- J.ShahithaParveen, M.Thirumurugan, M. Dhakshnamoorthy, S. SathickBasha, R. DaulathBanu, and V. Hari Shankar, “Enhanced performance of electrospun poly (ethylene oxide)/reduced graphene oxide polymer electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries”, Material Letters, Vol.355, 13345, 2024.DOI :
- Vilvanatha Prabu A, Vijayaraghavan G V, Rehana Jan, Shahitha Parveen J, and Poovarasan K “Collegial effects of CeO2/SiCnano-fillers on dielectric, thermal, impedance and conductivity behavior of PVDF-HFP matrix for flexible energy storage applications” Polymer – Plastic Technology and Materials, pp. 1-19, 2024. DOI:
- Tadele Ageru Alemu, Delete Worku Ayele, J. ShahithaParveen, Ababay KetemaWorku, Minbale Admas Teshager, Praveen C Ramamurthy and Dhakshnamoorthy Mani, “Highly sensitive detection of bacteria (E. Coli) endotoxin using novel PANI-benzimidazole-Ag nanocomposite by DMMB dye displacement assay”, Materials Research Express, Vol.10, pp. 0702035, 2023. DOI : 10.1088/2053-1591/ace239
- A Vilvanathaprabu, GV Vijayaraghavan, M BasheerAhamed, J Rehana, J Yoganadhan, J.ShahithaParveen, “Influence of SrTiO3/Fe2O3 nano-fillers assisted PVDF-HFP polymer nanocomposite films on dielectric, impedance, and conductivity studies for energy storage applications”, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures, pp.1-12, 2023. DOI :
- N.Gopinathan,S.SathikBasha, N.Vasimalai, Noor AmanAhrarMundari, A.Shajahan,J.ShahithaParveen, S.SyedEnayathali, “Composition‐Driven Structural, Optical, Thermaland Electrochemical Properties of Hybrid Perovskite – Structured Methlammonium- Tin-Chloride”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.53, pp.94-105, 2023. DOI:
- Basanta Kumar Behera, Thirumurugan M, Shahitha Parveen J, Murali Manohar D, andShamshath Begum S,“The Influence of Graphite Filler on the Viscoelastic and Mechanical Characteristics of PC/ABS Hybrid Composite for Automobile Application” in the Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 21(1),pp. 143-161, 2024
- Murali Manohar Dharmaraj,S. Shamshath Begum, Bikash C. Chakraborty, “A study on nitrile rubber/polyvinyl chloride blend vulcanization kinetics with different fillers by using single isothermal rheography”, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 2023,
- Basanta Kumar Beheraand Dr.M.Thirumurugan, “Study of Viscoelastic Behavior and Mechanical Characteristics of Graphene-Filled ABS Composites”, Journal of MechanicalEngineering,Volume20(1),pp.169-184, 2023,
- Abbas Saifee Valsadwala, Sriram Srinivasan, andShamshath Begum, “Use of eco-benign periwinkle shell particle for making composites and study their effect on the thermal and mechanical properties of novel HDPE composites”,
- Murali Manohar, B.C. Chakraborty andS. Shamshath Begum, “Investigation of the effect of nanoclay as reinforcing filler for nitrile rubber – polyvinyl chloride blend: frequency response of dynamic viscoelasticity and vibration damping”, Iranian Polymer Journal, 2022, pp. 1247-1261.
- Murali Manohar, B.C. Chakraborty andS. Shamshath Begum, “Effect of graphene and nanoclay on the properties of nitrile rubber – polyvinyl chloride blend with a potential approach for shock and vibration damping applications”, Iranian Polymer Journal, 31, 2022, pp. 1129–1145.
- Basanta Kumar Beheraand M.Thirumurugan,“A study on visco-elastic, thermal and mechanical characteristics of injection molded ABS/graphite composite” in the Materialstoday:Proceedings,56(5), 2022, pp.29152922,
- Husain F. Chhatariya, Sriram Srinivasan, Pravin M. Choudhary andShamshath Begum, “Corn starch biofilm reinforced with orange peel powder : Characterization of physicochemical and mechanical properties”, Materials Today : Proceedings, 59, 2022, pp. 884-892.
- H. Suhailuddin, K. Aprajith, B. Sanjay, S.H. Shabeeruddin andS. Shamshath Begum, “Development and Characterization of Flame Retardant Property in Flexible Polyurethane Foam”, – Materials Today : Proceedings, 59, 2022, pp. 819-826.
- Sriram Srinivasan, Abbas Saifee Valsadwala,Shamshath Begum, Asit Baran Samui, “Experimental investigation on the influence of novel catalyst in co-pyrolysis of polymeric waste: Characterization of oil and preparation of char reinforced composites”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, Volume 316,20 September 2021, pp. 128225.
- K.P Sindhu, S.S.M Abdul Majeed, J.Shahitha Parveen, “PEO/PMMA Solid Nanocomposite Polyelectrolyte with Enhanced Ionic Conductivity and Promising Dielectric Properties”, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2021,
- D.Murali Manohar, B.C. Chakraborty, S.Shamshath Begum, “Study of the Effect of Graphite Filler on the Vulcanizing Behavior and Properties of Nitrile Rubber and NBR-PVC Blends”, J. Polym. Mater.Vol. 37, No.1-2, 2020, 91-107. DOI.
- J.Shahitha Parveen, S.S.M Abdul Majeed, K.P.Sindhu and R.Daulath Banu, “High Performance poly (vinylidene fluoride – co – hexafluoropropylene) based electrospun polyelectrolye for lithium-ion battery”, Materials Express, (8), 2018, pp. 77-84.
- P. Thilagarajan , A. Syed Naveed , S. Shamshath Begum , S. S. M. Abdul Majeed , S. Vijayarani , K. P. Sindhu , V. Krishnamoorthy and S. Gayathiri, Improvement in the Flame Retardancy of Flexible Polyurethane Foam by addition of nano-silica, IARJSET – International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp. 138 – 142, May 2016.
- M.Jidhendra Kaleeswar, J.Jerin Savio, S.Shamshath Begum, S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, S.Vijayarani and R.Gayathri, Studies on flexible polyurethane foam with improved flame retardancy. A study on the effect of flame retardant in flexible PU foam, International Journal of advances Engineering and Research Development, Vol. No.2, Issue No.5. pp. 1 – 7, May 2015.
- K.P.Sindhu & Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, Studies on supercapacitor using blend of polypyrrole and polyvinylidene fluoride as electrolyte, International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp. 133-145, May 2015.
- V. Vijayalekshmi and S.S.M Abdul Majeed, ‘Mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of EPDM / Silicone blend nanocomposites’, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 3 (2), 2013, pp.1177-1180.
- Nalini Uthaman, Pandurangan, Abdul Majeed .S.S.M. “Blends of Polyacetal and ethylene-octene elastomer : Mechanical, dynamic mechanical and morphological properties’, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol.14, No.6, 2007, Pages 441-447.
- Nalini Uthaman, A. Padurangan and S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, ‘Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Characteristics of Compatibilized and Dynamically Vulcanized Polyoxymethylene /Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymer Blends’ Polymer Engineering Science, Vol.47, 2007. pp. 934 -942
- Nalini Uthaman, S.S.M.Abdul Majeed and A. Padurangan, ‘Impact Modification of Polyoxymethylene (POM)’ e-Polymers, no.034, 2006.
- Alagar.M; Majeed S.S.M.A; Premkumar.S., ‘Mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties of vinyltriethoxysilane grafted EPDM-g-VTES/LLDPE blends’ Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 23 – 44.
- M.Alagar, S.S.M. Abdul Majeed, A. Selvaganapathy and P.Gnanasundaram‘Studies on thermal, thermal ageing and morphological characteristics of EPDM-g- VTES/LLDPE blends’ European Polymer Journal,Volume 42, Issue 2,February 2006, pp. 336 – 347.
- Alagar, S.S. M. Abdul Majeed and S. Nagendiran ‘Preparation and characterization of vinyltriethoxysilane grafted ethylene propylene diene terpolymer / linear low density polyethylene (EPDM-g-VTES/LLDPE) blends,’ Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Volume16, issue 8, 2005, pp. 582 – 591.
- Uma Maheswar Rao, S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, C. Venkataseshaiah and R. Sarathi, ‘Investigation of Surface Characterization of Silicone Rubber due to Tracking phenomena under a.c and d.c voltage’ Bult. of Material Science, Volume 25, Nov.2002, pp. 473 – 475.
- C. Kurinjimalar, G.Kavitha, S. Shamshath Begum, G. Rajaram, S. Nagaraj, N. Senthilkumar and R. Rengasamy, “Optimization and production of Botryococcus braunii biomass using commercial nutrients by Response Surface Methodology”, Iranian Journal of Energy and Environment, 8(4), 2017, pp. 18-25.
- P. Thilagarajan, A. Syed Naveed, S. Shamshath Begum, S. S. M. Abdul Majeed, S. Vijayarani, K. P. Sindhu, V. Krishnamoorthy and S. Gayathiri, “Improvement in the Flame Retardancy of Flexible Polyurethane Foam by addition of nano-silica”, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology 3 (5), 2016, pp. 138-142.
- S.Shamshath Begum, N.Vedaraman, Srinivasan, S.V, R. Rengasamy, Kurinji Malar, G. Kavitha and S.Vijayarani, “Phycoremediation of Tannery Dye Wastewater using Green Microalga”, Climate Change, 1 (3), 2015, pp. 192-197.
- M.Jidhendra Kaleeswar, J.Jerin Savio, S.Shamshath Begum, S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, S.Vijayarani and R.Gayathri, “Studies on Flexible Polyurethane Foam with improved Flame Retardancy”, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development Advances in Plastics and Rubber Technology”, 2 (5), 2015, pp.1-7.
- M.H. Mahmood Ali Ismail, M.H. B.Yasar Arafath, S.S.M. Abdul Majeed and S. Shamshath Begum, “Development of Flexible Polyurethane Nanocomposite Foam with Enhanced Flame Retardancy”, Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science, 2, 2014, pp. 99-102.
- N.Vedaraman, S.Shamshath Begum and Srinivasan S.V. “Response Surface Methodology for Decolourisation of Leather Dye using Ozonation in a Packed Bed Reactor”, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 15 (4), 2012, pp. 607-616.
- Ravindranath, E; Kalyanaraman, Chitra; S Shamshath Begum and Gopalakrishnan, A Navaneetha, “Effect of Recirculation Rate on Anaerobic Treatment of Fleshing using UASB Reactor with Recovery of Energy”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, (69), 2010, pp. 790-793.
- Shamshath Begum. S, Lima Rose Miranda and S.V. Srinivasan, “Colour Removal of Remazol orange (3R) by Activated Carbon Produced from Hevea Brasilinesis”, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 6, 2006, pp. 769-775.
- J.Shahitha Parveen, S.S.M Abdul Majeed, K.P.Sindhu and R.Daulath Banu, “High Performance poly (vinylidene fluoride – co – hexafluoropropylene) based electrospun polyelectrolye for lithium-ion battery”, Materials Express, (8), 2018, pp. 77-84.
- Shahitha Parveen. J and S.S.M Abdul Majeed, “Poly(ethylene oxide) / Polyurethane based gel polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 4(12), 2013, pp. 553-558.
- Swaminathan Elamathi, J. Shahitha Parveen, Rajangam Padmavathi, Dharmalingam Sangeetha, Subbaiah Ravichandran, International Journal of Wind and Renewable Energy, 1 (2), 2012, pp. 114-119.
- J.Shahitha Parveen, S.S.M Abdul Majeed, K.P.Sindhu and R.Daulath Banu, “High Performance poly (vinylidene fluoride – co – hexafluoropropylene) based electrospun polyelectrolye for lithium-ion battery”, Materials Express, (8), 2018, pp. 77-84.
- K.P.Sindhu & Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, “Studies on supercapacitor using blend of polypyrrole and polyvinylidene fluoride as electrolyte”, International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp. 133-145, May 2015.
- Shahitha Parveen, S.S.M Abdul Majeed, K.P.Sindhu and R.Daulath Banu, “High Performance poly (vinylidene fluoride – co – hexafluoropropylene) based electrospun polyelectrolye for lithium-ion battery”, Materials Express, (8), 2018, pp. 77-84.
- J Shahitha Parveen and R.Daulath Banu presented a paper titled “Development of nanofibrous polyelectrolyte for lithium rechargeable batteries” in the International Conference on “Nanoscience and nanotechnology (ICONN 2017)” conducted by Department of physics and nanotechnology, SRM University during 9 – 11 August, 2017.
- R.Daulath Banu and R.Vasanthakumari, “Optimization Studies in Flame Retardant Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composites for Roofing Application”, International Journal of Chemical Sciences and Research”, 2 (1), 2012, pp 42-49.
- Shafaat Ahmed Salahudeen & Abdul Razak bin Rahmat, “Design Parameter to Develop Secondary Flow in Twin Screw Extruder”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, (695), 2015, pp. 659-662.
- Shafaat Ahmed Salahudeen, Othman Alothman, Rabeh H. Elleithy , Saeed Al-Zahrani, Abdurrazak bin Rahmat “Optimization of rotor speed based on stretching, efficiency, and viscous heating in non-intermeshing internal batch mixer: Simulation and experimental verification”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 4(127), 2013, pp. 2739–2748.
- Othman Alothman, Shafaat Ahmed Salahudeen, Rabeh H. Elleithy & Saeed Al-Zahrani, “Formation of Vinylidene in Polypropylene/Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (PP/EVA) Blends During Degradation”. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, (51), 2012, pp. 540-547.
- Shafaat Ahmed Salahudeen , Rabeh H. Elleithy , Othman AlOthman and Saeed AlZahrani, “Comparative study of internal batch mixer such as Cam, Banbury and Roller: Numerical simulation and experimental verification” Chemical Engineering Science Journal, 12(66), 2011, pp. 2502-2511.
International Conferences
- Sriram Srinivasan and S.Shamshath Begum, “A Study on the effect of Clay Mineral in Commodity Thermoplastic”, 10th International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials (APM-2019), (January 22-24), CIPET, Chennai, 2019, pp.108.
- S.Vijayarani, Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, Dr.S.Shamshath Begum, R.Daulath Banu, D.Murali Manohar and Basanta Kumar Behera presented a paper titled “Development and Characterization of Nylon 6/OMMT Clay Nanocomposites Compatibilized by Polyether Block Amide with Polyurethane Elastomer”, in an International Conference on “Macromolecules: Synthesis, Morphology, Processing, Structure, Properties and Applications, ICNM 2016” organized by Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam , Kerala during 13 – 15 May, 2016. pp. 26.
- S.Vijayarani, Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, Dr.S.Shamshath Begum, R.Daulath Banu, D.Murali Manohar and Basanta Kumar Behera presented a paper titled “Development and Characterization of Nylon 6/OMMT Clay Nanocomposites Compatibilized by Polyether Block Amide with Polyurethane Elastomer”, in an International Conference on Macromolecules: Synthesis, Morphology, Processing, Structure, Properties and Applications, ICNM 2016” organized by Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam , Kerala during 13 – 15 May, 2016.
- S.Shamshath Begum, N.Vedaraman, Srinivasan, S.V, R. Rengasamy, Kurinji Malar, G. Kavitha and S.Vijayarani, “Phycoremediation of Tannery Dye Wastewater using Green Microalga”, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology-2015 (ICRIET’15), Feb (13–14), 2015, Mahabharathi Engineering College, Chinnasalem, 2015, pp. 185-188.
- S.Shamshath Begum, N.Vedaraman, R. Rengasamy and S.V.Srinivasan, “A Study on the Kinetics of Acid Metal Complex Leather Dye”, In : Proceedings International Conference on Futuristic Innovations and Developments in Civil Engineering (ICFiDCe 13), Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, India, (April 18 – 20), 2013, ISBN : 978-93-80624-88-4, 2013, pp. 372-376.
- S.Shamshath Begum, N.Vedaraman and S.Vijayarani “A Study on the Treatability of Tanyard Fatliquor Wastewater with Simultaneous Recovery of Energy”, International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE-2013), Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, (April 4 –5), 2013, pp. 92.
- S.Shamshath Begum, B.Hariganesh and R.A. Ramanujam “Studies on Degradation of Dyeing Wastewater Generated from Tanneries”, 3rd International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology, (1), (Nov17-18), 2011, pp. 244-250.
- S.Shamshath Begum, and R.A. Ramanujam, “Energy Recovery from Segregated Tanyard Wastewater by Anaerobic Digestion”, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, Chemcon, Annamalai University, (Dec 27-29), 2010, pp. 240.
- Mrs. J. Shahitha Parveen and Dr. S.S.M Abdul Majeed presented a paper titled “Electrospun Poly (ethylene oxide) Nanofiber as Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries” at the International Conference on “Macromolecules: Synthesis, Morphology, Processing, Structure, Properties and Applications, ICNM 2016” organized by Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam , Kerala during 13 – 15 May, 2016.
- Shahitha Parveen J. and S.S.M Abdul Majeed, “Electrospun Poly(vinylidene fluoride –co- hexafluropropylene) Nanofiber as polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries”, International conference in “Advancements in polymeric materials 2013” (APM 2013), CIPET, Lucknow, India, (March 1 to 3), 2013.
- Shahitha Parveen. J, Swaminathan Elamathi, Dharmalingam, Sangeetha, Subbiah Ravichandran, “Sulfonated Polystyrene-Block-(Ethylene-Ran-Butylene)-Block-Polystyrene (SPSEBS)/SiO2”, composite membrane for water electrolysis to generate hydrogen, 220th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Boston, USA, (Oct 9 to 14), 2011, pp.272.
- Shahitha Parveen. J, S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, “Development and characterization of Poly(vinylidene Fluoride Co – Hexafluoropropylene) Nanofiber as Polyelectrolytes for Lithium Batteries” ,at International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Trichengode ( Dec 13 to16 th) , 2010, pp.312.
- Shahitha Parveen. J, S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, “Studies on material development for lithium polymer rechargeable batteries”,at International Conference on Advances on Polymer Technology , department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology Cochin University,(CUSAT), Kochi, India ( Feb 26 to 27th) , 2010, pp.312.
- S.Vijayarani, Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed, .S.Shamshath Begum, R.Daulath Banu, D.Murali Manohar and Basanta Kumar Behera presented a paper titled “Development and Characterization of Nylon 6/OMMT Clay Nanocomposites Compatibilized by Polyether Block Amide with Polyurethane Elastomer”, at the International Conference on “Macromolecules: Synthesis, Morphology, Processing, Structure, Properties and Applications, ICNM 2016” organized by Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam , Kerala during 13 – 15 May, 2016. pp. 26.
- D. Murali Manohar and Vasanthakumari Raju, “Effect of pressure and temperature on properties of carbon-carbon composites prepared from renewable material,” 2016 International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM), Allahabad, India, 2016, pp. 1-5. IEEE Xplore.
- K.P.Sindhu “PVDF / Polypyrrole based electrolytes for supercapacitor application” at the “International Conference on Macromolecules: Synthesis, Morphology, Processing, Structure, Properties and Applications (ICM-2016)” organised by International Unit on Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala held on May 2016.
- R.Daulath Banu “Development and Characterization of Nylon 6/OMMT Clay Nanocomposites Compatibilized by Polyether Block Amide with Polyurethane Elastomer ” at international Conference on “Macromolecules: Synthesis, Morphology, Processing, Structure, Properties and Applications, ICNM 2016” organized by Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam , Kerala during 13 – 15 May, 2016.
- R.Daulath Banu and R.Vasanthakumari, “Thermal and Flammability Behavior of Marine Grade Polyester Resin”, International conference on Advancements in Polymeric materials (APM-2011) CIPET, Chennai, India (Mar 25-27), 2011, pp.234.
- R.Daulath Banu, J.Shahitha Parveen and R.Vasanthakumari, “Flame Retardant FRP Composites for Marine Application”, International conference on Synthesis, Characterization, Consolidation and Modelling of Nanomaterials, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, (Mar 5 – 6), 2010, pp. 131.
- R.Daulath Banu, D.Nanditha and R.Vasanthakumari, “Flame Retardant FRP Formulation for Marine Application”, “International Conference on Advances in Polymer Technology”, Feb. 26-27, 2010, pp. 158-162.
- R. Daulath Banu, D.Nanditha and R.Vasanthakumari, “Flame Retardant FRP Formulation for Marine Application”, International conference on Advances in Polymer Technology, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi, India, (Feb 26 -27), 2010, pp. 88.
- Shafaat Ahmed Salahudeen& Abdul RazakRahmat, “Design Parameter to Develop Secondary Flow in Twin Screw Extruder”, World Virtual Conference On Advanced Research In Mechanical And Material Engineering, Trans Tech Publication, 2014.
- Rabeh H. Elleithy , Othman AlOthman, Shafaat Ahmed Salahudeen & Saeed Al-Zahrani “Comparative study of the effect of natural and artificial weathering of Polypropylene / Ethylene vinyl acetate (PP/EVA) blends”, 70th annual technical conference of the society of plastics engineers. ANTEC, 2012.
- Shafaat Ahmed Salahudeen, Rabeh H. Elleithy , Othman AlOthman & Saeed Al-Zahrani, “Comparative study of internal batch mixer such as Cam, Banbury and Roller: Numerical simulation and experimental verification”, First Scientific conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2011.
- Shafaat Ahmed Salahudeen, Rabeh H. Elleithy, Othman AlOthman & Saeed Al-Zahrani, “Numerical study on internal batch mixers”, King Saud University conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2010.
National Conferences
- Jidhendra Kaleeswar, Jerin Savio, S.S.M. Abdul Majeed and S.Shamshath Begum and R.Gayathri, “Studies on Effect of Nanofiller Flame Retardant in Flexible Polyurethane Foam”, Advances in Plastics and Rubber Technology”, (APART 2015), MIT Campus, Chennai, (April 10-11), 2015, pp.72-77.
- M.H. Mahmood Ali Ismail, B.Yasar Arafath, S.S.M. Abdul Majeed, S. Shamshath Begum, ”Development of Flexible Polyurethane Nanocomposite Foam with Enhanced Flame Retardancy”, 6th National Conference on Advances in Polymeric Materials: Energy, Environment & Health”-Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore, India, (April 25-26), 2014, pp.102.
- S.Shamshath Begum, N.Vedaraman, R. Rengasamy, S .V. Srinivasan and S.Vijayarani “A Scientific Remedy for the treatment of Pretreated Tannery Leather Dye by Chlorella vulgaris”, Energy and Environment Conference”, (EECON 2014), Anna University, Chennai, (March 3), 2014, pp.8.
- S.Shamshath Begum, N.Vedaraman, R. Rengasamy and S.V.Srinivasan, “A Scientific Study on the Removal of BOD and COD of Pretreated Leather Dye Wastewater by Microalgae” “National Conference on Recent Advances in Algology, Mycology and Plant Pathology” (NCRAAMPP-2014), University of Madras, Chennai, (Feb 19–20), 2014, pp. 9.
- K.P.Sindhu “ Studies on HDPE/LLDPE blend and Nanocomposites for drip tape application in agricultural fields” at the National conference “ Advances in plastics and rubber technology – APART 2015” organized by department of rubber and plastics technology, MIT, Anna university held on April , 2015.
- R.Daulath Banu and R.Vasanthakumari, “Flame Retardant FRP Formulation for Marine Application” National conference on Advances in Materials Science, BSA Crescent Engineering College, (Dec 22 – 23), 2008, pp.71-72.
- E.Ravindranath, Chitra Kalyanaraman, R.Suthanthararajan, B.Uma Maheswari, S.Shamshath Begum, R. Bhuvaneswari and S.Rajamani. “A Scientific Remedy for the Disposal of Fleshing Generated from Tanneries”, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Industrial Waste Management for Sustainable Development (RIWAM), (India), Annamalai University, (March 17–18), 2004, pp.111-115
Training Program
- E.Ravindranath, S.Shamshath Begum and Thirumaran.K, “Fundamental and Technology Options of the Anaerobic Treatment of Liquid Waste”, Training program on High rate biomethanation treatment of Industrial and Municipal waste, at Central Leather Research Institute, (Jan 7-9), 2004.
Research & Consultancy
Industrial Consultancy – Worth Rs.22.0 Lakhs
S.No. | Industry | Title of the Project |
1 | Emerald Rubbers Limited, Chennai | Reuse of waste rubber into products |
2 | Amararaja Batteries Limited, Thirupathi | Reduction of warpage in battery case |
Testing / consultancy services to the industries and educational institutions | Year | Amount in Rupees |
Ashok Leyland WABCO Amararaja Batteries Limited Mahindra & Mahindra Limited AkzoNoble Anna University SRM Institute of Science & Technology VIT | 2013-2014 | 5,5,7250/- |
2014-2015 | 2,51,300/- | |
2015 -2016 | 2,85,177/- | |
2016 – 2017 | 2,96,000/- | |
2017- 2018 | 3,42,000/- | |
2018 – 2019 | 1,60,400/- | |
2019 – 2020 | 3,16,932 | |
Total | 22,09,059/- |
2014 – 2019 – 48.06 Lakhs
S.No. | Year | Funding Agency | Grants Received (Rs.) in Lakhs | Duration | Status |
1 | 2018 | SERB | 28.02 | 3 years | Ongoing |
2 | 2014 | DRDO – NRB | 20.04 | 2 years | Completed |
Patents & IPR
S. No. | Title | Application Number / Granted Number | Date, Month & Year of Grant | Name of the Inventors | Name of the Patentee |
1. | An Apparatus for Recycling of Polymeric Waste | 369875 | 22.06.2021 | S. Shamshath Begum R. Priyadarshini | BSACIST |
2. | Porous Hydrophobic Polymer Composite for Separation of Oil from Oil Spills in Water and Preparation Method thereof | 346378 | 09.09.2020 | R. Vasantha Kumari R. Daulath Banu M. R. Gayathri S. Vikram | BSACIST |
3. | A New Process forPreparation of Self-Reinforced Thermoplastic Micro and Nanofiber Polyamide Composite System | 328435 | 30.12.2019 | R. Vasanthakumari R. Gayathri M. Muthusubramanian R. Kaviarasan | BSACIST |