Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
CITL – Home
- CITL envisions to be a leader in the development and implementation of innovative tools and technology for
teaching and learning
This center endeavors
- To engage faculty in the creation and implementation of educational experiences and environments that are transformative, innovative, inclusive, and outcomes-focused
- To provide support faculty and students transitioning to online or blended instruction
- To execute consultancy projects of Industry and other organizations for training contents and product videos
Director in charge (CITL)
Dr. G.Kavitha
Director in charge – CITL & Professor / IT
Technical Editor (CITL)
The Office of the Controller of Examinations and Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) in association with NITTTR jointly organized a One-day workshop on “Question Paper Setting and Evaluation for OBE” on 06.11.2023. The workshop was coordinated by Dr.S.Kaja Mohideen, Senior Professor & COE, Dr.G.Kavitha, Professor & Director(i/c) CITL and Dr.Syed Abdul Syed, Associate Professor & DCOE. Around 55 faculty members across the Departments of BSACIST actively participated in the workshop.
Dr.K.S. Giridharan Professor / Department of Education and Dr.S.Kaja Mohideen Senior Professor & COE delivered sessions for the workshop. The workshop focussed on mapping of course outcomes and knowledge level in accordance with revised Blooms taxonomy. The table of specifications for module wise mark distribution was discussed. The participants interacted with the resource person about achieving the outcomes at various learning levels of students. The workshop was very informative on framing of questions in cognitive dimension and knowledge dimension.

Workshop on “Innovative Teaching Practices in Higher Education”
A two-days workshop on “Innovative Teaching Practices in Higher Education” has been organized by the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) of B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 13.9.2023 and 14.9.2023. Dr.P.Malliga, Head / Department of Educational Media and Technolgy, NITTTR and Dr.Edamana Prasad, Head / Teaching Learning Centre, IIT Madras acted as resource persons for the workshop.
The workshop trained the teachers of our Institute on Modern pedagogical teaching practices, use of media and technology, e-content development, creation of podcasts, taxonomy and levels of thinking, cognitive process dimension and effective teaching strategies.
The workshop was coordinated by Dr.G.Kavitha, Director Incharge / CITL and Mr.Emerson, Technical editor / CITL. The CITL has trained more than 50 teaching faculty members across all Departments of BSACIST. The workshop was interactive and sessions were informative to all the teachers on practicing modern teaching learning process for new generation of learners.

Centre for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
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