Trust Area and Research Focus
Power Systems | Power Electronics and Power Quality | High Voltage Engineering | Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy |
Department Ph.D Details:
Number of Approved Ph.D. Supervisors | 14 |
Number of Ph.D. Scholars | 09 |
Total Number of Citations | 1510 |
H-index | 18 |
Highest Impact Factor | 11.2 |
Major Research Equipments:
- Harmonic Analyzer (from Yokogawa, measuring up to 100th harmonic)
- Electroporator (imported from US)
- EMI near field Sniffer Probe
- Dielectric Strength Tester (0 – 100) kV/cm
- Tracking Resistance Test setup
- Special Electric Machines (Universal, Repulsion, Reluctance and Schrage)
- Motors
- Computer control DC thyristor power converter (DC Drive) – ABB
- Computer control AC frequency converter module (AC Drive) – ABB
- Electric Machines Work Bench (with DC Motor, AC Motor, Alternator,Transformer, SCADA, LABVIEW, Computer interface and DC Drives & AC drives) by M/s. Rockwell Automation.
List of Available Software:
S.No | Software | Users |
1 | dSPACE | 1 |
2 | MiPower | 15 |
3 | MAGNET – V6 | 1 |
4 | PSCAD – X4 | 1 |
5 | CYME – V 5.0 | 1 |
6 | EUROSTAG – V4.3 | 1 |
7 | ETAP – V4.7 | 1 |
8 | PSIM – V7.0 | 5 |
9 | FEADMOS – V10.32 | 5 |
10 | LABVIEW – V2012 | 10 |
11 | MATLAB R2013a | 10 |
12 | PSPICE V10.3 | 2 |
13 | ANSYS – 2014 | 10 |
14 | AUPOWER LAB V1.0 | Multi user |
15 | EMTP – V3.22 | 1 |
List of Faculty Members with Doctoral Degree
S.No. | Faculty Name | Title | Research Guide |
1 | Dr. R. Jayashree | Assessment and Enhancement of Available Transfer Capability and Cost Effective Congestion Management in Deregulated Power System | Dr. M. Abdullah Khan |
2 | Dr. Y. Mohammed Shuaib | Optimal Capacitor Placement in radial Distribution System | Dr.M. Surya kalavathi and Dr.C.Christober Asir Rajan |
3 | Dr. S.Jennathu Beevi | Automatic Generation control in Deregulated Environment | Dr. R. Jayashree |
4 | Dr. R. Zahira | Design and Performance Analysis of Shunt active Filter for Power Quality Improvement | Dr. A. Peer Fathima |
5 | Dr. Belwin J. Brearley | Adaptive Relay Co-ordination for Microgrid | Dr. R. Raja Prabu |
6 | Dr. S. Suresh | Design, modelling and implementation of modified power converter for electric vehicle application | Dr. R. Zahira |
7 | Dr. K. Sarmila Har Beagam | Optimal supply of Reactive power allocation and pricing in Deregulated electricity market | Dr. R. Jayashree |
8 | Dr.V.Bharanigha | Design and Development of nano composite brushless direct current motor | Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib |
9 | Dr. K. Shafeeque Ahmed | Investigation on Transmission loss/cost Allocation Methodologies in Deregulated Electricity Market | Dr. S. Prabhakar Karthikeyan |
10 | Dr. V. Pramila | Intelligent Energy Scheduling in a Microgrid using Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm | Dr S Chandramohan |
11 | Dr. K.R. Shanmuga Vadivu | Performance Enhancement of Three Level AC-DC Power Factor Correction Converter Using Different Control Strategies for Wide Operating Range | Dr.R.Ramaprabha |
12 | Dr. P.Abirami | Enhancing power Quality in distribution network using shunt Active filter | Dr. C. N. Ravi |
13 | Dr. R.Hannah Lalitha | Multi-objective optimization for protection coordination of relays in micro grids using evolutionary algorithms | Dr. S. Arockia Edwin Xavier |
14 | Dr. S.Priya | An Investigation On Aging Phenomena In Cross-Linked Polyethylene Cable Insulation | Dr. V. Gowri Sree |
15 | Dr. P.Elangovan | Investigations on Super Lift Converter Based Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Drives | Dr. Nalin Kant Mohanty |
16 | Dr. R.Durga Devi | Investigation on Performance Enhancement Techniques for Standalone Solar Photovoltaic System | Dr.S.Nageswari |
17 | Syed Muzafar Ahmed S | Multilevel Inventor for direct torque control of Induction Motor | Dr. K. Shafeeque Ahmed |
18 | Divya Vijay | Linear & non Linear control techniques for assured Crew reentry vehicle | Dr. R. Jayashree |
19 | Dr.P.Chandra Babu Naidu | Analysis and improvement of Power Quality issues using Custom Power Devices | Dr.S.S.Dash |
List of Ph.D Scholars (Pursuing)
S.No | RRN | Name of the Scholar | Title of the Research | Supervisor |
1. | 210833704001 | Mr.Balasubramani | An Artificial intelligence based Battery Management System for Electric vehicle for improved driving range. | Dr. R. Jayashree |
2. | 190833101001 | Mr.Sundara Mallayan | Partial discharge Characteristics of Polymer Nano composite materials for electrical insulation applications. | |
3. | 200833101001 | Mr.R.Ganapathy | Development of renewable energy systems for domestic and industrial application using power converters | |
4. | 210833704002 | Mr.Abdul Khadar | Design and Implementation of a multilevel Inverter for grid integrated renewable energy systems. | Dr. Y. Mohamed Shuaib |
5. | 160833704001 | Mr.Abdul Quawi | Power quality Improvement in Distribution Syste1m Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithm. | |
6. | 210833104001 | Mr. Shaik Abdul Sameed | Smart Grid Communications | Dr. K. Shafeeque Ahmed |
7. | 200833104001 | Mr. Shaik Haneefa | Intelligent Microgrid | Dr. R. Zahira |
9. | 230833704001 | Mr.C.Selvam | Realtime fault analysis and protection of transmission system using machine learning | Dr. S.Jennathu Beevi |
10. | 230833704001 | Mr Momin Shahbaz Akhter Riyaz Ahmed | Analysis and Optimization of a Hybrid system | Dr. R.Hannah Lalitha |
Research Publications
A. Abstract
Calendar Year | International Journal (SCI, Scopus indexed) | International / National Conference | Book chapter |
2023 | 16 | 18 | 6 |
2022 | 16 | 17 | 2 |
2021 | 10 | 3 | 5 |
2020 | 13 | 6 | 6 |
2019 | 12 | 11 | 2 |
2018 | 4 | – | 2 |
2017 | 6 | 5 | – |
2016 | 2 | 4 | – |
2015 | 3 | 10 | 2 |
2014 | 4 | 10 | – |
S.No. | Year | International Conference | National Conference | Total |
1 | 2023 | 18 | – | 18 |
2 | 2022 | 17 | – | 17 |
3 | 2021 | 03 | – | 03 |
4 | 2020 | 06 | – | 06 |
5 | 2019 | 09 | 02 | 11 |
6 | 2018 | 01 | – | 01 |
7 | 2017 | 02 | – | 02 |
8 | 2016 | 17 | – | 17 |
9 | 2015 | 13 | 05 | 18 |
10 | 2014 | 14 | 17 | 31 |
Total | 62 | 24 | 86 |
S.No. | Year | Book Chapter | patent | Total |
1 | 2023 | 6 | 1 | 7 |
2 | 2022 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
3 | 2021 | 5 | 1 | 6 |
4 | 2020 | 6 | 1 | 7 |
5 | 2019 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
6 | 2018 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
7 | 2017 | – | – | – |
8 | 2016 | – | 1 | 1 |
9 | 2015 | – | – | – |
10 | 2014 | 2 | – | 2 |
Total | 25 | 10 | 35 |
Journal Publications
International Journals
- R. Jayashree, Divya Vijay, “Sliding Mode Controller Based on Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Assured Crew Re-entry Vehicle”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 36, no. 5, 2023.
- R. Jayashree, Divya Vijay, “Enhanced Control of ACRV using Novel Controller Design: A Comparative Study “, International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems 2023 (accepted).
- P.Elangovan, Nalinkant Mohanty, “An Adaptive Grid-Tied Inverter Control Scheme for Power Quality Enrichment in Photovoltaic System” Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering (Springer), September 2023 (accepted) .
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Velmurugan,”Simulation Studies of Energy Management System for Solar Powered Electric Vehicle with Regenerative Braking System in BLDC Motor”, International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems , August 2023 (accepted)
- R. Zahira, M.I.I. Hussain, S. Suresh, V. Bharanigha and V. Pramila. . Photovoltaic Charging Dock for Electric Mobility with G2V and V2G Technology, Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 15(2), 171-175, July 2023.
- Y. Mohamed Shuaib, V. Kubendran , , S. Vidyasagar , V. Kalyanasundaram , K. Saravanan, “ The development of a generalized multilevel inverter for symmetrical and asymmetrical dc sources with a minimized on state switch, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (Elsevier), June, 2023.
- Belwin J. Brearley ,Regin Bose Kannaian, Joseph and Raja Prabu, “An Adaptive Centralized Protection and Relay Co-Ordination algorithm for Microgrid”Energies, June 2023.
- R. Zahira, ” Mohamed Iqbal. M, Senthilkumar M , R , Ganesh. C , Balaji V and Vishalini G “Power Quality Analysis of Fuzzy DVR based Hybrid Solar PV-PEMFC System Under Severe Disturbance “International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER)”| Volume 11, Issue 1 Pages 148-155 pp148-155, March, 2023.
- Jennathu beevi , Mahabuba Abdulrahim, R.Jayashree, “A Novel LA MFO Technique based to grid Control Mechanism for Automatic Generation Control in Deregulated System” International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Vol 11 PP- 772-783 , Feb-2023.
- Belwin J Brearley K.Regin Bose, Dinesh Karakambaka, “Serverless Services in Knative” , European Chemical Bulletin,Vol. 12, issue 7,Pp.6779-6784, 2023.
- Jayashree R, Kavitha Sivakumar, Karthikeyan Danasagaran, “New reliability indices for microgrids and provisional microgrids in smart distribution systems” Distribution generation and alternative energy journal Vol.38, pp.435-466 January 2023.
- R. Zahira , K. Srinivasan, D.Lakshmi, B. Partheeban, TKS. Sathyanarayanan, “Four Switch three Phase Y Source Inverter Fed Ac Drive Using Fopid Controller”, Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing Vol 38-PP, 3012-3022 2023.
- R. Zahira. P. Sumathy , J. Divya Navamani , A. Lavanya , Jagabar Sathik , and Fadl A. Essa “PV Powered High Voltage Pulse Converter with Switching Cells for Food Processing Application” international journal of energies Vol. 16 issue 2 , January 2023.
- K. Shafeeque Ahmed, Dr.R.Zahira, K, Nithin.B, “Hybrid PV wind battery optimal sizing using horse-herd optimization”, International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems.Vol.15 issue 1 pp:127-132; 2023.
- Belwin J. Brearley, Regin Bose K, Bhuvaneshwar N, Dinesh Kumar D, “Analysis of chronic kidney disease prediction using decision tree and K-Nearest Neighbor classification”Journal of Namibian studies, 2023.(Accepted).
- Belwin J. Brearley Maanav, Mithun, Naparajith, Regin Bose K,” Investigating the Prediction of Breast Cancer Diagnosis by Use of Support Vector Machines,”International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics. Vol 18, issue 1, PP 1 – 16, 2023.
International Conference
- R. Jayashree, M Y Ahamed Asfaq, R Haresh, N Minash Ahamed, M J Mohamed Jahid Riyani, , M.Ram Kumar “Smart Sewage Treatment Plant Automation “ International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Power Electronics for green and Renewable Energy System in Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, May 2023.
- Belwin J Brearly , Ganesh Kumar K, Dr.R.Jayashree , “Combinational Logic Based Control Algorithm for BLDC motor Fed Electric Vehicle”, International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Power Electronics for Green and Renewable Energy Systems in Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, May 2023.
- Y. Mohammed Shuaib, Belwin J.Brearley Karunya Mary R, , “Unified Power Quality Conditioner powered with PV and battery for grid connected system with neural network and artificial neural optimization” 11th international conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology, May 2023.
- Y. Mohammed Shauib , V. Bharanigha , Basil Samson A, Mohammed Faisal, Fazil Rahman K , , “Smart Safety Jacket for coal Mines”, International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering and Management, Christ The King Enginnering College, Karamadai, Tamilnadu, May 2023.
- S. Jennathu Beevi Mohamed Javeed Kalifa Ibrahim, Mohammed Khaif Najeeb, Muhammad Umar, “Tuning of PID Controller for Ancillary Services in AGC in a Deregulated Power System with Optimization Algorithms”, Proceedings of ISETE International Conference, Chennai, India, May 2023.
- S.Jennathu Beevi Syed Ijaz Ahamed , Shahir Ahmed Z , Mohammed Arshad , , “Optimized Load Frequency and Voltage Control “, 13th International Conference On Science And Innovative Engineering – 2023” (ICSIE – 2023), May 2023.
- R Zahira S Sadia Ibrahim , ”Power Quality Improvement in Grid using D-STATCOM”, DST SERB sponsored international conference on Emerging Technologies in power electronics for green and renewable energy systems(ICETPRS), Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai. PP 41, ISSN:978-93-5777-514-4. May 2023.
- J. Belwin Bearley Anas khan Usman, Asifa Farheen, Mohammed Aaquib Sheriff T, Nihal K.P, Siddani Charan, , ” Speed controller for BLDC Motor Fed Electric Vehicle” International Conference on science and Innovative Engineering , Jawahar Engineering College, Chennai, May 2023.
- S. Suresh, Abishek Shankar, Vikram Venkat, Siddharth Sankar, ,” An Automated Process For Sustainable Small-Scale Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing”, International Conference on science and Innovative Engineering , Jawahar Engineering College, Chennai, May 2023.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Velmurugan.D, , “Simulation Studies of battery and Super capacitor energy storage System for Solar Vehicle” International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering and Management, Christ The King Engineering College, Karamadai, Tamilnadu, May 2023.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam Mohammed Reyaz, Mohammed Fazil, Gnanendra Chaithenya Pennepalli, Mohammed Irfan.S.H, ,”Gesture Switching for disabled people with IOT ” International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering and Management, Christ The King Enginnering College, Karamadai, Tamilnadu,May 2023.
- K.Shafeeque Ahamed, Irfan Yusuf S, Khuraishi Karemullah, Mangala Sandhya, “Design and Implementation of Dual axis solar tracking system” International Conference on science and Innovative Engineering , Jawahar Engineering College, Chennai, May 2023.
- V Pramila, G.Jegadeeswari, “Performance Comparison of Dynamic Responses & Speed Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Using PI & Fuzzy logic Controller” 9th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES) (pp. 674-680). IEEE.2023.
- R.Hannah Lalitha, Kavin Santhosh, Udayasankar, Roopesh, “Machine Learning based prediction of water level and volume in farm wells for sustainability”, International conference on Recent developments in Electrical and power engineering, (ICRDEPE), -International society for Engineering and Technical Education (ISETE) May 2023.
- V Pramila, Haamid Musthaq, Mohamed Hasan , “Agriculture Monitoring System Using Internet of Things”, International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Power Electronics for Green and Renewable Energy Systems (ICETPRS ‘2023) organized by BIST, , PP 56, ISSN:978-93-5777-514-4. May 2023.
- V Pramila, Shanawas S ,” Real and Reactive Power loss reduction by using network reconfiguration and DG installation in the presence of PQV Buses”, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology 2023, , pp 12, ISBN 978-93-81288-22-1. May 2023.
- P.Abirami, I Sahal Ahmed, V P Karthick, R Santhosh, Mohammed Aashiq Elahi, “Autonomous AI Vehicle for Surveillance, International Conference on science and Innovative Engineering 2023 in Jawahar Engineering College, Chennai, May 2023.
- R. Zahira, “Greening the Grid: Harnessing Solar Energy and Hybrid Active Power Filters for superior Power Quality” International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Development” ( ICMRD-2023) 13th -15 th September 2023. Univeristi Teknologi MARA puncak Alam Campus , Selangor Malaysia.
Journal Publications
- Y. Moahmed Shuaib , V, Kubendran, “An Improved switched diode multilevel inverter topology with fewer on state switches” Frontiers Energy Research, October 2022.
- Y.Mohamed Shuaib V. Kubendran, , J. Preetha Roselyn, “Development of multilevel inverter with reduced switch counts and limited sources for electric vehicles”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 52,2022.
- Suresh Sampath, Zahira Rahiman, Shafeeque Ahmed Kalavai and Bharanigha Veerasamy “ Heuristic design and modelling of modified interleaved boost converter for E-mobility control”, Saad Mekhilef, Department of Telecommunications, Electrical, Robotics and Biomedical,Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology – Hawthorn Campus, Hawthorn, Australia, 2022.
- Belwin J Brearley, .K. Regin Bose, .K.Senthil, G.Ayyappan, “KNN approaches by using ball tree searching algorithm with Minkowski distance function on smart grid data”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.13, pp.1210- 1226,2022.
- Jennathu Beevi Sahul Hameed, R Eswaramoorthi, M Leeban Moses, Basanti Ghanti, “Deep graph neural network optimized with fertile field algorithm based detection model for uplink multiuser massive multiple-input and multiple-output system”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies.(Wiley) 2022.
- Jennathu Beevi Sahul Hameed, Logeswaran, T., M. Senthil Raja, Mahabuba Abdulrahim, “Power flow management of hybrid system in smart grid requirements using ITSA-MOAT approach”, Applied Energy, Vol.319,2022.
- K. Sarmila Har Beagam, Faizanahmad S K, “Minimisation of Generation Cost using Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science, Volume 10 Issue 6,PP. 1611-1616, 2022.
- Bharanigha , Y. Mohamed Shuaib, “Minimization of torque ripples with optimized controller operation & control of BLDC Motor”, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol- 172, PP-1 -25,July 2022.
- Suresh, Zahira Rahiman, Sharmeela Chenniappan, Elango Sundaram, Umashankar Subramaniam, and Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban. “Efficient Multi-Phase Converter for E-Mobility.” World Electric Vehicle Journal 13, No. 4 ,2022.
- P. Abirami, V. Senthil Nayagam, A. P. Jyothi, , J. Femila Roseline, M. Sudhakar, Essam A. Al-Ammar, Saikh Mohammad Wabaidur, N. Hoda, Asefa Sisay, “Deep Learning Model on Energy Management in Grid-Connected Solar Systems”, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2022.
- Abirami P Sivagami Ponnalagarsamy, Harikrishnan R, Pushpavalli M “Wireless Power Transfer For Electric Vehicle”, ECS Transactions, Vol 107, No 1, 2022.
- Hannah Lalitha R, A.B. Feroz Khan, Kalpana Devi S, Rajalakshmi CN, “A multi-attribute based trusted routing for embedded devices in MANET-IoT, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol 89, 2022,104446, ISSN 0141-9331, Elsevier, January 2022.
- Y. Moahmed Shuaib , V, Kubendran, “ Modeling of Vehicle Dynamic and Determination of Energy Demand for Electric Vehicle. ECS Year Oct. 20222
- V. Bharanigha, Y. Mohamed Shauib , “ Electrical Properties of Nano composite materials for electrical machines” Springer, journal Nov.2022.
- R. Zahira , Gayathri Devi, Kushal Kumar Sekhar Sivaramn Ravichandran Ajay Ponkumar Murugan “Design And Implementation of Low- Cost Smart Surveillance Robot for Secured Monotoring System. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications. Vol.73, 2022.
International Conference
- R. Jayashree, Divya Vijay, “Simulated Annealing Optimized Linear Controller for Assured Crew Re-entry Vehicle” 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2022.
- R.Jayashree, M.D.Taushif Ahmed, K.Nawaz Ali and Ms Irum Fathima, “ Prepaid Energy Meter with theft alert using IOT”, in International conference on Innovations and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering organised by AMET University on 28th & 29th April 2022.
- S Suresh, R Zahira , “Three phase induction motor drive with back to back converter by V/f method using TYPHOON HIL SOFTWARE”, 4th International conference on Engineering Science and Technology. Luxor, Egypt, 2022.
- R Zahira, “GUI based plant disease identification in farms”, 4th International conference on Engineering Science and Technology. Luxor, Egypt, 2022.
- R Zahira, ”Modular cascased battery system for EV using solar charging”, at the International Conference on “Innovations and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICIRMEEE 2022) conducted during 28th and 29th April 2022 by Department of EEE, AMET University.
- V. Bharanigha, Y. Mohamed Shauib Lamech Shanthakumar, S. Sunil Kumar, S Rishi Kumar, “Hybrid Variant Mouse with Detachable Digital Pen ELIEN”, in the first Virtual International Conference on Fuel, Energy and Environment (ICFEE 2022), June 09th & 10th Kongu Engineering College, Erode, June 2022.
- S. Jennathu Beevi, Hari Prashath, K. Nafees Baig, M. Hemapriya , “Integrated Energy Management and Monitoring System for Small Scale Industries”, First Virtual International Conference on Fuel, Energy and Environment (ICFEE 2022), 2022.
- S. Jennathu Beevi, R. Jayashree Jayshankar, “A Hybrid Energy Storage and Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Management System”, First Virtual International Conference on Fuel, Energy and Environment (ICFEE 2022).
- Jennathu Beevi A Mahabuba, P Sujini, “Phonocardiography based Classification of Normal and Abnormal Heart Sounds and their Correlation Analysis”, Proceedings of International Virtual Conference on Innovations and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICIRMEEE 2022), 28th -29th April 2022.
- S. Jennathu Beevi , , K. Sarmila Har Beagam,R. Nafeena Abdul Munaf , A. Abdul Munaf, K. Chandra Sekar, “Design of Power System Stabilizer (PSS) and Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) based controllers for Small Signal Stability Issues”, International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 25-26, March 2022.
- S. Jennathu Beevi , D. Najumnissa Jamal ,G. Joy Mathew , M.S. Murshitha Shajahan , “Design of Fractional Order Controller for Thermal Power Plant Process”, 6th National Conference on Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Control (RTIC –2022) Organized by Department of Instrumentation Engineering, 2022.
- P. Abirami, K. R. Shanmuga Vadivu, R. Hannah Lalitha, “Harmonic Comparison of 10 Bus Loop and Radial Distribution Networks ” in the IEEE sponsored 2022 Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES 2022) held at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, during 15 – 16, July 2022.
- P. Abirami, K. R. Shanmuga Vadivu, R. Hannah Lalitha, “SMC controlled SAF for Reduction of Harmonics in DN” in the IEEE sponsored 2022 Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES 2022) held at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, during 15 – 16, July 2022.
- K. Sarmila Har Beagam, Lolugu Sivaji, G. Farook, Badri Sumanth, “A three Port DC to DC Cuk Converter for Photovoltaic Electric Vehicle”, International conference Emerging trends in science and technology and application Sr. Sakthi Engineering College, May 2023.
- R. Zahira, M.Sangeetha, D.Lakshmi, “Design and Development of Voice Controlled solar-powered electric bicycle with Location Tracking”, 1st International Engineering conference on research innovation, Delta University for science and Technology, 26th Nov 2022.
- Mohamed Shuaib V. Bharanigha Abduk Khader Shaik, “Seven Level HF Isolated Inverter For- Phase Grid- Connected Solar Photovoltaic System”, International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Companies for Smart Power 2022 .
- K.R. Shanmuga vadivu, P. Abirami R. Hanna Lalitha, “ Analysis of Different Control Techniques for Improved Power factor and Reduced THD on Three level Full Bridge AC-DC- Converter”, International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Companies for Smart Power 2022.
- Y. Mohamed Shuaib, Swarnadharshini K, “An open circuit fault tolerant topology for the generalized symmetrical multi level inverter”, 9th International conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology ’22 (ICETET’22 29th to 30th April 2022.
Journal Publications
- Viswaprakash Babu, K. Shafeeque Ahmed, Y.Mohamed Shuaib, Manikandan M, “A Novel Intrinsic Space Vector Transformation based Solar Fed Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System”,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer), Jan.2021.
- Kavitha Sivakumar, Jayashree R, Karthikeyan Danasagaran, “Efficiency driven planning for sizing of distributed generators and optimal construction of cluster of micro grids”Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (B.V.Elesevier) 24 ( March 2021) pp.1153-1167.
- Kavitha Sivakumar, Jayashree R, Karthikeyan Danasagaran, “A novel branch current flow-based construction of microgrids”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan-2021, pp. 28-36.
- Bhaskar, K. B., Devaraju, A., & Paramasivam, A. (2021)” Experimental investigation of glass powder reinforced polymer composite”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 39, 484-487.
- Richa, Abdul .R.Beig, Jayashree R, Karthikeyan Danasagaran, “DC Voltage control and OLTC control strategy for MMC- Based HVDC system under SM failure” IEEE access Vol.9 ( July-2021) pp.114325-114338.
- S Suresh and R Zahira, “ Hardware Implementation of Two Stage Interleaved Boost Converter for Electric Vehicle Application”, Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 13(3), 373-377, 2021.
- Syed Muzafar Ahmed, K. Shafeeque Ahmed and Y. Mohamed Shuaib, “Dual Control of Asynchronous Motor for EV fed by 5-level Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter using SPWM Technique”, International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, Vol. 13, Issue 2, 2021, pp. 223-228.
- Ashfaq Ur Rehaman , A.Mahabuba , Jennathu beevi., R.Jayashree. “Optimal Design of controller for automatic generation control in multi area Restructured Power System with battery energy storage and wind energy systems.” International journal of Engineering Tredns and technology , Vol.69 issue 12, Dec.2021, pp 188-196.
- Viswaprakash Babu, K. Shafeeque Ahmed, Y.Mohamed Shuaib, Manikandan M, Power Quality Enhancement (DVR) – Based Predictive space vector transformation ( PSVT) with proportional resonant (PR) controller” , IEEE Access Nov.2021 Vol.9, pp.155380-155392.
- Viswaprakash Babu, K. Shafeeque Ahmed, Y.Mohamed Shuaib, Manikandan M, “Cascaded Fuzzy logic control of PV Fed DVR for Power distribution systems “ Design Engineering .2021 issue 8, pp.8890-8900.
International Conference & National Conference
- Suresh and R. Zahira, “Simulation Analysis of PV based two stage interleaved boost converter for EV applications”, International Conference on Smart Automation in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering (Virtual Conference), Sri Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, 10 April 2021, ISBN : 978 -81- 953396- 0- 0.
- Syed Muzafar Ahmed, K. Shafeeque Ahmed and Y. Mohamed Shuaib, “Open Loop Control of an Induction Motor Using a 6-Level Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter”, International Virtual Conference on Innovations and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICIRMEEE 2021), 2021, 36-44.
- Syed Muzafar Ahmed, K. Shafeeque Ahmed and Y. Mohamed Shuaib,“Torque and Speed Control of Asynchronous Motor fed by 4-Level Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter”, International Conference on Smart Automation in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, 10th April 2021, pp. 524-529.
Year : 2020 : Total 13
Journal Publications:
- V. Kubendran, Y. Mohamed Shuaib, J. Preetha Roselyn and K. Vijayakumar, “A New Cascaded Single-Phase Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced Switches”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 9s, pp. 6011-6019, 2020.
- P. R. Hemavathy, Y. Mohamed Shuaib and S. K. Lakshmanaprabu, “Internal model controller based PID with fractional filter design for a nonlinear process”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),Vol.10, No.1,February 2020, pp.243~254.
- Sahul Hameed, J. B., &Ramasubramanian, J. “Optimal Fractional Order PI Controller for Frequency Ancillary Services in Restructured Power System”. Energy Systems, 1-31.
- S.Amirta Raj, D.Lakshmi, V.Madhankumar and R.Zahira “Switching Loss Reduction and Simulation of Quasi Z-Source Inverter System Fed BLDC Motor”. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, no. 04, Feb. 2020, pp. 1149 -57.
- Veerakumar.P, Sundar.R, D.Lakshmi, R.Zahira, “Automatic Temperature Control System for Ship’s Turbine Main Oil Cooler Using PIC Microcontroller”. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, no. 04, Feb. 2020, pp. 1170 -74.
- Beagam, K. S. H., Jayashree, R., & Khan, M. A. (2020). “Optimal reactive power allocation and settlement in deregulated power market”. International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, 11(2), 174-199.
- Brearley, B. J., Raja Prabu, R., Regin Bose, K., &Sankaranarayanan, V. (2020). Adaptive relay co-ordination scheme for radial microgrid. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-14.
- Bhaskar, K. B., &Alagumariappan, P, Mohamed Shuaib, Y., (2020). Energy Channeling Led Driver Technology to achieve Flicker Free Operation with Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 10(1), 401-407.
- K. B. Bhaskar, A. Devaraju, A. Paramasivam, Experimental investigation of glass powder reinforced polymer composite, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020.
- Paramasivam, A., Kamalanand, K., Sundravadivelu, K., Emmanuel, C., Rajinikanth, V., “Feature Extraction and Genetic Algorithm based Feature Selection for Diagnosis of Type-2 Diabetes using Electrogastrograms”, JMIR Biomedical Engineering.
- Viswaprakash Babu, K. Shafeeque Ahmed, Y.Mohamed Shuaib, Manikandan M, S.Sathik Basha, “Voltage Sag /Swell Compensation Using Solar Photovoltaic Inverter based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (SPVI-DVR)”, Journal of Green Engineering (JGE), Volume-10, Issue-9, September 2020, pp. 7102-7114.
- R.Soundarapandian, R.Jayashree, “Short term Generation Scheduling for thermal Generators with wind uncertainity and pumped hydro storage using optimization technique”, Solid State Technology, Vol 63, Issue 1s, pp.807-818,Oct 2020.
- Srinivas, K. N., &Ramkumar, M. (2020). Modular switched mode power supply, tested with DC motor load. International Journal of Power Electronics, 11(3), 359-381.
Conference Publications: 2020-3
- Arshath Bilal, W., Paramasivam, A., Vijayalakshmi, S., Bhaskar, K., B., Gughan, N., M., “Analysis of Secure Transfer of Healthcare Data using Fog Computing”, In 2020 International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC) (pp. 529-531). IEEE.
- Gughan, N., M., Najumnissa Jamal, D., Paramasivam, A., Bhaskar, K., Arshath Bilal, W., “Intelligent plant disease identification system using Machine Learning” Engineering Proceedings, 2, 49. (doi:10.3390/ecsa-7-08160)2020.
- Beig, A. R., Jayashree, R., & Tariq, M. (2020). Modular Multilevel Converter Based HVDC System Using PD PWM Algorithm. In ICPES 2019 (pp. 75-88). Springer, Singapore.
YEAR : 2019
- Mallayan, S., Prabhu, R. R., Desai, B. M. A., Velmurugan, R., Sarathi, R., & Rao, B. N. (2019). Understanding the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of LDPE-clay nanocomposites. Micro & Nano Letters, 14(6), 650-655. Feb
- Viswaprakash Babu, S. Sathik Basha, Y. Mohamed Shuaib, M. Manikandan, S. Syed Enayathali, “A Novel Integration of Solar Fed Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Compensating Sag and Swell Voltage in Distribution System Using Enhanced Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (ESVPWM)”, Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 6(5): 329-350, 2019. Sept.
- Hemavathy, R., Mohamed Shuaib, Y.,&Lakshmanaprabhu, S.K. Design of Smith Predictor Based Fractional Controller for Higher Order Time Delay Process, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 481-498, 2019.June 2019
- D.Buvana, R.Jayashree “ANFIS Controller based cascaded non-isolated bi-directional DC-DC converter” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol.28, No.1 (2019), 1950001. Jan 2019
- S.JennathuBeevi,R.Jayashree, “Optimal Combination Approach for Frequency Regulation in Restructured Power Grid Utility” International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020), 28-37. Nov.2019
- Abdul Quawi, Mohamed Shuaib, Y., Power Quality Improvement In Distributed System Using Artificial Neural Networks, Suraj Punj Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, 630-635, April 2019.
- Y.Mohammed Shuaib, “Power quality Improvement is inverter FcAPMSm drives using Hybrid Techniques” Journal of Green Engineering, Vol.-9 Issue-3 October 2019.
- Kavitha, G., Mohamed Shuaib, Y., Fuzzy Logic Controlled AC to AC Converter FED Three Phase P.M.S.M Drive, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), July2019.
- G.Kavitha and Y. Mohamed Shuaib, “Fuzzy logic controlled ac to ac converter fed three phase P.M.S.M drive”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering , Vol.8 Issue.2, July 2019.
- Viswaprakash Babu, Sathik Basha, S., Mohamed Shuaib, Y., Srinu., An Integrated dynamic voltage restorer-ultra capacitor design for improving power quality, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6(3), 2019 . April
- Ramya Ramaswamy, Raja Prabhu, R.,Gowrisree, V., Electric field Analysis of Water Electrodes for Noninvasive Pulsed Electric field Applications, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 1210-1214, 2019. June
- Ramya Ramaswamy, Raja Prabhu, R.,Gowrisree, V., High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field Application Using Titanium Electrodes for Bacterial Inactivation in Unpurified Water, Japan Journal of Food Engineering, 20(2), pp. 63-70, 2019. June
Conference Publications
- Najumnissa, D., Paramasivam, A.,Bakiya A., Mohamed Syed Ali, Analysis on the effect of ECG signals while Listerning to different Genres of Music, Second International IEEE Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP), Feb 2019.
- V.Bharanigha,Y.Mohamed Shuaib, “EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT STUDIES USING NANOMATERIALS IN BLDC MOTOR” , Proceedings of ieeeforum International Conference on Nanotechnology, Renewable Materials Engineering & Environmental Engineering,(ICNRMEEE), October 2019.
- S.Naveenkumar, Vinitha S, V.Bharanigha,Y.Mohamed Shuaib “Fully Automated Smart Restaurant”, AICTE – National Conference on Recent Advances in On- Board Ship Automation, September 2019.
- Hemavthy, P., Mohamed Shuaib, Y., Lakshmana Prabhu, S., K., Raseem Ahamed, A., Integer and Non-Integer Filter Design Imc-PD Controller for a First order delay integrating process, Second International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), July 2019.
- Paramasivam Alagumariappan, Mohamed Shuaib Y, Sonya A, Irum Fathima, Identification of Electrical Faults in Underground Cables using Machine Learning Algorithm, 6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, 2019 (doi:10.3390/ecsa-6-06714). Dec.2019
- Paramasivam Alagumariappan,Kamalanand Krishnamurthy, A thermal sensor based decision support system for the identification of roof leaks and cracks, 6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, Dec.2019 (doi:10.3390/ecsa-6-06695).
- Sonya, A., Kavitha, G., and Paramasivam, A., “Secure Transmission of Human Vital Signs using Fog Computing”, International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application, (ICIDCA 2019 Oct.2019).
- Beig, A. R., Al Jaafari, K., &Jayashree, R. Operation of MMC Based HVDC Under SM Failure at Sending End Converter. In 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) (pp. 1040-1046). IEEE.Sept.2019
- Beig, A. R., Dekka, A., &Jayashree, R. (2019, October). Operation of MMC Based Unipolar HVDC Under SM Failure. In IECON 2019-45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (Vol. 1, pp. 6133-6138). IEEE.
- S. Amirtharaj, Selvarani. M, Lakshmi. D, Zahira. R Design of Mosfet inverter for a grid connected photovoltaic system, National Conference on Recent Advances in On-Board Ship Automation (RAOBSA-2019), September 2019.
- Jayashree, R.,& Tariq, M. (2019, November). Vector Control of Modular Multilevel Converter Based Unipolar HVDC System. In 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- A. Paramasivam, K. B. Bhaskar, N. Madhanakkumar and C. Vanchinathan, Analysis of an Enhanced Positive Output Super-Lift Luo Converter for Renewable Energy Applications, Second International Conference on Power Engineering Computing and CONtrol (PECCON-2019), December 2019.
- D. Lakshmi, A. Peer Fathima, R. Zahira and M. Balamurugan, Load frequency control of a two-area deregulated power system integrated with DFIG using pollination algorithm, Second International Conference on Power Engineering Computing and CONtrol (PECCON-2019), December 2019.
- S. JennathuBeevi, R. Jayashree, Peer Fathima A, Optimal Fractional Order Controller for Frequency Regulation in Restructured Environment, Second International Conference on Power Engineering Computing and CONtrol (PECCON-2019), December 2019
- Zahira R, Peer Fathima A, Lakshmi D and S Amirtharaj, Modeling and simulation analysis of shunt active filter for harmonic mitigation in islanded microgrid, 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering Computing and Control (PECCON 2019, VIT Chennai. December 12-14,2019.
YEAR : 2018
Journal Publications:
- R.Jayashree, R.Soundarapandian “Unit commitment and optimal dispatch model for wind thermal power system with pumped storage using firefly algorithm” Journal of advanced research in dynamical and control systems, Issue 2, pp.690-701, 2018.
- G.Kavitha, Y.Mohamed Shuaib “Fractional order PID controlled AC to AC converter fed three phase permanent magnet synchronous drive, “ Journal of Advanced Research in dynamical and control systems” , ISSN:1943 023X,2018.
- K.Regin Bose, V.Sankaranarayanan and Belwin J Brearley, “An Approach to Reduce Authentication Delay in Inter MSC Handover” Advances in Engineering Research (AER), Atlantis Press, Vol 142, March 2018, pp 150-154.
- Beagam, K. S. H., Jayashree, R.,& Khan, M. A. (2018). A Market Center Based Clearing and Settlement of Pure Reactive Power Market in Deregulated Power System. Engineering science and technology, an international journal, 21(5), 909-921.
Conference Publications:
- Noorul Ameen A and S.Suresh, “Design of Bi Directional Power Converter for Vehicle to Grid Capability of Reactive Power Control”, International Conference of Scientific Research and Innovations (ICSRI) 1.0, 6th and 7th April 2018.
YEAR : 2017
Journal Publications:
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, R.Jayashree, M.Abdullah Kahn, “A New DC Power Flow Model Analysis for use in Reactive Power Market “Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,Vol:20, pp 721-729, 2017.
- BelwinJ.Brearley, R.Raja Prabu, “A review on issues and approaches for micro grid protection”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Vo:67, pp 988-997,2017.
- Dj.Taniguevelane, K.N.Srinivas, “Localization of Pilferage of Energy Using PLC signals for an unbalanced Distribution System”, International Transaction of Electrical and Computer Engineers Systems,Vol:4,Issue :1,pp 39-48,2017.
- Aravind, JennathuBeevi, Jayashree.R, “Frequency Linked price using unscheduled Interchange (UI)signals of Two area power system”, International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computation system, Vol:6, Issue:6, ISSN 2348-117X, pp101-110, 2017.
- Arshad, Selvi,”2D Electromagnetic Design of Flux Reversal Generator for Low Speed Wind Applications using Finite Element Analysis”, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, Vol:4, Issue:6, ISSN 2394-3386, pp149-157, 2017.
- Kamesh C S Sultan Saleem, A Ramkumar M, “A Real Time Implementation of a Solid State Over current Relay using DSP F2812” International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System, Vol: 6, Issue: 6, ISSN 2348-117X, pp 179-187, 2017.
- Divya Vijay, U. Sabura Bhanu and K. Boopathy,” Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm-Based Sliding Mode Control for Assured Crew Reentry Vehicle, Springer nature- Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol: 517, pp 551-564, 2017.
- G. Kavitha and I. Mohammed Rafeequdin, “Hybrid Techniques for Reducing Total Harmonic Distortion in a Inverter-Fed Permanent Magnet—SM Drive System”, Springer nature- Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol:517, pp 491-504, 2017.
- Rakesh Veeraraghavan, Suresh. S, “ Design, Analysis and control of PMSG-Based Grid Connected Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion System for Power Smoothening”, International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, Vol: 5, Issue: 6, IISN 2349-4476, pp 268-278, 2017.
- R.Jayashree , R.Soundarapandian ,”A hybrid optimization Approach Based on RBFNN and GSA for Advanced Unit commitment problem with wind power and pumped storage hrdro”,Vol :9,No:8,pp 173-183,2017.
- M.Ramkumar, K.N.Srinivas, “Small scale Wind Generation System: Part II –A novel Quasi –Z-source Inverter and FRG-QZSI –Micro Grid Interface”, International Journal of applied Power Engineering, Vol:6, No:1, pp 13-30, 2017.
Conference Publications:
- S.Kavitha,R.Jayashree, “Defining the Boundaries of Micro grids in a large distribution system ensuring supply security” 7th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems(ICPS) College of Engineering, Pune, India, Dec 21-23, 2017.
- T. D. Sudhakar, K N Srinivas, M.Mohan Krishnan and R.Raja Prabu, “Design and Analysis of Grid Connected PV generation Systems”, Proceedings of second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and applications, Advance in Intelligent Systems and Computing ,ISBN 978-981-10-1645-5_35,pp 413-422, 2017
YEAR : 2016
Journal Publications:
- B.Vidhya,andK.N.Srinivas, ”Flow Thermal and Vibration analyses using three dimensional Finite Element Analysis for Flux reversal Generator, ”Frontier in Energy-Springer, Vol:10,Issue:4, pp 424-444, 2016
- T. D. Sudhakar, M,.RajaRajan, K.N.Srinivas, R.R.Raja Prabu, “Modelling ans Simulation of Distribution Network with the Integration of Distribution Generator using MATLAB,” Indian Journal of science and Technology, Vol:9,Issue:12, 2016.
- SadasivamPachamuthu,Vishveswaran Jothi, R.Raja Prabhu, Kavitha,RajiSundaratajan, ”Influence of Electrodes on Electric Field Distribution for Effective Electrochemotheraphy ,”Journal of Cancer Prevention ¤t Research, Vol: 4 Issue : 1 ,pp 1-8 , 2016.
- Mohamed Nizar, Sarmila har Beagum, K.Jayashree .R, “Comparison of PI controller Fuzzy Logic Controller using Unified Power quality conditioner,” International Research Journal of Engg. and Technology, Vol:3, Issue:6, pp 673-681,2016.
- S.JennathuBeevi, R.Jayashree ,S.Shameer Kasim, ”ANN Control for Load frequency Control,” International Journal for Research in applied Science and Engineering Technology, Vol:4, Issue:1, pp 67-71, jan 2016
- Khader shareef Shaif. And Mohamed Shuaib, JeenathuBeevi, “Automatic Generation control integrated with renewable Energy using Particle swarm optimization and differential evolutionary algorithm;” International research journal of Engineering and Technology, VOL No:3, Issue No:5, pp 1677-1684, May 2016.
Conference Publications:
- Abdul Baseeth. A and A. Sultan Saleem,” Fault Identification and Classification of Smart power Grids using Synchronus Phasor Angle Measurements,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering P.No 123-133, 30.4.2016.
- Imthiyaz Ahamed. M and Suresh. S., Divya Vijay, ”Modeling and Control of Renewable Hybrid Energy system,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 165-172, 30.4.2016.
- Kothai.M, and R. Jayashree, S. JennathuBeevi, “Tuning of IMC based PID Load Frequency Controller for power system”, International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 183-193, 30.4.2016.
- MahaparaGayasuddin and Suresh. S, “Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced number of switches”, International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 16-19, 30.4.2016.
- Mohamed Anus. A and A.Sultan Saleem, Nisha.K,” Balancing energy in the Smart Grid using PNP Algorithm,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 137-145, 30.4.2016.
- Imdad. S. K and Mr. Ramkumar.M.” Power Electronics converter with Marx Generator configuration based PEF for liquid food sterilization,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 20-23, 30.4.2016.
- Prem Kumar. G and A. Sultan Saleem, Kalirathnam, “Environmental dispatch of Smart Microgrid system including Distributed Generation using Cuckoo search Algorithm”, International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 227-235, 30.4.2016.
- R.Balamukesh and K.N.Srinivas,” Modeling and Analysis of Cost Effective Flux Reversal DC Motor for Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Mass Transit Systems ,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 150-156, 30.4.2016.
- C.Hemalatha and K.Sarmila Har Beagam, “Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 157-164, 30.4.2016.
- Madumathi n and Belwin,J.Brearley, “Digital Over Current Relay for Micro Grid,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 194-201, 30.4.2016.
- E.Naveen Kumar and G. Kavitha, M. Ram Kumar,” Quasi-Impedance Source AC-AC Converter for Voltage Optimizations,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 201-210, 30.4.2016.
- S.Peermohammed and R. Agatha,” Vector Control of Three Phase SVPWM PV Inverter,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 219-226, 30.4.2016.
- C.Zeeshan Khan and M.Ram Kumar,” Thyristorized Based Static Transfer Switch,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 244-252, 30.4.2016.
- S.VarunSaagar and K.Boopathy,” Speed Control of Universal Motor Using Digital Signal Processors,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 253-258, 30.4.2016.
- Ananthi C and Bharanigha.K,” A Single Stage Boost Inverter for Renewable Energy,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 134-136, 30.4.2016.
- Divya Vijay, U. Sabur Banu, K. Boopathy,” Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm based Sliding Mode Control for Assured Crew Re-Entry Vehicle,” Joint International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (ICAIECES-2016) & Power, Circuit and Information Technologies (ICPCIT-2016), may 2016.
- Divya, U. Sabura Banu,” PID controller tuned using Simulated Annealing for Assured Crew Re-Entry Vehicle with PWPF Thruster Firing,” 2016 International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS’16, Vol III, P.No: 596, March 2016.
YEAR : 2015
Journal Publications:
- Mahendiran C. R. and R.Raja Prabu,” Design of low wind speed horizontal axis wind power generator” International Journal Of Science, Engineering And Technology Research, ISSN 2278-7798, Vol No:4, Issue No:4,pp 697-706,April 2015.
- S.Nivethitha, Y. Md Shuaib, A.Sultan Saleem, “Optimal capacitor placement for power loss minimization in radial distribution system using group search optimization algorithm “International Journal Of Infinite Innovations In Engineering And Technology, Vol No:2, Issue No:1.pp 42-53,May-15.
- Imran Khan V T and A.Sultan Saleem, ”The Smart grid technology for optimal and distributed demand response strategy with electrical vehicle,” International Journal Of Infinite Innovations In Engineering And Technology, Vol No: 2, Issue No:1,pp54-64,May 2015.
- YazarArafath S and A.Sultan Saleem,” A Customer reward scheme based demand response for domestic load, “International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Engineering and Technology.VolNo:2, IssueNo1:pp21- 33, May-15.
- Mahendiran C.R., M.Ram Kumar, ”A novel control topology of Quasi ZSI based PV system International Journal of Science, Engineering And Technology Research, Vol No: 4, pp 903-908, April 2015.
- M.Kavitha, R.Ramya, ”Liquid Food Preservation by pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment”, International Journal Of Infinite Innovations In Engineering And Technology, Vol No:, Issue No:1,pp 46-154, May 2015.
- Fahadh Riyaz, R.Jayshree, Sarmila Har Beagam, ”A comparison of genetic algorithm and differential evolution for performing optimal power flow”, International Journal Of Infinite Innovations In Engineering and
Technology, Vol No:2, Issue No:1, pp , May 2015. - M.MohamedShafeer, K.Nisha, ”Transient stability improvement of parallel operated PMSG-based offshore wind turbine generators using STATCOM and UPFC,” International Journal Of Infinite Innovations In Engineering And Technology, Vol No:2, Issue No:1,pp 1-4,9., May 2015.
- R.Jayashree, D.Buvana&R.Soundarapandian, ”Adaptive Neural Network Controller for two level switched coupled inductor non isolated bidirectional DC/DC converter based DC Drive, “International Journal of Applied Engineering research, Vol No: 10,Issue No:09734562,pp 191-197, Aug 2015.
- Dj.Taniguevelane, K.N.Srinivas, ”International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research,” Deduction of Pilferage of Energy using PLC signal, Vol No:10, Issue No:9,pp 23573-23581,2015.
- S.JennathuBeevi, Richa, R.Jayashree,” Load Frequency Control in Deregulated environment of an international power system with multisource generation using superconducting magnetic energy storage device,” International Journal of advance Engg& research development , Vol:12, Issue 4, April 2015,Issn 2348-4470.
- D.Buvana, R,Jayashree, ”Bidirectional DC-DC converter with MPPT controller using PV array ,” International Journal for Research in Applied Science &Engg Technology, Vol:13,issue:XII,pp 289-295,Dec 2015.
- R.Shanthini, K.Boopathy,” Speed Control and Power factor Correction using Bridgeless Buck Boost Converter for BLDC motor Drive,” International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)”,Vol :4,Issue:4,pp 849-851,April 2015.
Conference Publications:
- Mahendiran C R, Javid Ahmed, R.Raja Prabu ,”Design of Low Wind speed Horizontal axis Wind Power Generator,” Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management(ICCCEM 2k15),11-12 April 2015.
- Suresh Kumar.R, K.N.Srinivas,” Analysis of In- Wheel switched Reluctance Motor,” Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management (ICCCEM 2k15),pp 10,11-12 April 2015.
- R.Shanthini, K.Boopathy,” Speed Control and Power Factor Correction using Bridgeless Buck boost Converter for Bldc Motor Drive”, Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management (ICCCEM 2k15),pp 10,11-12 April 2015.
- FidaMariyan C.P, Belwin J Brearly,” Field Oriented Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor”, Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management (ICCCEM 2k15),pp 8,11-12 April 2015.
- Aswathy R, V.Selvi,” Enhancing power system stability of wind farm equipped with permanent magnet synchronous generator using back to back converter ,”International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering and Technology, Syed Ammal Engineering College, Chennai, pp 1-6,2015.
- M.Divya, V.Selvi, ”Optimal Placement and sizing of FACTS Device in a Wind Farm”,International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering and Technology, Syed Ammal Engineering College, Chennai, pp 1-6,14 -16May 2015.
- Praveen Kumar.K, Kavitha. G, “High Step UP Push pull Converter with planar UP Push Pull Converter with planar Transformer for PV Inverter”, Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management (ICCCEM 2k15), pp 9, 11-12 April 2015.
- Javid Ahamed S, Mahendrian C R, Ram Kumar M, “A Novel Control topology of Quasi ZSI based PV systems”, Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management (ICCCEM 2k15), pp. 8, 11-12 April 2015.
- Sridhar .M, Sarmila Har Beagam.K, “Thermoelectric Battery charges with MPPT for low Power application, “Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management (ICCCEM 2k15), pp. 10, 11-12 April 2015.
- Thivyamoorthy.S, Bharanigha.V, “PV panel with coupled Inductor Double Boost (CIDBI) DC-AC inverter”, Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management (ICCCEM 2k15), pp. 11, 11-12, April 2015.
- Nandhivarman . U, S.Suresh, ”Hybrid Solar Wave Power Generation Using Direct Drive Linear Generator”, Second International Conference On Contemporary Challenges In Engineering And Management ,ARM College of Engg& Technology, Chennai, pp 1-4,10,11 and 12 April 2015.
- Vidhya, K.N.Srinivas, “3D Vibration Analysis of Flux Reversal Generator”, IEEE Second International Conference on Condition assessment Techniques in Electrical systems, Bengaluru, India. Dec 2015.
- B.Vidhya, K.N.Srinivas, “3D Procedure to trace the air path inside a reversal Generator for Mechanical Characterize”, IEEE Conference on Industrial and Commercial Power system /Petroleum Chemical Industrial ConferenceICPSPCIC2015, Nov 2015.
- Fahadh Riyaz, R.Jayashree, K.Sharmila Har Baegam, ”Optimal Power Flow Using Genetic Algorithm,” II Natioanl Conference on Innovative &Emerging Trends in Engg and Technology (NCIETET’15),Panimalar Institute of technology, Chennai, pp 56-61,14 May 2015.
- Divya M, V.Selvi, ”Enhancement of Voltage stability using facts device (STATCOM) in wind farm,” National conference on recent trends in power , control, Networking, embedded & communication engineering, KarpagaVinayaga College of Engineering & Technology, pp 1-6,26-Mar-15.
- AswathyR ,V.Selvi, ”Enhancing stability of wind farm equipped with permanent magnet synchronous generator,” National conference on recent trends in power , control, Networking, embedded & communication Engineering, KarpagaVinayaga College of Engineering & Technology, pp12,26-Mar-15.
- Shaik Mahujun S, R. Jayashree, S.JennathuBeevi, ”Genetic Algorithm based load frequency control for two area interconnected power system”, II National Conference on Innovative &Emerging Trends in Engg and Technology(NCIETET’15), Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai.,pp 61,14-May-15.
- Mohamed Rizwan H, Md Shuaib, “A Bat-Inspired search algorithm for loss minimization in radial distribution network”, First National Conference on Innovative &Emerging Trends in Engg and Technology (NCIETET’15), Panimalar Institute of technology, Chennai, pp 62,14-May-15.
YEAR : 2014
Journal Publications:
- M. Abdullah Khan, M.Krithiga, “Allocation of Transmission loss and Transmission usage charge to participats in restructured power system”, International Journal of science and research,Vol no:3,issue 5, pp 420-23, May 2014.
- Balahemalatha,Sarmilar Har beagum, K.N.Srinivas, “A Permanent Magnet Brushless DC motor Drive Based Voltage Control Power Factor Correction SEPIC converter”, International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,Vol:5,Issue 4,pp 21,April 2014.
- Soundarapandian, R.Jayashree, “Improved Wind Energy Penetration in a grid Connected Power system by wind Pumped storage Hydro Power plant”,International journal of applied Engineering Research,Vol 9,No:18,pp 4091-4098, April 2014.
- Soundarapandian, R.Jayashree, “Wind Hydro Hydrid System using PMSG and pumped storage in a grid Connected Power system,”International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol :5,No:4,pp 141-160, April 2014.
- Soundarapandian, R.Jayashree, “An improved artificial Fish Swarm Optimization for proficient solving of advanced unit commitment Problem with wind energy and pumped hydro storage”,Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol:7,pp 95-105,Oct 2014.
- .R.Soundarapandian,Jayashree, “Thermal Unit Commitment Considering Coordination Wind and Pumped Hydro Storage units using PSO”,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol:9,No:17,pp 3375-3592,Nov 2014.
- JennathuBeevi, R.Jayashree, “Load frequency control using IMC based PID Controller”, International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,Vol :5,No:4,pp 2229-5518, April 2014.
- Bavitra, Belwin J. Brearley, “Current control strategy for parallel operation of inverters based on micro grids,”International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,Vol:3,Issue:2,pp 651-659,April 2014.
- Mohamed Shuaib, M.SuryaKalavathi, and C.Christober Asir Rajan“Optimal Capacitor Placement in radial Distribution System using Group search Optimization Algorithm”,International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol:5, No:4,pp77-80, July 2014.
- Mohamed Shuaib, Dr.M. Surya Kalavathi and Dr.C.Christober Asir Rajan, “Optimal Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution System Using Gravitational Search Algorithm”, International Journal of Electric Power and Energy systems Vol.64, pp. 384-397, July 2014.’
- P, Belwin J. Brearley, “Micro grid Protection Using Digital Relays”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,Vol:2,pp166-175,April 2014.
- Subanitha, M.Ramkumar, “Trans-z-source inverter for photovoltaic generation system”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,Vol:3,Issue :2,pp 484-491,28-29 March 2014.
- Balahemalatha,Sarmilar har beagum,K.N.Srinivas, “A Permanent Magnet Brushless DC motor Drive Based Voltage Control Power Factor Correction SEPIC converter”,International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,Vol: 5,Issue 4,pp 21,April 2014.
- AthbelJoe,C,,Krishna, “An under frequency load shedding Scheme with limited knowledge of system parameter”, International Journal of emerging Electric Power systems,Vol :16, Issue No:1,pp 33-46, 2014.
Conference Publications:
- Raja Prabu,N.Sankari, , “Modeling, contol and protection of hybrid Microgrid”,International Conference on Trends in Mechanical, Aeronautical, Computer, Civil, Communication and Electrical Sciences, Tamizhan College of Engineering & Technology,pp 1-4,February 19th and 20th,2014.
- R.RajaPrabu,”,M. Dharani , “Study of biophysical changes on the cell membrane of cancer cells upon electroporation”,International Conference on trends in Mechanical, Aeronautical, Computer, Civil, Communication and Electrical Sciences,pp 1-4,19thand 20th February 2014.
- R Revathi, K N Srinivas, “Analysis of mutually coupled switched reluctance motor”,International Conference on Advance Research in Engineering and Technology, ARM College of Engineering &Technology.Chennai,pp 24-29,18-19 April 2014.
- R Radhika,K N Srinivas, “Magnetic analysis of switched reluctance motor with new rotor geometry”,International Conference on Advance Research in Engineering and Technology,ARM College of Engineering & Technology, Chennai,pp 16-23,18-19April 2014.
- Buvana,R.Jayashree, “Fuzzy logic based Current controlled non-isolated Bidirectional DC-DC converter” , Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing-ICECC-2014, Tagore Engineering College, Chennai,13th and 14th March 2014.
- JennathuBeevi, R Jayashree&P.Anbumalar , “Load Frequency control Using IMC based PID controller” , Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing-ICECC-2014, Tagore Engineering College, Chennai13thand 14th March 2014.
- Soundarapandian, R.Jayashree, “Wind-Hydro Hybrid System using PMSG and Pumped Storage in a Grid Connected Power System” , Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing-ICECC-2014, Tagore Engineering College, Chennai13thand 14th March 2014.
- Ajay Kumar, S.JennathuBeevi,R.Jayashree“Load frequency control using Fuzzy logic controller in two area power system” Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology &Management -2014(ICAET’14), NPR college of Engineering &Technology, Natham, Tamilnadu, 28 -29th March 2014.
- Mohamed Shuaib and Dr.M. Surya kalavathi and Dr.C.Christober Asir Rajan “Optimal Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution System using Group Search Algorithm” was presented in International conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing (ICECC- 2014) at Tagore Engineering College, Chennai- 600 127, during March 13-14,2014.
- Mohamed Abulhasan,V.Selvi,Mr.S.Suresh,Modelling and control of wind farms under asymmetrical grid faults,International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology & Science-2014, Hotel Clouds Valley Leisure, Munnar, Kerala, India. pp 217-221, 26-27 April 2014.
- Gowrisankari, S. Kavitha, “Optimal sizing and siting of distributed generation for relieving congestion”, International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology & Sciences – 2014, ICAETS’14, held at Hotel Cloud Valley leisure, Munar,India,pp 1-4,2014.
- G Vadivel, Bharanigha, “Transformer coupled multi-port converter for variable input voltages”,International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management,NPR College of Engineering &Technology,Natham,Tamil Nadu, pp 17-20,28-29 March 2014.
- AbdhusSabour, V.Bharanigha, “Soft switching based dc/dc converter for fuel cell based applications”, International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management, NPR College of Engineering &Technology, Natham, Tamil Nadu, pp 104,28-29 March 2014
- Jaikumar, A.Kalirathinam, “Five-level zvs,zcs active clamping pwm for the dc-dc buck converter,” International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management, NPR College of Engineering &Technology, Natham, Tamil Nadu,pp10,28-29 March 2014.
- M.Abdullah Khan,R.Abniya, “Improved Market clearing and Congestion management in real power electricity market”, National Conference on Issues in power quality &renewable Energy System,BITCampus,AnnaUniversity,Tiruchirappalli,April 2014.
- Elakkiya,Jayashree, S.JennathuBeevi “Load frequency control in power system via internal model control” ,Proceedings of National conference on Emerging trends and innovations in engineering and technology(ETIET’14), Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engg, 10th April 2014.
- K.Boopathy,M.Sankari, “Harmonic Reduction In Photo Voltaic Cell With Micro Inverters Using Decoupling Capacitor Techniques”, Proceeding In 4thNational Conference On Emerging Technologies In Electrical Engineering,Pp 56-61,19th April 2014.
- S.Nivedhitha, K. Boopathy,“Performance Improvement In Photovoltaic Cell For Grid Connecting System Using Power Converters With Negative Grounding Techniques”Proceedings Of 4thNational Conference On Emerging Technologies In Electrical Engineering, pp225-229,19th April 2014 .
- Jasima Begum, Y.Mohammed Shuaib, “Power Loss Minimization in Radial Distribution System by Optimal Capacitor Placement using Firefly Algorithm” in 4th National Conference on Technological Advancements in Power systems and Power Electronics Engg. (TAPSPEE- 2014).
- Bavithra M, M Belwin J. Brearley,“Current Control Strategy For Voltage Source Inverters Based On Micro Grids”National Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical Technology,pp 13-17,2014 March.
- Ramya,M.Balaji, “A Single Stage Micro Inverter Using MOSFET For The Conduction Loss Reduction” Proceeding In 4thNational Conference On Advance Trends In Electrical Engineering, Gojan School Of Business And Technology,pp 60-66,15th March 2014.
- Ramya,M.Balaji, “A Single Stage Micro Inverter Using MOSFET For The Conduction Loss Reduction”Proceeding In 2ndNational Conference On Recent Trends In Electrical Electronics And Embedded Systems, pp 50-54,8th March 2014
- M.Ramkumar,L.Abinaya, “A Quasi Z-Source Dynamic Voltage Restorer”,Proceeding In National Conference On Intelligent Power Electronics Technology,pp 58-63,24thMarch 2014.
- Yazhini M, Sharmila harbeagam K,“Isolated Bidirectional Dc/Dc Converter For Plug –In-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Application”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Power and Energy Engineering, pp 31-35,10-11 April 2014.
- Sharmila Har Beagam.K,Divya.G, “Bidirectional Soft Switching Dc/Dc Converter To Reduce Switching Losses”Proceeding In National Conference On Recent Trends In Power And Energy Engineering, pp 1-4 ,10 & 11 April 2014
- Ramya,S.Suresh, “Improving Grid Power Quality Using Statcom In Wind Energy Conversion System With Harmonic Reduction”, Technological Advancements in Power systems & Power Electronics Engineering,pp186-190,21stApril,2014.
- Aathithya,S.Suresh, “Using Distribution Power Flow Controller To Compensate Unbalanced Current In Transmission Line”, Second National Conference On Methods Enriching Power And Energy Development, pp 55-63,March 26th,2014
- Kalirathinam,S.Prabhakar, “Ultra Capacitor Energy Storage System For Electrical Drives”Proceeding in 2ndNational conference on Recent Trends in Electrical Electronics and Embedded systems,pp 26-31,8th March 2014.
- Poornima, S.Kavitha, “Contingency Constrained Economic Load Dispatch Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm For Security Enhancement”, Technological Advancements in Power systems & Power Electronics Engineering,pp1-4,21stApril,2014.
- Kalirathinam,S.Prabhakar, “Ultra Capacitor Energy Storage System For Electrical Drives”4thNational conference on Advance Trends in Electrical Engineering,Gojan School Of Business And Technology,pp 50-58,15th March 2014.
- Kalirathinam, ThasneemFasal,“Integrated Single-Phase Inverter with An Auxiliary Step Up Circuit For Photovoltaic Sources”Proceeding in National Conference on Intelligent Power Electronics Technology,pp52-57,24thMarch 2014.
MOU With Industries and International Institution
Outcome: Establishment of Electric Vehicle Lab

Outcomes: Internship, Placement and Industrial Visits

Outcome:Organized International conference

Outcome: Offering B.Tech. (EEE) for Employees

International Collaboration
Sl. No. | Name of the Visiting/ Affiliate Faculty | Name and address of the Parent Organization/University | Details of visit |
1. | Dr. Sumeet Aphale, Ph.D. | University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK | Delivered a part of course on “Modern Control System” during 01–04, August 2017 |
2 | Dr.Akhtar Kalam Ph.D | Victoria University, AUSTRALIA. | Delivered value added course on “Power System Engineering application to automation” during 23–31, January 2018 |
3 | Dr.Raji Sundararajan,Ph.D. | Purdue University, USA | Delivered key note speech on “Electrochemotheraphy for effective cancer treatment” during 14th March 2018 |
4 | Dr. Arunachalam Sundaram, Ph.D. | Jubail Industrial College, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Delivered a part of course on “Power System Analysis” during 16-18 August 2018 |
Research and Projects
Year | Name of the scholar | Name of research supervisor (Parent Institute) | Title of the project | Collaborating Institute |
2018 | Richa Ahuja (Ph.D) | Dr. R. Jayashree, Professor/EEE | Multi terminal VSC based MMC – HVDC system | Khalifa University , Abudhabi, UAE |
2015 | Mohamed Fazil M.Tech | Mr. C. Athbel Joe AP/EEE | Design of Active Power Filters Under Distorted Voltage Conditions | Petroleum Institute, Abhu Dhabi, UAE |
2016 | SeemaShibu M.Tech | Mr. M. Ramkumar AP/EEE | Study of electrical loads & selection of harmonic filter | M/s. Schneider Electric, Budapest, Hungary |

Faculty Awards

Collaboration With Purdue University, USA
- Eight Joint Publications
- First International Workshop on “Electro-Chemo-Therapy for Effective Cancer Treatment “on JULY 27-28 , 2011.
- Study Abroad Programme
- Edited Chapter in Book “Electroporation – based therapies for Cancer”, (Elsevier – Woodhead Publication)
- Faculty Exchange Programme
- MoU signed

Renowned Alumni

Dr.Gowri B Aiyar
Lead Engineer, HV Power Electronics
and Subsystems
Jaguar land Rover, UK

Dr.Adhinarayanan Theerthamalai
Senior Engineer

Saleha Saiqa Dawood
Senior Electrical Engineer – Power
WSP Australia – New Zeland

Mohamed Farook
Energy Digital Sales Director- Gulf
Region and Pak
Schneider Electric

Associate Professor

Mrs. Rajashree Natarajan
Chief Operating Officer
Cognizant Foundation

Dr.Bala Venkatesh
Professor and Director
Ryerson University

Dr.Ing Ahamed Bilal Asaf Ali
R&D Senior Engineer

Sajeesh Nambiar
Assistant Vice President IT
Emirates Flight Catering

Adnan Aquib Naseer
Our alumni conducted a placement training session for the graduating EEE students. Abishek Shankar, Asifa Farheen, and Sandhya, who graduated from the B.Tech. EEE batch of 2019-2023, organized mock tests, mock interviews, and group discussions on 04.11.2023. They provided valuable insights to the final year students to help enhance their skills.

The Silver Jubilee celebration of 1994-98 batch of Crescent was organized during July 15-16, 2023. Dr S Jennathu Beevi, was one of the organizing committee members. Around 45 faculty members, 20 supporting staff and 150 Alumni attended the reunion.
Snapshots from Silver Jubilee Alumni Reunion – July 2023

Dr Adhi Narayanan Theerthamalai, (Alumnus
M.E(PSE) 2002-2004) Lead Electrical Engineer & System Study Specialist, Petrofac, UAE delivered a webinar titled “ Offshore Wind Electric Powerplant” on 19.04.2023. He has also done a partial delivery of the course “Wind Energy Conversion Systems” from 2.8.2023 to 07.08.2023 for the 5th semester B.Tech. EEE students.

Mr. M Vivek, (Alumnus M.E(PSE) 2002-2004) Lead Product Engineer, Hyatt Global services, Illinois, United States conducted a workshop on 10.4.2023 on “Solar Systems and Programming Concepts”.

Mr.Tameem Saied,(Alumnus of B.E EEE1994-98) Managing Director, Fortran Cirkit electronics Pvt Ltd.,Master Trainer, Soft Skills Coach and Small Business Mentor delivered a virtual career guidance programme on 05.04.2023 for the benefit of plus two students.

An on line webinar on “Digital Transformation in Power Systems” was conducted on 19.06.2020. Mr.Mohamed Farook ( Alumnus 1997-2001 batch, EEE), Regional Commercial Director, Middle East Region from Schneider Electric was the guest speaker.

The Office of Alumni Relations in association with the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering organized a Alumni Webinar on “Power System Automation“ by Dr. Arunachalam Sundaram, (Crescent Alumnus, M.E Power Systems Engineering, 2004 Batch), Associate Professor / EEE, Jubail Industrial College, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 30 June 2021 at 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm (IST).

The Office of Alumni Relations organized an Alumni webinar along with the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering on the topic “Design and Sizing of Cables and Motors” by our Alumnus Mr. Janarthanan. M, (B.E. EEE, 2002 Batch), Lead Engineer, Petrofac International Ltd, Muscat, Oman on 3 July 2020 from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm (IST).

S.No | Date | Name of the Alumni | Year of study | Technical Discussion |
1 | 20.8.2015 | Mr.Mohamed Farook,Director, Middle East & Central Asia , ALSTOM, Dubai | 1997 -2001 | Smart grid and digital substations |
2 | 10.9.2015 | Dr.Ahamed Bilal, Engineer, ABB Switzerland | 1995-1999 | Different drive train structure of Electric Vehicle |
3 | 19.2.2016 | Mr.Janarthanan Principal Engineer, Petrofac, Chennai. | 1998-2002 | Electric Power Distribution in Industry |
4 | 3.10.2016 | Tameem Saied Director, Fortran Cirkit Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Perungudi, | 1994-1998 | Fabrication of special PCBs and Innovation |
S.No | Date | Name of the Alumni | Year of study | Technical Discussion |
1 | 20.8.2015 | Mr.Mohamed Farook,Director, Middle East & Central Asia , ALSTOM, Dubai | 1997 -2001 | Smart grid and digital substations |
2 | 10.9.2015 | Dr.Ahamed Bilal, Engineer, ABB Switzerland | 1995-1999 | Different drive train structure of Electric Vehicle |
3 | 19.2.2016 | Mr.Janarthanan Principal Engineer, Petrofac, Chennai. | 1998-2002 | Electric Power Distribution in Industry |
4 | 3.10.2016 | Tameem Saied Director, Fortran Cirkit Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Perungudi, | 1994-1998 | Fabrication of special PCBs and Innovation |
Entreprenuers of EEE Department

Faculty Achievements
Year | Name of the Faculty | Book Chapter Details | Name of the Publisher |
2019-2020 | Dr. R. Zahira | Control Techniques for Improving Quality of Power – A Review | Published by Bonfring , Holistic Research Perspectives |
Dr. R. Zahira | Load Frequency Control in Deregulated Power System | Published by Bonfring , Holistic Research Perspectives | |
Dr. A. Paramasivam, AP/EEE | Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application/ Secure Transmission of Human Vital Signs Using Fog Computing | Springer, Cham, Switzerland | |
2020-2021 | Dr. R. Zahira | Covid 19 and its impact- Energy and Power | ESN publications |
Dr. R. Zahira | Modeling and Simulation Analysis of Shunt Active Filter for Harmonic Mitigation in Islanded Microgrid. | Springer, Singapore. | |
Dr. R. Zahira | Power Quality Issues in Microgrid and its Solutions. | Microgrid Technologies, Scrivener Publishing LLC (Wiley), Book | |
Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib Mr.S.Suresh Mrs.V.Bharanigha | Prioritization of Loads Powered by Solar PV | Covid 19 and its impact- Energy and Power, ESN publications | |
Dr.R.Jayashree | Modular Multilevel converter Based HVDC System Using PD PWM Algorithm | Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering. vol 669, Springer Nature Singapore Pt Ltd. | |
2022-2023 | Dr. R.Hannah Lalitha | A Hybrid Split and Merge (HSM) Technique for Rapid Video Compression in Cloud Environment in Cloud Environment | Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 117. Springer, Singapore |
Dr. R Zahira | Stand alone microgrid concept for rural electrification: a review | Residential Microgrids and Rural Electrifications Academic Press Elsevier Inc |
S. No | Title | Faculty Name | Application Number | Year | Filed | Status | |
Published | Granted | ||||||
1. | A System for Safe Electric Pole Usage. | Dr. R. Zahira Mr. Ahamed Shadhaf Hussain.A Mr. Mohamed Jafarulla Mr. Liyas Ahamed A Mr. Sivaraman P | 202341034275 | 2023 | 16.5.2023 | filled | |
2. | An Apparatus for Generating Electric Energy | Mr. R. Ganapathi Dr. Harinarayanan | 202241014816 | 2022 | 17.3.2022 | Published | |
3. | Oil Skimmer by using Roller | Dr.V. Pramila Dr. D. Yuvarajan Dr. M. Dinesh Babu Dr. R. Sathiyamoorthi Dr. S. Sekar Dr. S. Kalpana | 202241012257 | 2022 | 7.3.2022 | Published | |
4. | SNN Controlled UPFC for Power Quality Improvement in a Distribution Network | Dr. P. Abirami Dr. R. Jayashree Dr. Jyotismita Mishra Dr. K. R. Shanmuga Vadivu Dr. R. Hannah Lalitha | 202241011235 | 2.3.2022 | Published 8.9.2023 | ||
5. | Electric hybrid power source for vehicles using weightless internal combustion | Dr. R. Zahira | 2021102319 | 11.05.2021 | 14.07.2021 | Eight years from 2/05/2021 | |
6. | A Novel Intrinsic space vector transformation based solar fed dynamic voltage restorer for power quality improvement in distribution system – | Dr. Y.Mohamed Shuaib, Vishwaprakash Babu, Manikandan M, Dr. K.Shafeeque Ahmed | 202041015211 | 22.05.2020 | . | Published | |
7. | Modified Stator Winding Arrangement in Three Phase Induction Motor | Dr. Zahira | 201941036842 A | 13.9.2019 | Published | ||
8. | Active Power Filters to Improve Quality Using PI And Fuzzy | Dr. Zahira | 201941032289 A | 9.8.2019 | Published | ||
9. | An Apparatus for Generation of Gastric Electric Waveforms in Normal and Abnormal conditions | Dr. Paramasivam | 201841033641 A | 7.9.2018 | Published | ||
10. | Electrical Insulation Characteristics of Silicone And Epdm Polymeric Blends Compounds. | Dr. R. Rajaprabu | 201641026589 | 19.8.2016 | Published |
Sl No | Faculty Name | Designation | Awards And Recognition | Name of the Agency | Year |
1. | Dr.R.Jayashree, | Prof. and Head | Research incentive awards for best contribution in research | BSACIST | received 5th, 2022 for the year 2020 and 2021. |
2. | Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib | Associate Professor | |||
3. | Dr S Jennathu Beevi, | Asst.Prof (Sr.G) | |||
4. | Dr Belwin J Brearley | Asst.Prof (Sr.G) | |||
5. | Dr Sarmila Har Beagum | Assistant Professor | |||
6. | Mr. S. Suresh | Assistant Professor | |||
7. | Dr. K. Shafeeque Ahmed | Assistant Professor | |||
8. | Dr Zahira | Assistant Professor | |||
9. | Dr. P. Abirami | Assistant Professor | Young Researcher Award | Institute of Scholars | July 2022. |
10. | Dr.R.Jayashree | Prof. and Head | Best contribution in academic research | BSACIST | 2021 |
11. | Dr.R.Jayashree | Professor and Head | Reviewing a Paper in Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering | TMEC-2020-0598 | 2021 |
12. | Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib | Associate Professor | Best contribution in academic research | BSACIST | 2021 |
13. | Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib | Associate Professor | Received a letter of appreciation for Reviewing a paper in Journal of Australian journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering science and Technology | TECE-2020-0097 | 2021 |
S.No | RRN | Name of the Scholar | Title of the Research | Supervisor |
1. | 210833704001 | Mr.Balasubramani | An Artificial intelligence based Battery Management System for Electric vehicle for improved driving range. | Dr. R. Jayashree |
2. | 190833101001 | Mr.Sundara Mallayan | Partial discharge Characteristics of Polymer Nano composite materials for electrical insulation applications. | |
3. | 200833101001 | Mr.R.Ganapathy | Development of renewable energy systems for domestic and industrial application using power converters | |
4. | 210833704002 | Mr.Abdul Khadar | Design and Implementation of a multilevel Inverter for grid integrated renewable energy systems. | Dr. Y. Mohamed Shuaib |
5. | 160833704001 | Mr.Abdul Quawi | Power quality Improvement in Distribution Syste1m Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithm. | |
6. | 210833104001 | Mr. Shaik Abdul Sameed | Smart Grid Communications | Dr. K. Shafeeque Ahmed |
7. | 200833104001 | Mr. Shaik Haneefa | Intelligent Microgrid | Dr. R. Zahira |
8. | 230833704001 | Mr.C.Selvam | Realtime fault analysis and protection of transmission system using machine learning | Dr. S.Jennathu Beevi |
9. | 230833704001 | Mr Momin Shahbaz Akhter Riyaz Ahmed | Analysis and Optimization of a Hybrid system | Dr. R.Hannah Lalitha |
Faculty Awards

Student Chapter
- Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is offering a two credit core course – Self learning during VI semester.
- This is a mandatory pre-requisite for the student to undertake the major project work.
- The student can select the self-learning course based on his/her interest in the area of proposed project work.
- Two hour per week is allotted for discussion and interaction with the project supervisor.
- As any other course, self-learning course also has six modules. The course content and study materials shall be decided by the respective supervisor and HOD and sent for approval by Dean (Academic).
- CAT 1, CAT 2 and Semester End examinations are conducted.
- This makes a thorough preparation for the student to undertake his/her project work confidently in the eighth semester.
- Mandatory 30 days of industrial internship, in a single slot
- Internship has to be undertaken during the third year summer vacation and the credits will be awarded in the seventh semester.
- Teaching faculty is appointed as the coordinator for the Interns
- No two students are allowed to be in the same site.
- Coordinator continuously monitors the performance of the students during the internship.
- After completion of the internship, the students are required to submit a detailed report
- Interns are required to present a Poster Presentation.
- The Interns should submit the industry evaluated certificate.
- 50% weightage is given to the evaluation by the industry and remaining 50% weightage to the evaluation by the committee appointed by the Head of the Department.
- The 50 % weightage of evaluation done at the department comprises of (a) 20/50 for viva-voce, (b) 20/50 for the Intern report and (c) 10 /50 for poster presentation.
Selected group of Industries for Industrial Internship:
- National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)
- Steel Authority of India (SAIL)
- Andrapradesh Power Generation Corporation
- Airport, Chennai
- BHEL, Ranipet.
- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
- Ford India Limited
- L&T Constructions Limited
- Kone Elevators and Escalators
- Tessolve Services Pvt. Ltd.,
- Siemens Litd.,
- Ventures Power System India Ltd.,
- Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.,
- Integrated Coach Factory
- Visakapatnam Steel Plant
- BSNL, Chennai
- LUCAS TVS, Pondicherry
- Southern railway loco works, perambur, Chennai
- Ennore Thermal Power Station
- KELTRON, Trivandrum
- NSR steel Pvt. Ltd, Nagercoil
- NSCB, Airport Authority of India, Kolkata
- Venture Power Systems, MEPZ, Tambaram
- Chennai Port Trust
- Control system services, Patna (Bihar)
- SUN Automation
- CCSM Sugar mill, villupuram
- Mahindra World City
QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education)
Our institute is announced as best performing institution falling under the category of “QEEE Partner “Institutions, Implying that we are amongst the best Institutions to have leveraged the QEEE program for the benefits of our UG/PG students.
S. No. | Course offered by the QEEE Pilot Program Phase –V, Jan –April 2016 | No. Of Students participated and Completed the course |
1. | EEB3101
Digital Electronics | 34 |
2. | EEB2214
Design of Feedback in Control Systems | 60 |
Industrial Visits
- Visits to industries are arranged, so that the students will get a real time industrial exposure. Some of the industries visited by the students are given below.
S.No | Place of industrial Visit | Date of Industrial Vist |
1 | Sripermumbur 400/230kV Substation | 08.04.2017 |
2. | TechnoCrat Automation | 08.03.2017 |
3. | Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam | 08.11.2016 |
4. | Andrew Yule and Company Limited | 18.03.2016 |
5. | Smart Grid and System Control Centre, Puduchery | 26.02.2016 |
6. | Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) | 15.02.2015 |
7. | Sew Euro drive India Pvt. Ltd.., Sriperumpudur | 4.9.2014 |
8. | Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) | 7.08.2014 |
9. | Thondamandalam Substation & System control Center of Electricity Department , Pondicherry | 20.11.2013 |
10. | Numerical Power Ltd Systems, Puduchery | 7.2.2013 |
11. | System Control Centre, Puduchery | 26.3.2013 |
12. | MAPS, Kalpakkam, Chennai | 22.2.2013 |
13. | CPRI, Bangaluru | 13.7.2012 |
14. | ISRO, Sriharikota,AP | 26.9.2012 |
Load Dispatch Centre, Anna Salai, Chennai | 7.12.2011 |
Innovation Cell
- Motivating the students to think laterally and out-of-the-box to generate innovative ideas.
- Transforming innovative ideas into products of societal needs
- Faculties mentoring the students to carry out the project effectively by providing required technical guidance.
- Filing patents and commercialization of the products in the long run.
Student Achievements
- SHAIK ABDUL AYAZ(EEE), HAMAD ARSHAN. C won 2nd place with the cash prize worth of Rs 30,000 in Chopras Electronic Car Competition at Hayat Regency in Chennai In May 2016.

- Naveed Shiraj of B.Tech EEE won 1st place in the Solar Lamp Design Contest organized by IEEE Madras Section SIGHT,The Solarillion initiative and IEEE power and Energy Sector at Dr.M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation , Chennai on 23 April 2013

Students Project
Best Projects
S.No. | RRN | Name of the Students | Title of the Project | Guide Name |
1. | 190041601002 | ABISHEK SHANKAR | Automated Wet Etching Process for Single Layer PCB | Dr.S.Suresh, AP/EEE |
2. | 190041601036 | SIDDHARTH SANKAR | ||
3. | 190041601039 | VIKRAM VENKAT | ||
4. | 190041601003 | AHAMED ASHFAQ M.Y | Smart Sewage Treatment Plant Automation | Dr.R.Jayashree, Professor & HOD |
5. | 190041601009 | HARESH.R | ||
6. | 190041601015 | MINASH AHAMED.N | ||
7. | 190041601018 | MOHAMED JAHID RIYAN.M.J |
S.No. | RRN | Name of the Student | Title of the Project | Guide Name |
1 | 180041601007 | IRUM FATHIMA | Prepaid Energy meter with theft alert using IoT | Dr.R.Jayashree, Prof/EEE |
2 | 180041601008 | KONDALA NAWAZ ALI | ||
3 | 180041601011 | MD TAUSHIF AHMED | ||
4 | 180041601009 | LAMECH SHANTHAKUMAR.D | Hybrid variant of mouse with detachable pen | Mrs. V. Bharanigha, AP/EEE |
5 | 180041601017 | SUNIL KUMAR S | ||
6 | 180041601022 | RISHI KUMAR S |
S.No. | RRN | Name of the Student | Title of the Project | Guide Name |
1. | 170041601008 | KANNAN.R | Demand Side Management Based Smart Switch Board | Mr. C. Athbel Joe |
2. | 170041601019 | MOHIT JAISINGH.M | ||
3. | 170041601032 | SYED MOHAMMED RAFIUDDIN.A | ||
4. | 170041601012 | MAHA HANIFA RABI | Automatic Generation Control In Restructured Power System With Wind Power And Battery Energy Storage System | Dr. S. Jennathu Beevi |
5. | 170041601013 | M.MOHAMED ABUBACKAR SHIDDIK |

Dhivya.P, Ganapathy Sivam.C, Madhumitha.S, Javid Nazeem.A

B.Aravindh, A.Juneeth Alam, P.Nanda Kumar, M.Ashfaaq Ali Ahamed
IEEE Student Branch
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is the world’s largest professional organization dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The IEEE and it’s members inspire a global community through IEEE’s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards and professional and educational activities. B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology has a active IEEE students branch conducting conferences, workshops and guest lecturers under IEEE.
Professional Activities
The department has Student chapter of IEEE and the students of the EEE department are members of the IEEE. The following table shows the enrollment strength in IEEE professional society.
S.No | Year | No. of Students with IEEE membership |
1 | 2020-2024 | 30 |
2 | 2019-2023 | 43 |
3 | 2018-2022 | 25 |
4 | 2017-2021 | 31 |
5 | 2016-2020 | 42 |
S.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date |
1 | An online webinar on “Offshore wind electric power plant” | Dr. Adhinarayanan T, IEEE Sr. Member, Lead Electrical Engineer,Petrofac International Ltd., UAE | 19.04.2023 |
2 | Saksham 2023,Oil & Gas Conservation Awareness Drive | B. Panneerselvam, Former Chief General Manager(CPCL) Shri S. Ramalingam, former Chairman , Managing Director (CPCL) | 05.05 2023 |
3 | Virtual career guidance programme | Mr.Tameem Saied, Managing Director, Fortran Cirkit Electronics Pvt Ltd., Master Trainer, Soft Skills Coach, and Small Business Mentor addressed the students | 05.03 2023 |
S.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date |
1 | National level Technical symposium-CYGNUS 2023 | Chief Manager – Sales and Marketing, Sand S Power Switchgear Equipment Ltd, Chennai | 08.05.2023 |
2 | Reform Career Pathway to Fly Abroad | Mr. Abdul Navas, Senior Manager, KC overseas Osprey Academy | 18.04.2023 |
3 | Safety Awareness | Mr. Suresh Kumar,DGM Corporate Management EHS Mando Automation India Pvt ltd ,Chennai | 09.02.2023 |
4 | Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers- Inauguration 2022 | Mr.K.K.JembuKailas,Lead SME L&T Edutech, Chennai | 21.11.2022 |
S.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date |
1 | A workshop on “Solar systems and programming concepts” | Mr. M. Vivek, Lead Product Engineer,Hyatt Global Services, Ilinois, United States, | 10.04.2023 |
2 | A project competition (Phase 1) on “Solar energy” | Mr. Fawaz Hussain, Founder, and CEO, of Daystar Solar, Chennai | 11.04.2023 |
S.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date |
1 | Awareness programme on Energy, Oil and Gas conservation – Saksham2022 . | Thiru B Panneerselvam, Vice president ENFUSE, ThiruArockiya Antony, Chief Manager CPCL and Thiru K Bhaskar , ENFUSE | 21.04.2022 |
2 | Power Electronics Components Packaging – Thermo electrically enhanced highly integrated wire bondless SiC half bridge power module- | DrShiladri Chakraborty, AP/EEE, IIT Bombay | 25.03.2022 |
3 | Possible ways of Attracting Research Funding | Dr.V.Gayathri, Dept. of Energy Engineering, VIT | 22.03.2022 |
4 | Awareness Session on RAI ( Robotics, AI & IOT) | Mr. Ramaiah Chidambaram, Manager, Industry 4.0, CIIC | 14.03.2022 |
5 | Webinar on Free and Online Simulators for Electrical Engineer | Mr. C. Athbel Joe, Dr. Belwin J Brearley and Dr. K. Shafeeque Ahmed Department of EEE, BSACIST | 29.07.2021 |
S.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date |
1 | Career advancement program | Ms. Reshmy Vijay , Director, Education Matters | 24.01.2022 |
2 | Career in the Indian Armed Forces | Mr. Surendran, Director of Defence Academy, Chennai | |
3 | Career guidance”Opportunity for Electrical and Electronics Engineers” | Mr.PabbaRamesh,Motivation speaker (Career Guidance), ACE Engineering Academy, Chennai | 12.10.2021 |
4 | Career Guidance Program for Higher education | Mr.Sriram ,Chief Instructor & Admission Associate , Magoosh – Learners Cortex | 22.09.2021 |
5 | Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers- Inauguration 2021 | Mr.S. R. Nandha Kishore, Manager of Global Siting MED Latin America, Vestas Technology R&D,Chennai. | 28.10.2021 |
6 | National level Technical Symposium CYGNUS 2022 | Er.A.Sadagopan B.E., Retired Member Generation, TANGEDCO, Chennai, | 12.05.2022 |
S.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date |
1 | Workshop on “Climate Change, Energy Swaraj and I” | Dr. Chetan Singh Solanki, Professor from IIT Bombay, referred to as “Solar Man of India” and “Solar Gandhi” | 18.4.2022 |
S.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date |
1 | Faculty Development Programme”Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering” | 1.Mr. Ayaz Sheikh (CEO) Mr. Syed Sameeullah . Co-Founder(s),EnarxiTechnology,Chennai 2.Mr.Vivek Sharma,Researcher, Macquarie University, Sydney,Australia 3.Mr. M. Balasubramaniam, EngineeringManager, Power Transmission and Distribution (International Division),Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Chennai 3.Dr. Adhinarayanan T, IEEE Sr. Member, Lead Electrical Engineer,Petrofac International Ltd., UAE 4.Dr. Mohamed Iqbal. M. Associate Professor,PSG Institute of Technologyand Applied Research, Coimbatore. 5.Dr. D. Lakshmi,Associate Professor, Dept of EEE,AMET University, Chennai | 01.06.2020-05.06.2020 |
2 | National Level Seminar”Power Electronic Drives for Electric Vehicles” | Dr.Sreejith,Assistant Professor, NIT, Silcha | 11.06.2020 |
3 | Webinar on Smart Grid | Pantechsolutions,Chennai | 17.06.2020 |
4 | Webinar on Digital Transformation in Power Systems | Mr, Mohamed Farook, Regional Commercial Director Middle East Region at Schneider Electric | 19.06.2020 |
5 | Webinaron Design and Sizing of Cables and Motors | Mr.M.Janarthanan., Lead Engineer, Petrofac International Ltd, Muscat, Oman | 03.07.2020 |
6 | Webinaron Distribution of Power from Practical Perspective | Dr. Mohamed Ismail, Manager- HV Distribution, Distribution Power Division, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) | 07.07 2020 |
7 | Webinaron Power System Analysis through ETAP | Dr. Adhi Narayanan Theerthamalai, Lead Electrical Engineer & Power Systems Study Specialist, Petrofac | 17.07. 2020 |
8 | Webinaron Internet of Things | Dr.B.Ezhilavan, Managing Director, VEI Technologies, Chennai | 05.08.2020 |
9 | Energy, Oil & Gas Conservation– Saksham 2020 | Prof S. Ramalingam, National President, ENFUSE | 09.02.2021 |
10 | WebinaronTroubleshooting of Industrial Motors | Dr. ArunachalamSundaram, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology, Jubail Industrial College (JIC), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | 13.05.2020 |
11 | Seminar on Research potential in Solar Energy & Storage Technologies | Dr.J.Gaayathri,Assistant Professor (S.G.),CO2 research & green energy technologies center, VIT,Vellore | 11.03.2020 |
S.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date |
1 | Webinar on Power System Automation | Dr. ArunachalamSundaram, Associate Professor / EEE, Jubail Industrial College, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | 30.06.2021 |
2 | Virtual Career Guidance Programme | Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib, Assoc.Prof./EEE, Dr.AbdulMajeed, Director ( Admissions), Mr.C.Athbel Joe, AP/EEE and Mrs.S.JennathuBeevi, AP(SG)/EEE | 13.06.2021 |
3 | Short Term Training Programme on Electric Vehicle and its Scenario in India | 1. Dr. C. Sharmeela, Associate Professor/EEE, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai 2.Dr. S. Logeshkumar, Consultant for EV, Coimbatore | 01.07.2020-03.07.2020 |
4 | Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Dr. N. Kumarappan, Chairman, IEEE Madras Section,Professor, Department of EEE, Annamalai University | 02.12.2020 |
5 | Webinar on Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicle Application | Pantech E-learning , Chennai | 03.06.2021 |
6 | AICTE sponsored Skill and Personality Development Programme Centre (SPDC) of our Institution on Embedded C | Pantech Solutions | 29.03.2021 -10.04.2021 |
7 | Webinar on Artificial Intelligence with MATLAB | Rajkumar. D, Application Engineer–MATLAB, DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd, | 07-05-2020 |
8 | Training programme on Operation and Maintenance of Roof Top Solar PV Practices | Mr. Lokabhiraman,Seniorassociate,Arbutus Consultants PvtLtd,Pune | 10.02.2020 |
Year No. of events | IEEE | SEEE | Energy club |
2022-2023 | 03 | 04 | 2 |
2021-2022 | 05 | 06 | 1 |
2020-2021 | 11 | 08 | # |
#-Energy club is initiated on18.4.2022
Student Achievements
S.No | Duration | No. of students completed NPTEL course | No. of credit transfer |
1. | JAN -MAY 2023 | 38 | 29 |
2. | JULY –DEC 2022 | 1 | Nil |
3. | JAN -MAY 2022 | 8 | Nil |
4. | JAN -MAY 2021 | 13 | 7 |
5. | JAN -MAY 2020 | 2 | Nil |
Total | 62 | 36 |
Session: Jan-May 2023 | |||||
S. No. | RRN | Name | Course Name | Course Duration | Grade (Elite/Silver / successfully completed) |
1 | 210041601002 | ABINAYA M | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | ELITE |
2 | 210041601004 | AFRIN FATHIMA H | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED |
3 | 210041601005 | AHMED MUSAIB T | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | ELITE |
4 | 210041601008 | ADIBA MUSKAN A | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | ELITE |
5 | 210041601011 | DANIYA MEHAK I | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | ELITE |
6 | 210041601012 | EZHUMALAI S | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED |
7 | 210041601013 | GAYATHRI S | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | ELITE |
8 | 210041601014 | HAFIZ ABDULLA K P | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | ELITE |
9 | 210041601017 | ILHAM IBRAHIM B | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED |
10 | 210041601018 | JAHANGER J | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | ELITE |
11 | 210041601019 | KARTHICK GOPINATH S | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | ELITE |
12 | 210041601021 | KUMLESHRAM R | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED |
13 | 210041601022 | LAKSHMINARAYANAN G K | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED |
14 | 210041601023 | MAHESH V | NOC23-CS51 Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 week | SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED |
Session: July-Dec 2022 | |||||
S. No. | RRN | Name | Course Name | Course Duration | Grade (Elite/Silver / successfully completed) |
1. | 200041601006 | MOHAMED SABIQ | MARKETING MANAGEMENT – I | Successfully Completed |
Session: Jan-May 2022 | ||||||
S.No | RRN | Name of the Student | Course ID | Course Name | Course duration | Grade |
1. | 190041601030 | ROOPESH S | NOC22-CS46 | EMBEDDED SYSTEMS DESIGN | 12 week | Elite |
2. | 190041601039 | VIKRAM VENKAT | NOC22-CS46 | EMBEDDED SYSTEMS DESIGN | 12 week | Elite |
3. | 190041601002 | ABISHEK SHANKAR | NOC22-CS46 | EMBEDDED SYSTEMS DESIGN-TOPPER OF 2% IN THIS COURSE | 12 week | Elite + Silver |
4. | 190041601036 | SIDDHARTH SANKAR | NOC22-CS46 | EMBEDDED SYSTEMS DESIGN | 12 week | Successfully completed |
5. | 202232601003 | JAYSHANKAR | NOC22-ME59 | INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL | 12 week | Elite |
6. | 200041602021 | VINIT KUMAR | NOC22-EE53 | ELECTRIC VEHICLES – PART 1 | 4week | Elite |
7. | 202232601003 | JAYSHANKAR | NOC22-GE14 | NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY RESOURCES | 12 week | Elite |
Session: Jan-May 2021 | |||||
S.No | RRN | Name of the Student | Course Name | Course duration | Grade |
3. | 180041601022 | RISHI KUMAR S | PYTHON FOR DATA SCIENCE | ||
4. | 180041601022 | RISHI KUMAR S | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Elite |
5. | 180041602002 | MOHAMED FIRNAS N | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Elite |
6. | 180041601005 | MD FAROOK H | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Elite |
8. | 180041601001 | ALASHIK MOHAMMED V | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Elite |
9. | 202232601002 | IZZATH HUSSAIN M I | NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY RESOURCES | 12 week | Successfully Completed |
10. | 180041601015 | NAVEEN KUMAR | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Successfully Completed |
11. | 180041601002 | AYMAN KHAN | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Successfully completed |
12. | 180041601007 | IRUM FATHIMA | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Successfully completed |
13. | 180041601017 | SUNIL KUMAR S | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Elite |
Session: Jan-Apr 2020 | |||
Name of the Student | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. Anwar Sadath | Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Successfully completed based on Assignment Marks.
Final exam is pending |
Mr. Gughan N. M. | Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | |
Mr. Mohamed Haneef F. | Programming in Java | 12 Weeks | |
Mr. Mohammed Sali | Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | |
Mr. Nihal | Programming in Java | 12 Weeks |
Session: Jan-Apr 2019 | |||
Name of the Student | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. MdAshfaq Ur Rehman | Power System Dynamics, Control and Monitoring | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Mr. Nihal | Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Elite Gold |
Mr. Mohammed Waqas N S | Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Successful |
Session: Jul – Nov 2019 | |||
Name of the Student | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. Syed Wiquar Ahmed | Electrical Distribution System Analysis | 12 Weeks | Successful |
Mr. Gughan N.M. | Programming in Java | 12 Weeks | Elite Silver |
Mr. MohitJaisingh M. | Programming in Java | 12 Weeks | Elite Silver |
Mr. Sathiyaseelan M. | Programming in Java | 12 Weeks | Elite Silver |
Mr. Ranganathan S. | Fundamentals of Electric Drives | 12 Weeks | Elite Silver |
Mr. MahaHanifa Rabi | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Mr. Mohamed AbubackarShiddik M. | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Mr. Mohamed Haneef | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Mr. Rohith H. | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Mr. SajithFaras S. | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Successful |
Mr. Sakthi Kumar G. | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Successful |
Mr. Seyed Mohamed Salihu M.N. | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Ms. StefiCarvalho | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Mr. FadhalullahInayadullah | Internet of Things | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Session: Jan-Apr 2018 | |||
Name of the Student | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. Mohammed Waqas | Information Security IV | 8 weeks | Successful |
Session: Jul-Oct 2018 | |||
Name of the Student | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. Srinivasan | Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 weeks | Elite |
Mr. Govinda Sricharan | Introduction to Internet of Things | 12 weeks | Elite |
Mr. Mohammed Waqas | Programming Data Structures and Algorithms | 8 weeks | Successful |
Faculty Achievements
Session: July-Dec 2022 | ||||
S.No | Name | Course Name | Course Duration | Grade (Elite/Silver / successfully completed) |
1. | Dr .K. R. SHANMUGA VADIVU | DESIGN THINKING – A PRIMER | 4 week | Successfully Completed |
2. | Dr. P ABIRAMI | DESIGN THINKING – A PRIMER | 4 week | Elite |
3. | DIGITAL CIRCUITS | 12 week | Successfully Completed | |
5. | DIGITAL CIRCUITS | 12 week | Elite | |
7. | DIGITAL CIRCUITS | 12 week | Successfully Completed | |
8. | Dr. R. ZAHIRA | INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS | 12 week | Successfully Completed |
Jan-May 2022 | ||||
S.No | Name | Course Name | Course Duration | Grade |
Session: Jan-Apr 2020 | |||
Name of the Faculty | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. S. Suresh | Power Quality Improvement Techniques | 12 Weeks | Successfully completed based on Assignment Marks. Final exam is pending |
Dr. R. Zahira | Power QualityImprovement Techniques | 12 Weeks |
Session: Jan-Apr 2019 | |||
Name of the Faculty | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. S.Suresh | Matlab Programming for Numerical Computation Electrical Engineering | 12 Weeks | Elite |
Session: Jul – Nov 2019 | |||
Name of the Faculty | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. S.Suresh | DC Microgrid | 8 Weeks | Elite Silver |
Dr. R. Zahira | DC Microgrid | 8 Weeks | Elite Silver |
Session: Aug-Oct 2018 | |||
Name of the Faculty | Title of the Course | Course Duration | Grade |
Mr. S. Suresh | Electrical Distribution System Analysis | 8 weeks | Elite |
Mr. C. Athbel Joe | Electrical Distribution System Analysis | 8 weeks | Elite & Topper (in the top 2%) |