintenance using dynamic door based statics solutions” from EDII, Govt of Tamilnadu
- Knowledge Expert for the CIIC Start up “Shrimp Hoard Technologies Pvt Ltd” which received Rs 5 Lakhs grant for the project ‘Sensor based smart water quality monitoring for agriculture” from EDII, Govt of Tamilnadu.
- Knowledge Expert for the CIIC Start up “Agrit Green house solutions” which received Rs 5 Lakh grant from Innovation Voucher Program (IVP) grant by EDII,Govt of Tamilnadu.
- Knowledge Expert for Wegot Utility Solutions which received Rs.2 Lacs from Innovation Voucher Program (IVP) seed grant by EDII, Govt of TN.
Additional Responsibilities
- Coordinator – Center of Innovation in Teaching and Learning
- Member – Academic Council, BSACIST
- Vice Chair Person – Internal Compliant Committee
- University MOOC Coordinator
- Chairman – Board of Studies, BSACIST
- Member – NAAC – Central Co-ordination Committee
- Advisor – IETE, Student Branch of BSACIST
- Convener – APJ Abdul kalam Innovation center (2015-2017)
Professional Body Membership
- Life member – Computer society of India (CSI)
- Fellow of Institution of Electronics & Telecomn. Engineers-FIETE
Guest Lecture Delivered
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Impact of 5G on Data Storage and Industrial Revolution”, on 17th September 2021 in UAJY Virtual lecture series 2021 Program at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakartha, Indonesia
- Chief Guest for the National level seminar on “Massive Open Online Courses” organized by Islamia Womens Arts & Science College,Vaniyambadi on 13th February 2019
- Chief Guest for the event “Think Room Day celebration “ at Shri Natesan Vidyalaya Matriculation Huigher Secondary School ,Mannivakkam on 1st February 2019
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Data acquisition using Matlab & Labview” in a three days workshop on “Real time Data Acquisition using Matlab & Labview during September 2017.
- Delivered a lecture on “Overview of Matlab” in the state level symposium on Applications of Matlab in Computer Science , organized by CSE Department, Stella Maris College, Chennai.
- Delivered Keynote Address in the National Conference on Advances in Computing Technologies-NCACT’15 organized by CSE Department, Kings College on 10.3.15.
- Delivered a keynote address on “ Data Aggegation in WSN and also chaired a session in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology & Computer Science 5,6 June 2013 at Kingston College of Engineering, Vellore
- Delivered a keynote address on “Research issues in Wireless Sensor Networks” in the National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Information and Computer Technology” on June 2013, organized by Kingston Engineering College, Vellore.
- Delivered Keynote Address in the Electronics,Communication& Information systems ICECI-2012 International conference organized by Kalasalingam University”.
- Delivered a lecture on DRDO and BRNS sponsored Workshop on “Network Simulation using NS-2” – 31st March, 2012 at Kalasalingam University.
- Delivered a keynote address on the topic “Information Processing Techniques for energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks at International Conference on”Electronics,Communication & Information systems ICECI-2012″ on November 2, 2012 organized by Kalasalingam University, Srivilliputhur.
- Delivered a Guest lecture on the topic “Recent trends of Wireless Network” in Melmaruvathur Engineering College on 27th feb. 2010.
Chair person in National /International Conference
- Delivered Keynote Address in the National Conference on Advances in Computing Technologies-NCACT’15 organized by CSE Department, Kings College on 10.3.15.
- Chief Guest for the state level symposium on Applications of MATLAB in Computer Science, February 27-28, 2014, organized by Stella Maris College, Chennai
- Delivered a keynote address on “ Data Aggegation in WSN and also chaired a session in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology & Computer Science 5,6 June 2013 at Kingston College of Engineering, Vellore .
- Chaired a session at National Conference on VLSI, Communication and Networks organized by Easwari Engineering College on April 17th 2012, Chennai
- Delivered Keynote Address in the Electronics,Communication& Information systems ICECI-2012 International conference organized by Kalasalingam University”.
- Delivered a lecture on DRDO and BRNS sponsored Workshop on “Network Simulation using NS-2” – 31st March, 2012 at Kalasalingam University.
- Chaired a session at National Conference on VLSI, Communication and Networks organized by Easwari Engineering College on April 17th 2012, Chennai
- Chaired a session at International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing” organized by Adhiparasakthi Engineering College on 5th April 2012.
- Chaired a session at National Conference on Computers and Networking on 24th March organized by Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur
Conferences Organized
- Organized the International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Control and Communication (RTECC-18) during March 20th – 22nd, 2018.
- Organized the National conference NCRVIC-16 conducted during 11th and 12th of August 2016.
As the Convenor of Innovation Centre organized the following events:
- The Inno Idea Contest was conducted on 17.02.17 to showcase the budding talents of our students. 12 innovative ideas which are of social relevance were selected for in-house funding by the innovation centre to convert the ideas into prototype models. These projects are under progress
- An Inno-Contest 2016 was organized by the Innovation centre on 27.04.16. 30 batches of student teams displayed their innovative ideas. Best ideas were awarded cash price worth Rs.20,000/-.
Workshop/Seminar/Guest lecture Organized
- Convener for the SECE chapter inauguration on 29/11/2022
- Convener for open house exhibition on 24th November 2022.
- Convener for Value added Course “CLAD certification program” from 01.10.22 to 15.11.22
- Convener for a Webinar on “OPPORTUNITIES IN CORE INDUSTRY on 4th Jan 2022
- Convener for a 2 days Hands-on training in “HDL language Constructs” from 22.12.2021 to 23.12.2021
- Convener for virtual Alumni Reunion on 14/08/2021
- Convener for a 4 day Online-Series of Guest Lecture by Prominent Alumni of Department of ECE during 26.05.2021, 3.5.2021, 9.4.2021, 29,5,2021.
- Convener for 3 days training program on Artificial Intelligence using Graphical Programming Design – LabVIEW from 04.08.2021 to 06.08.2021
- Convener for a 2 Days Skill Enhancement Program on “Soft Skills” from 12.9.20 to 9.20
- Convener for 5 days Webinar series on “Recent trends in AI, IoT and Data science” from 08.06.2020 to 12.06.2020
- Convener for 5 days “Hands on session on “Effective Online Interactive Teaching Tools for School Teachers” from 22-26 June 2020.
- Convener for a three days Hands-on training on “ARDUINO” from 24/09.2019 to 26/09/2019.
- Convener for a three days training on “Analog & Digital IC design flow” from1st to 3rd July 2019
- Convener for a two days seminar on “Entrepreneurship Awareness in the field of information and communication” during 5th and 6th September of 2018.
- Convener for CLAD training during July 2018.
- Convener for the one day workshop on “Embedded Application design using Arduino board” for plus two students on 9th April 2018.
- Convener for the one day “Carrier Guidance” program for plus two and diploma students on 7th April 2018.
- Convener for a two days workshop on “Industrial IOT” during 6th and 7th of April 2018.
- Convener for the national level technical symposium “SPECTRON-18” on 4th April 2018.
- Arranged a supplementary course on “INTERNET OF THINGS FUSION BETWEEN CONNECTED CAR & HOME “delivered by the adjunct faculty Mr.VijayAnand,Asst Vice President, Aricent Technologies during 28.3.18 and 29.3.18.
- Convener for the national seminar on “smart nano materials for Sensor Application” during 24th and 25th January 2018.
- Convener for a series of “Skill development workshops” for 8th semester B.E/B.Tech students from 4/12/17 to 9/12/17.
- Convener for the three days workshop on “ Design of microstrip antennas using HFSS” from 5th October 2017 to 7th October 2017.
- Convener for the two days workshop on “Hands-on Python Programming” on 26th and 27th September 2017.
- Convener for the three days workshop on “Real time signal acquisition and signal processing” between 20/09/17 and 22/09/17.
- Inaugurated the Student chapters of technical societies IE and IETE on 15/09/17
- Organized Expert’s Lectures being delivered by Foreign faculty to supplement the course ‘ECB3102 Digital Communication’ for the benefit of V sem ECE students.
- Convener for the one week training program for Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) from 05.06.2017 to 10.06.2017.
- Convener for the ICMR sponsored five days national level workshop on “Biomedical Signal Processing and Computational Biology for Healthcare Applications” from 12.5.17 to 16.5.17.
- Organized Alumni Connect Program on 29th April 2017.
- Convener for the free hands – on workshop on “Application using Arduino board” during 4th April 2017 for school students(+2 students)Convener for the career guidance and counseling program for higher secondary school students (+2 students) on 12th April 2017
- Convener for the three days workshop on “Antenna Design Using HFSS”, from 16th to 18th March 2017.
- Convener for the a two days Free Hands – On workshop titled ” PCB Layout and Board Design” on 3rd & 4th March 2017.
- Convener for the three Days Hands on training on Labview during Feb 23 -24, 2017.
- Convener for the two days Free Hands – On workshop titled ” Application Design Using Arduino Board” during 23-02-2017 and 24-02-2017.
- Organized a guest lecture on “Evolution of Cinema Sound: Next Generation 3D Sound in a theatre by Dr. Prabhat Singh, Engineering Program Manager, Analog Devices, USA – India on 15th Feb 2017.
- organized a guest lecture on the topic ” Health monitoring and Network Security ” by Professor Janet Light, Ph.D. Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering (SASE) University of New Brunswick, Saint John on 23-11-2016.
- Inaugurated the activities of SECE,IE and IETE for the academic year 2016-17 on 5th October 2016.
- Convener for the Two day workshop on “Basic of Computer hardware and software trouble shooting “in association with Student Chapter (IE )for Lab instructors during 28th July and 29th July 2016
- Convener for the two day workshop on “Antenna Fabrication,PCB Design and Fabrication” in association with EntupleTechnologies,Banglore on 18th and 19th of July 2016.
- Convener for the three day FDP on “innovative teaching practices” in association with Student Chapter(IE) during 25th to 27th July 2016.
- Organized a two days workshop on LabVIEW simulator during 6th and 7th of August 2014.
- Organized two days National Conference on Recent Trends in VLSI, Information and Communication, NCRVIC 2014 on 26th and 27th March 2014.
- Organized two days workshop on WSN research issues and practical solutions on 13th and 14th December 2012.
- Organized a 2 day workshop on “ Wireless sensor Network and its Applications” August 4 – 5 2010.
- Organized 3 day “In House Orientation Program” for the benefit of the young faculty members of Crescent engineering College.
Director, Vasthak Private Limited, Chennai