Research Scholars

I M Tech (By research) – 4 (2 full time and 2 part time)

Scholar Title Status
Ms R.Daulath Banu Studies on development of flame retardant FRP for marine application Completed
Ms Gayathri Development of hybrid polymer composite system for sound absorption Completed
Mr D.Baskaran Biodegradable poly lactic acid / chitosan nano composites for wet food packaging application Pursuing
Mr Ananthanarayan Design modification of tubeless tyre components Degree Awaded

II Ph.D – 6 (3 full time & 3 part time)

Scholar Title Status
Mr M.Dhakshnamoorthy Synthesis and characterization of high performance polyimide based conducting nano composite for electrode application Degree Awaded
Ms N.Jaya Chitra Studies on agro waste filled polymer composites Degree Awaded
Mr S.Vikram Studies on smart fluid polymer nano composite for bio-medical application Degree Awaded
Mr D.Mukundan Bio synthesis, stabilization and characterization of nano particles using redox enzymes from plants Degree Awaded
Mr Lalith Mohan Singh Negi Studies on synthesis and micro structural evaluation of polysiloxanes and their composites Pursuing
Mr Murali Manohar Studies on Carbon Composite Pursuing