

  • To create database of various infrastructural research facilities and faculty expertise in all departments
  • To identify experts working in different domains department-wise
  • To involve research scholars and students with research potential on payment basis
  • To  organize faculty training in Industry and R&D organizations and train industrial personnel in our Institute
  • To encourage faculty members to get involved in government projects (i.e. TNPCB, TNEB, Weather Forecasting, NIWE, NIOT, CLRI, CSIR, etc.)
  • To advertise “call for proposals” among the faculty members of our Institute
  • To guide in drafting sponsored or consultancy projects
  • To provide seed money on demand with proper approval.
  • To apply for Institution level funding to National and International Agencies
  • To conduct seminar/webinar by faculty members involved in sponsored research or consultancy on their current work thereby motivate fellow faculty members
  • To work with individual department and work out the strategies to improve sponsored research and consultancy with the facilities and expertise available
  • To facilitate faculty members to take up live projects from industry, society or R&D sectors
  • To conduct interactive sessions with Industrial Personnel to find industrial need based project
  • To conduct open day where all the labs will be kept open for the faculty members to visit and get an idea about the facilities and the research work being done by different departments, thereby enabling to take up interdisciplinary projects.
  • To facilitate in technology transfer in co-ordination with CIIC
  • To encourage industrial participation in Teaching & Learning
  • To offer skill based training to fresher’s by Industrial experts
  • To conduct monthly review of the progress made by individual departments in all faculty meeting
  • To offer certificate programmes on state-of-art technologies to industrial personnel
  • To bring in Industry supported Labs (i.e. with Mitsubishi, Siemens, Festo, Mahendra, etc.)  
  • To create Centre of Excellence in potential Labs