Department of Economics



The School of Social Sciences & Humanities established in 2013, is one of the emerging schools of the BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. It offers courses such as English, Sociology, Economics, Law, German and Tamil to engineering students pursuing B.Tech programme and B.Com students. Its primary focus is to prepare the students of engineering to face the competitive, dynamic and globalized world by providing them a holistic perspective on the social and economic values and by developing their communicative competence.


  • To prepare the students of engineering to face the competitive, dynamic and globalized world.
  • To help them apply the techniques and tools of economics in the field of engineering for enhancing productivity and efficiency of the available resources.
  • To provide sociological input to students to enable them to understand the complexities of modern industrial society and to deal with the societal problems.
  • To develop their communicative competence.
  • To impart knowledge about the principles of management and familiarize them with the industrial and corporate laws of the country.


  • Students will be able to utilize the knowledge gained in the application of tools and techniques of economics in industrial and real life situations more effectively.
  • Students will have gained knowledge in inter-relations between society and technology and their contribution towards social progress.
  • Students will have a holistic perspective on the sociological and economic aspects.
  • Students will have developed their oral and written competence in English and German
  • They will have an exposure to the laws of the corporate world and the country at large and will have knowledge about the principles of management.


  • To achieve excellence in Teaching, Training and Research in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • To help engineering students apply the techniques and tools of Economics in the field of engineering for enhancing productivity and efficiency of the available resources.
  • To provide sociological input to the students to enable them to understand the complexities of modern industrial society and to deal with social issues.
  • To promote multidisciplinary research through applied areas of Social Sciences.
  • To produce good results by continuous monitoring, assessing and counselling engineering students.
  • To facilitate the professional growth of faculties by encouraging them to attend conferences, seminars and workshops.


SI.No. Course Code Course Title
1 SSCX01 Fundamentals of Economics
2 SSCX02 Principles of Sociology
3 SSCX03 Sociology of Indian Society
4 SSCX04 Economics of Sustainable Development
5 SSCX05 Industrial Sociology
6 SSCX06 Law for Engineers
7 LNC1182 German
8 LNC1184 Tamil
9 LNC1284 Tamil

Programmes Approved

S.No Programmes
1 PhD Economics

Programmes Approved

Dr. Moon Moon Hussain

Assistant Professor

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Muhammed Ashiq V

Assistant Professor

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Events Conducted

Conducted an ICSSR – Sponsored National Conference on “Socio – Economic and Political Status of Muslims in India: Challenges and Development” by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 21.01.2015 to 22.01.2015.

A guest lecture organized on topic “Economic for Engineers” for the benefit of benefit of B.Tech students on 3.9.2015. Dr. Millie Nihila, Associate Professor in Economics, Stella Maris College was invited to deliver the lecture.

Dr. Millie Nihila addressing the students
Dr. Millie Nihila with the faculty members of the SSH

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