Achievements of the Faculty Training Academy
B.S. Abdur Rahman Faculty Award 2019
B.S. Abdur Rahman Faculty Award 2019 organized by HR department on the occasion of teachers day @ BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology

3 Day Hands-on FDP on “Introduction to Big Data Analytics” on 7th to 9th August 2019
Crescent Faculty Team in association with ICT Academy organized a 3 Day Hands-on FDP on “Introduction to Big Data Analytics” on 7th to 9th August 2019. More than 40 faculties participated in the FDP and got benefited.
One Day ICT Enabled Faculty Development Programme on “Engineering Graphics”
Crescent FTA Team in association with School of Mechanical Sciences organized a One Day ICT Enabled Faculty Development Programme on ” Engineering Graphics” on 9th July 2019. Mr.Mahashir Ali , Assistant professor of Mechanical Department delivered a hands on session for the participants.Faculties from various departments such as Automobile Engineering, Civil engineering, Aerospace engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Polymer Engineering attended the training and got benefitted.

Faculty Orientation Programme on 8th and 9th July 2019
Crescent FTA Team organized a Faculty Orientation Programme for the newly joined faculties for the academic year 2019-20 on 8th and 9th July 2019. Orientation started Yesterday(8th July 2019) with complete insights about HR policy, Leave policy, Roles and responsibilities of staff. Session was handled by Director HR. The first session was followed by presentation on TCS iON HRMS solution where employee management, profile entry , leave and Onduty applying steps were explained by HR Team (Dr.Javubar Sathick and Ms.Sasikala). In continuation to day one, Day 2 started with welcome address by Director HR and series of important agendas in which Our registrar and Deputy Registrar addressed the new faculties. There after Dr.Tharini Hod/ ECE delivered a keynote address on importance of online courses like MOOC and Nptel, Director Aria Dr. Rajaprabu presented Institute Ranking related information to the new faculties.
In the afternoon session Research Team (Dean Research, Dr.Khurshid deputy Dean research, Dr.Harinaryanan director sponsored research and Mr.Parvez alam CEO ciic) gave a useful information on research, fundings and start ups to the faculties. Thereafter Dean Academic Dr.Haji Sheik offered a academic related information such as regulations, workload, syllabus and curriculum to the newly joined faculties.Finally the day was concluded by Coe Team (Dr.Rabbani-COE, Mr.Saibulla-DCOE,Mr.Syed Abdul Syed-ACOE) delivered a exam related information such as paper valuation, invigilation and other rules and regulations. Almost 90 odd new faculties attended the orientation programme and got all the vital information about B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology.

Crescent FTA Team organized One day Faculty Development Programme on “Effective Teaching Practices” for all the faculties on 3rd July 2019
The session started with the remarkable points on Effective Teaching Practices by our honourable VC sir followed by key note address on Teaching Practices by Dr.K.Narashiman, Director AU TVS Centre for quality management, Anna university. In the Afternoon, our dynamic registrar delivered a valuable Inputs on “How to manage the classroom for effective outcome” his session was followed by a interactive and energetic session on the topic “How to counsel and mentor the students” which is delivered by Dr.C.Kumar Babu senior retired professor and doctor in pyschiatry department, Stanley Medical College Chennai. Finally the day was concluded by panel discussion by the eminent icons of the crescent our VC sir, Registrar Sir and Deputy Registrar. It was a effective and interactive session where the panel members were answering all the queries raised by the faculty members. All the faculties who attended the training program was completely benefitted and understood the concept of effective teaching practices.

Eclectic HR CONFAB’19
Organized by HR & Faculty Training Academy In collaboration with Department of Commerce ,Crescent Innovation Incubation Council (CIIC) Training and Placement Cell Of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
In Day-1 IHRC (International HR Confab) our participant are HR heads, staffing managers, CEO Coaches, B-School & engineering graduates, employees across sectors, social skilling organizations and government organizations promoting skills & development will discuss various issues around Gender Diversity in corporate sectors and management education.
Various Topics were discussed by the eminent panel members,
- Leadership and EQ
- Work Place Divergence – Fight for talent and policies and culture
- Misogynic behavior @ workplace
- Gross National Happiness as Human Holistic Development
- Addressing organizational politics positively and micro-aggression behavior
- C2C (Campus to Corporate)/ Industry expectation
More than 75 participants including corporate HR’s, Faculties ,Research Scholars, Industrialists and Students were participated and got benefited.
In Day-2 ICC (International Commerce Confab) is organized for teaching fraternity and Emerging Research Scholars.
Theme of the Conference Coined as “Recent trends in business & commerce”
The “International Confab on Emerging Trends in Business Management” aims to provide a forum for the exchange of new ideas and interactions in the areas of Commerce, Business and other social sciences through discussions with the peers from around the world. Accessing the need of entrepreneurship and new business start-ups for building an ecosystem to facilitate start-ups requires concerted and coordinated holistic effort.
More Than 30 participants presented papers and panel discussion by eminent speakers were also conducted during the course of the programme.

Speakers for the Confab 2019

Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. IR. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar

Prof. Nawab Ali Khan

Prof. Khaliq Ahmad

Dr.Saamdu Chetri

Dr.Md. Mamun Habib

Dr. Nikhil Gokhale

Dr.Fazalur Rahman

Prof. Radhe S. Pradhan

Dr.Rajan Babu


Dr. Krishnamurthy Prabhakar
Crescent FTA team organized a AICTE SPONSPORED One Week “Student Induction Programme LEVEL-1” for the faculties
The training session was handled by resource Person, Professor Ranjani Parthasarathi. More Than 50 Faculties across the country participated from various institutions and got benefited. 7 faculty members have participated from our institute and One faculty acted as a observer Dr.Karthikeyan from Life sciences. These Trained Faculties will be conducting the Induction programme for the students who will be joining fresh this academic year 2019-20.

Crescent FTA team in Association with ECE department organized a Two Day Hands-on FDP “Applications of image processing using MATLAB” on 02/05/2019 & 03/05/2019
The training session was handled by three eminent trainers of ECE department, Ms.Padmausha, Ms.Anuradha, Ms.Rafiammal and with able support of Dean School of electrical science Dr.Kaja Mohideen and Head of the department Dr.Tharini. Faculties from various departments such as ECE,EIE,CSE,IT,CA,MATHS,POLYMER,CHEMISTRY participated in the training and Full-Time Research Scholars from various discipline were also actively participated in the Hands-on Training. On the whole more than 30 participants attended the training and got benefited.

Crescent FTA team organized a Series of One Week training programme on “Softskill training for staffs” for all faculties and Administrative employees
Crescent FTA team organized a Series of One Week training programme on “Softskill training for staffs” for all faculties and Administrative employees in the following areas, Building Confidence, Communication Skill, Listening Skill, Proactive response, Time Management, Relationship Management, Success Strategies. The One Week Training programme conducted in 4 slots . Training offered for 60 minutes every day. Trainer for the programme is Mr.R.T.Narendra – Professor, Crescent School of Business. Mr.Narendra is an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, having more than 4 decades of experience in the industry as HR. Faculties from all the departments are actively participated in the training session. This training programme is also conducted to hostel student’s. 12 student’s attended the training expecting for more participants for remaining slots..

Crescent FTA team in Association with EEE department organized a One Day Hands-on FDP “Usage of Raspberry Pi in Machine Learning Environment” on 03/04/2019
The training session was handled by Dr.Y. Mohamed Shuaib Head of the Department EEE- Handled Introductory Session on machine Learning and Mr.Paramasivam Handled Hands-on Session on Importance of Raspberry PI in Machine Learning Environment. Faculties from various departments such as ECE, EIE, CSE, IT, CA, MBA, POLYMER participated in the training and Full-Time Research Scholars from various discipline were also actively participated in the Hands-on Training. On the whole more than 30 participants attended the training and got benefited.

Crescent FTA team organized a One Week training programme on “Softskill training for staffs”
Crescent FTA team organized a One Week training programme on” Softskill training for staffs” for 2 more batches faculties in the following areas, Building Confidence, Communication Skill, Listening Skill, Proactive response
Time Management, Relationship Management, Success Strategies, The One Week Training programme for 2 batches conducted from (19/3/2019 to 25/3/2019). Training offered for 60 minutes every day. Trainer for the programme is Mr.R.T.Narendra- Professor, Crescent School of Business. Mr.Narendra is an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, having more than 4 decades of experience in the industry as HR. Faculties from all the departments are actively participated in the training session. More 70 faculties are attended the programme.
Understanding the culture, beliefs, customs, practices of each other gives the understanding of values and social behavior, respecting each other and their cultural lies in the heart of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
Sports is important for the students so as to all of us also, it reduces stress and enhances the mood to work.
Hence B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology Organized the Cultural and Sports event on 16th March 2019 only for our wonderful staff members.

Crescent FTA team organized a One Day National Seminar on “E-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education” on 09/03/2019
The training session was handled by Elite Panel of MHRD Members Prof.A.K. Bakhshi discussed on E-Learning & MOOCs in Higher Education: Challenges & Opportunities and Dr.Vimal Rarh discussed about Roles of Teachers in Technology -Enabled Higher Education and Dr.Jaswinder Singh discussed about Technical Inputs of E-learning.
More than 100 faculties and research scholars have attended the training session.

Two-Day FDP training programme on the topic “Teaching Techniques” on 11th and 12th February 2019
Crescent FTA team in association with ICT Academy organized a 2 Day FDP training programme on the topic “Teaching Techniques” on 11th and 12th February 2019 in our institute premises. Around 40 faculties both from crescent and other institutes participated in the training programme. Training session was handled by Mr.Nirmal Kumar , Senior Manager training and development ICT Academy. All the participants are given a complete insights of Teaching Techniques and useful informations to manage the challenging class room environment.

Communication skills and Office Keeping skill training for all Personal Assistants of various Schools and Departments conducted by Crescent FTA team on 26th to 27th December 2018

One Day Training Session for All the Lab Technicians on 21st December 2018
Crescent FTA team organized one day training session for all the Lab Technicians, Lab Assistant, Lab In-charge, System Staffs, System Engineer (Device In-charge & Equipment In-charge if any available) on the Topic “How to write the System /Machine /Equipment Specifications & SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedure) in Highest Standard “. Training session was handled by the following team
1. Mr.Ak.Antony – Lab Coordinator
2. Dr.SKG.Ganesh- MR-ISO & Director PG Admissions
3. Mr.R.Venkateshwaran- Senior Network Engineer.

One Day Training programme on “Maintenance of Computer Hardware/Network/Infrastructure & its Implementation Procedures” on 14.12.18
Crescent FTA team organized a One Day training programme for all the system staffs of our institute on the topic “Maintenance of Computer Hardware/Network/Infrastructure & its Implementation Procedures” Training session is handled by Dr.Sheik (Director Data centre), Mr.Venkatesh (Senior Network Engineer), Mr. Sivakumar (Senior System Engineering), Dr.Abdul Azeez khan (Asst.Professor-Sel.Grade, VC special officer) and Dr.Javubar Sathick (Asst.Professor-Sel.Grade, Assistant Director FTA). All the System Staffs are given a complete insights of System, Network and it’s infrastructure.

3-Day Training session for the Final Year and Pre-Final year students on “Salesforce Essentials For Business Specialists”
Crescent FTA team Organized a 3-Day Training session for the Final Year and Pre-Final year students on the topic “Salesforce Essentials For Business Specialists” on 11/12/2018 (Tuesday), 12/12/2018 (Wednesday) and 13/12/2018 (Thursday).The Training is given directly by the Salesforce certified Professional.The Trained students is credited with the “Online Badge from Salesforce” which can be used in their CV for the placement. Students from Commerce, MBA & MCA participated and get benefited.

“One Day Hands on Training – MS-Office and Google Drive” for our Institute clerical staff on 20.11.2018

Training Session on “Classroom Management” is organized by FTA team and Our Registrar Sir gave a lecture on the topic to the Newly Joined Faculty Members on 12/11/2018

R tool FDP (2nd November 2018)
1 – Day Hands – on FDP on “Predictive Modeling using R” conducted by FTA team in Crescent Institute of Science Technology along with the association with Department of Computer Applications on 2nd November 2018 . Faculties and Research Scholars from various institutes participated and benefited.

Oracle FDP (22nd – 26th October 2018)
5 – Day FDP on “Oracle PL/SQL” conducted by FTA Team in Crescent Institute of Science Technology along with the association with ICT Academy on 22nd October 2018 to 26th October 2018. More than 30 Faculties and Research Scholars from various institutes across chennai participated and benefited.

Orientation Programme 2018
One Week Faculty Orientation Programme for Newly Joined Faculty


Educators impart knowledge and skill to students. These educators need to be updated and trained in new skills and technology, so that students could learn better. Keeping this in mind, the Faculty Training Academy (FTA) of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology in association with SKILLMATIX organized a three-day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) for the teaching faculty and Heads of the Departments from 26th to 28th June 2018.
The delegates were trained on Business Communication and Innovative Presentation Skills. Mr. Akshay, a Leadership and Transformational Trainer & Coach at SKILLMATIX, acquainted the participants with various techniques to make the classrooms a better place for teaching and learning. The training provided the much needed refreshing ideas to go hand in hand with the experienced teaching of the faculty.

Faculty Orientation Programme 2017
- Ultimately, an institution is measured not by its bricks and mud’s but by the legacies of its faculty, whose expertise and experience prepare students to shape society in positive and productive ways for the decades to come.
- If the most cherished assets of a university are its faculty, then a commitment to faculty development ought to be prominent in the activities supported by its leadership.
Goals of the faculty orientation
The goals of the faculty orientation program are:
- to provide new faculty with in-depth information about the multiple resources that are available on campus to support their teaching, service, and research;
- to encourage new faculty to become familiar with the campus culture and the traditions and rich history of Crescent University
- to offer new faculty a faculty mentor, and to provide opportunities for experienced faculty to learn about new programs and become mentors to new faculty
S.No | FDP-Title | FDP-Trainer | Date of Event |
1 | “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research” | Dr. Nikhil, Associate Director,R.K University, Gujarat | 31.07.2017 to 04.08.2017 |
2 | “Innovative Pedagogy” | Dr. Nikhil, Associate Director,R.K University, Gujarat | 05.08.2017 |
3 | “Faculty Grooming Program” | Hanasha Basker Training Manager, Scale-up Development Centre |
25.08.2017 to 26.08.2017 |
4 | “New Faculty Orientation Programme” | “Our Vice Chancellor, Director(HR),Dean Academics, COE & Director Admissions” delivered a interactive speech with newly recruited teaching and non-teaching staffs” | 17.11.2017 |
“Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research” by Dr. Nikhil, Associate Director,R.K University, Gujarat
“Faculty Grooming Program” by Hanasha Basker, Training Manager, Scale-up Development Centre
New Faculty Orientation Programme

Overall | Broad Category | Description |
Teaching | International Workshop | 4 |
Teaching | Seminars and Workshops Organized | 57 |
Extension | Training for Self Help Group | 2 |
Research | International Collaboration | 2 |
Teaching | Number of Faculty deputed to other Institutions through FTA | 18 |
Consultancy | Police Training | 1 |
Research | Papers published | 2 |
Teaching | Soft skills curriculum | 1 |
Funded Projects
- Funding of Rs.One Lakh was received from the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology for implementing the “Traditional Science and Technology development” in August 26 2010.
- A Funded proposal for US Fulbright Specialist under the United States India Educational foundation with Prof Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University, USA has been completed. June 8 – July 6 2012 for the project titled “Reaching the Un reached among learners”.
International Workshop
- The Faculty Training Academy of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute and ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu partnered together to organize a International Workshop on Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century on 19th December 2011. Three leading educationists
- Dr. Vijayan Sugumaran – Oakland University, USA
- Dr. Zaffar Sadiq – SKM International, Australia
- Professor Hema Ramanathan – University of West Georgia, USA
delivered sessions in the event. 63 participants from various colleges around Tamil Nadu participated in the event.
- Organized Second International Workshop on “Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century” on March 11- 12, 2013. Three leading educationists
- Professor Dr. Abtar Kaur – Professor, Faculty of Education and Languages, Open University, Malaysia (OUM)
- Dr. Ranjit Singh Malhi, CEO and Principal Consultant of TQM Consultants Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia
- Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Director – Human Resource Development Institute, Daffodils International University, Bangladesh
- Mr. Ifham Ahsan– Chief Executive Officer, Elumina, Sydney, Australia
delivered sessions in the event. 33 participants from various colleges participated in the event.
- Organized “Second International Workshop on Teaching and Learning in Islam” on March 12, 2013.
- Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Director – Human Resource Development Institute, Daffodils International University, Bangladesh
delivered sessions in the event. 21 participants participated in the event.
- Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Director – Human Resource Development Institute, Daffodils International University, Bangladesh
- Organized workshop on “Third International Workshop on teaching and learning in the 21st century” on 16 Dec 2013.
- Dr. Siva Pillai , Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
- Dr. Jim Anderson, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
delivered sessions in the event. 46 participants from various colleges participated in the event.
Training for Self Help Groups
- The following Workshops were conducted from
- 29 November 2010 – 3 December 2010 – Embroidery
- 5 December 2010 – 10 December 2010 – Glass painting
for the Self Help Groups of Kanchipuram District. Totally 110 women were trained.
Workshops organized
- An Induction programme for New Faculty Members was organized between 15-17 July 2010. Over 60 faculty members were trained in different aspects of pedagogy, psychology and interactive methods of teaching including 25 faculty members from other colleges.
- A panel discussion on the topic “Challenges Teachers face in Technical Education in the Twenty First Century” bringing together Dr.M.Sekar – Dean (CEG), Anna University, Chennai Eugene Xavier – Vice President, Hexaware Technologies Ltd.
- Dr.JG. Sheshasayee – President, ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu was organized on 18 Sept 2010 for all the faculty members of the University. This panel discussion brought out several facets of teaching and learning in an interesting manner for Faculty and made them aware of the latest trends.
- A two day “Interactive workshop on Java” was offered for the Faculty members of CSE, IT and MCA departments in Sept 18-19 2010 in partnership with Digiterati, Chennai. Totally 35 faculty members participated in the workshop including 5 from other colleges.
- Workshop on “Adobe Photoshop” was conducted during 8 January, 9 January and 22 January 2011 for the Non-Teaching staff members of the University in partnership with the NSS. Around 40 staff members participated in the Workshop.
- Workshop on “Adobe Photoshop” was conducted during 12-13 March 2011 for the Teaching Faculty of the University. Around 35 Faculty members participated in the Programme.
- Seminar on “Mobile Computing Development Technologies“ was conducted during 2-3 April 2011 for the Faculty, students of the University and other Institutions across Tamilnadu (Participation from Tiruchi, Tirunelveli, Villupuram, etc.). Totally 52 participants attended the seminar inspite of the world cup finals.
- An Induction programme for New Faculty Members will be organized between June 27, 2011- July 1, 2011. Over 60 faculty members are to be trained in different aspects of pedagogy, psychology and interactive methods of teaching including 20 faculty members from other colleges.
- A workshop on How to conduct practical classes was organized on July 15 2011 for all the faculty.
- A Guest Lecture by Dr. N.S. Venkataraman – Former Director – MIT Chennai and TIFAC – New Delhi was arranged on the topic “How to instill Quality in Technical Education” on 29 October 2011 for all the faculty.
- Research Lecture by Dr.Vijayan Sugumaran on “How to prepare high quality Research papers” was organized on 4th Nov 2011
- Conducted an Orientation meeting for the Faculty members who will conduct the Soft skills programme for the Students on 19/11/11.
- The Faculty Development Programme for offering soft skills training for our B.Tech Graduates was organized from 8 December 2011 till 19 December 2011 (9.30 am to 4.00 pm) in partnership with the Placement Cell. 25 Faculty members from various Departments were trained.
- A Faculty Development Programme on e-content development was organized from 23 January 2012 to 25 January 2012 (9.30 am to 4.00 pm) in partnership with the Dept. Of Educational Technology, Bharathidasan University. 21 Faculty members from various Departments were trained.
- A workshop on Campus IT Computerization was organized on 18 February 2012. 15 Faculty participated. The meeting of Deans, Directors and HODs was organized on 28 February and a de-briefing session of the workshop was also held on 28 February 2012.
- The soft skills training programme for Faculty members was conducted from May 7 to 11 – 2012 with support from CTS. Totally 20 Faculty members from all the Departments participated in the session. A common manual and format was decided.
- The Fullbright USIEF funded project “Reaching the Un-reached among learners” with Prof Vijayan Sugumaran – Oakland University, USA was executed from June 12 – July 6 2012. Under the project, Prof Vijayan Sugumaran – Oakland University, USA collaborated with the Faculty Training Academy in developing a model for the improvement of teaching and learning practices in the Institution
- Developed causal model for the project “Reaching the Un-reached among learners”. Organized interaction with the Deans, Directors, Heads of the Departments and other Senior Faculty members on 25 June 2012 to demonstrate the causal model and get the opinion of the members.
- Organized the workshop on Quantitative Research methods – June 28-29 – 2012 conducted by Prof Vijayan Sugumaran as a part of the Fullbright USIEF project – Around 31 Faculty members and Research scholars of our University participated in the event
- Organized the workshop on Dot Net Technologies – June 18-20 – 2012 in partnership with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu and Microsoft India – Around 33 people from various Institutions (The registration fees was waived for the 8 Faculty members from our University) participated in the event
- Organized Induction Training Programme for the new Faculty June 2-6 2012. Around 56 faculty members participated (one external participant).
- Organized workshop on “Use of Mindmaps for teaching and learning and Science popularization” with partial funding from the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and technology and NCSTC, New Delhi on 12 July 2012. Around 23 people participated (8 members from other colleges). Dr. Yousuf Islam, Director – Human Resource Development Institution, Daffodils University, Bangladesh delivered the sessions. A funding of Rs. 20,000 was received from the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and technology and NCSTC, New Delhi.
- Organized workshop on Islamic Studies for the School of Islamic Studies on July 13 2012. Around 25 participants attended the sessions. Dr. Yousuf Islam, Director – Human Resource Development Institute, Daffodils University, Bangladesh delivered the sessions.
- Organized workshop on “Content Development” on September 5 2012. Around 11 people participated (4 members from other colleges).
- Organized workshop on “Usage of Online Tools in Face to Face Education” on September 15 2012. Around 20 people participated (10 members from other colleges).
- Organized workshop on “Best Teaching Practices” on November 22 2012. Around 34 people participated. Dr. G. B. JaiPrakash Narain, Former Director, NITTTR, Chennai delivered the session.
- Organized workshop on “Flash Training Program for Faculty “on December 7th & 8th 2012. Around 21 people participated (1 member from other college). Mr. Venkat of eFuturesoft ,Chennai delivered the session.
- Organized workshop on “Speed Reading” on January 31 2013. Around 16 participated. Mr.S.Parthasarathy, Retd Railway (IRAS) Bangalore delivered the session.
- The “Soft skills Training Programme” for Faculty members was conducted from July 1 to July 2 2013. Around 24 participated.
- Organized workshop on “E-Content Development Programme” on July 4-5, 2013. Around 103 people participated.
- Organized workshop on “Induction Training Programme” for the new Faculty from July 8 to 12, 2013. Around 43 faculty members participated.
- Organized workshop on “Induction Training Programme for Non-Teaching Staffs “from August 20 to 22, 2013. Around 29 people participated.
- Organized workshop on” Workshop on Preparing Proposal for Funded Projects” on September 5 2013. Totally 21 people attended the workshop. Dr. V. Murugesan, Registrar, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute delivered the session.
- Organized workshop on “Soft Skills Training” 19 to 20 Nov 2013. Around 24 faculties were participated. Ms. Sitalakshmi Seshadrinathan, gymnasiumforbrain delivered the session.
- Organized workshop on “Outcome based teaching and learning” on 28 Nov – 29 Nov 2013 for all the faculty members of the University. Prof. Aman Shah, Assosiate Vice President from Hong Kong, Shue Yan University delivered the session.
- Organized workshop on “Planning and Delivering the lessons in an Outcome based Education” on 3 Jan 2014. Around 56 faculties were participated. Dr. Hema Ramanathan, Professor, University of West Georgia, USA
- Organized workshop on “Evaluating programme Educational Objectives and Programme Outcomes” 21 Jan 2014 for all the HODs and NBA Coordinators of the University. Dr. Murugan, Dean of Mechanical Sciences delivered the session.
- Organized workshop on “Preparing Course objectives and Outcomes” on 27 & 28 Jan 2014. Around 250 faculties were participated. Dr. Murugan, Dean of Mechanical Sciences delivered the session.
- Organized workshop on “Workshop on IBM work light tools with Android applications” on 1 Feb 2014 in partnership with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu. Around 39 people participated (24 members from various Institutions).
- Organized seminar on “courses that Skyfi Labs offers for Engineering graduates” on 3 March 2014. Mr. Pavan Ponnangati, Chairman and CEO, Skyfi Labs, Bangalore.
- Organized guest lecture on “Tamil Natural Language Processing- Past, Present Future” on 23rd June 2014. Around 27 people were participated(8 members from other institutions).Dr. Vasu Renganathan, President(INFITT) and Professor/Penn Language center(University of Pennsylvania)USA delivered the session.
- Organized workshop on “Induction Training Programme” for newly joined faculties from 30th June to 7th July 2014 (6 days). Around 28 Faculties were participated. FTA
- Organized Workshop on “IBM DB2 Training” from 3rd July to 5th July 2014 in partnership with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu. Around 30 people participated (27 members from various Institutions).
- Organized Workshop on “Soft Skills Training for Faculty” 7th July 2014 Around 14 People were participated.
- Organized Workshop on “Workshop on Game Development for faculty of CSE” 21st August to 22nd August 2014. 6 people were participated. Mr. Sujit Sagar from Skyfi Labs, Bangalore delivered the session.
- Organized Workshop on “Wireless gesture Robotics for faculty of ECE” 21st August to 22nd August 2014. 5 people were participated. Mr. Sujit Sagar from Skyfi Labs, Bangalore delivered the session.
- Organized Guest Lecture on “Solar energy cells” on 11th September 2014. Dr.Kalyanasundaram, Switzerland delivered the session. Around 62 people were participated.
- Organized Workshop on “Tamil Computing” on 12th September. Dr.Kalyanasundaram, Switzerland delivered the session. Around 57 people were participated.
- Organized Workshop on “Campit Training for Class Advisor” on 24th December. Around 120 Class Advisors were participated.
- Organized Workshop on “Soft skills Training for Faculty Members” on 24th December. Around 30 Faculties were participated.
- Organized Workshop on “Oracle Academy: Database Programming and Design” from 16th March 2015 to 20th March 2015. Around 30 People were Participated from various colleges.
- Organized Workshop on “Two weeks Faculty Development Programme For Faculty” from 29th June to 10th July 2015. Around 20 People were Participated .
- Organized Workshop on “Quality Assurance workshop for faculty members” from 13th to 15th July 2015. Around 95 students were participated.
- Organized Workshop on “Guest Lecture on Story Telling Technologies” from 10th Sep 2015.
- Organized Workshop on “Three day School Teachers Workshop” from 25th Nov to 27th Nov 2015.
- Organized Workshop on “PHP Programming” on 6th & 7th Jan 2016 in partnership with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu. Around 43 people participated (9 members from various Institutions).
- Organized Workshop on “Voluntary Training on Basics of ICT for School Teachers” on 6th & 7th Jan 2016.Around 19 peoples were participated.
- Organized Workshop on “Voluntary Training on Basics of ICT” for School Teachers on 12th Jan & 13th Jan 2016. Around 22 school teachers were participated.
- Organized Workshop on “Creative Thinking” on 19th & 20th Jan 2016 in partnership with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu. Around 30 people participated (19 members from various Institutions).
- Organized “ICTACT youth Summit-2016” on 30th Jan 2016. More than 1000 students were participated from various colleges across Tamil Nadu.
Special Event – International Collaboration
- A discussion on partnership with Sogang University – South Korea on “The World Class University project in Service Science” was arranged on 10th August. Dr.R.Shriram, was nominated as the Coordinator for the partnership.
- Dr. R. Shriram conducted a workshop on Teaching Learning practices from 27 December 2011 to 31 December 2011 at Daffodils International University. The visit paved the way for discussions on Institutional collaboration between Daffodils International University and B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Discussions on framing the Memoranda of Association between Daffodils University and BS Abdur Rahman Institute was held on July 13, 2012 with Dr. Yousuf Islam, Director – Human Resource Development Institute, Daffodils University, Bangladesh.
- The Fullbright USIEF funded project “Reaching the Un-reached among learners” with Prof Vijayan Sugumaran – Oakland University, USA was executed from June 12 – July 6 2012.
Faculty deputed to Other Institutions
- The FTA was instrumental in sponsoring five faculty members from various Departments for a one day workshop on “MATLAB” conducted at VIT Chennai during April 2011 as a result of the partnership with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu.
- The FTA was instrumental in sponsoring two faculty members from the ECE department for a three day workshop during 20th to 22nd August 2010 on Cadence Technologies, as a result of the partnership with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu.
- The FTA was instrumental in deputing three faculty members for a workshop on Mathematical modeling at VIT University on 16-17 September 2011
- Training was arranged for three Faculty members at ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu between 8 September to 15 September 2011 free of cost in the domain of .NET technologies
- Training was arranged through ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu between 14 to 16 September 2011 free of cost in the domain of Advanced Digital Signal Processing.
- The FTA was instrumental in sponsoring two faculty members for a five day workshop during 2nd to 6th December 2014 on Data Science and Big data Analytics at Rajalakshmi Engineering College,Chennai, as a result of the partnership with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu.
Police Training
- The Basic computer training for more than 779 men and women Sub Inspector Cadets from the Tamil Nadu Police Academy was conducted between 23rd May and 24th June 2011. The main aim of the programme is to teach computer applications and throw light on some fundamental aspects of cyber crime related topics. The Training was organized under the auspices of the Faculty Training Academy. Content in the topics were developed by Dr.R.Shriram, who was the overall coordinator of the programme.
Curriculum Development
- A coordination meeting for the conduct of soft skills courses for the upcoming 4th and 5th Semester B.Tech programmes was convened on 29 October 2011. The syllabi for the soft skills programmes was presented by Dr. Shriram to a high level committee and discussed. The syllabi was adopted across the University.