Academic Year: 2022-23
- MOHAMED HASSIF Y , SHANMUGANATHAN J , SHEGHU RAHMATHULLAH.A , KRITHICA and NALLAM SETTY VENKATA KIRAN won second place with cash prize Rs.15000/- in the event CRESATHAN 2023,for the project titled “Canteen Management System
- VIJAYAGURUMOORTHY M, NANDESH M , NANDHA KUMAR , SHADIR SHARAFAT , LALITHA and Hema Malini of First year ECE won first place with cash prize Rs.30000/- in the event CRESATHAN 2023,for the project titled “Canteen Management System “
Academic Year: 2021-22
ECE Departement NPTEL Toppers
JULY-DEC 2022 | ![]() |
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JAN-JUNE 2022 | ![]() | JAN-DEC 2020 | ![]() |
S.No | Name of the student | RRN | Type of recognition/Award Achieved | Details of Awarding organization | Month & Year |
1 | Mr.Aravind | 21124201005 | Best Player Award | All India Invitation Ball Badminton tournament held at Kayalpattinam | May 2022 |
2 | Mohammed Irshad S | 190051601030 | Best Batsman of the Tournament | City Premier League – Best Batsman of the Tournament – SVCE,Kanchipuram | March 2022 |
3 | Mohammed Irshad S | 190051601030 | BEST BATSMAN | 22 Yards Signature 1st Division match – Murugappa Cricket Ground,Chennai | May 2022 |
4. | Mohammed Irshad S | 190051601030 | Star Player of the Tournament, Man of the Match, Winners | CCM Sports Center Cricket Tournament – Dravid The Wall Cricket ground,CCA,Chennai. | April 2022 |
5 | Mohammed Irshad S | 190051601030 | Leading Run Scorer | Tamilnadu Cricket Association Inter Districts Tournament – Leading Run Scorer – PSG TECH, COIMBATORE. | April 2022 |
6 | Rishub C R | 180051601059 | He has Authored two Chapter 1.Medical records and 2.IT and auxiliary” of The book Titled “Tech in Mind” . | BSACIST | May 2022 |
7 | S.SHIRIN RAFIA | 180051601072 | She has authored the first two chapters of The book Titled “Tech in Mind” | BSACIST | May 2022 |
8 | MOHAMMED IJAZ SABU | 180051601038 | completed a 12 week Mitacs Globalink Research Internship effective October 2021. Project Title: Image processing by wavelets and framelets on intervals Host University: University of Alberta – Edmonton Host Professor: Bin Ha | MITACS Globalink | October ,2021 |
9 | Fazeela YasmineH Nikitha G, Lilly Sheela I | 170051601016 170051601017 170051601020 | Completed the project titled “AI BASED LOW-COST 3D SCANNER AND 3D PRINTER FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS” worth of Rs 30,013, Funded under Crescent Seed money Scheme . | BSACIST | August 2021. |

Rishub C R(180051601059) has Authored two Chapter 1.Medical records and 2.IT and auxiliary” of The book Titled “Tech in Mind”, BSACIST, 2022
S.SHIRIN RAFIA(180051601072) has authored the first two chapters of The book Titled “Tech in Mind”, BSACIST, 2022

Academic Year: 2020-21
Department has received best IETE Students forum (ISF) special award for the IETE student chapter for the year 2020-2021

S.SHIRIN RAFIA(180051601072) Winner in Hackathon 2020 at State level during Oct-Dec 2020 by BSACIST in association with Sandwich Square

- SAMYUKTHAMEENA (190051601040) has authored the first two chapters of the ebook book titled ‘ YOU CAN GO DIGITAL’, BSACIST, 2020
Academic Year: 2019-20
NPTEL Toppers
JUL – DEC 2019 | ![]() ![]() | JAN – APR 2018 | ![]() | ||
JUL – DEC 2017 | ![]() | JAN -JUNE 2017 | ![]() |

- Sumaiya Tabasum (180051601077) Won first prize in 2019,BSACIST paper presentation titled, “Women in all walks of life in the21st century”, JBA college for Women March, 2020
- Sumaiya Tabasum (180051601077) appreciated as a “Outstanding performer in academic” during December

Yuvasri(160051601092) is a STUDENT AMBASSADOR of NSSC’19 awarded by National Student’s Space Challenge during September, 2019
National Instruments Certified Labview Associate Developer (CLAD) of ECE department achievers-2018

- Mr.Ramesh kumar, AP/ECE has received Google India Challenge Scholarship 2018 given by Udacity MOOC.
- Mr.N.Vikram Raj and Mr.M.M.YedhuBooshan of third year ECE (B) have participated in the Technical Symbosium “JETSIGNUM -19” organized by department of ECE, St.Josehps College of Engineering,Chennai and won the first prize in the event ‘Techno Jam” and second place in “Tech Track”. Awarded with a cash prize of Rs.5000.
- Department has organized a two weeks CLAD (Certified Labview Associate Developer) certification Programme from 07.12.2018 to 16.12.2018 in association with National Instruments. Totally 10 students cleared the CLAD exam.

Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Students Forum of ECE department has achieved the Best IETE Student Chapter award for the year 2018-19. Ranked 2nd place among 60 student chapters.

- Imadudeen, Mtech (Communication systems) developed a mobile application called “Half wave dipole Antenna Calculator” which is available in Android Play store. This application is being downloaded in several countries and details are provided in the below link.
- Ms. Sindhu Bala, Full time research scholar has been selected for Govt. of India’s SERB Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship to pursue her research at Purdue University, USA from January 2019 for a period of one year. She will receive an amount of 2000 US$ per month during her stay there.

Students Cocurricular and Extracurricular Achievements (2018-2019)
- Hemprashanth of third year ECE B participated in the All India Inter university Archery competition organized by KIIT university Bhubanaeswar, Odisha during 26th to 29th December 2018 and scored 153/237.

- R.Lokesh of Final year ECE A and his team has won the trophy in “All India level Inter University Ball Badminton Tournament-2018-19” conducted by SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur.

- Santhosh kumar(III Year ECE), Mohammed K Afridi (III Year ECE) and Sarfraz Nawaz (III year ECE) have won the First, Second and Third places respectively among 100 participants who Contested the Texas Instruments Drishti Online Contest held on 28.09.2018
- Mr.Elavarasan and Ms.Fahmidha Sherin have won the third prize in the state level Project Expo-Innovotronics 2018 organized by Tagore Engineering College during 5th October 2018 for the project titled “Temperature Logger”.
- R.Lokesh of Finar year ECE A has got 3rd place in All India Inter College Ball Badminton Tournament organized by SRM and also won second place in state level Ball Badminton tournament organised by southern railway institute Tiruchirapalli on 18-8-18 to 19-8-18
- N.Hemprasanth (III year ECE) won Bronze medal in Open National Archery Championship for senior men category organized by Sports Development Authority of Tamilnadu(SDAT), Namakkal during August 2018.
Students Cocurricular and Extracurricular Achievements (2017-2018)

Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers awarded the IETE Student Chapter of ECE Department, as the ISF Best Student Centre (among 60 student chapters) of Chennai Centre, for the year 2016-17. This award is for outstanding and exemplary contribution in conducting various technical events.
With a Goal of contributing to the Society, the Student members of “Social Technical Service Club” of ECE department designed and implemented the following three projects in a Govt. High School at Karanaipudhucherry near Urapakkam. These projects were handed over tothe school by Registrar Dr.V.Murugesan in the presence of Dean Dr.S.KajaMohideen and HOD Dr.C.Tharini on 17.11.17.
- Automatic water level controller( II year ECE students Mr.J.Prasanna, Mr.S.Ganesh and Mr.K.Lokeshwaran)
- Automatic Bell (II year ECE students Ms.R.Karthiyayini, Ms.M.Hansika, Ms.S.Priyanka, Ms.V.R.RajaPriya and Ms.P.Pavithra)
- Bio-metric (Finger print bases)attendance system – ( III yr ECE Mr.MohamedBasith Adnan, Mr.M.MohamedAfrid and Mr. V.S.Akash)

- Abishek (III Year ECE)along with Aslam Noorani (III year Mech) and Syed Sameeulla (III year mech) won third prize in Anveshan -2018 held at Bharthiyar university, Coimbatore for the project titled “VR BASED BOMB DISPOSAL BOT” during February 2018.
- Sherlin Martina and Meeran Sahib of III year ECE have received Google India Challenge Scholarship 2018 given by Udacity MOOC.
- Rayapati Masthan(IV Year ECE) ,V.Abishek (III Year ECE) and Monica. R (IV year ECE) have won the First, Second and Third places among 87 participants who Contested the Texas Instruments Drishti Online Contest held on 6.10.17
- Gokulkanna of VII semester ECE hasattended 45 days internship in Mentor Graphics,Banglore from 15th June to 29th July 2017. During this internship period, he has completed a project on “Verification of LC3 microcontroller, using System Verilog environment include code and functional coverage”
- Mohammed Hisham of VII semester ECE has attended 45 days internship in Nokia Solutions & Networks from 6th June to 21st July 2017 in IOT domain.During this internship period, he has completed a project on “Employee Tracking And Attendance With Face Recognition And Cloud Computing”
- The project proposal titled “ANALYSIS OF ECG SIGNAL FOR THE DETECTION OF CARDIO VASCULAR DISEASE IN DIABETIC PATIENTS “submitted by S.Anitha Shree & M. Hemalatha of IV year ECE ‘A’ section, under the guidance of Dr.C.Tharini, HOD/ECE &Ms.S.Kalaivani, AP(Sr.Gr./ECE) has been shortlisted for the third levelin NIYANTRA 2017, an annual Student Designcontestorganized by National Instruments all over India.
- Lokesh of third year ECE ‘A’ section has won the state level ball badminton championship.
Achievements (2016-2017)

- The project titled “Health monitoring for elderly patients using IOT” submitted by Thenappan.R and Srinivasan.Dof final year ECE ‘A’ is granted with an amount of Rs. 30,797 by IE.
- K.Gowtham and Imaduddeen won a prize at ISRO for presentation on Reusable Rocket in Worlds space research Day.
- The presentation on GPS controlled Autonomous Tractor using IOT by Imaduddeen, Irfanuddin and Munawwir in the event IOT Challenges was shortlisted to semi finals by NASSCOM, Chennai.
- A.Vetrivel, Winner in Innovation, Creativity & Leadership (ICL) Project competition organized by Microsoft research community.
- M.Rahul & team, Winners in national Robotics championship by ARK techno Solutions and
- Sakthi Gnananvel has won1stplace in National ball badmintonheld atKaital, Haryanaand alsostar performeraward in the same series. He is representing Kancheepuram Districts in CM trophy for 3 years continuouslyand got 2nd and 4th place in last years. Got 4th place in All India Inter university series held at SRM University.
- Imaduddeen, Abdul Mohsin, Sheriza Larif .A, Savitha.V won a best paper ward in International conference conducted by Aarupadai Veedu Institute Of Technology,Vinayaka Missions University.
III Year ECE A & B:
- Fayiza Fareen.A has won second place in the event boss of circuits conducted by Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalaminnovation center in our university.
- Shyamala Sarathyhas completed NPTEL online course successfully in the course of basic circuits.
- Mariyam Hibah.M.M, has won first place in the event boss of circuits conducted by Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam innovation center in our University.
- S.Anitha Shree has won third place in the event boss of circuits conducted by Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam innovation center in our University.
- A.Abinesh has participated in inter-college symposium at Dannish AhmedEngg. College in the event of AddsMash and won first place along with cash prize with his team. He has participated in project faire organized by hobby electronics club of our department and won prize along with his team.
- A.S.Anish Mohammed has won in inter-college symposium at Dannish Ahmed Engg. College in the event of Adds Mash (second place), Dumb -C (second place) and Minute to win (first place) along with cash prize with his team. He has participated in Project Faire organized by hobby electronics club of our department and won prize along with his team for the projectAdvanced Security System.
- A.Lakshmi & Mahmood.S.H have participated in project faire organized by hobby electronics club of our department and won prize for the projectHome Automation.
- A.M.Azarudeen has participated in project faire organized by hobby electronics club of our department and won prize along with his team. His project is based on advanced security system.
- P.U.GokulKhanna has participated in IETE south zone tech fest 2k17 organized by IETE Erode center and won first prize for his project name radio frequency- garage gate controller. He has completed NPTEL online course successfully and certified with elite in the course of IMAD.
- R.Karthikeyan has participated and won in inter-college symposium at Dannish Ahmed Engg. College in the event of Adds Mash(second place) and Dumb -C(second place) along with cash prize with his team.
- S.MohamedFaraj has participated and won in inter-college symposium (dannishahmed) in the Surprise Event (first place) and Minute to win (second place) along with cash prize.
- B.Mohamed Ghouse Javedand his team have participated in inter-college symposium at Dannish Ahmed Engg. College in the event of Adds Mash and won first place with cash prize.
- M.Mohamed Hishaam has participated in project faire organized by hobby electronics club of our department and won prize along with his team.
- H.Mohamed Ishackdeen and his team have participated and wonSecond Place with cash prizein Inter-College Symposium at Dannish Ahmed Engg. College in the events Adds Mash and Dumb C.
- Mohamed Wassim & Monika have won firstplace in Just a Minute event of ECE got talent held at BSACIST.
- Mohamed Usman has won first place in connections at ECE department symposium held at HindustanUniversity.
- Moshin has won first place in connections at ECE department symposium held at HindustanUniversity.
- Noor Sulthana has won second place in creativity writing in Islamic event held at BSACIST.
- Abdullah.A.K and Abishek.V have won a special prize in the Concept Design Competition on “Debris reuse” conducted by ISRO.
- K.Sharanya has won a special prize from ISRO for the Elocution competition on “Furistic thoughts in Space technology”
- Abishek.V, Arvind.B, KirenBalaji.N have won third prize in the south zone level competition for the project titled “Farmer’s Aid” organized by Tumkur University.
- KirenBalaji. N and Avilala Karthik has won second place in the photography competition during the literary day event.
- Jaffar Ali Jeddy has got distinction in the BEC exams conducted by Cambridge University.
- K.Sharanya, Gamini Geetha, Panimozhi and Naveenya have won third prize in the National Level Robotic Championship Competition conducted by National Instruments.
- Khaleelullah has cleared LEVEL- A1 in German Course.
- Panimozhi has won first place in the “On Spot Event” at the 18th annual Islamic cultural event held in Aug 2016.
- Priyanka has won 1st prize in card making on international women’s day and won second place in Ball badminton in crescent Institute.
- Gamini Geetha has won first prize in the Vector Event in Origin 2017, Intra University symposium organised by the department of Mathematics and actuarial science and has won the winner prize in basket ball on Feb 2017 at BSACIST.
- Sumana.K has won third prize in the ORIGIN event of Maths dept. symposium at BSACIST.
- B.Priyadharshini has won second prize in Robotics Workshop at BSACIST.
- Dhavudkhan.M has won second prize in Volley Ball &Kabadiat BSACIST.
- Vishali has won third prize in the ORIGIN event of Maths dept. symposium at BSACIST.
- Shaik mannuru karishma has won in “Shri Dewang Mehtha certificate of excellence Top Ranker 2017” held at SRM University.
- Sandhiya J has won the Silver jubilee trophy in State level Ball Badminton tournament at BSACIST.
- Sandhiya J was Runner Up in All India ball badminton inter University tournament held at SRM University.
- Sandhiya J was the Winner in Buck memorial state level ball badminton tournament held at YMCA, Chennai
- Srirambhat M,Vigneswaran R, Ijaz Ahmed, Thoufeek Ahmed and Vigneswar R havewon in Robotics football (RAIF) in CRESTECH 2K’17 held at BSACIST.
- Thoufeek Ahmed, Ijaz Ahmed, Vigneswar R and Srirambhat M are the winners in Infinity (connexion event) in CRESTECH 2K’17 held at BSACIST.
- Srirambhat M, Vigneswaran R, Ijaz Ahmed M, Thoufeek Ahmed M and Vigneswar R have won III Prize in Infinity (treasure hunt) in CRESTECH 2K’17 held at BSACIST.
- Vigneswaran R and Srambhat M were in the 4th and 5thplace in Tour De Crescent Cyclothon conducted by BSACIST.
- Yekabattala saikumar was the Runner Up in State level Dhanalakshmi Cricket Tournament held at DCE, West Tambaram.
- Yekabattala saikumar was the Runner Up in State level sathyabama cricket tournament held at Sathyabama University.
- Ijaz Ahmed M has won 2nd prize in Do-doodle event in CRESTECH 2K’17 held at BSACIST.