School of Life Sciences
List of Publications (2013-2023)
- Noorul Samsoon MH, Karunya. JR and S. Hemalatha* Targeted Cytotoxicity against MDA-MB-231 Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells with Borassus Flabellifer Haustorium-Derived Silver Nanoparticles: An Integrated In Silico and Experimental Approach 2023 (In press) Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (In Press) (Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 4.0).
- Architha. V and S. Hemalatha* Screening the efficacy of compounds from polyherbal Siddha formulation (Kabasura kudineer) against COVID 19 and immune proteins in human: An In silico Approach Coronoviruses 2023 (In Press). (Scopus indexed)
- Kathija. N, S. Ranjani, S. Hemalatha* Endophytic fungi Lasiodiplodia theobromae mediated EFAgNPs as potent antibacterial agent against MDR Klebsiella pneumonia BioNanoscience. 2023 (In press)(Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 4.0).
- Ranjani. S, Maroudam. V, Sheeza K, Asimul I, and S. Hemalatha* Polyherbal nano formulation: A potent antibiotic resistance breaker in bovine mastitis causing MDR pathogens Journal of Molecular Liquids 2023, 392(1), 123477.(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 6.0).
- Md. Juvad. M, S. Ranjani, S. Hemalatha*. Antibacterial, antibiofilm, and antivirulence effects of nanoparticles synthesized from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in pathogenic E. coli Microbial pathogenesis, 2023, 185. 106420 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.8).
- Manikandan. K, Lavanya, S. Ranjani. S. Faridha begum,I, S, Hemalatha* Degradation of synthetic azo dyes by Citrobacter freundii isolated from tannery effluent. Environmental quality management 2023 (In Press. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.09).
- Noorul Samsoon Maharifa. H and S. Hemalatha*. Phytochemical Profiling of Borassus flabellifer Haustorium and its Potential Role in Combating COVID-19 Associated Encephalopathy: A Computational Perspective Coronoviruses 2023 (In Press). (Scopus indexed)
- Mangla lakshmi.R and S. Hemalatha* Therapeutic potential of dietary phytochemicals from Drynaria quercifolia to modulate gut microbiome: An In silico approach Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 2023 (In Press. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.235).
- Mangla lakshmi.R and S. Hemalatha* The functional roles of short chain fatty acids as postbiotics in human gut: Future perspectives. Food Science and Biotechnology 2023 (In press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.231).
- Noorul Samsoon Maharifa H, S. Vaani, S. Hemalatha* Antimicrobial peptides. Current Pharmacology Reports, 2023 (In Press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.524).
- Shabnam. A and S. Hemalatha* Cross talk on P2X4 purinergic receptors and neuropathic Pain Current Pharmacology Reports, 2023 (In Press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.524).
- Shabnam. A and S. Hemalatha*, Identification of potential phytochemicals and their inhibitory effect on the PERK receptor mediated UPR pathway for neuronal disease regulation, Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 1, 1-9, 2023(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.235).
- Logesh, M., Lavanya, K., Mabrouk, K.E.S. Ranjani, S. Hemalatha and A.M. Ballamurugan Evaluation of Time-Dependent Corrosion Inhibition Rate forf-MWCNT-BCP Composite Coatings on 316L Stainless Steel in Simulated Body Fluid for Orthopedic Implantation.Appl Biochem Biotechnol(2023). (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.0).
- R.Parveen, Md.Kashif, S. Hemalatha,J.Khan, A.Yousif ,D S Ghataty, N.Ali, SM.Attia, Md.Waseem, An In Silico investigation ofpharmacological modulators and infammasomes inGlioblastoma multiforme Appl Biochem Biotechnol(2023). (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.0).
- Asma.B. S. Ranjani S. Hemalatha* Nigella sativa mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles to curb antibiotic resistance, Journal of Materials Research, 38, 3548–3559 (2023). (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor2.909).
- Santhanalakshmi, S. Ranjani and S. Hemalatha*, Anti-bacterial activity of Cymbopogon citratus nanoparticles against Vibrio species infecting aquatic organisms. Aquatic Toxicology. 260, 106583, 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.202).
- Vishal J, Ranjani S, Karunya J.R, S. Hemalatha* Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of antioxidant, anticancer and toxicity properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized from Syzygium aromaticum Archives of Breast Cancer,10,(3), 2023, (Scopus indexed)
- S. Ranjani S. Hemalatha* Influence of Polyherbal nanoformulation on plant growth and biochemical constituents in legume seedlings. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2023, (In press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4.64).
- Vaijayanthi.S, S. Ranjani S. Hemalatha* Comparison of myconanoparticles and myconanoemulsion incorporated biomaterials in controlling multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2023, (In press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 7.9). DOI:
- Madhumitha H, Ranjani S S.Hemalatha* Clitoria ternatea floral mediated Synthesis, characterization, antioxidant and cytotoxicity evaluation of silver nanoparticles. Archives of Breast Cancer, 2023,(In press) (Scopus indexed)
- Eder Love Mendie, S. Hemalatha* Identification of natural CTXM-15 inhibitors from aqueous extract of endophytic bacteria Cronobacter sakazaki Braz J Microbiol,2023. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 2.214).
- Sri vidhyaa. K, S. Ranjani S. Hemalatha* Citrus limon phytocompounds decorated nanoparticles control poultry pathogens Archives of Microbiology, 205, 123, 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 2.66).
- Edet. LM and S. Hemalatha*, Toxicity evaluation, plant growth promotion and anti-fungal activity of Endophytic Bacteria Mediated- Silver Nanoparticles Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 2023 (In press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha* Nanoformulation target virulence genes to break antibiotic resistance in MDR E. coli Applied nanoscience, 2023 (In press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.869).
- Namita. N, Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha* Comparative study of effects of endophytic fungal silver nanoparticles and nanoemulsion on Escherichia coli Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 2023 (In press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Kamalavarshini. S. Ranjani S., S. Hemalatha* . (2023) Gold nanoparticles: A Novel paradigm for targeted Drug delivery Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.7).
- Soniya. A, Samsoon Maharifa, S. Hemalatha*. Phytocompounds from edible oil seeds target hub genes to control breast cancer. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 2022 (In press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Karunya.J.R, Simon.C, S. Hemalatha*. Screening of anti-carcinogenic properties of phytocompounds from Allium ascalonicum for treating breast cancer through in silico and in vitro approaches Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 195,1136–1157, 2023(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Eder Love Mendie, S. Hemalatha* Bioactive Compounds from Nyctanthes Arbor tristis Linn as potential inhibitors of Janus kinases (JAKs) involved in Rheumatoid Arthritis Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 195, 314–330 (2023) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Janarthanan.K, Ranjani.S and S. Hemalatha* Myconanoparticles break antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumanii Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 195, 196–216 (2023) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Jahangir Ahmed, Irfan Navabshan, Sneha Unnikrishnan, Logesh Radhakrishnan, K.P. KumaraguruVasagam and Karthikeyan Ramalingam*, 2023. In-silico and in-vitro investigation of phytochemicals against shrimp AHPND syndrome causing PirA/B Toxins of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Applied Biochemistry, and Biotechnology. (Scopus indexed) (IF 3.094).
- V Nehavarshini, Sneha Unnikrishnan, Karthikeyan Ramalingam*, 2023. Exploring the potential of a Herbal Nanoemulsion as an Antimicrobial Mouthwash, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. (Scopus indexed) (IF 3.094).
- Jahangir Ahmed, K.P. Kumaraguru Vasagam, Karthikeyan Ramalingam*, 2023. Nanoencapsulated aquafeeds and current uses in Fisheries/shrimps: A Review, Applied Biochemistry, and Biotechnology. (Scopus indexed) (IF 3.094).
- Sharofina Azmi, Jahangir Ahmed, Karthikeyan Ramalingam*. 2023. Nutritional enhancement of wheat bread by probiotic Lactobacillus consortium, Letters in Applied NanoBioScience Volume 12, Issue 4, 101.
- Vijayalekha A, Anandasadagopan SK, Pandurangan AK*. An Overview of Collagen-Based Composite Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2023 Jan 18. (Scopus/Wos indexed) (Impact factor 3.094) doi: 10.1007/s12010-023-04318-y.
- Pratap GK, Poornima D. Vijendra, Raghavendra L. Hallur, Ajay S K,Pandurangan AK,Sathisha G. Jayanna, Mohammed Alshehri, Abdulrahman Alasmari, Samy Sayed, Manjula Shantaram, Muntazir Mushtaq. In vitro evaluation of the neuroprotective potential of Olea dioica against Aβ peptide‐induced toxicity in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells.Frontiers in Pharmacology14 (2023) 1139606) (Impact factor-5.988)
- ChinnikrishnanP, Ibrahim IAA, Alzahrani AR, Shahzad N, SivaprakasamS, Pandurangan AK*. The Role of Selective Flavonoids on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: An Update.Separations 10(3), (2023) 207. (Scopus/Wos indexed) (Impact factor 3.344)
- SanaQausain,Faez IqbalKhan,Md Khurshid AlamKhan*.Conserved acidic second shell residue modulates the structure, stability and activity of non-seleno human peroxiredoxin 6.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 242, (3), 2023, 124796 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.025) doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124796
- AK Bommanaboina, N Ahmed. S Jamal, * Antitumor Activity of Taxol Engross Taxol-Caveolin-1 Interaction via Lipid Raft Structure“Caveolae”.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 1-12, 2023(Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 3.09).
- Radhakrishnan L, Dani R, Navabshan I, Jamal S,Ahmed N S Jamal,.* Targeting Aminoglycoside Acetyltransferase Activity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv) Derived Eis (Enhanced Intracellular Survival) Protein with Quercetin. Protein J. 2023, (Scopus Indexed) (Impact Factor 3.00)https://doi: 10.1007/s10930-023-10165-x.
- M Basheeruddin, V Lavanya, N Ahmed, S Jamal*, Organic osmolyte betaine mitigates the deleterious effects of Diclofenac in vivo in wistar albino rats.Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 59, e201178, 2023, (Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 0.814). https://doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.872905
- Yu-Been, K., Yoon-Hee, P., MubarakAli, D., Sang-Yul,L., and J.W. Kim Synthesis of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Silver Nanoparticles Biocomposites via Solution Plasma Process and their Antimicrobial Efficacy. Carbohydrate Polymers. 302, 120341, 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 10.723)
- Boram, P., MubarakAli, D., and J. W. Kim Identification of a Novel Cyclomaltodextrinase that Was Annotated as a Neopullulanase in the Genome of Bacillus cereus. Archives of Microbiology, 205, 86, 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 2.667).
- Jit, S., Deepanjan, M., MubarakAli, D., Jishnu, B., Sumeddha, C., Kasturi, R., Tarit, R., Krishnendu, A., and S. Joy A State-of-the-Art Systemic Review on Selenium Nanoparticles: Mechanisms and Factors Influencing Biogenesis and Its Potential Applications. Biological Trace Element Research. 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4.081).
- MubarakAli, D., Kannappan, A., Lakshmanan, M., Bazigha B., Lee, S.Y., and J.W. Kim Unveiling antibiofilm property of hydroxyapatide on Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Synthesis and Strategy. Pharmaceutics. 15, 463, 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 6.45).
- M.Veerabadhran, N.Manivel, B.Sarvalingam, B.Seenivasan, S. Hemalatha , MubarakAli D, F.Yang, State-of-the-art review on the ecotoxicology, health hazards, and economic loss of the impact of microcystins and their ultrastructural cellular changes, Aquatic Toxicology,256, 2023,106417, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.202).
- Sami-ullah, R., MubarakAli, D., Hisham, S.B., Hesham, A., Usman, S., Aqeel, A.T., Aliyu, A.S., Al-Alaya, W., and M.S. AzimUtilization of Wastewater as Nutritional Source for the Production of Algal Biomass. International. Journal of Energy Research.9939252, 8, 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.32).
- Satpati, G., Pritam, K, Navonil, M., Ruma, P., Knawang, C., Rajiv, C., Sami-Ullah, R., Sathya, R., and D.MubarakAli*A state of the art review on the co-cultivation of microalgae-fungi in wastewater for biofuel production. Science of Total Environment. 870, 161828, 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 10.753).
- Naveenkumar, K., Arjun, R., Jung-Wan K., MubarakAli, D. Isolation and characterization of biosurfactant producing soil fungus Penicillium sp. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, http://doi.10.1007/s12010-023-04704-6, 2023 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3)
- Lakshmanan, M., Sung-Min Kim, Arjun R, Kannappan, A., MubarakAli,D., Jung-Wan K, Sang-Yul L. Synthesis & Characterization of Hydroxyapatite/ Silver Nanoparticles Nanocomposites and their Antibacterial Properties, BioNanoscience. 2023, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3)
- Viswhapriya, S., MubarakAli, D., Arjun, Rajesh, Thajuddin, N., Sang-Yul L., Jung-Wan K. Extraction and Characterization of Chitosan from Shell of Borassus flabellifer and Their Antioxidant and Antibacterial Applications, Inter. J. Biol. Macromole. 253, 126592. 2023 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.2)
- Gour Gopal S, Shalini G, Rohan Kr. Biswas, Avik Kumar C, Jung-Wan Kim, MubarakAli D. Microalgae mediated bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: strategies, advancement and regulations, Chemosphere, 344, 140337, 2023 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.9)
- Su-Jin Kang, MubarakAli Davoodbasha, Sang-Yul Lee, Jung-Wan Kim. Synthesis of Pure Alginate-Nano Silver Biocomposites via Solution Plasma Process Using Silver Electrodes and Their Potentials as Antimicrobial Agents, Biocat. Agricul.Biotechnol., 53, 102867. 2023 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4)
- Arjun R., Showkat Ahmed L., Shahitha S., Ramasubbu, S., Thajuddin, N., Sang-Yul L., Jung-Wan K., MubarakAli, D. A Systemic Review on Aloe vera derived Natural Biomaterials for Wound Healing Application. Biocat. Agricul.Biotechnol., 54, 102910. 2023 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4)
- Saravanakumar K., SeonJu Park, Sampathkumar V., Akila S., Sugavaneswaran S., Hariharamohan M., MubarakAli, Davoodbasha., Cho. M. Cellular metabolism and health impact of the dichlorvos: occurrence, detection, prevention, and bioremediation strategies- A review, Environmental Research, . 2023 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.3)
- Saravanakumar, K., Kamalavarshini S., Manaal sheerin K; SeonJu P,Hee Min Y, SH Cho, Ginnae A; AfaanAhamed M; Siddharth P; Namki C, MubarakAli, D.. Recent progress in bioengineering approaches for diverse applications of microalgae: an overview International Journal Environmental Science and Technology, 2023, (In Press). (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.1)
- Bao, M., Cui, H., Lv, Y., Wang, L., Ou, Y., & Hussain, N. Greenhouse gas emission during swine manure aerobic composting: Insight from the dissolved organic matter associated microbial community succession.Bioresource Technology,373, 128729, 2023, (Scopus/Wos indexed)(Impact factor 11.88) DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128729
- Tabassum-Abbasi, Hussain, N., Khamrang, C., Patnaik, P., Abbasi, T., & Abbasi, S. A. Different species of epigeic and anecic earthworms cause similarly effective and beneficial biocomposting—a case study involving the pernicious aquatic weed salvinia (Salvinia molesta, Mitchell).Life,13(3), 720, 2023, (Wos indexed) (Impact factor 3.25) DOI:10.3390/life13030720
- Tasneem Juzer , Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha*, Camellia sinensis mediated synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles and applications to control Gram-negative ESBL producing antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens, Food bioscience. 50, 102070, 2022 (Impact factor 5.318) (scopus indexed)
- Eder Love Mendie, S. Hemalatha* Bioactive Compounds from Nyctanthes Arbor tristis Linn as potential inhibitors of Janus kinases (JAKs) involved in Rheumatoid Arthritis Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 2022 (In press) (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Architha Vijayalakshmi, Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha*, Engineered green nanoparticles interact with Nigrospora oryzae isolated from infected leaves of Arachis hypogaea, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 2022. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 2.65).
- Shilpa Taneja, Preeti Thakur, Rakesh Kumar, S. Hemalatha, Yassine Slimani, Blaise Ravelo, Atul Thakur, Nanostructured Rare Earth Nd3+doped Nickel–Zinc–Bismuth Spinel Ferrites: Structural, Electrical and Dielectric Studies, Ceramics International, 2022, 48 (19), 27731-27738 Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.532).
- B, Abinaya & Waseem, Mohammad & Kashif, Mohd, S. Hemalatha*. (2022). Lipidomics: An excellent tool for chronic disease detection. Current Research in Translational Medicine. 70, 4,103346, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4.513).
- Ameenudeen, Shabnam & Kashif, Mohd & Banerjee, Subhamoy, S.Hemalatha, P.Ashok & Waseem.M*. (2022). Cellular and Molecular Machinery of Neuropathic Pain: an Emerging Insight. Current Pharmacology Reports.8(4):227-235. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.524).
- Neha Raina, Sheeza Khan, Ranjani S, Mohammad Shahid, S.Hemalatha*, Asimul Islam, Understanding the Nano Colloid-Protein Interaction in Crowded Milieu, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022. 363, 119794 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 6.63).
- Love Edet M. S.Hemalatha*.(2022)Biomedical applications of novel green AgNPs synthesized from endophytic bacteriaCronobacter sakazakii,Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry,(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.7). DOI:10.1080/24701556.2022.2078367.
- Charlz Nithin J, Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha*, MimusopselengiFlower-Mediated Green Silver Nanoparticles ControlStaphylococcus aureusandAcinetobacter baumannii.Appl Biochem Biotechnol194,3066–3081 (2022). (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Khan, Mohd & S. Hemalatha*. (2022). Autophagy and Programmed Cell Death Are Critical Pathways in Jasmonic Acid Mediated Saline Stress Tolerance in Oryza sativa. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 194(11):5353-5366 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Begum, Fazeela & S.Hemalatha*. (2022). Marine Natural Products — a Vital Source of Novel Biotherapeutics. Current Pharmacology Reports. 8,339–349 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.524).
- Jenish, A., Ranjani, S. S.Hemalatha*.Moringa oleiferaNanoparticles Demonstrate Antifungal Activity Against Plant Pathogenic Fungi.Appl Biochem Biotechnol194,4959–4970 (2022). (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Ravindranath, K.J., Mohaideen, N.S.M.H. S.Hemalatha*. Phytocompounds of Onion Target Heat Shock Proteins (HSP70s) to Control Breast Cancer Malignancy.Appl Biochem Biotechnol(2022). 194,4836–4851 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Manaal Sheerin Khan, Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha*, Synthesis and characterization of Kappaphycus alvarezii derived silver nanoparticles and determination of antibacterial activity, Materials Chemistry and Physics,Volume 282, 2022,125985, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4.778).
- Fathima. H.B. Mohd. Waseem and S. Hemalatha*. (2022) Promising Action of Cannabinoids on ER Stress-Mediated Neurodegeneration: AnIn SilicoInvestigation Journal of Environmental pathology, toxicology and oncology. 41(4)39-54 (WOS indexed) (Impact factor 3.567).
- Ranjani S., Pradeep P, Ramesh kumar, S.Hemalatha* (2022) Myrobalans mediated nanocolloids in controlling marine pathogens. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 194,pages1120–1135. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Fathima. H.B, S. Hemalatha*, (2022) Screening the efficacy of melatonin on neurodegeneration mediated by ER stress, inflammation and oxidative damage Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 194(3):1105-1119.). (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Janani prabha, Ranjani S., Karunya. J S.Hemalatha*. (2022). Differential actions of nanoparticles and nanoemulsion synthesized from Colletotrichum siamense on food borne pathogens. LWT-Food Science and Technology 155, 112995 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 6.056).
- S.Kamalavarshini. Ranjani S. S. Hemalatha*. (2022) Gold nanoparticles: A Novel paradigm for targeted Drug delivery Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.7).
- Asma. B and S. Hemalatha* SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors from Nigella Sativa 2022. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 194,1051–1090 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Jason.T.A, Noorul Samsoon Maharifa H. S. Hemalatha*. In silico molecular docking approach against enzymes causing Alzheimer’s disease using Borassus flabellifer Linn 2022. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 194,1804–1813 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Mohamed Juvad NA, Faridha Begum I, S. Hemalatha* Synergistic Interactions of Antimicrobials to Counteract the Drug-Resistant Microorganisms Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry. 12, (1), 2022, 861 – 872. (Scopus indexed).
- Mendie. E.L. S. Hemalatha*.Molecular Docking of Phytochemicals targeting GFRs as therapeutic sites for cancer: An In silico study. 2022. 194,215–231Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- S. Ranjani, and S. Hemalatha*, Triphala coated nanoparticles with multi potent properties, Materials Letters, Volume 308, Part B, 1 February 2022, 131184. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.423).
- Rukaiya.K. Ranjani.S. and S. Hemalatha*. COVID-19: An In-Silico analysis on Potential therapeutic uses of Trikadu as Immune System Boosters study. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2022. 194,291–301.(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Guru Nivetha Ravi, Sneha Unnikrishnan, Irfan Navabshan, Karthikeyan Ramalingam*, 2022. In Silico protein- protein interaction of Pteorisvolitans venom with cancer inducers of Helicobacter pylori, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 194,354–367. (Scopus indexed) (IF 3.094).
- Akif S, M., Unnikrishnan, S. & Ramalingam, K*. 2022. Gold Nanoparticles: Potential Tool for the Treatment of Human Cancer Cells.Curr Pharma Rep. 8, 300–311 1.524).
- Shabnam Ameenudeen, Mohd. Kashif, Subhamoy Banerjee, Hemalatha S, Pandurangan AK, Mohammad Waseem*. Cellular and Molecular Machinery of Neuropathic Pain: An Emerging Insight. Current Pharmacology Reports 8 (2022) 227–235. (Scopus indexed) (IF 1.524)
- Pandurangan AK*, Mohebali N, Hasanpourghadi, Esa NM. Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Attenuates Ulcerative Colitis Through Modulation of NF-κB and Cell adhesion Molecules. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 194(3) (2022) 1091-1104. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094)
- Mohamed Suhail Nawabjohn, Prathibha Sivaprakasam, Suresh Kumar Anandasadagopan, A. Adeela Begum, Pandurangan AK*. Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Cassia toraseedextract and investigation of antibacterial potential. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 194 (2022) 464–478. (Scopus/Wos indexed) (Impact factor 3.094)
- Srinivetha Pathmanapan, MythrehiSekar, Pandurangan AK, Suresh Kumar Anandasadagopan*. Fabrication of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle–Incorporated Coaxial Nanofiber for Evaluating the In Vitro Osteogenic Potential. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 194(2022)302–322. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094)
- Faez Iqbal Khan, Md Tabish Rehman, Fathima Sameena, Tabish Hussain, Mohamed F AlAjmi, Dakun Lai, Md Khurshid A. Khan. Investigating the binding mechanism of topiramate with bovine serum albumin using spectroscopic and computational methods. Journal of Molecular Recognition (2022) Volume 35, issue 7, e2958.
- Fasil Ali, Usma Manzoor, Faez Iqbal Khan, Dakun Lai, Md Khurshid A. Khan, K.S. Chandrashekharaiah, L. Rajendrakumar Singh and Tanveer Ali Dar. Effect of polyol osmolytes on the structure-function integrity and aggregation propensity of catalase: A comprehensive study based on spectroscopic and molecular dynamic simulation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2022) 209, Part A, 198-210.
- J Kashifa Fathima, V Lavanya, S Jamal, N Ahmed*. The Effectiveness of Various Chemotherapeutic Agents in Cancer Treatment. Current Pharmacology Reports, 1-17, 2022(Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 1.524).
- M Gayathri, V Lavanya, S Jamal, N Ahmed*.Targeting Soluble Factors Involved in Inflammatory Cancer Microenvironment. Current Pharmacology Reports, 1-9, 2022, (Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 1.524).
- Basheeruddin, S Khan, S Jamal*.Effect of pH on Diclofenac–Lysozyme Interaction: Structural and Functional Aspect. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences b9, 2022(Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 6.113). https://doi:10.3389/fmolb.2022.872905
- Logesh, V Lavanya, S Jamal, N Ahmed*. Designing of a Chimeric Vaccine Using EIS (Rv2416c) Protein Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv: an Immunoinformatics Approach. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 194 (1), 187-214, 2022(Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 3.09).
- Lavanya, AK Bommanabonia, N Ahmed, S Jamal*. Immunomodulatory Effects of Jacalin, a Dietary Plant Lectin on the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs). Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 194 (1), 587-599, 2022(Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 3.09).
- MubarakAli, D., Hoekum Kim., SundaraVenkatesh, P., Jung-Wan Kim., and Sang-Yul LeeSystemic review on Palladium nanoparticles and its applications in Biomedicine. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Kannappan, A., Ganesh Prasath, K., Sathya, S., Issac Abraham SVP., Swetha, TK., Venkateswar, A., Arunkumar J., Chunlei S., and D.MubarakAli*Exploring the possible ways to enhance the activity of natural product-based nanoformulations in the battle against the biofilms of foodborne bacterial pathogens. Pathogens. 12, 270, 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4.531).
- Vignesh, M., MadhanShankar, S.R., MubarakAli,D.,and B.N. VedhaHari A novel rhizospheric bacterium, Bacillus velezensis NKMV-3 as a biocontrol agent against Alternaria leaf Blight in Tomato. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).http://doi.10.1007/s12010-021-03684-9.
- Saravanakumar, K., SivaSantosh, S., Sathiyaseelan, A., Naveen, A.V., AfaanAhamed, M., Zhang, X., Vishnupriya, V., MubarakAli, D*., andW. Myeong-HyeonUnraveling the hazardous impact of diverse contaminants in the marine environment: Detection and remedial approach through nanomaterials and nano-biosensors. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 433, 178720, 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 14.224).
- Saravanakumar, K., Sivasantosh, S., Sathiyaseelan, A., Sankaranarayanan, A., Naveen, A.K.V., Zhang, X., Jamla, M., Vijayasarathy, S., VishnuPriya, V., MubarakAli, D* and W. Myeong-HyeonImpact of benzo[a]pyrene with other pollutants induce the molecular alternation in the biological system: existence, detection, and remediation methods.Environmental Pollution. 304, 119207, 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 9.988).
- Biswajita, P., Rabindra, N., Srimanta, P., Prajna, P.B., Behera, P.K., Amiya, M., Chhandashree, B., Jang-Seu, K., Adhikary, S. P., MubarakAli, D., and M. Jena A state-of-the-art Review on fucoidan as an antiviral agent to combat viral infections.Carbohydrate Polymer.291, 119551, 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 10.723).
- Naveen, V.K., Saravanakumar, K., Sathiyaseelan, A., MubarakAli, D., and W.Myeong-Hyeon Addressing the immune response and clinical challenge of fungal infection during COVID 19 pandemic.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Saravanakumar, K., Siva Santosh, S., AfaanAhamed, M., Sathiyaseelan, A., Sultan, G., Irfan, N., MubarakAli D*., and W. Myeong-HyeonBioinformatics strategies for studying the molecular mechanisms of fungal extracellular vesicles with a focus on infection and immune responses. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 13.994).
- Nithya, P., Sathya, R., Prabakaran, M., ArulAntony, S., and D.MubarakAli* Synthesis and Characterization of Tween-20 Capped Biosynthesized Silver nanoparticles for Anticancer and Antimicrobial Property. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094). http://doi.10.1007/s12010-022-04069-2.
- Saravanakumar, K., Shanali De Silva., Siva Santosh, S., Sathiyaseelan, A.,Ganeshalingam, A., Jamla, M., Sankaranarayanan, A., Vishnu Priya, V., MubarakAli, D., Gobika, T., and M-H Wang Metal-organic framework-based hybrid membrane filtration techniques for remediation of industrial effluents.Chemosphere.2022,(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.943).
- Sathya, R., MubarakAli, D*., NousheenMehboob, M.G.,Vasimalai, N., Thajuddin, N., and Jung-Wan Kim An investigation of Pepsin hydrolysate of Short Antibacterial Peptides Derived from Limnospira Sp.Applied Biochemistry and Biotecnology.2022,(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094). 10.1007/s12010-022-04023-2.
- Pandiarajan, S., Hajarabeevi, N., Rafik, R.S., Sathya, R., and D.MubarakAli* Synthesis and characterization of novel schiff bases derived from 2-butyl-4-chloro imidazole for the enhanced antimicrobial property.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Hye-Young Kim,MubarakAli, D., and Jung-Wan Kim Functional characterization of maltodextrin glucosidase for maltodextrin and glycogen metabolism in Vibrio vulnificus MO6-24/O. Archives of Microbiology. 204, 668, 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 2.667).
- Irfan, N., Sakthivel B., MubarakAli, D., and Puratchikody Bioisosteric replacements of tyrosine kinase inhibitors to make potent and safe chemotherapy against malignant cells. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2022, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.235).
- P.Priyadharsini,N.Nirmala,S.S.Dawn,A.Baskaran,P.SundarRajan,K.P.Gopinath,J.ArunGenetic improvement of microalgae for enhanced carbon dioxide sequestration and enriched biomass productivity: Review on CO2bio-fixation pathways modifications Algal Research Vol 66 (2022).102810. (scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.2)
- Saranya Shivashankar, Marimuthu Kannan Sangeetha. The Natural Ligand for Metalloproteinase-A Multifaceted Drug Target. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 194:1716–1739, 2022, (Scopus indexed and WoS indexed) (Impact factor – 3),
- Venkatesan, H., S. Ranjani, S.Hemalatha*. Interaction of various types of bisphenols with enzymes involved in melanin synthesis.Toxicol. Environ. Health Sci 14 (1).(2021). .(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.198).
- S. Ranjani, Abdul Matheen, Antony Jenish A, S. Hemalatha*, Nanotechnology derived natural Poly bio-silver nanoparticles as a potential alternate biomaterial to protect against human pathogen,Materials Letters, 2021,304, 130555.(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.423)
- Tahira A, S. Ranjani and S. Hemalatha*. Nanoparticles engineered fromendophytic fungi (Botryosphaeria rhodina) againstESBL-producing pathogenic multidrug-resistant E. coli. Environ Sci Eur (2021) 33:83. (Impact factor 5.893) (scopus and SCIE indexed).
- S.M.Fazeela Mahaboob Begum, S.Hemalatha*, Gelidiella acerosa compounds target NFB cascade in lung adenocarcinoma. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2022. 194,1566–1579 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Ranjani S., Noorul Samsoon Maharifa H., Raihanathus Sahdhiyya A, S.Hemalatha*. (2021) Phytotoxicity assessment of synthesized green nanosuspension on germination and growth in Vigna radiata, Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.7). - S. Ranjani, UR Kathun, S Hemalatha*, Silver Decorated Myconanoparticles Control Growth and Biofilm Formation in Uropathogenic E. coli, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2022. 194,504–516 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- S.Ranjani, Shruthy Priya.P, Maroudam veerasami and S. Hemalatha* Novel polyherbal nanocolloids to control Bovine Mastitis, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2021. 194,246–265 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).
- Abdul M, Edet Love M, Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha*. Biological Toxins as Therapeutic Challenge against Antibiotic Resistant CTX-M-15 Encoding Bacteria. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry. 2021. (In press) (Scopus indexed).
- Antony JA, Edet Love M, Ranjani S, S. Hemalatha*, Role of Plant Compounds, Alternative Medicine and Diet to Improve Mental Wellness Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry. 2021. (In press).(Scopus indexed)
- Sundararajan.R E.LMendie, L.Mittal, Gowrisree V, IG Camarillo, S.Hemalatha*. Medicinal and Nutritional Wonders of Miracle Moringa oleifera Lam.: Another Look Ind. J.Pharma. Edu. and Res. 2021. 55 (2), 345-52. (Impact factor 0.4) (scopus indexed).
- Architha. V and S. Hemalatha*, FDA approved drugs and herbal basedinhibitors target SARS CoV-2 RNA dependentRNA polymerase 2021,Letters in Applied NanoBioScience, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2022, 3811 – 3821 Scopus indexed.
- Muzaiyen, Ranjani S, S. Hemalatha* Exploring the Pharmacological Activities of Flavonoids and Caffeic Acid Derivatives from the Species Eupatorium Perfoliatum, .Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry. 2021. (In press). (Scopus indexed).
- Shameera Begum B, Faridha Begum I, and S. Hemalatha*.Cancer Nanomedicine: A review on approaches and applications towards targeted drug delivery. International Journal of Nano Dimension, 2021. 12 (4), 310-327) (SCI and WOS indexed)
- Basha, FH,Waseem, M,S.Hemalatha* Cellular and molecular mechanism in neurodegeneration: Possible role of neuroprotectants.Cell Biochem Funct.2021;39 (5)1–10. (scopus and WoS indexed) (Impact factor 3.963).
- Anitha.S , Ranjani S , S.Hemalatha* In silico Analysis of Quercetin and its analogues against targeted Proteins 2021, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 11, (5) , 13695 – 13705 (scopus and WoS indexed).
- Souzia S Ranjani S , S.Hemalatha* Repurposing of Drugs Targeted Against COVID-19 Spike Receptor for Treatment: An In silico Approach 2021, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 11, (5) , 13740 – 13753 (scopus and WoS indexed).
- Madeeha H, Tahira A, S. Hemalatha* In-silico analysis of possible mutations responsible for Isoniazid (INH) resistance in Tuberculosis. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2021 (in Press)(scopus and WoS indexed).
- Abinaya. M, Priya. S, Karunya JR, Ranjani. S., S.Hemalatha* .Screening the efficacy of compounds from ghee to control cancer: An In silico approach. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2021 Volume 11, Issue 6, 14115 – 14126 (scopus and WoS indexed).
- Ranjani.S. Pradeep. P. Vimalkumar. U, Ramesh Kumar. V and S. Hemalatha* Pungent antiinfective nanocolloids manipulate growth, biofilm formation and CTX-M-15 gene expression in pathogens causing Vibriosis. Aquaculture International, 2021. 29:859–869 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 2.235)
- Kathija. N, Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha*. Synergistic Effect of Antimicrobial Peptides (AMP) on Multi-drug Resistant Bacteria. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2021 (in Press) (scopus and WoS indexed).
- Divya U, Ranjani S, S.Hemalatha*. Repurposing of FDA-Approved Drugs against tuberculosis Target MMA4 and CmaA2. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 2021 Volume 11, Issue 6, 2021, 14688 – 14696 (scopus and WoS indexed).
- Mariam Adhila H, Shariq Ahmed M, Ranjani S, Senthilkumar N, S. Hemalatha* Marine endophytic fungi mediated silver nanoparticles and their application in plant growth promotion in Vigna radiata. L Inter. J. Nano.Dimen. 2021 12 (1) 1-10(WOS indexed).
- ShabnamAmeenudeen, SnehaUnnikrishnan and Karthikeyan Ramalingam*. Statistical Optimization for the Efficacious Degradation of Reactive Azo Dyes using Acinetobacter baumannii, Journal of Environmental Management Volume 279, 1, 2021, 111512. (IF 8.91).
- SnehaUnnikrishnan, Priyadarshini S and Karthikeyan Ramalingam*. Mycofiltration Based Optimized Decolorization of Azo Dyes. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 2021. (SCOPUS Indexed),
- Karthikeyan Ramalingam*. 2021, Evaluation of the pharmacological properties of piscine venoms from both Lionfish (Pterois) and Stonefish (Synanceja).Current Enzyme Inhibition2021; 17(1) 9-15(7). DOI:
- Kiranbabu R, Pandurangan AK, Amaldas J, Karthikeyan R, Lena PJ. Review on Poultry Sectors and the importance of backyard poultry forming for rural people around the world. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1) (2021) 2662-2669. (Scopus/Wos indexed)
- Gurumayum Suraj Sharma, Snigdha Krishna, Sheeza Khan, Tanveer A.Dar, Md. Khurshid A.Khan, Laishram Rajendrakumar Singh. Protecting thermodynamic stability of protein: The basic paradigm against stress and unfolded protein response by osmolytes, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2021), 177, 229-240
- V Lavayna, S Jamal*, N Ahmed. Increased ERK phosphorylation and caveolin-1 expression on K562 human chronic myelogenous leukemia cells by jacalin, a dietary plant lectin.Glycoconjugate Journal 38 (3), 361-368, 2021(Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 3.009).
- M Chandhru, R Logesh, S Kutti Rani, N Ahmed, N Vasimalai.Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from plant latex and their antibacterial and photocatalytic studies. Environmental Technology, 1-11, 2021(Scopus Indexed) (Impact factor 3.475). https://doi: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1914181
- Saravanakumar, K., Sriram, B., Sathiyaseelan, A., Xiaowen, H., Mariadoss, A., MubarakAli*D., and M-H. Wang Molecular identification, volatile metabolites profiling, and bioactivities of indigenous endophytic fungus. Diaporthe sp. Process Biochemistry. 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4.885).
- Baldev, E., MubarakAli, D., Pugazhendhi, A., and N.ThajuddinWastewater as an economical and eco-friendly green medium for microalgal biofuel production. Fuel. 294, 120484, 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.035).
- RohithaThangam, K., Santhiya, A., AbinayaSri, S. A., MubarakAli, D.,Karthikumar, S., Shyam Kumar, R., Thajuddin, N., Kanimozhi, J., Varalakshmi, P., Ganesh Moorthy, I., and A. Pugazhendhi Bio-refinery approaches based concomitant microalgal biofuel production and wastewater treatment. Science of the Total Environment. 785, 147267, 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 10.754).
- Saravanakumar, K., Sriram, B., Sathiyaseelan, A., Mariadoss, A., Hu, X., Vishnupriya, V., MubarakAli, D*.,and M-H Wang Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of starch-encapsulated biogenic silver nanoparticle and its improved anti-bacterial activity.International Journal of Biological Macromolecule. 182, 1409-1418, 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.025).http://doi.10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.05.036.
- Baldev, E., MubarakAli, D., Sivasubramanian, V., Pugalzhendhi, A., and N. Thajuddin Unveiling the Induced Lipid Production in Chlorellavulgaris under Pulsed Magnetic Field Treatment. Chemosphere. 279, 130673, 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.943).
- MubarakAli, D., Pugazhendhi, A., Jung-Wan K., Sang-Yul Lee., and N. Thajuddin Synthesis and characterization of CaOnanocatalyst for the transesterification of algal lipids to biodiesel, Fuel, 300, 121018, 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.035).
- Maruthanayagam, V., Sivakumar, N., MubarakAli, D*., Xu, S., Y. Fei Using different cultivation strategies and methods for the production of microalgal biomass as a raw material for the generation of bioproducts. Chemosphere. 285, 131-436, 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.943).
- Farnaz, N., Anchana Devi, C., Rajamiriyam, M., MubarakAli, D., and J.W. Kim.An investigation of molecular targeting of MMP 9 for endometriosis using algal bioactive molecules.Phyton International Journal of Experimental Botany, 91(3), 569-578, 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.407) http://doi:10.32604/phyton.2021.017390
- MubarakAli, D., Minho Lee, Manzoor, M.A.P., Sang-Yul Lee., and J.W. Kim Production of Oligoalginate via Solution Plasma Process and Its Capability of Biological Growth Enhancement. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 193, 4097- 4112, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094).http://doi.10.1007/s12010-021-03640-7.
- MubarakAli, D*., MohamedSaalis, J., Sathya, R., Irfan, N., and J. W. Kim An evidence of microalgal peptides to target COVID19: in silico approach. Microbial Pathogenesis. 160, 105189, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.848).
- MubarakAli, D*. Sathya, R., Akshaya, T., and N. Irfan Study on the Interaction of Algal Peptides on Virulence Factors ofHelicobacter pylori: In silico Approach.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094). http://doi.10.1007/s12010-021-03716-4.
- Sathya, R., MubarakAli D*., MohamedSaalis J., and J.W. Kim Systemic review on the production of microalgal peptides: Bioprocess and applications. Sustainability. 13, 3262, 2021,(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.889).
- MubarakAli, D. Mini review on rapid diagnosis of new infection COVID-19. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094). http://.doi.10.1007/s12010-021-03728-0.
- Navonil, M., Satpati, G., Sathya R., and D.MubarakAli Current strategies on algae-based biopolymer production and scale-up, Chemosphere, 289: 133178, 2021, (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.943).
- Saranya Shivashankar, Sangeetha MK. Identification ofbiosimilar for trimethoprim – Andrographis paniculata phytochemicals inhibits Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR). Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 11(6),14142 – 14154, 2021, (scopus indexed and WoS indexed),
- Vahid Alimardani, Samira Sadat Abolmaali, Ali Mohammad Tamaddon & Mohammad Ashfaq, Recent advances on microneedle arrays-mediated technology in cancer diagnosis and therapy, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 2021, 11,788–816 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.67)
- Neetu Talreja, Shagufta Afreen, Mohammad Ashfaq, Divya Chauhan, Adriana C Mera, CA. Rodríguez, RV Mangalaraja, Bimetal (Fe/Zn) doped BiOI photocatalyst: An effective photodegradation of tetracycline and bacteria, Chemosphere, 2021(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 8.943)
- Mohammad Ashfaq, Neetu Talreja, Divya Chauhan, CA Rodríguez, Adriana C Mera, RV Mangalaraja, A novel bimetallic (Fe/Bi)-povidone-iodine micro-flowers composite for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2021 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 6.814)
- CA Rodríguez, Adriana C Mera, L Pizarro-Castillo, Mohammad Ashfaq, MG Sandoval-Paz, María Jose Cortés Burgos, Paulraj Manidurai, S Suárez, Fabrication of CdS/PbS and CdS: Al/PbS solar cells: Optimization of the Al content in CdS and the solution pH during PbS deposition, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2021. (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4.644)
- Sasidharan Venkataramanan, Deepa Sachan, Divya Chauhan, Neetu Talreja, Mohammad Ashfaq*, Three-dimensional (3D) polymer—metal–carbon framework for efficient removal of chemical and biological contaminants, Scientific Reports, 2021 (Scopus/wos indexed) (Impact factor 4.996)
- Neetu Talreja, Mohammad Ashfaq, alreja, Divya, Adriana C Mera, CA. Rodríguez, Strategic doping approach of Fe-BiOI microstructure: An improved photodegradation efficiency of tetracycline, ACS Omega, 2021 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 4.132)
- Aashique M, Roy A, Kosuru RY and Bera S*, Membrane depolarization sensitizes Pseudomonas aeruginosa against tannic acid, Current Microbiology, 2021, 78, 2, 713-17 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 2.343)
- Maity W, Maity S, Bera S, Roy A, Emerging roles of PETase and MHETase in the biodegradation of plastic wastes., Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2021, 193, 8, 2699-2716(Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 3.094)
- Kosuru RY, Roy A, Bera S*, Antagonistic Roles of Gallates and Ascorbic Acid in Pyomelanin Biosynthesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms, Current Microbiology, 2021, 78, 11, 3843-3852 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 2.343)
- Tahira.A. M.S.Khan and S. Hemalatha*. Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles via fungal cell filtrate and their anti-quorum sensing against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J.Environ.Chem.Eng. 2020, 8, (6), 104365, (web of science indexed). (Impact factor 7.968)
- Ranjani S, Faridha Begum I, Santhoshini J, Senthil Kumar N, Ruckmani K and S.Hemalatha*. Mimosa pudica floral nanoparticles: a potent antibiotic resistance breaker. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 2021. 51:12,1751-1758 (WoS indexed)(IF: 1.716)
- Sabiha Sulthana H. B, Ranjani S, S. Hemalatha*. Comparison of efficacy of nanoparticles synthesized from leaves and flowers of Russelia equisitiformis. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 2020. 52:1,75-81, (IF: 1.716)(WoS indexed).
- Sai Nivetha. S, Ranjani. S, and S. Hemalatha* Synthesis and application of silver nanoparticles using Cissus quadrangularis Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2022 52:1,82-89 )(web of science indexed). (Impact factor 1.716).
- S. Ranjani, Das, R Shariq Ahmed. M, Lalnunmawii.E, Senthilkumar.N, Ruckmani.K, S. Hemalatha* Myco-nanocolloids manipulate growth, biofilm formation and virulence genes in UTI causing E. coli Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry (2020). 51:12,1725-1734 (web of science indexed) (Impact factor 1.716)
- Ranjani S; Salman Al Farzi M; Shruthy Priya p; Mohammad Waseem; Ruckmani K; S.Hemalatha* Multi potent Aromatic nano colloid: Synthesis, characterization and applications, AMB Express, 2020, 10,168 (Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 4.1)
- Ubaid. R, Mubarakali, D and S. Hemalatha* Copper nanoparticles: easily accessible nano-weapons against the escalating antibiotic resistanceNano-Strategies for Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance and Cancer. Handbook of Research on Nano-Strategies for Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance and Cancer IGI Global, 2021.
- Lakshya M, Ignacio G. C, Gowri Sree V, S.Hemalatha, Uma K.A Raji S. High-throughput, Label-Free Quantitative Proteomic Studies of the Anticancer effects of Electrical Pulses with Turmeric Silver Nanoparticles: an in vitro Model StudyNature Sci Rep10,7258 (2020). (Impact factor 4.379)(Scopus and web of science indexed).
- Ranjani S, Shariq Ahmed M, Mohd Adnan, Senthil Kumar N, Ruckmani K & S. Hemalatha* (2020): Synthesis, characterization and applications of endophytic fungal nanoparticles, Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 51:2,280-287, (web of science indexed). (Impact factor 1.716)
- Ranjani. S, Shariq Ahmed. M, MubarakAli. D, Ramachandran. C, Senthil Kumar, N and S. Hemalatha*. Toxicity assessment of silver nanoparticles synthesized using endophytic fungi against nosacomial infection. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry (2020) 51:8,1080-1085 (web of science indexed) (Impact factor 1.716).
- Ranjani. S, Faridha Begum. I, Tasneem I.K, Senthil Kumar. N and S.Hemalatha* Silver decorated green nanocolloids as potent antibacterial and antibiofilm agent against antibiotic resistant organisms isolated from tannery effluent. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 51:6,823-831 2020, (web of science indexed). (Impact factor 1.716)
- Buhaisath.K.T, Ranjani.S, and S. Hemalatha*. TANp – A potent antibiotic resistant breaker. Chettinad healthcity medical journal 2020. 9(1): 18 – 25 ISSN2278-2044
- L.Mittal, Ranjani.S, Shariq Ahmed.M , Jeya Shree T, Tahira A , Poompavai S, IG Camarillo, GowriSree V, Raji S and S.Hemalatha*.Turmeric-Silver-Nanoparticles for Effective Treatment of Breast Cancer and to break CTX-M-15 mediated Antibiotic Resistance in Escherichia coli Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 51:6,867-874, 2020. (web of science indexed) (Impact factor 1.716).
- Venkatasubramanian.H, Sarojkumar Sha, S.Hemalatha, D. Easwaramoorthy. Synthesis, characterization of new nicotinamide-oxazole analogs and their antimicrobial activity, International journal of research in pharmaceutical sciences, 11(2), 2707-2712. 2020. (Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 0.6) DOI:10.26452/ijrps.v11i2.2292
- S.M.Fazeela Mahaboob Begum & S.Hemalatha*. Zebrafish an Emerging Biomedical Tool in Translational Research International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Special Issue ICROIRT-2020/September 2020, 611-613.
- Faridha Begum. I, Manikandan. K , Edet Love Mendie and S.Hemalatha* Bioremediation of AZO Black Dye by Novel Bacteria Isolated from Tannery Effluent International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Special Issue ICROIRT-2020/September 2020,608-610.
- S. Ranjani, Shruthy priya.P, Maroudam veerasami. M and S. Hemalatha* Cympobogan Citratus Nanocolloids in the Treatment of Bovine Mastitis International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Special Issue ICROIRT-2020/September 2020, 614-616.
- Tasneem I. K, S. Hemalatha, M. Waseem. Promising Role of Nano-Encapsulated Drugs for Spinal Cord Injury. Molecular Neurobiology 2020, 57,1978–1985 (Scopus indexed) (WOS indexed). (Impact factor 5.68).
- Adil A.A.Shabnam. A, Ashok Kumar.P, S Hemalatha,Neesar A, N.Ali,A.F. AlAsmari, M.Aashique and M. Waseem*. Emerging Role of Mitophagy in Inflammatory Diseases: Cellular and Molecular Episodes. Current Pharma, Design, 2020, 26 (4), 1-7. (Scopus and Wos indexed). (Impact factor 3.31)
- R.Kaushik, S.Khan, M. Sharma S. Hemalatha*, Z.Mueed and N.Poddar.Role of Cytochrome P450 in Prostrate Cancer and its Therapy. Curr, Enz, Inhi., 2020, 16, 1-11. (Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 0.5)
- SMF. Begum, S. Hemalatha*. Phytoconstituents from Gelidiella acerosa induce apoptosis by regulating Bax, Bcl2 expression in A549 cells. Biocat. Agri. Biotech. 2020, 29, 101757 (Scopus indexed).
- Ranjani, S., Tamanna, K. & S.Hemalatha*. Triphala green nano colloids: synthesis, characterization and screening biomarkers.Appl Nanosci(2020). 10,1269–1279 (WOS indexed). (Impact factor 3.86)
- Arpudha mary, S. Priya, Muhammed A.P. Manzoor, D. Mubarakali, S. Hemalatha* Apoptotic-inducing factor 1 (AIF1) is critical in cembranoid mediated apoptosis to control cancer Biocat.Agri.biotech, 2019 Volume 22, 101343, ISSN 1878-8181, (Scopus indexed) (Cite score 2.9)
- Shirin Lutfiya. A, S. Priya, Muhammed A.P. Manzoor, S. Hemalatha* Molecular docking and interactions between vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors and phytochemicals: Anin-silicostudy Biocat.Agri.biotech, 22, 101424, 2019, ISSN 1878-8181 2019 (Cite score 2.9) (Scopus indexed)
- Ranjani. S, Shariq Ahmed. M, Ruckmani, K, S. Hemalatha*, Green nanocolloids control Multi drug resistant pathogenic bacteria, J.Cluster Sci. 31,861–866 (2020) (Impact factor 3.44)(Scopus indexed).
- Pandiarajan S, Easwaramoorthy D, Hajarabeevi N and Karthikeyan R. 2020. Antimicrobial activity and corrosion inhibition property of Schiff bases derived from Imidazole, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 27: 311-318.
- Ihsana BanuIshthiaq, Jahangir Ahmed, Karthikeyan Ramalingam*, 2020, Probiotics in brackish water fish farming: a special focus on encapsulated probiotics, JournalBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry (BRAC),11( 6), 2021, 14697 – 14708.(IF 1.95).
- Jahangir Ahmed, MohdHashim Khan, SnehaUnnikrishnan, Karthikeyan Ramalingam* 2020, Acute Hepatopancreases necrosis Diseases (AHPND) as Challenging Threat in Shrimp, JournalBiointerface Research in Applied Chemistry (BRAC),2021, 10 (IF 1.95).
- Rubeena Dar, ParveizIgbal, Pandurangan AK*. Strong Association and Effect of Lifestyle and Clinicopathological Risk Factors in Colorectal Cancer during Treatment Process – A Study based on Kashmiri Population. Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 13 (2020) 73-81. (Scopus indexed)
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- AnandrajVaithy.K, Sowmya.S, Mohamed Adil A.A, Revathi.K, Keerthika Sri E.S, Pandurangan AK*.Analysis of Diagnostic Trends and Challenges of TuberculousLymphadenitis: A 5 years study from Resource Poor Region of South India. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 24(1) (2020) 447 – 464. (Scopus indexed)
- Harini Ramesh, Radhakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Mohamed Adil A.A, RevathiK, Pandurangan AK*. Natural compounds as inhibitors of Beta catenin: An insilico study. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 24(1)(2020) 343 – 348.(*Corresponding author) (Scopus indexed)
- Priyanka K, Mohamed Adil A.A, A.K. Mubeena Begum, RevathiK, Pandurangan AK*, Tamilselvi A. Extraction of acid soluble collagen from Coryphaenahippurus (Mahimahi) andits application in tissue engineering. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 24(1)(2020) 197 – 212. (*Corresponding author) ) (Scopus indexed)
- Naziya Sayeed H, Mohamed Adil. AA, Pandurangan AK, Revathi. K, MohammedWaseem, Vickram AS. Targeting Immunocheckpointin The Tumor Microenvironment and CancerImmunotherapy. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 24(1) (2020) 297 – 316. ) (Scopus indexed)
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- Mohamed Adil AA, Saba Fathima, Hari Priya, Ashok Kumar Pandurangan, Shyam Kumar, Revathi. K, AnandrajVaithy, Nibedithadey, Dannie Macrin. A Comparative Analysis on Awareness Among Female Students of Technical and Medical Field Associated within Colleges from Tamilnadu and Pondicherry regarding Gynaecological Cancers by Random Sampling Method Using Statistical Analysis.Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 24(1) (2020)649- 695) (Scopus indexed)
- Mohamed Adil A.A, Saba Fathima, Ashok Kumar Panduangan, Shyam kumar, Revathi. K, AnandrajVaithy, Dannie Macrin, NVV Karthik. Novel approach on nutrition status and body weight among the college students using statistical analysis. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 24(1) (2020)899- 910) (Scopus indexed)
- Mohamed Adil AA, Saba Fathima, Hari Priya, Ashok Kumar Pandurangan,Shyam kumar, Revathi K, AnandrajVaithy, Nanmaran R, Dannie Macrin. A Comparative Analysis of Treatment Seeking Behaviour among People ofUrban, Suburban and Rural Population in Chennai. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 24(1) (2020)716- 729) (Scopus indexed)
- Mohamed Adil A.A, Pandurangan AK, Shyam kumar, Revathi. K, S. Prathibha, Anil kumar.B, Neesar Ahmed, Dannie Macrin A systematic review on Guideline of PD – L1 articulation on malignancy cells with Reactive Oxygen Species – regulating drugs. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 24(1) (2020) 993-1010. ) (Scopus indexed)
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- Sana Qausain, Faez Iqbal Khan, Dakun Lai, Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan, Mohd Basheeruddin, Neesar Ahmed and Md. Khurshid A. Khan*. Mechanistic insights into the urea-induced denaturation of a non-seleno thiol specific antioxidant human peroxiredoxin 6, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2020). 161, 1171-1180
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- Shanmugasundaram, Kumar Sah Saroj, Rasool Ubaid, S. Mahasampath Gowri, D. Easwaramoorthy, S.Hemalatha* Novel curcumin analogs act as antagonists to control nosocomial infection causing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology Volume 20, 101238, 2019 (Scopus indexed). (Cite score 2.9)
- B. Rohini, A.Tahira. M.Waseem, J.Khan, M. Kashif and S. Hemalatha*. AgNPs from Nigella sativa control breast cancer: An In vitro study. Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology, 38 (2) 185-194, 2019 (WOS indexed). (Impact factor 3.567)
- Mohd Umar, Naheetha Fathima, M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, S. Hemalatha*,Modified cement composites for protection against microbial induced concrete corrosion of marine structures, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Volume 20,2019,101192,ISSN 1878-8181, (Scopus indexed). (Cite score 2.9)
- H.Venkatasubramanian, Sarojkumar Sha, S.Hemalatha*, D.Easwaramoorthy synthesis, characterisation and antimicrobial activity of new nicotinamide-thiazole derivatives RJC, Vol.12, No.3, 2005-2010, 2019 (Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 1.23)
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- Mohd Shahanbaj Khan, Tahira A, D. MubarakAli and S.Hemalatha* An investigation of salicylic acid to alleviate the saline stress in rice crop, Biocat.Agri.biotech, 18, 101027, 2019. (Scopus indexed).
- Saroj Kumar Sah,Ubaid Rasool, and S. Hemalatha* Efficacy of Andrographis paniculata against AmpC producing multi drug resistant E. coli Biocat.Agri.biotech, 21, 101139, 2019. (Scopus indexed). (Cite score 2.9)
- Ubaid Rasool and S. Hemalatha*, Effect of biosynthesized copper nanoparticles (Cunps) on growth and biofilm formation in fluconazole resistant Candida albicans. J. of micro. Biotech. and food sci. 2018 9 (1) 21-24 2019. (WOS indexed). (Impact factor 0.614)
- Showkat Ahmed, L., MubarakAli, D., S. Hemalatha and Sang-Yul Lee.. An investigation on the sterilization of berry fruit using Ozone: an option to decontamination and long term storage. Biocat. Agri. Biotechnol. 20, 101212, 2019, (Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 4)
- MubarakAli. D, J. Park, T.Han, S. Hemalatha S.Lee, J.Kim, Solution plasma process: An option to degrade bisphenol A in liquid-phase to non-toxic products. J. Mol. Liquids, 276, 2019, 605-610 (scopus indexed). (Impact factor 6.165)
- Karthikeyan Ramalingam, Valerie Lee,Synergistic Effects of Nanoemulsion and Deferiprone (1, 2 Dimethyl-3-Hydroxypyrid-4-One) on Multi-Drug ResistantAcinetobacterbaumannii.Nano Biomed. Eng., 2019,11(3):226-237. (Scopus indexed) DOI:10.5101/nbe.v11i3.p226-237.
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- MohdHashim Khan, Karthikeyan Ramalingam*, 2019, Synthesis of antimicrobial nanoemulsions and its effectuality for the treatment of multi-drug resistant ESKAPE pathogens. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Volume 18,101025 (Scopus indexed).
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- Mashihur Rahman and Md. Khurshid A. Khan*. In silico based unraveling of New Delhi metallo-β- lactamase (NDM-1) inhibitors from natural compounds: a molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation study, Journal of Biomolecular and Structural Dynamics, (2019) Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 5.235) DOI:10.1080/07391102.2019.1627248.
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- Saravanakumar, K., Ramachandran, C., MubarakAli, D., D-H, Oh, Kathiresan, K., and M-H Wang Unveiling the potentials of biocompatible silver nanoparticles on human lung carcinoma A549 cells and Helicobacter pylori. Scientific Reports. 9, 5787, 2019 (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor4.996).
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- Saravanakumar, K.Kathiresan, D.MubarakAli, K.Kayalvizhi, N.Rajendran, S. Hemalatha, J.Chen. Soil-microbial communities indexing from mangroves rhizosphere and barren sandy habitats Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 104 (2018) 58–68 (Impact factor 2.747 (Scopus indexed).
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- Tahira Akther, Mohd Shahanbaj Khan, S. Hemalatha*. Novel Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized from Anthers of CouroupitaGuianensis Abul. Control Growth and Biofilm Formation in Human Pathogenic Bacteria. Nano Biomed. Eng., 2018, 10, (3) 250-257 , (Scopus indexed) (Impact factor 1.697).
- S. Priya, Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar, S. Hemalatha*, Antiviral phytocompounds target envelop protein to control Zika virus, Comp. Biology and Chemistry,77, 2018, 402-412, (Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 3.737)
- M. S. Khan,M.K. Pandey, S. Hemalatha* Comparative studies on the role of organic biostimulant in resistant and susceptible cultivars of rice grown under saline stress, Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 2018, 21: 459-467.(Scopus indexed). (Impact factor 1.02)
- TahiraAkther,Mohd S. Khan, S. Hemalatha*A facile and rapid method for green synthesis of Silver Myco nanoparticles endophytic fungi,Int J Nano Dimens.2018,9, (4), 435-441(Impact factor 0.76) (web of Science indexed)
- Saroj Kumar Sah, Ubaid Rasool, B. Shanthi, R.Jayprakash, D. Easwaramoorthy and S. Hemalatha* Antibacterial potential ofl-tryptophan on extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing E. coli strains: a pathological promising approach AJPCR,11,(7), 2018, 368-74,(Scopus indexed) (impact factor 0.4).
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- Sathish Kumar, M. Fazeela, S. M.Saroj Kumar, S. Kulandaisamy, S. Mahasampath Gowri, S. Hemalatha , and K. K. Balasubramanian, Synthesis, characterization, in vitro, and in silico studies of 4-(20-hydroxybenzoyl) and 4-(20-hydroxynaphthoyl)- thiabenzene-1-methyl-1-oxides, Synthetic communications, 48 (5) 553-560 2018 (Scopus and WOS indexed) ( Impact Factor 1.937 ).
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