The session started with the remarkable points on Effective Teaching Practices by our honourable VC sir followed by key note address on Teaching Practices by Dr.K.Narashiman, Director AU TVS Centre for quality management, Anna university. In the Afternoon, our dynamic registrar delivered a valuable Inputs on “How to manage the classroom for effective outcome” his session was followed by a interactive and energetic session on the topic “How to counsel and mentor the students” which is delivered by Dr.C.Kumar Babu senior retired professor and doctor in pyschiatry department, Stanley Medical College Chennai. Finally the day was concluded by panel discussion by the eminent icons of the crescent our VC sir, Registrar Sir and Deputy Registrar. It was a effective and interactive session where the panel members were answering all the queries raised by the faculty members. All the faculties who attended the training program was completely benefitted and understood the concept of effective teaching practices.