- Dr.D.Najumnissa, is appointed as External Assessor for the promotion exercise to the post of Professor by UiTM on 14.9.2023
- D. Najumnissa was recognized for publishing open access with Elsevier between 2020–2022 and one of the articles was linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, helping to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges.
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, was recognized and received certificate of excellence for reviewing in outstanding contribution to the quality of the Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal, October, 2023
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, was recognized and received certificate of excellence for reviewing in outstanding contribution to the quality of Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology, August, 2023
- Dr.D.Najumnissa, is the member of BoS meeting for the Department of CSE(AI&ML), Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai and attended the meeting on 2.6.2023
- Dr.D.Najumnissa, is the member selection committee and conducted interviews on 28.4.2023 for Assistant Professor Level – 2/Associate Professor/ Professor Positions for the Medical Engineering Department of Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Chennai
- Dr.A.Abuthahir, Professor /EIE and Director, IQAC, Nominated as a member of the independent expert committee for evaluating the courses of NEAT 2.0. by the AICTE- National Educational Alliance for Technology, New Delhi, 2021
NPTEL Courses completed by the faculty
Dr.G.Anitha | · Introduction to Soft Computing (Jan-Mar 2024) |
Dr.J.susai Mary | · Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks (Jan-Mar 2024) |
Dr.G.Anitha AP(Sel.G) | · Introduction To Industry4.0 And Industrial Internet Of Things (Jul-Oct 2023) · Control Engineering (Jul-Oct 2022) · Introduction to Machine Learning (Tamil) (Jan –Feb 2022) |
Dr.P.R.Hemavathy AP(Sel.G) | · Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (Jul-Oct 2023) · Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic control (June 2023) · Control Engineering (Jul-Oct 2022) · Chemical process instrumentation (2021) |


- Mr.Abdul Shajeed, third year EIE student has been granted research internship in Taiwan at National Changhua University, under a project to build a patrol vehicle under the TEEP (Taiwan Experience Education Program). The Internship period granted is 3 months with $500 per month from 1st of December, 2022 to 1st of March, 2023
- Dr. S.K. Lakshmanaprabu, full time research scholar of EIE department is in the Stanford’s list of top 2% scientists published in November, 2021
- Mr.Mohamed Irfan of third year EIE participated in Mixed signal circuit Design and Simulation Marathon using eSim and won a cash prize of 2000.Title “Multiplexer Design and Simulation” held on Feb-March 2022-IIT Bombay FOSEE.
- Mr.Abdul Shajeed, third year EIE student has been granted research internship in Taiwan at National Changhua University, under a project to build a patrol vehicle under the TEEP (Taiwan Experience Education Program). The Internship period granted is 3 months with $500 per month from 1st of December, 2022 to 1st of March, 2023
Mr. Sabir Ahmed Shamoo, (An Alumnus of Crescent, B.Tech. EIE 2014 batch) Co-founder, Engineering & Environmental Solution qualified for the grand finale at the ET Now “Leaders of Tomorrow Award 2020”
Engineering and Environmental Solutions, an Aligarh based startup, was co-founded in 2015 by two young entrepreneurs, Mohammad Hamza and Sabir Ahmad Shamoo. (Crescent Alumnus, B.Tech. EIE – 2014 batch)
In the beginning of the year 2020, this company was selected for the ET Now “Leaders of Tomorrow Season 8 Award”, held at New Delhi and qualified for the finals. The startup team presented their pitch to an eminent jury at a glittering ceremony at New Delhi.

- Norman Cruz S, Goutham, S, Abhinesh Jayaram, Murshitha Shajahan M.S, Najumnissa Jamal D, Emprical investigation and comparison of Different Viscosity liquids with increasing temperature, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering ic-ETITE”20 during 24 – 25th February 2020, organised by School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT, Vellore 632014
- Mohammed Asith N, Mohamed Thawfiq S, Pavan Kumar V, Aadhirai.S, Najumnissa Jamal D., “Ultrasound Renal Abnormalities detection using ANN and Scale Invariant Feature Transform”, 2nd International Conference on Latest Trends in Engineering and Management on 20.10.19 and 21.10.19, held at Pondicherry, organized by IFERP
- Norman Cruz S, Mohamed Ashiq N, Pavan Kumar V, Shahul Hamid S, Najumnissa D, Murshitha Shajahan M S , Advanced Dust Separation System In Coal Handling Plant In Thermal Power Station, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ICRTST – 2019, held on 20.3.19, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology & TECHOWN, 9788-1-9322-1327
- Najumnissa D, Mohamed Syed Ali J, Mohamed Uzaer. A, Mohamed Asith N, Yaasir Ahamed M S, Analysis of The Effect of Different Music on Students Using ECG Signals, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ICRTST – 2019, held on 20.3.19, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology & TECHOWN, 9788-1-9322-1327
- M. S. Murshitha Shajahan,D. Najumnissa Jamal, Mohamed Harish. M, Mohamed Raiyan.V. ,”Controller Design Using BFOA For Thermal Power Plant Process, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ICRTST – 2019, held on 20.3.19, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology & TECHOWN, 9788-1-9322-1327
- Mohamed Raiyan M, Thahiranazreen. S, Varshan V , Mohamed Ashik J, Najumnissa D , Murshitha Shajahan M.S, Shahul Hamid S.,” Acquisition of Data From a Prototype Boiler Tube Leakage System and Analysis using ANN and Naïve Bayes, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ICRTST – 2019, held on 20.3.19, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology & TECHOWN, 9788-1-9322-1327
- Harishankar, III year EIE student who is a member of Crescent SAT Team (Team Crescent SAT) has contributed in the development of the prototype model of “Crescent SAT” satellite which was launched on 24th February (Sunday) between 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM at Siruseri

- Najumnissa D, Mohamed Syed Ali J, Analysis on the Effect of ECG Signals While Listening to Different Genres of Music, Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP) , Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Sikkim, presented on 26.2.19, 978-1-5386-7989-©2019 IEEE

- Mohamed Syed Ali.J, Abinesh Jayaram, Gautham S, Murshitha Shajahan M.S., Najumnissa D., Automation of Battery Testing Process Using Programmable Logic Controller, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research, ICRTMDR -18, jointly organized by APC Mahalaxmi College for women, Tutucorin, and IFERP presented on 20.12.18, ISBN:978-81-939399-6-6, 2018, pp 97.

Abinesh Jayaram Muruganandam and Mohamed Fayazudeen, second year EIE participated in the Robotic Competition held at UCSI University, Malaysia, on 23rd and 24th November, 2018 and won the best robust design award.

Ms.V.Aparna, III semester, M.Tech students was awarded Special Appreciation certificate for her contributions on Process Automation for Nissan activities on 9.11.2017
- Ms. S. Yasmin won the best player award in the State Level Ball Badminton Tournament organized by B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute during 2nd and 3rd March 2017.
- Suhail Ahmed, Mohammed Faizan, U. Sabura Banu got Best paper award for the paper titled “Temperature Monitoring of Infant”, in National Students Conference on Control and Automation on March 03, 2017.
- S.J.Mohamed Khalid, R.Balavan Vignesh has presented and demonstrated a project “ Automation of Washing Machine using Programmable Logic Controller” in South Zone Student Research Convention, ANVESHAN 2017 conducted by Association of Indian Universities at Tumkur University, Tumkur, Karanataka during February 14-15, 2017.
- B.Arun Kumar, Z.Mohamed Anees, U.Mohamed Ashik Ali has presented and demonstrated a project “Smart Waking Up Gadget” in South Zone Student Research Convention, ANVESHAN 2017 conducted by Association of Indian Universities at Tumkur University, Tumkur, Karanataka during February 14-15, 2017.
- Mr.Sriram.R, M,Tech, Mr.Khalifa Anwar Ali, B.Tech, Mr.Shahul Hameed, B.Tech have won first prize in South Zone Contest conducted by ANVESHAN for the project Titled “Rehabilitation of Paralyzed Patients using Hand Gesture/EEG Signal Using Bluetooth” on 21st and 22nd March 2016.
- Mr.Sriram.R, M,Tech, Mr.Khalifa Anwar Ali, B.Tech, Mr.Shahul Hameed, B.Tech have won Third prize in National Level Contest conducted by All India Student Research Convention-ANVESHAN for the project Titled “Rehabilitation of Paralyzed Patients using Hand Gesture/EEG Signal Using Bluetooth” on 28th and 30th March 2016
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu, Prof. /EIE received award for publication in Book Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer publications under Research Incentive Scheme for the year 2013-14 held on 31st August 2015.
- Mr. N. Sivaramakrishnan, AP/EIE received best paper award for the paper titled ‘Design of Linear Quadratic controller for Quasi Z source inverter” at the International Conference on Technical Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College held on 20.8.15.
- Ms. G. Anidha, AP(S.G)/EIE received best paper presented award for the paper titled “Analyzing choroidal Neovascularization through characterization of changes in posterior eye segment ”at the International Conference on Technical Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College held on 20.8.15.
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu, Prof./EIE awarded travel fellowship by Centre for International co-operation in Science (CICS) for attending and presenting a research article in an International Conference INTELLISYS 2015 held in London, UK.
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu, Prof./EIE received the Lifetime Membership certification from ISRD : Membership ID: F3140900203 in Fellow category in International Society for Research and Development (ISRD membership), UK.
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu serves as an Editorial Board member for “Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovation ” and”Journal of Control and Instrumentation”, STM publications
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu has served as a reviewer for International Journals like Advances in Modeling and Simulation Enterprises (AMSE) France, Chemical Engineering Communication from Taylor and Francis, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation from Elsevier Journal and 10th Asian Control Conference 2015
- Dr. U.Sabura Banu, Prof./EIE delivered a guest lecture on “Implementation of Intelligent Controllers for Power Electronics applications” for the post graduate students in EEE Dept, Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 5th March 2015.
- Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Professor and Head / EIE, delivered a Lecture on “Detection and Classification of Epileptic Seizure EEG Signals” for the second, third and final year EIE and ICE students of Sathyabama University on 10.9.14.
- Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Prof and Head / EIE was invited to chair the session at the International conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV) on 24th May , 2014, organized by Universtiy of Bangladesh, Dhaka
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu, Prof./EIE and Ms. G. Anidha, AP/EIE were awarded cash prize under “Research Incentive Scheme of BSAU” for Research Publication/Edited Chapters in BS Abdur Rahman Institute on 22nd February 2014.
- Dr. T.R. Rangasamy, Prof./EIE & Dean (Academics), Dr. U. Sabura Banu, Prof./EIE and Mr. N.Sivaramakrishnan, AP/EIE got ‘Research Incentive awards of BSAU’’ on 3.9.15 for academic year 2014-15
- A patent has been applied (application No:404/CHE/2015) on the title Footwear Implantable Tracking Device and system for Ensuring Personal Safety, at the Patent Office, dated 29.1.15 and it has been published in the International Patent Official Journal during March, 2015.
- Mr. Lakshmanaprabu research scholar received Junior Research Fellowship (Scholarship) from BSAIST on 12th September 2013
- Mr. Lakshmanaprabu research scholar was awarded Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship (Scholarship) from DST on 12th February 2014.
- Ms. S. Yasmin, II year EIE student represented the Tamilnadu State Ball Badminton team and won gold medal in Junior Championship 2013-14 held at Bhilai, Chhattisgarh from 19th to 23rd October 2013.
- Mr. R. Karthick, IV E&I represented Ball Badminton Men Team and Secured Runners-up Position in the Y.M.C.A Buck Tournament held at Y.M.C.A College of Physical Education, Chennai on 20th August 2013.
- R. Ajeem Khan and K.G. Vigneshwar of II nd year EIE presented a project named “ Advanced Wireless Remote Switch” in a project exhibition held at Hindustan University and secured first place and a cash award of Rs.2500/-
- R. Ajeem Khan and K.G. Vigneshwar of II nd year EIE presented a project named “ Wireless Power Supply” in a project exhibition held at R.M.K Engineeirng college and secured second place and a cash award of Rs.1500/-
- Ms. C. Amrita of 2nd year M.Tech presented a paper titled “Design of NN based dedicated observer for three interacting tank process with detection of bias, drift & abrupt sensor failure” at the International Conference on ‘Emerging trends in Technology’ organized by Basilous Mathews Engg. College & Pentagram Research Institute at Kollam, Kerala held on 20th & 21st February 2012.
- Mr. G. Sathishkumar, Mr. K. Prashanth, Ms. S. Kokila, Mr. M. Tamilarasi of final year ICE presented a paper titled “Classification of normal anaemic blood cell by measurement of blood cell size using laser diffraction method” at the International Conference on ‘Emerging trends in Technology’ organized by Basilous Mathews Engg. College & Pentagram Research Institute at Kollam, Kerala held on 20th & 21st February 2012.
- Mr. M. Aravindan, 2nd year M.Tech presented a paper titled “Slip control and trafficability of underwater mining machine” at the national conference on ”Research and Developments in Health Care & Process Automation” organized by Dept. of EIE, R.M.K. Engg., College, Kavaraipettai on 3rd March 2012.
- Mr. M. Vignesh of third year EIE has participated and won in various events organized by other institutions are given below.
Name of the event | Won | Date | Organised by |
Robo Race | First | 2/3/2012 | “Sai ProduXio”, Sri Sairam Engg. College, Chennai |
Project display | First | 6/3/2012 | “Cresonance ’12”, ECE Dept., BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science &Technology |
Hell Bots | Second | 24/2/2012 & 25/2/2012 | “Eclectic ‘12”, Dept. of EEE, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engg. College, Pondicherry |
Botcar | First | 27/1/2012 & 28/1/2012 | ”Technovation”, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore |
Robo Race | First | 11/1/2012 | “Spangles 2012”, Dept. of EEE, Easwari Engg. College, Chennai |
- Mr. Maruthi Sujith, Mr. Hussian, Mr. Koushik Kumar and Mr. Thouseef of third year EIE has participated and won first prize in Project Display at ‘Cresonance 12’ organized by Dept. of ECE, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science &Technology Chennai.