Centre for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
Centre for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
CITL Incharge
Professor & Head
The CITL has a dedicated studio for recording of video lectures and plays a vital role in the creation of e-content for the courses offered in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The CITL centre facilitates the learners from diverse socio economic cultural background. The centre guides the faculty in providing excellence in teaching by practising active learning and creation of digital learning repository.
- CITL envisions to be a leader in the development and implementation of innovative tools and technology for teaching and learning.
- To create a productive learning environment through digital technologies for effective teaching learning process.
- To design online learning spaces incorporating latest technologies in the field of education.
- To implement a learner centric environment and provide online learning resources for on demand learning.
- To execute consultancy projects of industry and other organizations in developing training contents and video production.
Director in charge (CITL)
Director in charge – CITL & Professor / IT
Mobile No: 9941376041
Technical Editor (CITL)
Technical Editor, CITL
Mobile No: 7395900537

Smart Cities and Developments by Dr. K.Yogeswari
Water and Waste Water Engineering by Dr. Priya Vs
Ground Water Pollution & Transport Process by
Mrs. Madumathi Gunasekaran
Earthquake Engineering by Dr.J.Revathy
Structural Dynamics by Dr. P. Gajalakshmi
New Techniques in Aseismic Design by Dr. A.K.Kaliluthin
Introduction to Remote Sensing by K.Kanmani
Solid Waste Management by Ayisha Sidiqua
Prefabricated Structures by J. Shri Indhu
Compensation in Power System by Dr. Mohammed Suhaib
Introduction to Microprocessor and Microcontroller by Sadhish Prabhu
Components of Research by Dr. B. Vijayalakshmi
Lecture on Multirate Digital Signal Process by Parnasree Chakraborty
Discussion on Semiconductors by A. Priya
Addressing Modes of 8086 Microprocessor by M.Vanmathi
Introduction on VLSI by S.Kalaivani
DC Characteristics of CMOS Inverter by Ms. S. Kalaivani
Temperature Measurement by Prof. Murshitha Shajahan
Theory of Computation by Dr. M. Sandhya
Computer Architecture Restoring Division by Dr Aisha Banu
LEX (Lexical Analayzer – Scanner Generator) by Dr. Revathi
Network Security & Cryptography by Dr. N. Sabiyath Fatima
Asymptotic Notations by Akila Devi
Half Adder & Full Adder by Radhika. A
Social Entrepreneurship by Dr. L.Shakkeera
Programming Paradigms & Object Oriented Paradigm by R.Priyadarshini
Cloud Security by Dr.G.Kavitha
Big Data Security Analytics by Dr.L.Shakeera
Deadlocks in Operating System by Dr. P. Latchoumy
Wireless & Adhoc Networks by V.M.Niaz Ahamed
Binary Tree Traversal by Mr. Thinakaran
Krushkal’s algorithm by Safiya Parvin A
Learn about Stack by Preeti Verma
Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks by Preeti Verma
Blockchain Basics by Mrs. S. Prathiba
Operating Systems CPU Scheduling Algorithm by R. Shahtaj
Interpolation by Ms. Sagaya Suganya
Cuthill Mckee Algorithm by Dr. Aarthi
Reinsurance by Ms. Abidha
Neuro Linguistic Programming by Dr. D. Ashokk
Consumer Behaviour by Dr. Chandrika Srinivas
Introduction to Accounting by Dr Afzalur Rahamn
Statement of purpose by Dr. Vijayakumar
Blended Learning by Dr. Vijayakumar
Argumentative Writing Part – 1 by Dr. Vijayakumar
Argumentative Writing Part – 2 by Dr. Vijayakumar
How to Write E-Mail by Mrs. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam
Resume writing by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 3 – Speech purpose by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 2 – Speech purpose by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 1 – Communicating with Confidence by Dr Vijayakumar
Corrosion by Dr. G.Bhavathy
Electrochemical Corrosion by Revathi Purushothaman
Zeolite process by Revathi Purushothaman
Demineralisation process by Revathi Purushothaman
Reverse Osmosis process by Revathi Purushothaman
Hardness of Water by Revathi Purushothaman
Estimation of hardness of water by Revathi Purushothaman
© 2025 B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai