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Patents Applied
- Dr.U.Sabura Banu published on Biomedical device to help paralytic & disabled persons on 07.02.2020 CBR No.24380/E-2/2369/2019-CHE dated 20/07/2019
- Dr.U.Sabura Banu published on Multi-function gadget to measure Height, volume of overhead tank, status of septic emptying on 07.02.2020CBR No.24380/E-2/2368/2019-CHE dated 20/07/2019
- Dr. Azad Abdulkader and Dr.U.Sabura Banu published on Remote controlled bulb holder on24.4.2020.CBR No.30206/E-2/2914/2019-CHE dated 17/09/2019
- A patent titled” Development of Boiler tube leakage detection system using intelligent techniques” has been submitted to Intellectual Property India,Chennai office on 28th December 2017 by Prof. S.Sahul Hamid, Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Dr.P.K.Jawahar and Mrs.M.S. Murshitha Shajahan .
- A patent by K.G. Vigneshwaran is published in “International Patent official Journal” with the title “Footwear Implantable Tracking Device and System for Ensuring Personal Safety” Patent No. : 404/CHE/2015 during March 2015.
- Jaiyashree S M (110061101012), Preety Choudhary (110061101027) applied for patent search for the project titled “Automation of Washing Machine using Programmable Logic Controller” during June 2015.