International Conferences

Events organized by School of Life Sciences (2014-2023)

International conferences organized by School of Life Sciences (2014-2023)

4th Annual International Conference on Applications of Millets and Probiotics on Cancer Therapy and Management (ICAMP 2024) was Organized in association with Association of Cancer Education and Research (ACER) and Purdue University, USA on January, 30-31, 2024

International Conference on Applications of natural products Nanomaterials and Nano-pharmaceuticals (ICAN3) organized by School of Life Sciences, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai in association with Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea was held on August 9-10, 2023.

3rd International Conference on Applications of Natural compounds, Nanomaterials, Oncolytics in cancer biology and biotechnology (Hybrid Mode) was organized in association with Cancer Education and Research (ACER) and Purdue University, USA, was organized on October 27 – 28, 2022.

Indo-USA International Conference on Applications of Nanotechnology in Biology, Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutics (ICNB3) (Hybrid Mode) was Organized by School of Life Sciences in association with University of Missouri, USA, The Biotech Research Society, India, Microbiologist Society, India, Nano & Biomaterials Association, BSACIST on August 11-12, 2022.

International conference on novel and alternative therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases mediated through unfolded protein response (UPR) sponsored by International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) France was organized on September, 20-23, 2021.

2nd Virtual International Conference on Naturopathy, nanotechnology, nutraceutical, immunotherapy and Cancer research 2021 (ICN3IC-21) was organized in association with Purdue University, USA Sponsored by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology (TNSCST) & Microbiologist Society, India (MSI) on June 11-12, 2021.

International Conference on Basic and Translational Cancer Research: Novel Ideas and Approaches (ICBTCR-2020) was organized in association with University of Virginia, USA on 25-27, June, 2020.

International conference on recent trends in Bionanotechnology Energy and Environment (ICBEE-2020) organized in association with University of Missouri, USA sponsored by TNSCST (Govt. of India) on February, 18-19 2020.

International conference on Applications of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology (ICBN-2019) organized in association with University of Missouri, USA sponsored by TNSCST (Govt. of India) on September 30 and October,1, 2019

International conference on Emerging Areas in Biotechnology for Human Welfare and Bioentrepreneurship (ICEBHE-2018) sponsored by TNSCST (Govt. of India) on September 11-12, 2018.

International conference on innovations in pharmaceutical and biological research: discovering novel approaches held in association with Society of Pharmacetical education and research (SPER) on 23-24, February, 2018.

International Conference on Antimicrobial resistance breakers and biomarkers (ICARB 2017) sponsored by ICMR in association with University of Missouri, USA, December, 22,23, 2017.

International Conference on Applications of Natural Products and Opportunities Ahead (ICAN-2016), in association with University of East London, UK, August, 2-3, 2016.

International Conference on Recent discoveries of Diabetic biomarkers and challenges ahead (ICDB 2015), Sponsored by ICMR and DST-SERB, 2-3 March 2015.

International Conference on Application of Gene Technology supported by Johns Hopkins University, USA, held on 5-6 June 2014


International e-Conclave on Women Scientists in Science and Technology with Special Reference to Biotechnology (IWSC22) held on March 8-10, 2022 organized by Nano & Biomaterials Association (NBA), School of Life Sciences, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India

Two days virtual symposium to observe “National Pollution Control Day” was organized on 2-3, December, 2021

International Symposium on Yoga and Alternative Medicine to Combat COVID 19 to observe International Yoga Day on June 21, 2021

Virtual Antimicrobial Symposium to observe World Antimicrobial Awareness week was organized on 18-24 November, 2020

National Science Day Exhibition and Competition were conducted for school students on February, 26, 2019

Technical symposium and workshop, Exon 2018 was held on 13, April, 2018

Under Graduate Research Symposium II was organized on 18th October 2016

Under Graduate Research Symposium- I was organized on August, 14, 2015


Seminar on Global higher educational opportunities by Mr. Sony Akkara, Executive Director Eazy link Academy was organized on 31.10.2023

National seminar on Ongoing compliance with GMP in the food industry was organized on 17.09.2023

National seminar on Harmonizing GMP/GLP regulations and carrier opportunities in industries was organized on 24.08.023

National seminar on The road to market authorization- exploring medical device regulation by Er. Swetha Suresh, Senior Regulatory Engineer was organized on 03.08.2023

National seminar on Applications of Bioinformatics and Biosimulations by Dr. M. Monisha, IITDM, Chennai was organized on 01.06.2023

National seminar on Applications of NGS and AI in healthcare by Dr. Senthilkumar, Mizoram University was organized on 20.12.2022

International seminar on Tropical medicinal plants and reproductive health by Dr. Naguin Bin Salleh, University of Malaya, Malaysia was organized on 2.11.2022

Seminar and product display on A Road Map to Innovation and Product Development for the students of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Chennai National arts and science college, Chennai was organized on 09.09.2022

National seminar on Phage Therapy by Dr. Sanjay, Punjab University was organized on 09.08.2019

International seminar on Recent advances in biotechnology by Dr. Govind, Massachusetts University, USA was organized on 11.07.2019

International seminar on Stem Cell Therapy by Dr. Rajesh Ramaswamy, University of Putra, Malaysia on 22.03.2019

International seminar on Emerging Research Trends on Prebiotics and Probiotics Towards Synbiotics Relationships, by Dr. R. Chelliah, Kangwoon National University, Republic of Korea was organized on 02.11.2018

International seminar on Recent advances in biotechnology by Dr Susan Cossetto, Australian consulate, Australian National University was organized on 06.04.2018

National seminar on Career opportunities in Life Sciences by Dr. G. G. Hammad A. Shadab, Aligarh Muslim University was organized on 29.08.2018

International seminar on Good, the bad and the ugliness of research supervision by Prof. Jaipaul Singh, University of Central Lancashire, UK was organized on 21.02.2018

International seminar on Tips for Research presentation and writing manuscripts by Prof. Jaipaul Singh, University of Central Lancashire, UK was organized on 21.02.2018

International seminar on International collaborative research in Biotechnology by Prof. Jaipaul Singh, University of Central Lancashire, UK was organized on 25.09.2017

National seminar on DBT sponsored free popular lectures in biotechnology was organized for school and college students on 02.08.2017

National seminar on A Creative Entrepreneur in the field of Medicine by Dr. Roshini Raju, CEO, Medbites was organized on 05.04.2017

International seminar on An introduction to Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization in US universities by Dr. Anandkumar S, University of California, Irvine, USA was organized on 09.03.2017

International seminar on Selectively Targeting Cancer Cell Growth By the Use of Peptide Fragments of Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein by Dr. Arun Dharmarajan, Curtin University Australia was organized on 02.02.2017

Undergraduate Research Symposium II was organized on 18.10.2016.

International seminar series by Professor Neville Punchard, Professor Michael Seed, and Dr Mukhlesur Rahman, University of East London, UK was organized on 11.04.2016

National seminar on Targeting Signaling Kinases in Pancreatic Cancer by Dr. Suresh Kumar Rayala was organized on 18.03.2016

National seminar on Motivational Entrepreneurship seminar by Mr. Raju Venkatraman, Founder and CEO, Medall, was organized on 16.03.2016

International seminar on Liver Cancer Genomics: the Promise of Personalized Medicine by Dr. Christopher Taylor Barry, Transplant surgery consultant, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York was organized on 27.02.2016

Establishment of Biotech Industry Institute consortium on 27.02.2016

International seminar on Using Lasers, Home – made proteins & 3D cell culture to detect bio molecules and investigate disease by Dr. David Smith, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, was organized on 4.02.2016

International seminar on Towards the Next Generation of Biomarkers by Dr. S. Das from Johns Hopkins University, USA was organized on December, 17, 2015

British council’s Biotechnology Mission represented by delegates from UK universities to School of Life Sciences on 14.09.2015

International seminar on Wounds: Key complications and recent advancements in diagnostics by Dr. Duncan Sharp, Leeds Beckett University was organized on 14.09.2015

International seminar on Pharmaceutical processes: Hot Melting extrusion and Injection Moulding by Dr. Anant Paradkar, Bradford University was organized on 14.09.2015

International seminar on Functional genomics by Dr. Nagamani Bora, University of Nottingham was organized on 14.09.2015

International seminar on Antimicrobial Properties of Wound Dressings – Bursting Biofilm Bubbles by Dr. Louise Freeman-Parry, Sheffield Hallam University was organized on 14.09.2015

International seminar on Antibiotics resistance by Dr. Mukhlesur Rahman, University of East London was organized on 14.09.2015

International seminar on Malaria – Global Perspective and State of the Research by Dr. Kiaran Kirk, ANU College of Medicine, Australian National University was organized on 27.08.2015

Undergraduate Research Symposium I, was organized on 14.08.2015

National seminar on Technopreneurship: Building a business: Path of a technopreneur by Dr. Rajeshwari, Bioklone Biotech private Limited, Chennai was organized on 14.08.2015

National seminar on Biotechnology- Prospects and Career by Mr. Prashant, CEO, Protevea, Chennai was organized on 14.08.2015

International seminar on Dynamic Imaging of Protein Protein Interaction in Living Cells using Exogenous and Endogenous FRET Pairs by Ammasi Periasamy, W.M. Keck Center for Cellular Imaging, University of Virginia, USA was organized on 24th June 2015

National seminar on FT-IR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)-analysis of isolated compound in FTIR was organized on 17.06.2015

National seminar on HPLC The fundamentals of HPLC and HPLC trouble shooting, Dr. Hari Krishna Reddy, Shimadzu was organized on 15.06.2015

National seminar on Accelerated drug screening on Tissue on a Chip for accelerated Drug Screening by Mr. Benin, Pentagrit research private limited, Chennai was organized on 19.03.2015

Awareness program on infectious diseases in Chennai in association with TamilNadu Dr. MGR medical University was organized on 7.03.2014

Awareness program on infectious diseases in Chennai in association with TamilNadu Dr. MGR medical University was organized on 7.03.2014

Workshops Organized

National hands-on Workshop on Phytochemical analysis and HPLC was organized in association with Spinco Biotech Private Limited Chennai, India and the Indian science congress association, Chennai chapter (ISCA) on May 25 – 26 2023.

Workshop on 3D printing was organized in association with Next big innovation lab on January, 9, 2023

Two weeks internship program/workshop on Computational biology and molecular biology was organized for UG students from 16-24, December, 2022.

Molecular biology hands-on workshop on “Gene amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)” was organized on September, 27-28, 2022

Hands-on training on extraction and phytochemical analysis of natural products was organized on September, 21-23, 2022

“Food utopia” workshop was organized by Crescent food biotech association in association with HIRISE Food Tech Lab, Chennai to observe International food safety day on 6th and 7th June 2022

International Workshop on “Food safety and Food Biotechnology” was organized in association with Hi Rise Food tech Lab to observe International Food Safety Day on June 7, 2021

Workshop on Pre seed funding was organized in association with CIIC on October, 8, 2021

National workshop on Medicinal mushroom technology Sponsored by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) was organized on January 30-31, 2020

National Short term training/Hands on workshop programme on Algal culturing techniques and biotechnology (STTP-PACTB) was organized on 17- 20 December, 2019

Workshop on food safety, Good Manufacturing Practices and HACCP was organized in association with Hi-Rise Food technology company was organized on 23-25, October, 2019

One Day HPTLC workshop was organized on 24th July, 2019

Workshop on “Bioinformatics” was organized on 2nd July 2019

Workshop on computational biology was organized on 17-19th June 2019

Workshop on Clinical multicolour Flow cytometry was held on April 11 and 12, 2019

Workshop on “Plant Tissue culture technology” was held on 26 & 27th January 2019

Workshop on “Molecular Biology Techniques” was held on 11 & 12th February 2019

Two days workshop on Animal Tissue culture Technology on 26th & 27th December 2018

Hands on workshop on Recombinant proteins expression and purification held between 17 to 21 December 2018

Workshop on “Analysis of phytocompounds by HPLC” held on 29th October 2018

Workshop on ELISA – Biomarker quantification was organized on 25th September, 2018

Workshop on “Electro-Chemo-Therapy for Effective Cancer Treatment” was organized in association with Dept. of EEE and Purdue University, USA on March, 14, 2018

Workshop on “Unix For Biologists” was held on 22- 24, January, 2018

TN-EDI sponsored Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities for Bio-Tech Entrepreneurship was organized on 4-5, January, 2018

ICMR sponsored National workshop on “Biomedical signal processing and computational biology for health care applications” was conducted in association with Department of ECE on 12-16 May, 2017

One week Summer School/workshop on “Rational Approaches towards Protein Engineering and Design” RATPED 2017 was organized from July 10th to July 15th, 2017

Two days Workshop on Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Drug Discovery (MDSDD-2017) conducted on March 2nd – 3rd 2017

Workshop on Summer School in Molecular Simulation & Structure Based Drug Design (MSSBDD – 2016) 18th-29th July 2016

Hands on Workshop on Next Generation Sequence (NGS) Analysis was organized in Association with Xinovem 25th -29th April 2016

Workshop on “Multicolor Flowcytometry with the Cytoflex-Flowcytometer” was organized in association with Beckman Coulter, USA on Sept. 2-3, 2015

Hands on summer training cum internship programme on Phytochemical Separations & Analysis was conducted in association with Spinco Biotech, between 1-19 June 2015

Workshop on chemoinformatics and drug designing on 5-7, Feb. 2015

Workshop for Biology Teachers (schools) on Recent Advances in Biotechnology and Cancer Biotechnology, November 8, 2014

Workshop for College Teachers on Advances in Biological Sciences, July, 11, 2014

National level workshop on Gene technology Module: III Molecular Cloning was conducted in association with Eppendorf, Germany on August, 20 -22 2014

National level workshop on Gene technology Module: II Analysis of Gene Expression was conducted in association with Eppendorf, Germany on May 21- 22, 2014

National level Workshop on Gene Technology Module I: Gene amplification was conducted in association with Eppendorf, Germany on March 1-2, 2014

Webinars Organized

Webinar on Impact of inhibitions by pathogens on treatment outcomes by Dr. Azger Dusthackeer, National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Indian Council for Medical Research, Chennai. was organized on 23, November, 2023

Webinar on Disease prevalence by Dr. S. Ramesh Prabu, Accenture Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Chennai on November, 6, 2023

Webinar on Bioactive Plant Secondary Metabolites – Past to Present by Dr. A. Hannah Rachel Vasanthi, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry was organized on 27th October 2023

Webinar on Fermentation-The new game changer for alternative protein on 21 October 2023

Webinar on Deciphering consumer behavior and food product development by Dr. Tajamul Islam, Symbiosis institute of management, Pune on 23, June 2023

Webinar on 3D Bioprinting Applications and carrier prospectives was organized in association with Next Big Innovation Labs. Pvt. Ltd on 17th September 2022

Webinar on Manage Exam Anxiety During Pandemic by Mr.M.Elayaraja Counselling psychologist, Kavithalaya Counselling centre, Chennai on 24th January 2022

Webinar on 180 minutes Emergency Response Training Program was conducted in association with Five Star Emergency Management and Research Centre on May 6th, 2021

Webinar on Golden Hour Awareness Program conducted in association with Five Star Emergency Management and Research Centrewas organized on 29th April 2021

Webinar on Cancer, Causes and Prevention by Dr. Asrar Alam, Dr. B.R Ambedkar Institute of Rotary Cancer Hospital, AIIMS, Delhi on 31st March 2021

Webinar on Antimicrobial resistance by Dr. Mukhlesur Rahman, University of East London on 18th November 2020

National webinar on Amyloid induction and its inhibition was organized in association with Aligarh Muslim University on 26th September 2020

Webinar on Emotional Well-Being During E-Learning was organized on 14th July 2020

Virtual One day webinar on Pathogenesis and prevention of Zoonotic diseases was organized on 6thJuly 2020

Webinar on Future Perspectives in Biotechnology 11 and 12th June 2020

Webinar on Bioinformatics: Scope and Applications on 18 and 19th May 2020.

Webinar on Applications of Real-Time PCR for Rapid Diagnosis of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases on 4th May 2020

Webinar on Recent Advances and Applications of Biotechnology on 2nd May 2020

Certificate Courses

Food Safety Training & Certification (foSTaC) program in association with Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) was organized on 27-28, July, 2023

Food Safety Training & Certification (foSTaC) program in association with Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) was organized on 6-18, October, 2022

One credit course on “Molecular modeling and graphics” was offered in association with Virginia Commonwealth University, USA on 10-12, September, 2022

Certificate Course in “Medical biomaterials” was offered on September, 5–7&14-15, October, 2022 with IIT, Madras, Chennai

Golden Hour Awareness training/certificate Program conducted in association with Five Star Emergency Management and Research Centre on 29th April 2021

Online 180 minutes Emergency Response Training Program was conducted in association with Five Star Emergency Management and Research Centre on May 6th, 2021

Online Certificate Courses in Life Sciences– Phase II were offered on 13, May, 2020

Online Certificate Courses in Biotechnology Phase I was offered on 27 April, 2020

Faculty Development Program

Online Faculty Development Programme on “Multiomics and traditional approaches to combat covid-19/ virus outbreak” May 21-June 3, 2020

Plant tissue culture-based Faculty development program was organized on 24 & 25th January 2019

SOP based Faculty development program was organized on 18-28th December 2018

Quizzes Organized

Quiz on Covid-19 on 19th April 2020

Quiz on World IPR Day on 26th April 2020

Quiz on World Environment Day 2020 on 5th June 2020

Quiz on World Brain Tumour Day on 9th June 2020

Quiz on Desertification and Drought Day 2020 on 17th June 2020

Quiz on World Sickle Cell Awareness Day 2020 on 19th June 2020

Quiz on World Microbiome Day 2020 on 27th June 2020