Students Activities & Achievements
- SAEISS Tractor Design Competition – 2018 – Team CRESTRAC – A group of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology Mechanical Engineering students have participated in Tractor Design Challenge, organized by SAE INDIA southern section. It is an all India level competition. They have secured second place for durability.
- A Team of 25 students from Automobile and Mechanical students participated in ( designing and fabricating SAE SUPRA vehicle) SAE SUPRA competition organized by Society of Automotive Engineers from Noida from 04.07.2016 to 09.07.2016.
- “Indian Karting Race“ event organized by Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers (ISIE) at Coimbatore from 24.08.2016 to 29.08.2016 and won the award for light weight award
- Mr. S.Selvaganesh, Summer Research Project – Research Professor Dr VirgíniaInfante,Instituto Superior Técnico Portugal,May-July 2014
- Mr. Obaid Ashraf Shah, IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Fellowship 2014- Professor Govind S. Gupta, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,May-July 2014.
- Mr. B.B. Ashwin, Mr. S. Asif Hussain, 3rd Place in INNOVATION Event,INFOSYS, Chennai,Jan 2013.
- Ms. T. Nivethitha, SINE ‘2013 Student Industry Education Exclusively for women’s Engineers through SAEINDIA- Visit to Off highway Industries, SAEINDIA Off Highway Board, June 2013.
- K.S. Krishna Preethi , Final year B. Tech Automobile Engineering (Batch: 2012 – 2015 ) received a Best Student Award.
- B. Tech Automobile Final year students Mohammed Irfannuddin, Musthaq (Batch: 2012 -2016), Third year students Jaiganesh, Akash, Ameer Fazulu (Batch : 2013 -2017) and Harini, Javidh (Batch: 2014 -2018) has participated in workshop on “Go Kart Design and Development” organized by Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers(ISIE) from 27.02.2016 to 28.02.2016.
- Automobile students B. Tech Final year students (Batch: 2012 -2016) K.S. Krishna Preethi, A.C Karthikeyan., A. Kithir Kareeb Navaz, S. Santhosh., partipated and secured 26th rank in all over india in the main BAJA SAEINDIA 2015, organized by SAEINDIA from 16.02.2016 to 21.02.2016 (for 6 days) at Pithambur ,Indore.
- Automobile students B. Tech Final year students (Batch: 2012 -2016) K.S. Krishna Preethi, Karthikeyan.A.C., Kithir Kareeb Navaz. A Santhosh.S partipated and secured 31st rank in all over India in the Virtual BAJA SAEINDIA 2015, organized by SAEINDIA on 10th & 11th July 2015 at chitkara University, Punjab.
- B.Tech Automobile Final year students(Batch: 2011 -2016) Mohamed Irfanuddin, A.C. Karthikeyan, Aashiq Rahman participated in the SAEINDIA Northern section Efficycle 2015 Virtual round at Indore on 1th &12th July 2015.
- Final year student Mohammed Irfannuddin (Batch: 2012 -2016) has participated in dynamic round of Asia’s largest solar event in Electric Solar vehicle championship 2014 -2015 organized by Imperial society of Innovative Engineers from 17th March 2015 to 19th March 2015.
- Inferno kart Team with 22 students from Department of Automobile Engineering designed and fabricated a GOKART vehicle and participated in Dynamic Karting Challenge 2016 organized by Association of Innovation and Mectra Engineers (AIME) held at Buddh International circuit, Greater Noida at New Delhi from 29th to 31st March 2016 and won best design and auto cross event award.
- A. S. Vivek (Batch: 2015 -2019) First year Automobile Engineering student -University Ball Badminton Men Team for securing the Runners-up Position in the South India level Open Tournament organized by KaraikalBall Badminton Club at Karaikal on 17th and 18th October 2015 and for securing Winners position in the District level CM Trophy Tournament Organized by SDAT (Sports Development Authority of Tamilnadu) at Kancheepuram on 8th October 2015.
- Final year Automobile Engineering student – K.S. Krishna Preethi (Batch: 2012 -2016) Participated in the International Development design summit from 6th July 2014 to 3rd August 2015 and develop a project on Prevention of road traffic accidents (KIDS SAFETY) .
- E. Illavarasan(Batch: 2012 -2016) Final year student – Participated and secured the 5th South India Positions in the Yogasana Championship-2015 -2016 organized by Padmam Yoga.
- Final year B. Tech Automobile Engineering student (Batch: 2011 – 2015) Mr. Ahmed Thaha has received the Best student Award during the Annual day function conducted on 8th April 2015 by B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- A team of 25 students and 1 faculty participated in Electric Solar Vehicle Championship (ESVC) Virtual event on 30th October 2014 organized by Imperial society of innovative engineers (ISIE). They cleared the virtual round with standing of 16th position out of 49 teams.
- National level GO Kart championship organized by imperial society of Innovative Engineers. A Team of 25 members participated in Coimbatore at Kari motor sport speedway on 26th & 27th January 2015, stood 8th position in all over India.
- Third and final year students along with mechanical engineering students designed and fabricated an All TERRAIN VEHICLE (ATV) to take part in competition at Pitampur, Madhyapradesh organised by society of automotive engineers (SAE).
- A. Ahmed Thaha, H. Ahmed, R. Feroz Raja, C. Jagadeeshwaran, A. Karthikeyan, T.K.M. Mohammed Gayaz, K. Mohammed Gayaz, K. Mohammed Suhail, T. Thanveer ahmed, K.B. Sivakumar of (Batch: 2011 -2015) final year B. Tech students undergone summer internship in Trans Car India Private Limited.
- Summer Training / Internship programme Programme In Trans Car India Private Limited Mercedes – Benz Volkswagen and Mahindra for final year Automobile Engineering students during summer vacation (May – June 2014) for a Period 50 – 60 days.
- Internship programme in Abra motors, Volkswagen and Zulaikha motos for final year students towards summer internship training was arranged from 19th june 2014 to 23rd june 2014.
- A.C. Karthikeyan and K.S. Krishna Preethi of third year B. Tech student participated in How stuff works competition held at Madras insititute of Technology, chennai.
- Ahmed Thaha of final year B. Tech student (Batch : 2011-2015) participated in Boeing National level Aero Modeling competition held at IIT Madras.
- K.S. Krishna Preethi of third year B. Tech student (Batch: 2012 – 2016) undergone Internship (completed a project on Diversity parts location) in Renault Nissan.
- A.C. Karthikeyan and F. Faizal ahmed of third year B. Tech students undergone In-plant Training in Maruthi service masters.
- R. Sadakasharan of third year B. Tech student (Batch: 2012 – 2017) undergone In – Plant Training in Lucas TVS.