Alumni Interaction

Alumni Interaction

  • The Department in coordination with Office of Alumni Relation, conducted ECE silver Jubilee celebration- ECE Alumni meet 2020 on Saturday, 7th March 2020 at Auditorium, convention center, BSACIST, Chennai. Around 70+ Alumni attended the meet
  • Our alumnus Mr.Sulthan Syed Ibrahim, Air traffic controller, Airport Authority of India (AAI) delivered a guest lecture on “Applications of Radar” on 8th November 2019.
  • Our Alumnus, Dr. Madhan Kumar Lakshman, Senior Scientist, CSIR- CEERI was the Guest of Honour for the inauguration of the activities of the Society of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Clubs of ECE department and delivered a keynote address on 22.08.19.
  • Dr. Vignesh Raja Ramachandran,Scientist, Philips Embedded Research Division, Netherland delivered a online lecture on “Wireless Communication in Industry-: Practical Examples” at ECE Seminar Hall on 24-07-2019 for the benefit of third year, final year students and faculty.
Motivational Talk by Our Alumnus Mr. Mr. Mohammed Ali, I.A.S. District Collector, Kannur

Prominent alumnus of ECE department Mr. Mir Mohammed Ali, I.A.S, delivered an Inspirational speech on “Inspiring the young minds towards civil service examination” on 8th September 2017. Talk

Alumni Connect Program on 29th April 2017

Department of ECE has organized Alumni Connect 2017, a meet exclusively for the Alumni of ECE Department on 29th April, 2017 (Saturday), at  Seminar  Hall – 1, BSACU Convention Center.  Alumni from various batches had participated in the meeting along with the faculty of ECE Department.  A list of few….

  • Mr. Fawaz Hussain., M.D., Daystar Solar Ltd., (2002-2006 Batch), gave a short talk about the Solar Energy harvesting and how public can benefit from the Generation Based Incentive (GBI) scheme provided by MNRE, using Solar energy harvesting and net-metering. He is interested to deliver Guest lectures and joint workshops on Solar Implementation, Energy Audit & Analysis and Entreprenuership Development.
  • Mr. Arun Rajiv Kumar,(2008-2012 ) Tech. Analyst, Infosys Ltd., talked about the invasion of Cloud and Big-data in almost all form of computing.
  • Mr. R. Sudarshan, Cinematographer & Director, pointed out the importance of the field of electronics and communication in media
Alumni Talk by Md.Wajid Khan