Welcome to all Crescentians to the Alumni Portal!
This exclusive interactive & networking platform for the Alumni helps you stay connected with the Alumni & also be updated with all the alumni related activities.
The University’s Office of Alumni Relations was established in May 2019 and is intended to provide a platform for alumni to interact with the University.
The University’s Office of Alumni Relations takes care of alumni engagement and maintains a communication channel with them; keeping them informed of University’s achievements and making them a part of the institution’s future and not just its past.
Develop a fully connected, vibrant, Crescent alumni community.
Promoting alumni relationship, fostering commitment among students and enabling student-alumni interactions.
- Foster a spirit of loyalty to the institution and provides an avenue for the philanthropic spirit of successful alumni
- Help former students remain connected & reconnect
- To promote the general welfare of the University & to support the further development of the alma mater for a new era of students
- Smooth conduct of the Alumni Annual Reunion & arranging networking events
- To arrange Mentoring sessions & guest Lectures
- Internship / Job offers from the alumni
- Provide Alumni job search facility (for min. 3 yrs. experienced Alumni)
- Invite Alumni firms to visit the campus Placement drive
Dr Ganesh K, Director
John K Mathew, Alumni Coordinator