Crescent Sustainability Initiatives
Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3)

Responsible Executive : Director (IQAC)
Responsible Office : Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Student Affairs, Estate Office, Medical Centre and SDG Cell
Contacts : Registrar, Director (IQAC)
- End the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases.
- Reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.
- Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol.
- Halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.
- Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.
- Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.
- Substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination.
- Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate.
- Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and non-communicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries, provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to protect public health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all.
- Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in least developed countries and small island developing States.
- Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
- International – University of East London
- International – Columbia USA – University of Missouri
- International – Korea – Aerospace University
- International – Korea – National University
- International – Malaysia – University of Malaya
- International – USA – University of virginia
- Local – Chennai – Aranya
- Local – Chennai – Dr.Cherian Heart Fountation
- Local – Chennai – Hirise
- Local – Chennai – MOU-PENTAGRID
- Local – Kilpauk Chennai – MEDALL
- Local – Mudichur Chennai – V Clin Bio Lab
- Local – Ramanathapuram – University of Thassim Beevi
- Local – Siruseri Chennai -Xinovem-PDF
- Local – T.Nagar Chennai – Annavarshni Doc-PDF
- Local – T.Nagar Chennai – IBIG-PDF
- Local – Teynampet Chennai – Biozone
- Local – Thiruchirappalli – Holy Cross College-PDF
- Local – Valasaravakkam Chennai – GEO Marine
- Local – Velappanchavadi Chennai – University of Savitha
- Health outreach programmes
- NSS Annual Report – 2020-2021
- Rotaract Annual Report – 2021-2022
- Student Affairs Annual Report – 2021-2022
- Student Affairs Annual Report – 2020-2021
- Student Affairs Annual Report – 2019-2020
- Shared Sports Facilities
- The 1st State Level Targetball Shooting Competition 2019-2020
- Targetball Fed Cup 2021-2022
- Report on FDP VCE Hydrabad 2021-2022
- Kehlo India 2021-2022
- 7th International Day of Yoga – Report – 2021
- National Sports Day 2022
- Other Sports Activities
Objectives of providing a mental health support service in university:
The number of students with significant psychological problems is a growing concern. It impacts physical, emotional, cognitive and interpersonal functioning. It impacts academic performance, time management, graduation rates and overall wellbeing of the individual.
Counselling aims at helping the students understand and accept themselves “as they are”. counselling is to help students to help themselves in healthy ways. The main objective of counselling and guidance is to bring a voluntary change in the student. the purpose of a qualified psychologist or a mental health professional is to help them achieve the desired change by making them choose the suitable choices and by facilitating behavior modification.
- To assess the mental state of the student.
- To rule out significant abnormality and offer guidance accordingly.
- To establish a feeling of mutual understanding between the student and the teachers.
- To help students to plan and work on their challenging areas.
- To guide students on decision making and problem solving.
- To encourage students to have right attitudes and develop appropriate social abilities.
- To deal with students personal and family difficulties.
- Offering guidance of difficult areas of students life on a third person point of view.
- to help them build self esteem by recognizing their unique strengths and skills.
- To counsel them to develop their personality by training them to handle everyday stresses, depression and other mental health conditions.
Responsibilities of Crescent Counselling Center:
- To improve mental health of the students by providing psychological first aid to the needy.
- To prevent negative consequences
- To provide accessible mental health service.
- Take appropriate actions.
- To handle students psychological disorders and coping issues.
- To enhance the quality of students overall wellbeing.
Need of professional counselling body at University level:
About 25% of the college students suffer from mental health issues which are treatable, more than 80% of the students are found to be depressed and hopeless. 20% of them are diagnosed to be suicidal and victims of substance abuse, 11% meet the criteria of learning disability and about 5% have eating disorders( Timesnow, 10.6.2022)
The need of a mental health support service is mandatory in university or colleges because students don’t realize that the issues they have is real and needs attention. The awareness about the issues are very less in society, they have the tendency to solve the problem on their own, negative modelling through tv, and social media are very high. Hence there should be a mental health support service in the college to identy and offer therapeutic treatment and therapy.
Services done by institutional level counselling body:
The mental health support services comprises of a team of professionals with educational qualification and experience in dealing with mental and behavioral health disorders.
- The counseling and guidance body is responsible to increase awareness to students about mental health.
- Make sure the students are aware of the available mental health services and how to approach them.
- Periodical mental health screening.
- Workshops and awareness programs on topics related to mental health is to be conducted.
- Face to face counseling.
- Therapy if needed.
- Refer to psychiatrist if needed.
- Career guidance.
- Regular feedback and follow ups
- Maintain high confidentiality and ethics in counseling in documentation.
On the month of June 2022, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and technology initiated a separate counselling service exclusively for female students inside the campus with a female student psychologist cum counsellor.

Psychological Intervention and Counselling Consent Form
The Crescent CounsellingCentre, We are a licensed counselling centre with psychologists who have several years of experience specializing in various psychological diagnosis, assessments and therapeutic counselling process. We value our relationship with our students and clients and believe that such relationship is the beacon in the healing process. We believe that each individual is unique and has his own way of addressing resolutions. Thus, we believe in a wellness model that helps our clients empower themselves by focusing on what works for them and not in a systematic approach that provides a generic procedure on working on a treatment. One’s journey is not the same as the other.
Client’s Rights The client may ask questions on what to expect during and end result of the therapy. The client may decline to proceed the therapy as to the techniques which may be conducted by the therapist. The client may cease to continue therapy anytime, without any impediment and may return to therapy anytime. The therapist has the right to dismiss the client from the course of therapy. The client has the right to review his or her records from the therapist. Right to confidentiality: Within limits provided for by law, all records and information acquired by the therapist shall be kept strictly confidential in accordance to the principles of a doctor-patient relationship. All information will not be shared or revealed to any person, agency, or organization without the prior written consent of the client. The client can raise any concerns and to speak with the therapist immediately of any concerns provided that the therapist is likewise available to discuss matters with the client. The details of the client will be provided to the higher officials and other doctors who are incharge of the student or the client or to the parents in case of emergency without the consent of the client.
Psychological Intervention and Counselling Consent Form

General Observations and Recommendations
- Approximately 5to 8 students including scholars approach the center on a daily basis. They approach the center through word of mouth on hearing about the services inhouse. On talking to them we could analyse that the issues they are venting out needs attention and psychological intervention. Some of the issues will be mild which they will feel okay once they finish venting it out.
- On analysing the students who approach and the problems they face, most of them find it difficult because they seek immediate gratification for everything ( due to adolescence period).
- The transition phase from childhood to adolescence (school to college) is a challenging phase on every aspects (physiologically, mentally and socially). They feel pressurized but cannot differentiate and decide properly.
- Some students have experienced trouble due to peer pressure and relationship issues and tried substance.
- Parental issues and family situations are reported by half of the students and they find difficult to talk to them at home.
- Sleep hygiene and lifestyle is seen to be a problem in almost every student. The usage of technology and social media is higher. Social media induced stress and phantom vibration syndrome symphtoms are common in students.
- After identifying the concerns and issues we recommend therapy and counseling at intervals to students on their need individually.
- Parents of the students who are dealing with issues are spoken to and addressed the issues.
- Regular follow up via email and direct counseling is made possible by setting up a separate counseling body for girl students alone.
NSS Camp in Thundal Kazhani village given Talk on Stress Management to students of our Institute on 29/01/2021