Founders Ethics and Values

Mr. Ahmed A.R. Buhari (hailing from Keelakarai in the East coast of Tamil Nadu) is the Founder President and CEO of the Coal and Oil Group, an India centric, Integrated Energy and Infrastructure Company with interests in Power Generation – Coal Trading – Shipping – Logistics and Industrial Parks. He is also the President – United Economic Forum, Director – Buhari holdings and Trustee – Seethakathi Trust / B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (formerly Crescent Engineering College), Chairman – Tuticorin Development Board and Founding Trustee of the Keelakarai Town Development Trust etc.
After graduating in Marketing from Bentley University, Boston, USA and obtaining a Master’s Degree in Shipping, Trading and Finance from Cass Business School, London, he joined his family concern, ETA-ASCON-Buharia group founded by his father Dr. B.S.Abdur Rahman.
Sensing a shift in Global Economic Balance Mr. Buhari recognized during the early 90’s that the Energy business in India is set to leap frog. With this in mind, he left ETA and launched Coastal Energy (C&O Group) in 1997 in India. His specializations stood him in good stead as he set about forging alliances and developing inroads with Energy Management with Coal, Shipping, Logistics and Power Generation.
C&O’s past and present partners include some of the largest blue chip Global companies, such as TANGEDCO, TATA group, Goldman Sachs, Itochu, BHP, Anglo American, Sojitz, Mitsubishi, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, My Home Group, Madras Cements, TOTAL, SBI, Harbin, ABB, ThyssenKrupp, SamtanKideco, etc.
As a great believer in India and particularly South India, Mr. Buhari was certain that power will be critical for India and Tamil Nadu.
With this in mind the group set up its flagship 1,200 MW Coastal Energen Mutiara Thermal Power Plant, in Tuticorin, catering to the Power needs of the State and beyond.
Mutiara Thermal Power Plant is today a 1200 MW site, with provision for expanding to about 5,000 mw in the same location. The IPP can cater ~10% of TN’s Power requirement.
Going forward C&O aims to Develop Technology zones in South Tamil Nadu, involve in Renewable Energy, and Transmission & Distribution (T&D) to fulfil its ambition towards becoming a True Integrated Energy and Infra company.
From his early days adding value to anything has been his motto. While building businesses run in the family, his other passion has been to actively contribute towards Nation Building. It is due to this burning desire that he started to work actively on promoting trade and Investments into the T3/M4 project, i.e Industrial Zone between Trichi, Tuticorin and Tirunelveli in South Tamil Nadu, given excellent existing Infra and to be dotted with companies focusing on Manufacturing 4.0. These schemes also fit perfectly with Hon. PM Modis ‘Make in India’, ‘Digital India’ ‘Smart City’ and other path breaking policies.
Besides the above Mr. Buhari aims to facilitate Global Investments and Trade into South India with specific impetus on Tamil Nadu / South Tamil Nadu.
He is a Cyclist, a deep sea diver, Endurance Horse Rider, besides enjoying Cooking, Gardening, Reading and spending time with his family.
AICTE – AQIS sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Be the Change – Teaching Learning Process”
STTP-1 was scheduled in 6 slots from 07.12.20 to 12-12-20 i.e. (Monday to Saturday), from 9.00am to 4.00pm
National & International Speakers, Management Gurus, Tedx Speaker, TUV Trainers, Transformational Trainer
Candidates Attended : 150 Nos
For creating the learning aura in your classroom, some elements of creativity can be added to make the lessons more interesting and interactive. The right mix of creativity helps the students not only to be attentive in the classroom but helps them in making innovative and motivate them to learn new things. Students can grow up as good communicators in addition to improving their emotional and social skills. At the same time, it is also important to upgrade our teachers not only technically but also in various other soft skills. Another aspect for teachers is research, they face many problems / issues in writing papers / articles / thesis / projects etc., this STTP will help them in answering all the questions related to research. Hence if you are looking for revamping yourself and your staff this is the right STTP to attend. We request you to circulate this as much as you can so that maximum of our academician takes advantage of this.
We have tried to cover various aspects of teachers’ problems with the solution, the personal revamping and upgradation.
STTP-2 was scheduled in 6 slots from 15.02.21 to 20.02.21 i.e. (Monday to Saturday), from 9.00am to 4.00pm
National & International Speakers, Management Gurus, Tedx Speaker, TUV Trainers, Transformational Trainer
Candidates Attended : 100 Nos
Training whether it is related to subject, management, or soft skills it gives an individual opportunity to expand the knowledge. Many times, employers find it expensive and sometimes employees miss the opportunity due to workload however despite these drawbacks, training and development provides both the individual and organization with benefits that make the cost and time a worthwhile investment. The ROI from training and development of employees is really a no brainer. The employees who receive the necessary training are more able to perform their job.
Understanding the need of employees HR & Faculty Training Academy of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology organized, AICTE – AQIS sponsored Six Days Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Be the Change – Teaching Learning Process” the complete transformation
STTP-3 was scheduled in 6 slots from 15.02.21 to 20.02.21 i.e. (Monday to Saturday), from 9.00am to 4.00pm
National & International Speakers, Management Gurus, Tedx Speaker, TUV Trainers, Transformational Trainer
Candidates Attended : 110 Nos
Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an rousing vision, and establish something new. Leadership is about plotting out where you need to go to “win” as a team or an organization; and it is vigorous, exciting, and stimulating. Yet, while leaders set the path, they must also use management skills to shepherd their people to the right target, in a smooth and effective way.
We covered many topics on soft skills, teaching methodology and research in our previous slots of this STTP, learning is an ongoing process, learning is many times denoted as teaching in higher education but learning is much deeper than memorization and material recall deep and long lasting learning involves understanding, relating ideas and making connection between erstwhile and new knowledge, independent and critical thinking and ability to transfer knowledge to new and different framework.
Whether you are an academician / industrialist, all good leaders require a number of soft skills to help them positively intermingle with employees or team members. Effective leaders have the ability to communicate well, motivate their team, handle and delegate responsibilities, listen to feedback, and have the suppleness to solve problems in an ever-changing workplace.
STTP is about the transformation in teaching learning process at the same time transformation in the people. Leadership is one such quality.
Online Learning: Design, Development & Delivery of Online content

Date: 4th July 2020
Time: 10.30 to 12.00pm
Duration: 1.5 hrs
About Speaker
Prof. Dr. Md.Mamun Habib is a Professor at School of Business, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). In addition, Dr.Habib is the Visiting Scientist of University of Texas–Arlington,USA. Prior to that, he was Associate Professor at BRAC Business School, BRAC University, Bangladesh; Asia Graduate School of Business (AGSB) at UNITAR International University, Malaysia; Dept.of Operations Research/Decision Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia and Dept. of Operations Management, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).
He has more than 18 years’experience in the field of teaching as well as in training, workshops, consultancy and research. At present, he is supervising some Ph.D. students at locally and internationally. As a researcher, Dr.Habib published about 140+ research papers, including Conference Proceedings, Journal articles, and book chapters/books. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief/Lead Guest Editor/Editor/Editorial Board Member/Reviewer of more than 20 journals, particularly Elsevier (Scopus) and Thomson Reuters(Web of Science) Indexed Journals. Also,he delivers lecture as Keynote Speaker at 50+ international conferences.
His core research areas are supply chain management,production & operations management, operations research, research methodology. Finally, Dr.Habib is an active member of different professional organizations, including IEEE (Senior Member), IEOM (President, SCMTechnical Division), IETI (SeniorMemberand Board of Director), IRED (Fellow), GRDS (Vice-President), IEB, AIMS, INFOMS, just to name a few.

Date: 4th July 2020
Time: 12.00 to 13.30
Duration: 1.5 hrs
About Speaker
Dr Arpita Basak holds 24 years of academic and industry experience, Gold medallist in MBA in 1996 and Doctorate in Management. Graduated in Commerce from KMV, Jalandhar and has been conferred as Accredited Management Teacher by All India Management Association in 2008. Has served as Faculty and in Academic Administrative Positions in various Management Schools in Hyderabad and Kolkata, School of Retail Management, Symbiosis University, Indore. Has been a member and Chairperson of various committees. Presently working with IIHMR University based in Jaipur. Her work experience has affirmed interest in training, research, and consulting in Accreditation, DPR, Entrepreneurship, General Management, Sales & Marketing and online training in PSUs, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare sectors. Imparted training since her professional engagement with ESCI, Hyderabad to various organizations.

Date: 4th July 2020
Time: 13.30 to 15.00
Duration: 1.5 hrs
About Speaker
Dr A Srihari Krishna holds dual master’s degree in business administration as well as in finance & accounting. He started his career as a Business Journalist at ICFAI in 1993 where he tracked capital and currency markets for reporting in the ANALYST magazine. Subsequently, in 1995 he joined Swell Financial Services – a merchant banking firm as a Research Analyst he was engaged in managing IPOs and structuring venture capital/private equity deals. In 1999, he joined academics and served institutions like Siva Sivani Institute of Management as an Associate Professor. After submitting his doctoral thesis in Finance from Osmania on “Monetization of Shareholder Wealth” in May 2006, he joined GE Money Servicing as a Learning Manager. He was training underwriters on Risk Management practices across India and partner sites in USA. He left GE in 2011 and since then remained a freelancer involved in teaching, training, and consulting. Currently, he is a Senior Consultant with Engineering Staff College of India and also a visiting professor of Amity Business School, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Galgotia University, ICFAI Tripura University, and Symbiosis University.

Date: 4th July 2020
Time: 15.00 to 16.30
Duration: 1.5 hrs
About Speaker
Dr. Nikhil Gokhale obtained, Director of Marketing, Tiny twig Australia (Consultant) he is also Founder,, he did his Master’s degree from the University of Pune, India, and moved to the United States to pursue his Ph.D. in Chemistry (Biochemistry sub-discipline) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He then joined the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a Visiting Fellow to study the inositol phosphate-/pyrophosphate-based inhibition of proteins involved in cancer and inflammation. After conducting biomedical research at the NIH and at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Dr. Gokhale returned to India to pursue work in academia and industry. His research in the area of biochemistry and signal transduction has been cited by top journals. Dr. Gokhale has successfully organized two Nobel Laureate seminars so far and has been instrumental in facilitating the establishment of a half-a-crore research center at RK University in Rajkot, Gujarat. He has been working in industry for the past few years.

Date: 14.04.20
Program outline was
- Adversity – context-setting – understanding Adversities through historical perspective and how it has helped shaping today for us
- How adversity brings out different outcomes from different people
- What should we do to advance through Adversity
About Trainer
Akshay is a seasoned learning professional, he helps organizations & individuals thrive with the best in the Learning and Development domain. In his current role as a free-lance Leadership and Transformational Trainer & Coach, he consults his clients on creating lasting business impact by leveraging the power of learning as an aggressive driver of business success. He consults on Leadership Training, Changes Interventions, Learning Experience Design, Organization Culture Design, Learning Management Ecosystem, Knowledge Management, Training Workshops, and Project rollouts. Akshay has the unique experience of being an inhouse training leader, learning facilitator, coach and a successful entrepreneur.