Department Relations
- A Guest lecture on “Rubber Hose manufacturing Processess and its Applications” by Mr.D.Prasanna, Assistant Manager, Polyhose India (Rubber) Pvt., Ltd., Chennai was organized on 12.11.2019 at 2:30 pm for all polymer engineering students.

- A Guest lecture on “Paints and Surface Coatings” by Mr.R.Stalin, General Manager, KTC group, Chennai was organized on 11.11.2019 for all polymer engineering students.

- A Guest lecture on “Tyres-Materials, Process and Costing” by Mr.Suresh Damodaran, Head of Research & Development in Apollo tyres PVT limited, Oragadam, Chennai., Pvt Ltd. was organized on 18.10.2019 for 3rd and 4th year B.Tech Polymer Engineering students.

- A Guest lecture on “Industries and Future Potentials” by Mr.Ali Asger, Director, Polyhose India (Rubber) Pvt., Ltd., Chennai was organized on 27.03.2019 at 11:00 am for all Polymer Engineering Students.

- A Guest lecture on “Supply Chain Management – Polymer Industry Perspective” by Mr.R.Stalin, Regional Manager – Marketing, Konkan Speciality Polyproducts Pvt Ltd, Chennai was organized on 24.4.2018 for final year students.

- One day National Level Symposium “MACRON 2018” was conducted on 28th March 2018 and Mr.B.Ganesh, Team Leader – HR, Apollo Tyres Ltd, Chennai, inaugurated the symposium.

- A Guest lecture on “Advanced Technology Chemicals used in Concrete Admixture and Waterproofing” by Mr.M.Manikandan, Forsoc Chemicals (India) Pvt Ltd, Chennai was organized on 23.3.2018 for students.

- A Guest lecture on “Emerging Technologies in Injection Moulding” by Mr.Padmanaba Bhat, Head – Marketing and Customer Care, Toshiba Machine (Chennai), Pvt Ltd. was organized on 16.3.2018 for students.

- All the Faculties and Students of the department of Polymer Engineering Organized “Green Pavilion” an awareness programme for proper usage and disposal of plastics for about 1000 school students in IPLEX’17 (International Plastics Exposition ) held during 15-18 June 2017 at Chennai Trade Centre, Nandambakkam.

- Association of Polymer Technologists (APT) has conducted a National Level Technical Symposium “Macron ‘16” on 18th March, 2016.

- Association of Polymer Technologists has conducted a National Level Technical Symposium “Macron ‘15” on 29th January, 2015, Mr.B.Swaminathan, Chairman, Indian Plastics institute (Chennai chapter) inaugurated the symposium.
- Mr.K.Sankar, Managing Director, from Shree Renga Polymers, Karur delivered a lecture on “Recycling PET Bottles” in our institute on 10th Nov 2014.
- Mr.Mohammed Ismail Khan and Mr.Raman Kumar Jayaraman from SIGMASOFT delivered a lecture on “Design and Process Integrated Injection Molding Simulation” in our institute on 8th Sep 2014.

- Mr.Kulandaivelu Palanisamy, Sr.Engineer, Valeo India Pvt Ltd,Chennai, delivered a lecture on “Mold Flow Analysis in Polymer Industries and R & D”, on 18th Mar, 2014.
- Dr.N.R.Kumar, Vice President, R & D, Polyhose Industries, Chennai, delivered a lecture on “Tyre Technology”, on 18th Feb, 2014.
- Mr.K.Krishnamoorthy, Chief Manager, Design & Product Development, Formulated Polymers Ltd., delivered a lecture on “Design of Engineering Plastics following ISO/TS 16949 Standard”, on 13th Feb, 2014.
- Association of Polymer Technologists has conducted a National Level Technical Symposium “Macron ‘13” on Oct 5, 2013, Mr.V.Padmanabha Bhat, Sr.Deputy General Manager (Domestic & International Marketing), Toshiba Machine Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, inaugurated the symposium.