
International Research collaborations

Our academic and research work is an international enterprise. We are interested to collaborate with researchers at universities, hospitals, industries around the globe. We are collaborating on joint research, faculty and student exchange, teaching, joint workshops and conferences.

S.No Name of the faculty member Name of the Institute Project title Name of the collaborator Outcomes
Papers/patents/grants/any other
1 Dr. S. Hemalatha Johns Hopkins University, USA Micro RNA mediated diagnostics Dr. Samirjit Das 3 journal publications
2 publications under review
Dr. M.K. Sangeetha 3 Indo-USA grants submitted
Established undergraduate summer research internship programme.
Through this programme students have been sent from 2015, 2016
Teaching one credit course in 2014, 2015
Orgnized 2 international conferences jointly
Sent Dr. Sangeetha for post doctoral work,
Offered Post Doctoral Position for Mr Mohd Shahanbaj Khan
2 Dr. S. Hemalatha Purdue university Electro Chemotherapy, smart phone based diagnosis of diabetes, cancer Dr. Raji sundarrajan Submitted 4 Indo USA grants
One journal publication is accepted
2 journal publications are under review
1 conference publication
3 Dr. Soumen Bera University of Illinois at Chicago Cancer biology Dr. Alan M Diamond Three publications
4 Dr. S. Hemalatha
Dr. R. Karthikeyan
Dr. Shahul Hameed
University of Nottinghm, UK Natural products from actinomycetes

Teaching biotechnology with technology

Dr. Nagamani Bora

Dr. Ledjwig Decker

Sent 2 faculty through Erasmus fund

Submitted Indo UK grant for teaching

Working on 2+2 student model

5 Dr. S. Hemalatha University of East London, UK Natural pharma products Dr. Muklehur Rahman Organized joint International conference
6 Dr. S. Hemalatha

Dr. M.k. Sangeetha

University of Malaya, Malaysia Diabetic Retinopathy Dr. Tengku ain Kamalden

Dr. Khalidin

Submitted tripartite Indo-Malaysia-USA grant

Students exchange from November 2017

7 Dr. S. Hemalatha University of Tokyo, Japan Plant hormone response and molecular signaling Dr.yoichi initiated
8 Dr. S. Hemalatha Hiroshima university, Japan Plant stress response Dr. Tomoimichi initiated
9 Dr. S. Hemalatha University of Turkey

University of victoria, canada

Developing diagnostic device by utilizing nano particles Dr. Bhullar On going

4 Students will be sent for summer internship

Planning to submit Indo Canada grant

Planning to organize joint workshop during summer

10 Dr. S. Hemalatha

Mr. Mohd. Shahanabaj Khan

University of California, Irvine Plant biotechnology

Technology development and Innovation

Dr. Anand initiated
11 Dr. S. Hemalatha University of Missouri, USA Nano technology, Antimicrobial peptide Dr. Raghuraman

Dr. Anandhi

Biotech Innovation and Entrepreneurship course will be offered to final year B.Tech students

Collaborative research on antimicrobial peptide screening

12 Dr. S. Hemalatha Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri lanka Novel anti cancerous and antidiabetic compounds from Hemidesmus indicus Dr. Kalaivani Indian-Sri Lankan inter-governmental

science & technology cooperation programme

Joint Research grant submitted

Research scholars exchange from Srilanka to work on the project in BSACU

13 Dr. S. Hemalatha University of Melbourne, Australia B.Sc blended program

Dr. Andrew Drinnan Joint B.Sc Blended program will be offered after meeting in July 2017
14 Dr. P. Ashok Kumar

Dr.S. Hemalatha

University of Lankashire

Cancer and diabetes Dr. Jaipaul S Delivered invited lectures
15 Dr.S. Hemalatha Keck center, Univeristy of Virginia, USA Molecular imaging Dr. P. Ammasi Delivered invited lectures
16 Dr. Khurshid King Saud University, KSA Microbiology Dr. Nasser One research publication
17 Dr. Neesar Ahmed Wayne State University, USA Cancer signaling Dr. AsfarAzmi Initiated
18 Dr. Sudarkodi Sukumar Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute, University of South California, USA Mycobacterium tuberculosis Dr.Pradeep Anand Ravindranath Collaborative M.Sc project

Exiqon, Denmark

The collaborative project was discussed with Dr. Michael Hanson, Exiqon, Denmark and Dr. Das Johns Hopkins. This project will be on light cagged LNA to cure diabetic retinopathy. The project will be funded by Exiqon.

Biorad, USA

SLS is collaborating with biorad USA in conducting special series of seminars and lab demos by specialists and scientists from Biorad USA. As an initiative on May 21-22, workshop in Gene Technology- Module II : Molecular cloning was organized in association with Biorad, USA and Eppendorf, Germany. The application specialists from bioraddemonstrated the applications of Real time PCR and participants had hands on experience with Real time PCR.

Eppendorf, Germany

In association with Eppendorf on March 1-2, 2014, workshop in Gene Technology-  Module I: Gene amplification was conducted.

Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Das from John’s Hopkins and faculty of SLS had research discussions on 9th June and planned for possible collaborations. Dr. Das has invited Dr. Sangeetha ( Research Scientist) to Johns Hopkins for 3 months research exchange. He was impressed by the poster presentation by Ms. Karabi our M.Sc student during the conference and interested in inviting her to his lab for short term research. Dr. Hemalatha and Dr. Das have submitted  2 research proposals for ICMR-USA initiative and US India endowment fund. The joint review paper is under preparation. Dr. Das has invited Mr. Prasannasaamy, Ph.D scholar under the guidance of Dr. S. Hemalatha to work on their joint project at Johns Hopkins for 3 months.

Florida Atlantic university, Florida, USA

Dr. Arockiasamy, professor and director of center for infrastructure and constructional facilities from Florida Atlantic university,  Dr.S.Prince Arockia Doss, Director, International Collaborations and Prof. Dr. S. Hemalatha, Professor & Dean met at International collaboration office on December, 7, 2013. During the meeting, exchange of faculty and students between SLS and FAU college of Science, Joint project funding through NSF international program, Short visit of research scholars to FAU, Faculty on sabbatical to BSAIST from FAU. Dr. Arockiasamy has assured to send the contact details of researchers from FAU and he will initiate the collaboration.

University of Central Florida, USA

Dr. Pallavoor Vaidyanathan, Assistant Vice President for Research, University of Central Florida, USA had discussion with faculty of life sciences on December, 18, 2014. Dr. Pallavoor Vaidyanathan has mentioned about UCF Nano research centre and medical school research. He welcomed every faculty to have research collaboration with scientist/faculty in University of Central Florida working in their research specialization. Dr. Pallavoor Vaidyanathan also added that collaborating with scientist in US will facilitate to receive grants from National Institute of Health and National Science Foundation from USA.

Deakin university, Australia

Professor Jagat R. Kanwar Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Victoria, AUSTRALIA is interested in collaborating in the areas of nanomedicine and visited the school during December 2013 and discussed with the faculty members of school of life sciences about the future collaboration.

Curtin University, Australia

Dr. Arun Dharmarajan from Curtin University, Australia has the visited school of life sciences on 30th June 2014 and discussed about the possible areas of collaboration with faculty members. It was planned for exchange of Ph.D scholars and collaboration in proteomics and molecular biology.

Queens land University, Australia

Dr. Vito Ferro, Associate Professor, School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, Queensland University, Australia has visited school of life sciences on  January, 9, 2014. Dr. Vito Ferro gave a presentation on the various courses offered in the School of Chemistry & Molecular sciences at queensland university and also mentioned about the scholarships available for postgraduate as well as for PhD programme. Each faculty member of SLS briefed about their research area and expertise toDr. Vito Ferro. Dr. Vito Ferro also shared his field of research i.e., on anti-cancer and anti-angiogenic property of a new Heparan sulphate mimetics compound and pharmacological chaperone therapy for lysosomal storage diseases.The possibility of collaboration between SLS and UQ, exchange of faculty members, research scholars etc. are discussed.

Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan

Prof.Ingrid Y Liu, Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics, Director,office of General and basic Education, Director, Center for Faculty development and Instructional resources is interested in collaborating with the school of life sciences in the research areas including diabetes and neurodegeneration. Sr. Ingrid invited Dr. S. Hemalatha and Vice Chancellor to Tzu Chi University to sign MOU between school of Life sciences, BSAIST and Tzu Chi University, Taiwan.

National Collaboration:

Pentagrit Research

SLS is collaborating with Pentagrit Research in the areas of toxico genomics, tissue chip based screening of pharma compounds.

Sankara Nethralaya-Vision research foundation

Dr. Krishnakumar and Dr. Sowmya from Vision research foundation visited SLS on 6th September, 2014 to discuss about the research collaboration on diabetic retinopathy

Xcode Life Sciences

Along with Our chairman Dean has visited Xcode life sciences on April 15, 2004 and met Dr. Narayanan and Dr. Saleem to start incubation center at BSAIST. Again on May 6th Dr. Saleem visited SLS. The initiation of incubation center and possible collaborations between SLS and xcode was discussed with Registrar.

Frontier Mediville and Dr. Cherian’s heart foundation

School of Life Sciences has initiated research collaboration with the Frontier Lifeline Hospital formerly known as Dr. K.M. Cherian Heart Foundation. The team of scientists headed by Dr. Cherian visited school of life sciences and discussed about the possible areas of collaboration alsong with our vice chancellor Prof. Tareen on 23rd April 2014.

Take Solutions, USA and Chennai

SLS is Collaborating with Take solutions,Vandalur Chennai in the areas of Bioinformatics. Dr. Ganesh President, Take Solutions visited SLS on 6.1.2014 and had discussion with faculty members on current trends in Biotinformatics research.