Dean’s Message

Hearty Welcome to the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure at B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
Department of Civil Engineering is one of the founding departments of B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology. In the span of more than three decades the department has grown tremendously and is considered one of the best engineering departments in the country for Civil Engineering. With well qualified and dedicated faculty we provide high quality teaching, research and a serene environment for all those who join the department as faculty or student.
The Department offers M.Tech in Structural Engineering and M.Tech in Construction Engineering and Project Management and Ph.D. programmes in the thrust areas of research along with the traditional B.Tech programme in Civil Engineering. The department boasts of faculty with expertise in diversified areas such as Structural Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Remote Sensing, Transportation Engineering, etc. We also have a strong group of adjunct faculty from universities abroad as well as reputed industries as part of the teaching learning process and for guidance in research.
Since the inception of the department, we are actively involved in all dimensions of education namely teaching, research, extension and consultancy activities. The Department has nine teaching and research laboratories covering all areas in civil engineering. The department generates funds through sponsored research from government agencies and industrial sectors and through training programmes.Through academic and sponsored research our faculty and students publish large number of research publications in quality Journals having good impact factor.
Civil engineers play a vital role in increasing the health and quality of life, from developing better water supplies, municipal sewer systems, waste water treatment plants, to the design of buildings, roads, bridges, dams, canals etc .The department imparts skills needed for planning and designing as well as the ability to manage a variety of construction projects.
The Department conducts cutting-edge research, in evolving and vital areas like affordable housing, corrosion prevention and control of concrete structures, repair and rehabilitation techniques, seismic resistant design, low cost waste water treatment, etc.
Our goal is to educate our students on design, construction, maintenance and advancements in Civil Engineering for providing solutions to the betterment of the society.
We welcome you to the Civil Engineering department as an undergraduate / post graduate / research student or faculty to be part of our success.
Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed
Professor and Dean
School of Infrastructure