S.NO | Event | Title |
1 | International Conference | Department of Centre for Rural Development Annamalai University Two Day ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Disaster Management and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A GLOBAL SCENARIO AND PLAN FOR FUTURE PROSPERITY 23th & 24th March, 2016 |
2 | International Conference | 3rd International Conference on Global Insurance Practices and outlook (GIPO- From 29-07-2017-to-31-07-2017) OU |
3 | International conference | International conference on Indian ocean region from 8th-9th may 2017, UGC centre for Indian Ocean Studies, OU |
4 | International conference | Emerging trends and issues in the status of transgender community organized by Department of political science Annamalai University from 23th to 25th August 2018 |
5 | International conference | 6th International Conference on South Asian Economic Development , South Asian University, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi Online during 25-27,Janauary2021 |
6 | National seminar | Two Day ICSSR Sponsored National Conference on Health, Social and Economic Issues of Ageing Population in india organized by Department of Economics Annamalai University from 10th & 11th March, 2016 |
7 | National Seminar | Department of Economics Annamalai University Two day Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Sponsored National Conference on Social Stigma and health seeking behavior of Hansen’s Disease in India 30th to 31st March, 2016 |
8 | National Seminar | Department of Economics Annamalai University (UGC-SAP-DRS-I) Two Day (Under the aegis of UGC – XII plan General Development Assistance) National Seminar on Challenges of Human Development in India 5th and 6th October 2016 |
9 | National Seminar | National Seminar on climate resilient technologies for sustainable Agriculture Orginised by Department of Agriculture, Department of agronomy from 24/01/2019 to 25/01/2019 |
10 | National Seminar | “Achievements and Challenges of Millennium Development Goals organized by The Department of Economics, Annamalai University on 13th and 14th December 2012 |
11 | National Symposium | “Multidisciplinary Approach to Biodiversity Conservation” organized by Economics Wing, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University on 22th and 23th December 2015 |
12 | Workshop | Research Methodology Workshop organized by the Department of Economics, Annamalai University during 24th to 27th March 2014 |
13 | Special Lecture | “Dr. AMBEDKAR CHAIR” organized by The Doctorial Committee, Department of Economics, Annamalai University on 23 August, 2017 |
14 | Statistics Day | “Social Development Health, Education, Poverty, Employment, Social Backwardness, Housing and Environment with Reference to State of Jammu and Kashmir” on 29th June, 2015 organized by NSSO, MOS&PI, GOI |
15 | National Workshop | Style Manuals in Research conducted by the Library and Information Science Wing, DDE, Annamalai University on 22nd August 2015. |
16 | Training Programme | “Human Rights and Duties Education for Students” held on 27th January, 2017 at Annamalai University |
17 | Workshop | “UGC Sponsored XXIV Prof. K.S. Sonchalam Memorial Workshop on Research Methodology organized by Department of Economics during 6th to 9th January 2015 |