SLS Journal club

The main purpose of SLS Journal club is the critical review of the key papers in Life Science research. Each meeting will be held with the participation of scholars, students and faculty members to discuss and critique research that appears in professional journals of related field. Understanding and forming a precise opinion of a journal article is a crucial skill for research; the SLS Journal Club aims to equip the research scholars and students with the skills necessary to carry out a critical review of literature relevant to their field and also to keep everyone updated about the global scenario in multidisciplinary research. Further information and weekly updates about the club can be found in following weblink:

Internships Offered

International exchange program funded by Turing grant-Govt. of UK 2022

International Industrial attachment program for students from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Samarahan Campus, Sarawak, Malaysia

Name of the studentName of the guideTitle of the project
Mohammad Hairaze Ezwandy Bin AdenanDr.S.HemalathaAntimicrobial activity and isolation of active compounds from leaf of the traditional african medicinal tree Kigelia africana (LAM) benth
Mozzarie Shahrayzam Bin MasidiDr.S.HemalathaExtraction and characterization of phytochemical compounds from Hemidesmus indicus L.
Gerald Grino ApilDr.S.HemalathaDetection of heavy metals in soil sediments
Dominic Anak GerukaDr.S.HemalathaAntibacterial and anticancerous efficacy of flavonoids isolated, purified and characterized from various parts of couroupita guianensis.

National summer internship offered in Science for school student

From May 4-22, 2015 B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute organized free SummerInternship in Science programme for School Students. Out of 30 selected students from various schools , 11 students were done their projects at SLS and the ist, 2nd and third prizes are bagged by Ms. Santhoshini, Mr. Mothi and Ms. Divya lakshmi respectively and the projects are listed in the table below.

1Mohamed Sheik MothiAlpha Mat.Hr.Sec.School, SembakkamTesting the efficacy of anti diabetic drug to control the pathogenic bacteria causing diabetic foot ulcer.Novel method of delivering drugs to control UTI pathogens and testing their efficacy
2Divya Lakshmi.KSri Vishwa Vidyalaya Hr.Sec.School,VandalrDr.S.HemalathaNovel method of delivering drugs to control UTI pathogens and testing their efficacy
3Athira.P.SNeelan Mat. School, Guduvancheri.Dr. Karthikeyan. RAntibiotic susceptibility assay of commercially available three different antibiotic tablets on human pathogen
4Sakthi Priya.MNeelan Mat. School, Guduvancheri. Antibiotic susceptibility assay of commercially available antibiotic on human pathogen
5Sabeena.BEbenezer Mat.School, New Perungalathur.Dr. Khurshid Alam KhanEbola Virus: Unravelling pathogenesis & Treatment Strategies
6Jeevitha.MEbenezer Mat.School, New Perungalathur.Dr. Soumen BeraQuantification of polyphenols in common food sources.
7Pon Dharanieswari.PAnitha Methodist Hr.Sec. School ,Vepery.Dr. Neesar AhmedCharacterization of Blood and Its component.
8Thejal.HEbenezer Mat.School, New Perungalathur.Dr. Shazia JamalQuantification of Proteins
9Raeesah Firdhouse.SCrescent Girls Mat.Hr.Sec School, NungambakkamEr.KavithaGreen Bags to preserve and delay ripening of fruits
10Santhoshini.JEbenezer Mat.School, New Perungalathur.Dr. M.K.SangeethaImpact of an environmental influencing factor on Chick Embryogenesis
11Hounandan.RSt.Anne’s Mat.Hr.Sec.School,New PerungalathurDr. Amrita RoyDiabetic Food–eat or delete?

Faculty Achievements

Name of the FacultyAchievements
Dr. S. Hemalatha
  • Delivered invited talk in AICTE sponsored National seminar on Challenges and opportunities in green Nano Technology, Held on 25, 1, 2018, Vels University, Chennai
  • Selected among 20 researchers from India for The UK-India Newton-Bhabha Fund Researcher Links Workshop on working at the chemistry-microbiology interface to develop new antibiotics for tackling antimicrobial resistance and resistant TB
  • Special invitee for TIDCO/TICEL/EDI brainstorming session on 20.8.2016 at TICEL Biopark, Chennai
  • Chairperson International Conference on Novel approaches in cancer research & Therapy (NACRAT-2k17),June 26-28, 2017 Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (SPER) and Saveetha university, Chennai
  • Course organizer for cancer informatics at Saveetha university held on 26, June, 2017 at Saveetha University
  • Delivered Invited talk at National conference on current trends in biosciences, medicinal plants their scientific validation and novel applications, Padmashri Vikhe Patil College of Arts and Science and commerce, Ahmednagar, 9-10, December, 2016
  • DBT Sponsored Short Term Training program on Genomics and Metabolomics of Wild Medicinal Plants at Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanical garden and Research Institute, Palode,Trivandrum between 16th November – 4th Dec 2015.
  • Delivered Invited talk-at International conference on nanodrug discovery-Nanodentcon-2k17, Saveetha University, Chennai 18.2.2017
    Fellow-Society of Pharmaceutical and educational research (SPER)
    President SPER-TN- Chapter
  • Invited talk delivered in XXXIV Annual Conference of Society of Toxicology (India) 2014“Challenges and Strategies in Toxicology for Food Safety” & “Drug Development – Regulatory Perspectives in Livestock, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India, 10th to 12th December, 2014, Chennai
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
  • EDI-Tamilnadu invited as a representative from academic institutions to chair biotech industry academic interaction 8.3.2017
  • Reviewer in Journals of Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, Natural Product Research, Plant Growth Regulation, Archives of Agronomy and soil science, Plant methods, Bioinformatics, Proteomics, International, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, Indian Journal of Plant Sciences CIBTech Journal of Biotechnology, CIBTech Journal of Bio-Protocols, CIBTech Journal of Microbiology
Dr. R. Karthikeyan
  • Session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
  • Through Erasmus fund delivered one week course in University of Nottinghom in September 2017
  • Through Erasmus fund delivered invited talk in University of Nottingham in September 2017. Through Erasmus fund delivered three day workshop in University of Nottingham in September 2017.
  • Reviewer for Process Biochemistry, Journal of dental research Archives of oral biology, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Caries Research, Clinical Microbiology: Open Access, International journal of biology and biological sciences, Journal of medicine and medical Sciences, International Research journal of Biotechnology, Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation.
Dr. P. Ashok Kumar
  • Selected as Vice-President for Society for Phytopharmacology and Research-India, Vishakapattanam, India.
  • Reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Future oncology, Drug Design Development and Therapy, OncoTargts and Therapy, Human and Experimental Toxicology and Journal of Natural Agents and Molecular Therapeutics
Dr. Khurshid A. Khan
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Soumen Bera
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
  • Reviewer for SERB research projects since 2016
    Reviewer for Journals The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Tumor Biology, Environmental Science & Technology
    Encouraged students of his class and established Roof top herbal organic garden
Dr. Neesar Ahmed
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Shazia Jamal
  • Invited speaker and session chair at The 2nd International and 7th National Annual conference of THE SOCIETY FOR WOUND CARE AND RESEARCH (SWCR) Theme: Basics to advanced wound care was held on October 11-13, at Department of Plastic surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr. Shahul Hameed
  • Delivered invited talk on Workshop on 4-R approaches in Pharmacology and Toxicology” held on August 4, 2017 at Department of Pharmacology, SRM University
  • Through Erasmus fund delivered one week course in University of Nottinghom in September 2017
Dr. Sudarkodi Sukumar
  • Course organizer for cancer informatics at Saveetha university held on 26, June, 2017 at Saveetha University
Dr. Shahanabaj Khan
  • 1st prize for Oral presentation in “National level conference on biotechnological advances towards sustainable agriculture and environment” Organized by Hindustan College of Arts and science, Chennai, India, On 24th August 2017.
  • Received travel award and fellowship for International Conference; “Inter Drought-V’ held on Feb 21st-25th, 2017 ICRISAT, Hyderabad
  • Received Travel award for poster presentation and participation in Next Gen Genomics Biology, Bioinformatics and Technologies (NGBT) Conference, Scigenome Research foundation, October 3rd-5th, 2016 Cochin,
Dr. G. Harish
  • Delivered invited talk on Scholarship and Fellowship opportunities for young researchers in India”in Azyme Biosciences Pvt Ltd, Jayanagar, Bengaluru on 13th January 2018.

Scholars Achievements

Name of the Research ScholarAchievements
Saroj Kumar Sah
  • Best oral presentation award at national conference on novel approaches and concepts in Modern Microbiology Organized by department of Microbiology, Hindustan college of Arts and Science held on 11 January 2017
  • Best Oral presentation award at National conference on “Emerging trends in the management of infectious diseases and public health (ETMIDPH-2016)” Mohamed Sathak college of arts and science, Chennai on 4th and 5th February 2016
  • Young Scientist Travel Grant at International Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” organized by Central Inter-Disciplinary research Facility, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, India on 3-4 March, 2017
S.M. Fazeela Mahaboob Begum
  • Best paper presentation award in “BRCP 2017”. Meenakshi College for women, Chennai 30 & 31st January 2017
  • Best oral presentation award at National symposium, Cancer Research: A Global Scenario. Life Intelligentsia Foundation & Frontier Mediville, Gummidipoondi June 9 2014.
Mohamed Adil
  • MANF Fellowship – UGC Government of India
  • Selected for Human Neuroanatomy at edX under instructor, Kelli A. Sullivan, Ph.D from Michigan University, U.S.A
  • Selected by Jackson laboratories, U.S.A for special complimentary webinars on mouse modelling for 2017-2018.
  • Awarded as best performer by Beckman coulter in Flow cytometry workshop held at Translational Research Platform for Veterinary Biologicals (TRPVB), chennai
K. Rekha Yamini
  • Won best oral presentation award on National conference on interdisiplinary research and innovations in biosciences, NATCON, 24-25, January, 2018
Ubaid Rasool
  • won Ist prize for poster Presentation at National Conference on“Novel Approaches and Concepts in Modern Microbiology” Hindustan College of Arts and Science on 11th January, 2017.
Tahira Akthar
  • 2nd prize in national conference on “Novel Approaches and Concepts in Modern Microbiology” organized by Hindustan college of Arts and science 11th January 2017.
  • 1st prize in Oral presentation in National conference on”Nanotechnology in Medicine” organized by Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute 8thand 9th September 2017.
  • Best paper presentation Award in International Conference on”Nano-A New world of Science”organized by VidhyaSagar Women’s College 22nd September 2017.
Sneha. U
  • Won Best Outreach project in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
  • Won the first prize in ‘Synfora 2017’, a DBT sponsored National Conference on ‘Entrepreneurship: Current scenario, Scope and Opportunities in Food and Bioprocessing Sector’,Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 15th and 16th September 2017.
  • Won best oral presentation award on National conference on interdisiplinary research and innovations in biosciences, NATCON, 24-25, January, 2018
Logesh .R,
  • won “Best Individuality project award” in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
  • Won 2nd Prize in oral presentation in National level Seminar on Recent advances in microbial technology for renewable energy, bioremediation, health and sustainable agriculture, 24-25 January, 2018

Students Achievements

Name of the StudentAchievements
Ms. Hemashri.
R. M and Ms. B. Chandini
participated in Guinness world records event Bharatha Natyam, on 14, April, 2017
KIRUTHIGA. A. P.Chennai International youth Festival and won
Vinodhini .Swon “Best Revolutionary project award” in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
Sugirdhana .Pwon Best Science & Technology project award in ‘Sarvashastra 2017’ organized by MGR University
Mohammed FaheemPECOFES 2017-spell Bee won
Ms. Zakia FathimaDBT sponsored Biotech Industrial Training Programme (BITP) with BCIL fellowship.
B. Famidhawon second prize in poster presentation in National conference on applications of Green Technologies for separations of Bio-products, Sree Sastha Institute of Engg. & Technology September 2-3, 2015

4.1 International Internhips

4.1.1. Mohamed Adil I year B.Tech Biotechnology student from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at Department of Pathology Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA from June 1-30, 2015.

4.1.22. Four students from II year B.Tech have been selected from school of life sciences for summer internship at Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA for 2 months.

4.1.3. Abeer, I year B.Tech from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

4.2 National Internships

4 .2.2. B. Amrutha I year B.Tech Biotechnology student from School of Life Sciences has done one month summer internship at Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai

4.2.3. Xinovem private limited Chennai selected 32 B.Tech students for winter internship 2015 and individual project is assigned for the students for the winter 2015.

4.2.4 Divij K Kinger has been selected as intern for Entrepreneurship Training with scholarship in Pentagrit research, Chennai


International Research collaborations

Our academic and research work is an international enterprise. We are interested to collaborate with researchers at universities, hospitals, industries around the globe. We are collaborating on joint research, faculty and student exchange, teaching, joint workshops and conferences.

S.NoName of the faculty memberName of the InstituteProject titleName of the collaboratorOutcomes
Papers/patents/grants/any other
1Dr. S. HemalathaJohns Hopkins University, USAMicro RNA mediated diagnosticsDr. Samirjit Das3 journal publications
2 publications under review
 Dr. M.K. Sangeetha   3 Indo-USA grants submitted
Established undergraduate summer research internship programme.
Through this programme students have been sent from 2015, 2016
Teaching one credit course in 2014, 2015
Orgnized 2 international conferences jointly
Sent Dr. Sangeetha for post doctoral work,
Offered Post Doctoral Position for Mr Mohd Shahanbaj Khan
2Dr. S. HemalathaPurdue universityElectro Chemotherapy, smart phone based diagnosis of diabetes, cancerDr. Raji sundarrajanSubmitted 4 Indo USA grants
One journal publication is accepted
2 journal publications are under review
1 conference publication
3Dr. Soumen BeraUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoCancer biologyDr. Alan M DiamondThree publications
4Dr. S. Hemalatha
Dr. R. Karthikeyan
Dr. Shahul Hameed
University of Nottinghm, UKNatural products from actinomycetes


Teaching biotechnology with technology

Dr. Nagamani Bora


Dr. Ledjwig Decker

Sent 2 faculty through Erasmus fund


Submitted Indo UK grant for teaching

Working on 2+2 student model

5Dr. S. HemalathaUniversity of East London, UKNatural pharma productsDr. Muklehur RahmanOrganized joint International conference
6Dr. S. Hemalatha


Dr. M.k. Sangeetha

University of Malaya, MalaysiaDiabetic RetinopathyDr. Tengku ain Kamalden


Dr. Khalidin

Submitted tripartite Indo-Malaysia-USA grant


Students exchange from November 2017

7Dr. S. HemalathaUniversity of Tokyo, JapanPlant hormone response and molecular signalingDr.yoichiinitiated
8Dr. S. HemalathaHiroshima university, JapanPlant stress responseDr. Tomoimichiinitiated
9Dr. S. HemalathaUniversity of Turkey


University of victoria, canada

Developing diagnostic device by utilizing nano particlesDr. BhullarOn going


4 Students will be sent for summer internship

Planning to submit Indo Canada grant

Planning to organize joint workshop during summer

10Dr. S. Hemalatha


Mr. Mohd. Shahanabaj Khan

University of California, IrvinePlant biotechnology


Technology development and Innovation

Dr. Anandinitiated
11Dr. S. HemalathaUniversity of Missouri, USANano technology, Antimicrobial peptideDr. Raghuraman


Dr. Anandhi

Biotech Innovation and Entrepreneurship course will be offered to final year B.Tech students


Collaborative research on antimicrobial peptide screening

12Dr. S. HemalathaWayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri lankaNovel anti cancerous and antidiabetic compounds from Hemidesmus indicusDr. KalaivaniIndian-Sri Lankan inter-governmental


science & technology cooperation programme

Joint Research grant submitted

Research scholars exchange from Srilanka to work on the project in BSACU

13Dr. S. HemalathaUniversity of Melbourne, AustraliaB.Sc blended program


Dr. Andrew DrinnanJoint B.Sc Blended program will be offered after meeting in July 2017
14Dr. P. Ashok Kumar


Dr.S. Hemalatha

University of Lankashire


Cancer and diabetesDr. Jaipaul SDelivered invited lectures
15Dr.S. HemalathaKeck center, Univeristy of Virginia, USAMolecular imagingDr. P. AmmasiDelivered invited lectures
16Dr. KhurshidKing Saud University, KSAMicrobiologyDr. NasserOne research publication
17Dr. Neesar AhmedWayne State University, USACancer signalingDr. AsfarAzmiInitiated
18Dr. Sudarkodi SukumarAlzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute, University of South California, USAMycobacterium tuberculosisDr.Pradeep Anand RavindranathCollaborative M.Sc project

Exiqon, Denmark

The collaborative project was discussed with Dr. Michael Hanson, Exiqon, Denmark and Dr. Das Johns Hopkins. This project will be on light cagged LNA to cure diabetic retinopathy. The project will be funded by Exiqon.

Biorad, USA

SLS is collaborating with biorad USA in conducting special series of seminars and lab demos by specialists and scientists from Biorad USA. As an initiative on May 21-22, workshop in Gene Technology- Module II : Molecular cloning was organized in association with Biorad, USA and Eppendorf, Germany. The application specialists from bioraddemonstrated the applications of Real time PCR and participants had hands on experience with Real time PCR.

Eppendorf, Germany

In association with Eppendorf on March 1-2, 2014, workshop in Gene Technology-  Module I: Gene amplification was conducted.

Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Das from John’s Hopkins and faculty of SLS had research discussions on 9th June and planned for possible collaborations. Dr. Das has invited Dr. Sangeetha ( Research Scientist) to Johns Hopkins for 3 months research exchange. He was impressed by the poster presentation by Ms. Karabi our M.Sc student during the conference and interested in inviting her to his lab for short term research. Dr. Hemalatha and Dr. Das have submitted  2 research proposals for ICMR-USA initiative and US India endowment fund. The joint review paper is under preparation. Dr. Das has invited Mr. Prasannasaamy, Ph.D scholar under the guidance of Dr. S. Hemalatha to work on their joint project at Johns Hopkins for 3 months.

Florida Atlantic university, Florida, USA

Dr. Arockiasamy, professor and director of center for infrastructure and constructional facilities from Florida Atlantic university,  Dr.S.Prince Arockia Doss, Director, International Collaborations and Prof. Dr. S. Hemalatha, Professor & Dean met at International collaboration office on December, 7, 2013. During the meeting, exchange of faculty and students between SLS and FAU college of Science, Joint project funding through NSF international program, Short visit of research scholars to FAU, Faculty on sabbatical to BSAIST from FAU. Dr. Arockiasamy has assured to send the contact details of researchers from FAU and he will initiate the collaboration.

University of Central Florida, USA

Dr. Pallavoor Vaidyanathan, Assistant Vice President for Research, University of Central Florida, USA had discussion with faculty of life sciences on December, 18, 2014. Dr. Pallavoor Vaidyanathan has mentioned about UCF Nano research centre and medical school research. He welcomed every faculty to have research collaboration with scientist/faculty in University of Central Florida working in their research specialization. Dr. Pallavoor Vaidyanathan also added that collaborating with scientist in US will facilitate to receive grants from National Institute of Health and National Science Foundation from USA.

Deakin university, Australia

Professor Jagat R. Kanwar Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Victoria, AUSTRALIA is interested in collaborating in the areas of nanomedicine and visited the school during December 2013 and discussed with the faculty members of school of life sciences about the future collaboration.

Curtin University, Australia

Dr. Arun Dharmarajan from Curtin University, Australia has the visited school of life sciences on 30th June 2014 and discussed about the possible areas of collaboration with faculty members. It was planned for exchange of Ph.D scholars and collaboration in proteomics and molecular biology.

Queens land University, Australia

Dr. Vito Ferro, Associate Professor, School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, Queensland University, Australia has visited school of life sciences on  January, 9, 2014. Dr. Vito Ferro gave a presentation on the various courses offered in the School of Chemistry & Molecular sciences at queensland university and also mentioned about the scholarships available for postgraduate as well as for PhD programme. Each faculty member of SLS briefed about their research area and expertise toDr. Vito Ferro. Dr. Vito Ferro also shared his field of research i.e., on anti-cancer and anti-angiogenic property of a new Heparan sulphate mimetics compound and pharmacological chaperone therapy for lysosomal storage diseases.The possibility of collaboration between SLS and UQ, exchange of faculty members, research scholars etc. are discussed.

Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan

Prof.Ingrid Y Liu, Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics, Director,office of General and basic Education, Director, Center for Faculty development and Instructional resources is interested in collaborating with the school of life sciences in the research areas including diabetes and neurodegeneration. Sr. Ingrid invited Dr. S. Hemalatha and Vice Chancellor to Tzu Chi University to sign MOU between school of Life sciences, BSAIST and Tzu Chi University, Taiwan.

National Collaboration:

Pentagrit Research

SLS is collaborating with Pentagrit Research in the areas of toxico genomics, tissue chip based screening of pharma compounds.

Sankara Nethralaya-Vision research foundation

Dr. Krishnakumar and Dr. Sowmya from Vision research foundation visited SLS on 6th September, 2014 to discuss about the research collaboration on diabetic retinopathy

Xcode Life Sciences

Along with Our chairman Dean has visited Xcode life sciences on April 15, 2004 and met Dr. Narayanan and Dr. Saleem to start incubation center at BSAIST. Again on May 6th Dr. Saleem visited SLS. The initiation of incubation center and possible collaborations between SLS and xcode was discussed with Registrar.

Frontier Mediville and Dr. Cherian’s heart foundation

School of Life Sciences has initiated research collaboration with the Frontier Lifeline Hospital formerly known as Dr. K.M. Cherian Heart Foundation. The team of scientists headed by Dr. Cherian visited school of life sciences and discussed about the possible areas of collaboration alsong with our vice chancellor Prof. Tareen on 23rd April 2014.

Take Solutions, USA and Chennai

SLS is Collaborating with Take solutions,Vandalur Chennai in the areas of Bioinformatics. Dr. Ganesh President, Take Solutions visited SLS on 6.1.2014 and had discussion with faculty members on current trends in Biotinformatics research.

Innovations in Teaching and Learning

S. NoName of the FacultyTitle of the CourseYear/ SemesterTopicsInnovation Teaching methodsProof (Photo / or any
1.Dr. Neesar AhmedBTC2212 & Immuno technology2018-2022 /IV SEMImmune response Regulation of type1 diabetesModel makingModel making aims to increase student engagement and learning by having students complete the necessary readings. Based on their understanding the students will prepare the models and display and explain the features of the model. This will help them to engage to learn fully and also enhance their group activity.


2.Dr. Shazia JamalBTC3211- Structural biology2018-2022 /VI SEMX-ray crystallography, NMR, Protein structure predictionFlipped class room learningFlipped class room learning aims to increase student engagement and learning by having students complete the necessary readings at home and work on live problem-solving during class time. With a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online
3.Dr. Karthikeyan RBTC1213 Microbiology2018-2022 /II SEMViral replication, Bacteria structureLearning Bacteria/viral structures by RangoliRangoli is not just an art but a science of vibration patterns. This traditional practice was used this to teach the structure of microbes so that students can remember the basic structure of viruses and the mechanism of infection and enjoy while learning.


4.Dr. I. Faridha BegumBioprocess Technology Lab (BTC 3214)2019-2023 Batch (VI SEM) (Jan-May 2022)Waste Water Treatment PlantField VisitDuring the visit, the students observed and learned different processes and techniques involved in wastewater treatment.
5.Dr. P. Ashok KumarBTC2214 Plant & Animal Biotechnology2018-2022/ IV SEMCryopreservation and Germ plasm, Plant gen transferBlended Learning(i) The students will prepare the virtual Herbarium. When students prepare herbarium they will understand the complete details of the plant especially Kingdom, species, genus, and family of a particular plant.
(ii) Online quiz using tools like Google form was used to conduct, to evaluate students understanding.


6.Dr. Shazia JamalBiophysics2022-2026/III semStructure of BiomoleculesModel Making
7.Dr. Shazia JamalProteomics and Genomics2020-2024 /VII semApplication of Proteomics, Metabolome NetworkFlipped classroomPeptide Mass fingerprinting


8.Ms. RamyaBTCX05 Food Biotechnology2019-2023/ VI SEMNew Food products developmentCook and make innovative foods
9.Dr. Ashok Kumar PBTD1202 & Cell and Molecular Biology2022-2026/II SEMCell orgalnellesPlant cell, Mitochondria, DNA replication, Cell division
10.Dr. Shazia JamalBTD1201 Basics of Genetics2021-2025/II SEMHardy Weinberg Principle, Central DogmaPoster making and presentation

Innovations in Teaching and Learning

Innovations in Teaching and Learning

S. NoName of the FacultyTitle of the CourseYear/ SemesterTopicsInnovation Teaching methodsProof (Photo / or any
1.Dr. Neesar AhmedBTC2212 & Immuno technology2018-2022 /IV SEMImmune response Regulation of type1 diabetesModel making

Model making aims to increase student engagement and learning by having students complete the necessary readings. Based on their understanding the students will prepare the models and display and explain the features of the model. This will help them to engage to learn fully and also enhance their group activity.

2.Dr. Shazia JamalBTC3211- Structural biology2018-2022 /VI SEMX-ray crystallography, NMR, Protein structure predictionFlipped class room learningFlipped class room learning aims to increase student engagement and learning by having students complete the necessary readings at home and work on live problem-solving during class time. With a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online
3.Dr. Karthikeyan RBTC1213 Microbiology2018-2022 /II SEMViral replication, Bacteria structureLearning Bacteria/viral structures by Rangoli

Rangoli is not just an art but a science of vibration patterns. This traditional practice was used this to teach the structure of microbes so that students can remember the basic structure of viruses and the mechanism of infection and enjoy while learning.

4.Dr. I. Faridha BegumBioprocess Technology Lab (BTC 3214)2019-2023 Batch (VI SEM) (Jan-May 2022)Waste Water Treatment PlantField VisitDuring the visit, the students observed and learned different processes and techniques involved in wastewater treatment.
5.Dr. P. Ashok KumarBTC2214 Plant & Animal Biotechnology2018-2022/ IV SEMCryopreservation and Germ plasm, Plant gen transferBlended Learning

(i) The students will prepare the virtual Herbarium. When students prepare herbarium they will understand the complete details of the plant especially Kingdom, species, genus, and family of a particular plant.
(ii) Online quiz using tools like Google form was used to conduct, to evaluate students understanding.

6.Dr. Shazia JamalBiophysics2022-2026/III semStructure of BiomoleculesModel Making
7.Dr. Shazia JamalProteomics and Genomics2020-2024 /VII semApplication of Proteomics, Metabolome NetworkFlipped classroom

Peptide Mass fingerprinting

8.Ms. RamyaBTCX05 Food Biotechnology2019-2023/ VI SEMNew Food products developmentCook and make innovative foods
9.Dr. Ashok Kumar PBTD1202 & Cell and Molecular Biology2022-2026/II SEMCell orgalnellesPlant cell, Mitochondria, DNA replication, Cell division
10.Dr. Shazia JamalBTD1201 Basics of Genetics2021-2025/II SEMHardy Weinberg Principle, Central DogmaPoster making and presentation