Dr. A.Ambika
![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M. Tech.,Ph.D. |
Phone | : | 91-44-22751347 Ext:242,238(Office) |
Email ID | : | |
Academic Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing |
Ph.D | ECE | 2022 |
M.E / M.Tech | Communication Engineering | 2007 |
B.E/ B.Tech | Electronics & Communication Engineering | 2005 |
Work Experience
Designation : | Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr) |
Areas of Expertise : | ANTENNA THEORY |
Date of Joining at BSAIST: | 14.08.2008 |
Years of Experience at BSAIST: | 15 years |
Areas of Research Interest
- Antennas and Meta Materials
Publication in Journals
- Ambika, Arunachalam, and ChandrapragasamTharini. “Semicircle CSRR with Circular Slot Array Structures for High Level Mutual Coupling Reduction in MIMO Antenna.” Progress In Electromagnetics Research 87 (2019): 23-32.
- Ambika, A., C. Tharini, and M. T. Ali.”Novel D SRR‐based dual band antenna for WiMAX/C applications.” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 61, no. 2 (2019): 309-315.
- Mahamudha and A.Ambika, “Microstrip Line Based RF mixer design for GSM 900 MHz Band”,in the international Journal of Emerging Technologyin computer science and electronics, ISSN: 0976-1353
- G.AshaJyothi and A.Ambika,”Design of Low noise amplifier foe L band application ”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, ISBN 978-81-904760-7-2, Conference proceedings, April 2015.
Publication in Conference
- Ambika, A., C. Tharini, K. Roashna, R. PonSujitha, and J. RasithaBegam. “Analysis of Different CSRR Structures on MicrostripTransmission Lines.” 2018 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Control and Communication (RTECC), pp. 120-127. IEEE, 2018.
- S.Sarumathy, A.Ambika, ”Analysis of band pass filter for GSM applications”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, April 2016.
- Mahamutha.M, Ambika.A,”Dual Band Characteristics on Rectangular Patch Antenna and Circular Patch Antenna Loaded with CSRR ”International Conference on Engineering Technology & Science, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, March 2015, Infotech publishers March 2015,
- M.RamalekshmiAmmal and Ms.A.Ambika, “Miniaturized fractal rat-race bandpass filter”, 6th National conference on recent trends in VLSI,Information and Communication”, B.S.Abdur Rahman University, 26TH& 27TH March 2014 .
- M.RamalekshmiAmmal and Ms.A.Ambika, “Miniaturized monopulse comparator loaded with complementary circular split ring resonator(CCSRR)”,6th National conference on recent trends in VLSI,Information and Communication”, B.S.Abdur Rahman University, 26TH& 27TH March 2014 .
- M.Lakshmi and Ms.A.Ambika, “Circularly Polarised Titled beam Monopole Antenna”,3rd IEEE International conference on “Communication Signal Processing”, AdhiParasakthi Engineering College, 3rd,4th, and 5th April 2014. DOI:10.1109/ICCSP.2014.6949990
- M.Lakshmi and Ms.A.Ambika, “Circularly Polarised L-shaped monopole slot antenna”,3rd IEEE International conference on “Communication Signal Processing”, AdhiParasakthi Engineering College, 3rd,4th, and 5th April 2014. DOI:10.1109/ICCSP.2014.6949990
- P.SahayaAsline and A.Ambika, “Design of fractal antenna foe GSM andUWB application using carpet structure.”, International conference onAdvances in computer, Communication and management, Conference Proceedings, April 2013.
Seminars / Workshops/Guest Lectures – Organized
- Organized workshop on Design and development of drones with AI on 9th and 10th October 2019.
- Organized workshop on Innovative Teaching Methodologies for School Teachers on 13th April 2019.
- Organized CAREER GUIDANCE PROGRAM FOR +2 STUDENTS on 27th October 2018
- Organized carrier oppurtunies for 12th and diploma students on 7.4.2018.
- Organized workshop on real time signal aquisation and processing using LABVIEW and MATLAB held from 18.9.2017 to 20.9.2017
- Arranged Guest Lecture on “EMI & EMC DESIGN “on 21.4.2017 by Mr.Salil,Scientist, SAMEER-CEM Chennai.
- Arranged Guest Lecture on “Modulation Techniques In Television” for II year students by Prof. V. THYAGARAJAN,General Manager, Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL).
- Arranged Guest Lecture on “preplacement talk“ for prefinal year students in the year 2016 by Hakim, Dawood.(ECE ALUMINIES )
- Organized Career Guidance and Counselling workshop for +2 students on 12th April 2017.
- Organized interdepartment Technical symposium in B.s.abdur Rahman Institute 2014.
- Arranged Industrial project for 2 M.Tech students in SAMEER-CEM Chennai in the year 2014.
- Cordinator for national level technical symposium-IMPULSE on 5.10.13.
Seminars/Workshops Attended
- Attended NI LABVIEW Certified training program on “NI –USRP AND COMPACTRIO” at BSACIST on 2-5 JANUARY 2018.
- Attended a one day workshop on “capacity building of women in higher education”organized by women empowerment cell,BSA Crescent Institute on 1stApril 2017.
- Organized A Threee Days Workshop On “Äntenna Design Using HFSS” From16.3.17 to 18.3.17.
- Certified for the completion of Module I-NI LABVIEW core 1 & core 2 course during July 2015-Jan 2016.
- Attended a five days FDP on “Metamaterial Antenna” organized by ECE department in association with Entupletechnologies,Bangalore from 11/05/15 to 15/05/15 at BSAIST,Chennai.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Quality assurance in academic and sponsored research” conducted by BSAIST on 07/03/15.Industrial visit arranged for M.TECH students to AIRPORT – Radar Section in the year 2015.
- Industrial visit arranged for M.TECH students to AIRPORT –Radar Section in the year 2015.
- Particiapated in the two days workshop on NI Labview, organized by the Dept of ECE, BSAIST held on 6thand 7th of August 2014.
- Participated in the two days Symposium on Radio Frequency Antenna applications and measurements” organized by the Dept of Telecommunication Engineering, SRM university during 25th-26th August TESLA and RADMIC 2014.
- Attended a two day workshop on “Advanced RF Measurements for Engineering and Research.”-(ARMER) organized by Department of ECE in association with Agilent Technologies held on 9/10/13 &10/10/13.
- Participated in the National Workshop on “Wireless Communication and Radiating Systems” held at Sri Sairam Engineering College on 21st & 22ndMarch 2011
- Attended one week faculty development training programme on antennas and propagation organized by easwari engineering college in 2011.
- Attended 3 days induction program for faculty traning program in the year 2008.
Certificate Of Appreciation
- Awarded Certificate for Providing Excellent academic Result in the Anna University Examination for the Course “Embedded System”.
Guest lecturers Delivered:
- Delivered a demonstration lecture on “patch antenna design using HFSS “in the workshop on “Äntenna Design Using HFSS” from16.3.17 to 18.3.17.
- Delivered one day lecture in the title of “Linear Integrated Circuits And Its Applications “Sri Krishna Institute of technology on 11.3.17.
- Delivered Guest lecture in the title of “Overview Of RF And Its Application “Sri Krishna institute of technology on 28.7.14.
Additional Responsibilities
- Linear Integrated Circuit lab Incharge
- UG admission Co-ordinator
- Class advisor (2018-2022 Batch – ‘A’ section)