About our Institution

Accreditation & Ranking

B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology

B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology was established on 16th December 2008, when the erstwhile Crescent Engineering College got awarded the “deemed to be university” status under section 3 of UGC Act 1956. During the first 25 years of existence, the Crescent Engineering College was one of the most sought after engineering institutions in this country. This University has been awarded “A Grade” by NAAC in the first cycle of accreditation, which is a rare achievement. The programme-wise accreditation by NBA has been already initiated for all the engineering programmes and 15 of the programmes have already been accredited under Washington Accord (which is equivalent to ABET), and our University has plans to apply for ABET accreditation too.

Our BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, has participated in the India Rankings (NIRF, MHRD, GOI) and ranked All India 54th rank among 3500+ Engineering Institutions in the Country in the year 2016.While the University aspires to be a leader in three dimensions of higher education viz., Teaching, Research and Consultancy & Extension, its long term objective is set to become a “Research Intensive University”.

This Instituion, amongst many other institutions, is the realization of a dream of Alhaj Dr. B.S. Abdur Rahman, a great Philanthropist, a Reformer and a first generation – self made entrepreneur, who on his own volition shared the profits of his USD 6 billion business in India and abroad, to establish the “not for profit” institutions to educationally uplift the socially-disadvantaged sections in general and Muslims in particular. Currently, Mr. Abdul Qadir A. Rahman Buhari, the second son of the founder is the Chairman, Board of Management.

B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology is headed by an experienced Vice-Chancellor and ably assisted by well qualified and experienced Registrar, Deans, Directors and Head of the Departments. The University functions with the advice and directions of Board of Management, Finance Committee, Planning & Monitoring Board, Academic Council, Board of Studies, Research Advisory Committee and Research Board, which were established as per the guidelines of UGC.

Our BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology spans over 50.19 acres of sprawling, serene and ever green campus, which has got more than 15, 00,000 sq feet built up area. In addition to the necessary academic and administrative buildings, a state of the art Convention Centre, Hi-Fi Data Centre, Computerized Library, e-resources including e-journals, Transport facilities, Play grounds, Swimming pool, Estate office, Internet connections (both wired and wi-fi), Hostels, Staff quarters, Medical Centre, Bank and ATM facility, Yoga & Fitness centre, RO plant, Sewage treatment plant, Electrical substation with HT connection, Roof top solar power plant etc., are in place.

Currently, this BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology comprises of 21 departments, grouped under 10 different Schools. 16 Undergraduate Programmes, 35 Postgraduate programmes and Ph.D (in all the departments) are offered by these departments. As a process of sustainable quality improvement initiatives, Choice Based Credit System, Outcome Based Teaching Learning and Continuous Assessment are introduced in all the UG & PG programmes. To enhance the teaching learning process, various pedagogies including Project Based Learning, Self Learning, Industrial Internship, Industry Assisted Project Work and Peer Assisted Learning are introduced in the academic curriculum.

Out of 375 faculty members, 140 are with Ph.D qualification and all the remaining are pursuing Ph.D in various universities. At present, 500 research scholars are on-roll and 30 scholars have been already awarded research degrees. Among the research scholars, 35 people are awarded with BSACIST JRF/SRF fellowships and 25 scholars are with government CSIR/DST/UGC fellowship.

The progress made in the research activities, after becoming university is commendable. The h-index of this Institution is currently 32, which has increased from 11 in the year 2008. The average citation index is 4.03. More than 800 publications have been made during the last six years. The total number of citations, as on date is 2600+. The average impact factor of the publications is 1.67. About 100 publications of this Institution have got more than 10 Scopus citations. In addition, 30+ text books have been authored by the members of faculty.

More than 30 funded research projects are currently being investigated by the faculty members of this University, with an aid of Rs.507.30 Lakhs. Already 30+ projects have been successfully completed to a tune of Rs.384 Lakhs, sponsored by various funding agencies like DST, DRDO, CSIR, NRB, DBT, UGC, AICTE, CPRI, MNRE, TNSCST etc.,

Over a period of time, this Institution has strengthened its liaison with various industries, which has resulted in many Consultancy & Training Programmes. The revenue generated through these activities is more than Rs.400 Lakhs in the last 10 years. In addition, an exclusive part time B.Tech Programme is offered for the employees of M/S Apollo Tyres in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and several Executive Programmes for M/S Ford India. Some of the industries with whom this University is closely associated include IP Rings, ECCI, ETA-ASCON-STAR group companies, IGCAR, VISTEON, Garuda Vayu Sakthi, NI, GILL Instruments, MEDALL precision diagnostics, Frontier Life Line Hospital, CIPET, ALTERA corporation, LAMCO , ARUDRA, NOVELL INDIA, Raman Research Institute, Polyvalent organics, Ultrafast Research Centre, Dynaspede, Shausun Chemicals, INFOSYS,CTS, Wipro, TCS, IBM, Apple iOS, ESQUIRE consultancy, SRF, Futura Polymer, CABOT SANMAR, Vasavi Polymers, Arun Excello, Learn Fun systems, TVS, Ashok Leyland, Heidelberg, Police Training Academy etc.,MoUs have been signed with leading International and national institutions, including Purdue University, State University of New York, Oakland University, Hiroshima University, Curtin University, Colombia University, Deakin University, UITM, PPKS, UNIMAS, Queens University, Plymouth University, Missouri State University etc., for collaborative research and other academic related activities.

In order to promote the roundabout personality of the students, Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities are being carried out through In-house facilities and outsourced agencies. All the students are enrolled as a member in at least one professional society like IEEE, ASME, ASCE, IETE, ISA, ACDOS, ACM, APT etc., In order to help our students in nurturing their talents and skills, facilities like Full-fledged Physical Education Department, Sports ground, Literary clubs, ISTD, YRC, NSS, NSO, ROTARACT, Astronomy Club, Photography Club, Electronics Club, Robotics Club, Code Development Club etc., are in place.

Some of the best practices followed in this Institution are mentioned below:

  • Flexible, choice based credit system with continuous assessment and grading system
  • Board of Studies of every department is represented by at least one industrial expert
  • Feedback from all the stake holders ( Parent, Student, Employers, Alumni, Faculty) for continuous improvement
  • Transparent administration
  • Liberal scholarship for deserving students
  • Course wise attendance requirement
  • Experiential Learning through Design / Simulation / Fabrication
  • More weightage for practical courses
  • Social awareness & Personality development courses
  • Innovation Centre and Incubation facility
  • Earn while learn scheme
  • Research Incentive Scheme
  • Registration Fee and Air Fare for attending International
  • Conferences and National Conferences
  • Research fellowships
  • Green campus initiatives
  • Roof top solar power plant
  • Recycling of sewage water for gardening
  • Fee concession for the wards of the employee
  • Sabbatical for faculty members for internships at industries/research institutions
  • Summer internship for high school students
  • Adoption of nearby villages by NSS unit
The quality system of this Institution is ISO 9001-2008 certified and our Institution aspires to be a Globally Renowned University soon.