Technical Skills

Technical Skills

Technical Skills Training from 2nd Semester to 8th Semester

2nd SEMESTER Topic Name
1 Reading Comprehension
2 Number System
3 Data Arrangements and Blood Relations
4 Time  and Work
5 Coding and Decoding
6 Articles, Prepositions and Interrogatives
3rd SEMESTER Topic Name
1 Subject-Verb Agreement & Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
2 Tenses & Punctuations
3 Goal Setting
4 Motivation
5 Convincing Skills
6 Wide Open Workshop on Speed Maths –Session 1
7 Wide Open Workshop on Speed Maths –Session 2
8 Wide Open Workshop on Speed Maths –Session 3
9 Wide Open Workshop on Speed Maths –Session 4
10 Numbers system
11 Reading comprehension
12 Coding & Decoding, Series, Analogy, Odd man out and Visual reasoning
13 Data arrangements and Blood relations
14 Time and Work
15 Sentence correction
4th SEMESTER Topic Name
1 Percentages, Simple interest and Compound interest
2 Sentence completion and Para-jumbles
3 Clocks, calendars, Direction sense and Cubes
4 Time, Speed and Distance
5 Vocabulary
6 Data interpretation and Data sufficiency
7 Profit and Loss, Partnerships and Averages
8 Permutation, Combination and Probability
9 Introduction Structure Oriented Language Stages of compilation Preprocessing -Macros & Conditional compilation Constants, Identifiers,  Keywords, Primary Data types and Format specifies
10 Control Statements Basic Programs using control statements
11 Operators Scope of Variables -Local, Global and Formal parameters Functions -Recursive Function, With & Without arguments Function -Call by Value & Call by reference Command line arguments (with programs)
12 Looping statements Pattern Programs -(WIPRO and CTS)
13 Array, Pointer Structure and Union Typed Enum Programs on array, pointer and Structure
14 Programs using pointers, array, Structure and Union
15 Writing Essentials
5th SEMESTER Topic Name
1 Memory Allocation -Static & Dynamic Storage classes, malloc(), calloc() & realloc() Strings Basic programs based on dynamic memory allocation
2 Programs -Array, string, Character strings and pointer
3 File Handling: File functions, Different modes in file handling Creating a file, writing to a file, reading from a file and copying the content of one file to another file.
4 32 keywords, Header file Creation Exploring the header files in CPrograms to use various header files and make the programs a simpler one and programs on structure
5 Pointer and arrays, Pointer to array, Pointer to 2D array Double pointer, pointer and character strings. Array of pointers, Pointer to structure
6 Structure, Union and enum -Creating new datatypes Typedef, Bit fields in C
7 Articles, Prepositions and Interrogatives
8 Ratio and Proportion
9 Logical connectives, Syllogism and Venn diagrams
10 Voices and Speech
11 Critical reasoning
12 Logarithms, Progressions, Geometry and Quadratic equations.
13 Introduction to DS1) Space complexity2) Time complexity Asymptotic Notation:-Big Oh Notation-Big Omega Notation-Differentiate between O(1), O(n), O(logn), O(n^2),O(nlogn)Classification of data structures:
14 Linked list :Types of linked list :a) Singly linked listb) Circular linked listc) Doubly linked list :
15 Stack :-Introduction with real life example, LIFO-Push and Pop operation-Applications :1. String Reverse2. Evaluation of expression3. Implementation of functions4. conversion of infix to postfix expression Queue :
6th SEMESTER Topic Name
1 Types of queue:1. Normal queue2. Circular queue3. Priority queue4. Double ended queue Applications of queue:1. Client processing2. Job scheduling3. Music player PRACTICAL
2 Hashing Searching Techniques :Linear Search Binary Search : (Divide & Conquer)
3 Sorting Techniques :-Bubble sort-Insertion sort-Selection sort-Quick sort (Divide & Conquer)-Merge sort (Divide & Conquer)
4 Tree-Binary tree-BST :-Insertion of node-Searching a node-Traversal : Preorder, In order, Post order, Level-AVL Tree
5 PRACTICAL1. Implement BST:2. Create a graph and do DFS and BFS traversal3. Implement Prim’s algorithm4. Implement Kruskal’s algorithm Difference between Prim’s and Kruskal’s
6 Graph-Introduction-Terminologies in a graph-Traversals in a graph-DFS-BFSMinimum Spanning Tree Algorithms :-What is MST.
7 Body Language and Professionalism
8 Email Writing Workshop –1
9 Group discussion –Basics
10 Personal Interview –Basics
11 Resume writing –Basics
12 Group discussion –Mock
13 Personal interview –Mock
14 Introduction -History of Java, Features of Java, C++ vs. Java Structure of a ‘JAVA’ Program What is JVM?, Difference between JDK, JRE and JVM Variables and Data Types in Java Reading input through command line arguments Unicode System, Operators in java, Java Operator Precedence Control Statements: If else, switch, for loop(, while loop, do while loop Break, Continue, Java Comments, Java OOPs Concepts Advantage of OOPS over Procedural oriented programming languages Java naming convention, Class and object
15 Lab programs -Basic Programs and Pattern Programs
16 Constructor, Types of constructor, Constructor Overloading Difference between a constructor and a method static variable -Advantage, Problem without static variable Static method, Restrictions for static method, this keyword in Java Refer current class instance variable with example. To invoke current class method (implicitly) with example. Encapsulation, Access modifiers, Java Inheritance (IS-A)Inheritance in Java, Types of inheritance
7th SEMESTER Topic Name
1 Permutation, Combination and Probability
2 Voices and forms of speech
3 Logarithm, Geometry, Mensuration, Progression and Quadratic Equation
4 Quantitative aptitude Revision
5 Logical reasoning Revision
6 Verbal aptitude Revision
7 Test taking strategies and time management
8th SEMESTER Topic Name
1 Tests, internship, Lab experiments, Probation etc. Webinars, Seminars