The Department of English was established in the year 1984. It offers courses such as Technical English and Communication Skills for UG and PG programmes. The objective of these courses is to equip students with the necessary communication skills and help them in inter-personal interaction in their professions. The syllabi of these courses have been designed in accordance with the mission and vision of this institute. Realizing the significance of communication and soft skills in this global scenario, it gives due importance to improve these skills and empowers students to excel in their jobs.
The Department has offered value added programmes like Business English Certificate Programme and Japanese course in order to improve the employability prospects of the students. It pays special attention to weak learners from the beginning of the semester, there by producing good results consistently in the institute examination.
The Department ensures quality education and training by constantly revising the syllabi in consultation with experts from both academia and industry. It offers research programme – Ph.D in English Language Teaching.
The Department comprises 15 faculty members who have high academic qualification, experience and competence. They have published papers in National and International journals and also have presented papers at National and International levels.
Objectives of the Department
To enable the students to
Download Brochure
S.No | Programmes | Downloads (curriculum & syllabi) |
1 | PhD English | |
2 | B.A. English (Hons.) Regulations 2021 (Amendments updated upto February 2022) | Click Here |
3 | B.A. English (Hons.) Regulations 2016 (Amendments updated upto February 2022) | Click Here |
4 | B.A. English (Hons) | Click Here |
Syllabus for common English Course for the year 2019-20 (All B.Tech) |
Click Here for Syllabus |
Download Brochure
Academic programmes/ courses are offered with the approval of Academic Council
Courses offered by the Department of English
Department of English has been offering a number of courses to both U.G and P.G. students of our institute. Since 2009, the courses have been updated and modified to align with the requirements of the industry.
For UG programmes:
B.Tech programmes (All branches):
2009 – 2010
2010 – 2013
2013 onwards
2017 onwards
B.Arch programme:
2010 – 2013
BCA/B.Sc Computer Science
2016 onwards
For PG programmes:
2009 – 2013
2013 -2014
2012 – 2014
2014 -2015
M.Sc. Actuarial Science
2014 onwards
The programme aims to develop the student‘s knowledge and understanding of English literature. More specifically it aims
On completion of this programme the students will be able to
The Department has two Language Laboratories:
2. Two Computerised Communication Skills Laboratories with 36 + 36 systems and a server facilitating the development of LSRW skills of the students. The students of I & II year B.Tech and B.Architecture have the benefit of viewing the video clippings of sample presentations, interviews and activities relating to the development of soft skills.
Photo Gallery
Extra Mile Award
Dr.A.Shahin Sultana, Professor of English has been awarded “Extra Mile Award ”for Continuous excellence by Cambridge Assessment English on 22.11.2019 at the Annual Coordinators’ Conference held at Hotel Rain Tree, Chennai. The award was given in recognition of the special efforts taken by her as the Coordinator of Business English Certificate Courses in conducting the courses and the exams well and producing good results consistently. The award was presented by T.K. Arunacahalam, Regional Director, South Asia Region, Cambridge Assessment English.
MoU Signed
An MOU was signed with the University of Cambridge ESOL Exams, London on 18.10.2010. The institute is the first private institute to have signed an MOU with the world leading authority on English Language Testing – University of Cambridge ESOL Exams in the whole of India. The ESOL English Tests (Business English Certificate – Preliminary, Vantage and Higher levels) conducted by them are globally recognized as high quality assessments. This cutting edge language assessment is on par with IELTS and TOEFL and is globally acclaimed.
The main objectives of the MOU are:
Value Added Courses
Research & Consultancy
The Ph.D programme has been offered since 2009. Four faculty members are recognized as research supervisors. At present, there are 5 research scholars pursuing the Ph.D programme.
List of Ph. D. Scholars (Pursuing) Registered under B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute
PhD candidates details
S. No. | Research Scholar | Title | Research Supervisor |
1 | Mrs. Sadaffunisha | Importance of Sub-Skills Training for Developing Reading Competency of Students |
Dr.Revathi Viswanathan Prof. & Head |
2 | Ms.Anuradha Sriram | Skills Training through Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach- An Experimental Study | Dr. Revathi Viswanathan |
3 | Mrs. Uma | Enhancing Reading Comprehension by Developing Vocabulary through an Etymological Approach | Dr.Shahin Sultana Professor |
4 | Ms.Sangeetha | Cultural Eco-Feminism in Selected Indian Dalit Women Novels | Dr.P. Rathna Associate Professor |
5 | Ms. Sumaiya | Portrayal of Women in Selected Novels of Amulya Malladi | Dr.P. Rathna Associate Professor |
6 | Mrs. Grace Vinitha | Aculturation & Ethnic Consciousness of Padma Viswanathan’s Novels | Dr.P. Rathna Associate Professor |
7 | Mrs. Jeyagantham | Enhancing the Speaking Skills of Tertiary Level Students | Dr.H. Sofia Associate Professor |
8 | Ms. Lakshmi | Denial of Self: A Study with Special Reference to the Works of the Selected Diasporic Women Writers. | Dr.Mohammed Shahidul Islam Assistant Professor |
9 | Mrs.Catherine Annapushpam | The Feministic Perspective of The Moghul Period in Indu Sunderesan’s Taj Trilogy’& Selected Novels from the Series of Alex Rutherford’s ‘Empire of The Moghul’: A Comparative Study. | Dr.Mohammed Shahidul Islam Assistant Professor |
10 | Mrs.N. Suguna | Developing Speaking Skills using Stress, Rhythm and Intonation | Dr. H. Sofia Associate Professor |
B.A.English (Hons.) students at the American Library on 5.2.2020
Workshop-1 OBTL Approach (2014)
Workshop-2 Mobile Enhanced Language Learning (2015)
Workshop-3 Virtual Learning (2017)
Colloquium (2016)
Value added courses on Copy editing and Proof reading
The Department of English conducted value added courses on Copy editing and Proof reading to the First, Second and Third year students of B.A.English (Hons.) from 28.3.20222 to 9.4.2022. The students were trained by Vijay Nicole Publishers Pvt, Ltd, Chennai on Introduction to Publishing, Parts of publication, Step-by-step copy editing I and II, Copyright /Plagiarism, Publishing workflow and parts of a publication, Proof reading Symbols, Design Template / Symbols, Abbreviations, Special characters, Knowledge of Typesetting to mention a few.
The Department of English renewed the Memorandum of Understanding with Cambridge Assessment English on 05.01.2022 to conduct Business English Certificate, Preliminary for the students of Second year B.Tech and B.A.English (Hons.).
The Department of English of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai inaugurated the Society, CRESCENT LITERARIAN HUB on 23.12.2021. Dr.H.Sofia, Professor & Head welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest Dr KS.Antonysamy, Associate Professor & Head, Loyola College (Autonomus) Chennai delivered the Inaugural Address. The Honourable Vice Chancellor Dr. A.Peer Mohamed delivered the Presidential Address. Respected Registrar Dr A.Azad, and Dean School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dr. A.Ayub Khan Dawood offered felicitations. Additional Registrar Dr.N.RajaHussain, Director Admissions Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majid, Dean Student Affairs, Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam participated in the inauguration.
The first issue of English Mind, the Literary Magazine exclusively for the students of B.A.English (Hons.) was released by the Chief Guest. On this occasion Faculty and Student achievers were honoured. Dr. S.Vijayakumar Assistant Professor of English was honoured in recognition of his remarkable achievement in high publications and his dedication in enhancing the visibility of the department in research. Ms.Faheema Jaffarin of II year B.A.English (Hons.) was honoured as a budding young author of three books The Metamorphosis, Miles Away from Home and The Wind Beneath my Wings. The students of B.A.English (Hons.) performed on stage the scene from the famous play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe’s The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus.
All the Executive Members of Crescent Literarian Hub received the badges from the Chief Guest. The winners from Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed Womens’ College received the trophy from the Registrar for their overall achievement in Shakespeare’s Day conducted online on 23.4.2021.
Click here for Report
Cres-Festo 21
This online International conference was jointly organized by the Department of English, BSACIST and the Department of English, Anna University, Chennai on 21st & 22nd May 2021. Nearly 80 participants presented their papers and have submitted their research articles to be published in UGC Care journals
Our Honourable Vice Chancellor Dr.A.Peer Mohammed delivered the Inaugural Address.Felicitations were offered by our Respected Registrar Dr.A.Azad and our Dean of School of Social Sciences and Humanities Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood. Prof. Kona Prakash Reddy (Department of English Literature(EFLU) Hyderabad, Telangana State) delivered the Key Note Address.
Dr. V.Rajasekaran, Assistant Professor Senior Division of English, VIT University – Chennai Campus, Dr. Annie Kuriachan, Associate Professor & Head, Department of English, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, Prof. A. Joseph Dorairaj, Professor of English & Dean, School of English & Foreign Languages, Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed to be University Gandhigram, Dr. Anna Faucet,Assistant Professor of English literature, Department of English and Translation, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Dr.Prashant Mothe, Assistant Professor of English, Adarsh Senior College, Omerga, Dist. Osmanabad, Maharashtra and Dr. Christa Knellwolf King, Associate Professor of English literature, Department of English and Translation, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University were the Resource Persons.
To commemorate the 457th Birth Anniversary of The Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare, the Department of English organized the very first online events on 23rd April 2021. Nearly fifty students from 37 colleges in Tamil Nadu participated in Skit, Poster Presentation and Sonnet Recitation. Dr.T.Punithvathy, Associate Professor of English from Ethiraj College Chennai judged the events.
Ms. Meera N & Sasirekha A from Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science bagged the first position in Poster Presentation. Ms. Dhivyasree P J & Thajunnisa M H from Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed college for women got the second prize.There were two winners for the third prize which was won by Vaishnavi.G & Divya.M from St. Thomas College and Shalini Das from Justice basheer Ahmed Sayeed college for women.
The first position in Sonnet Recitation was won by Meera N from Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science. Jeyamathi. J from Women’s Christian College won the second prize and the third prize was won by Shalini Das from Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women and Faheema Jaffarin from B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
In the offline event Skit , the first prize was bagged by Womens’ Christian College, Nagercoil and second prize by Meenakshi College, Chennai.
The Department of English in association with Learning Links Foundation, ETS TOEFL iBT organized online English Proficiency Test for all our students (both Arts & Engineering streams, UG and PG ) on 4.2.2021
Nearly 90 students attended the webinar and got benefitted.
The Department of English organized a five day Short Term Training Programme on ‘Research Essentials in Language and Literature’ from 4th January to 8th January 2021. More than 100 participants from different institutions throughout India participated in the STTP. The STTP was domain specific and covered the fundamentals of research methodology focusing on theoretical and practical aspects. It specifically dealt with a wide spectrum of research topics such as planning, identifying niche areas, literature review matrix, data collection, dissemination plan, quality assurance guidelines and so on. The webinars were delivered by a pool of experts from various institutions who have a good track record in their respective specializations.
The Department of English in association with Learning Links Foundation, ETS, TOEFL IBT organized Train the Trainer Programme (online) for Twenty Three faculty members from the Department of English, Commerce and Management Studies from 3rd to 7th August 2020.
International webinar on “Developing Vital Critical Thinking and Communication Skills Through Visuals”
The Department of English organized Aptis Student Support Programme in collaboration with the British Council Chennai. Aptis Student Support Programme was conducted for the students of First year Arts and Science students. Nearly 47 students from B.A.English (Hons.) /B.Com(Hons.)/B.Com General/BBA/BCA /B.Sc took the online Diagnostic test in the Language lab on 5.3.2020 and underwent training on the four language skills namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing from 9th to 10th March 2020 in E &I Seminar Hall. The lead trainer from British Council, Ms.Veena Krishnamurthi was the Resource Person.
Click here for Programme Report
The Department of English conducted a One day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Language Testing and Assessment.’ The objective of this FDP was to know the nuances of designing a standard question paper and how to give constructive feedback to students while evaluating their answer sheets. Nearly 50 participants attended the programme out of which 25 were from other institutions. The Resource Person was Dr.T.Shrimathi Venkatalakshmi, Head of the Department of English, Anna University(CEG) Guindy. Nearly 50 participants attended the programme out of which 25 were from other institutions. The participants were highly benefited by the expert’s valuable resource. Our Dean of School, Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood graced the occasion and enlightened the participants with his motivational talk.
The Department of English conducted organized a Teacher Development Programme for Teachers of English,“Re- energizing English Language Teaching” on 21.2.2020.This programme was conducted for the English Teachers teaching higher secondary to develop their teaching skills. Thirty five school teachers from various schools in Chennai attended this workshop. ELT columnist, Teacher trainer and former Head of the Department of English, Dr.Albert P’Rayan was the Resource Person. He gave many activities and made the session very interactive .He emphasized the important role of English in the globalized world and the challenges faced by the English Teachers in the classroom today.
Our Pro Vice Chancellor Dr.A.Peer Mohamed, Registrar Dr.A.Azad, Deputy Registrar Dr. N.Raja Hussain and Dean of School of Social Sciences & Humanities Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood make the workshop memorable by making their presence. They addressed the participants and also distributed certificates to them.
Dr.A.Shahin Sultana, Professor of English has been awarded “Extra Mile Award” for Continuous Excellence by Cambridge Assessment English, University of Cambridge, London on 22.11.2019 at the Annual Coordinators’ Conference held at Hotel Rain Tree, Chennai. The award was given in recognition of the special efforts taken by her as the Coordinator of Business English Certificate Courses in conducting the Courses and the exams well and producing good results consistently. The award was presented by T.K. Arunacahalam, Regional Director, South Asia Region, Cambridge Assessment English.
In 2016 she was awarded “Best Staff of the year – All Rounder” award by Cambridge Assessment English at the Cambridge Partners’ function held at Hotel Hyatt Regency in recognition of her contributions towards Business English Certificate Courses and the multi-task role she played in preparing and training the speaking examiners and administering the BEC exams successfully and achieving good results every year She was instrumental in starting Business English Certificate Courses and in the signing of Mou. The university became the first private university in the whole of South India.
Our institution which has been functioning as BEC Centre has been given the award “Preparation Centre Award 2019-2020” for Continuous Excellence in recognition of conducting the exams as per the standards set by Cambridge Assessment English.
A Guest- Lecture on Énglish: Modern Day Lifeline was organized by the Department of English for Ist semester students of B.A.English(Hons.) on 17.10.2019. The Resource Person was Dr.David Wesley, Assistant Professor of English, Madras Christian College, Chennai-59. He created awareness among the students about the different career avenues available for the programme they have chosen. He was very interactive and the students enjoyed the session. Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean of Social Sciences & Humanities and faculty members also attended the lecture.
A two-day workshop on ‘Writing for Research Purpose’ (19th and 20th July 2019)
The Department of English in association with the Office of Dean Research conducted a two-day workshop ‘Writing for Research Purpose’ on 19 th and 20 th July 2019. The convener was Dr.H.Sofia, Associate Professor of English & Head i/c and the Co- convener was Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean, Research. Nearly 100 participants from B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology and other institutions from all over Tamilnadu attended this workshop. The aim of the workshop was to enable the researchers of all disciplines whose first language is not English to write a good research paper and thesis. The resource papers were Dr Albert P’ Rayan, HOD English from KCG College of Technology, Chennai, Dr Antony samy, HOD English Loyola College, Chennai, Dr K.Ganesh, Former Head, Department of English, Chennai, Dr S.Vijayakumar, AP/English, BSACIST, Dean Research Dr Raja Md, Dr Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean and Dr Khurshid, Deputy Dean Research. All the sessions were well received by the audience. The participants not only learnt how to write a research paper without errors but also to publish papers in good journals free of plagiarism.
One day workshop ‘Pedagogies for Language and Literature in the 21st Century’ on 30.4.2019
The Department of English organized a one day workshop ‘Pedagogies for Language and Literature in the 21st Century’ on 30.4.2019 in order to provide input on various techniques for handling the learners of language and literature of the 21st century. 52 participants from various institutions in and around Chennai attended this workshop.The resource persons were Dr.Shrimathy Venkatalakshmi, Professor & Head,Department of English Anna University, Guindy and Dr.K.Ganesh, Professor & Head, Department of English, Madras Christian College, Tambaram.
Our institution has been the pioneer in signing MOU with Cambridge, being the First of its kind in 2010, in 2014 and the third and most recent one in August 2018, offering Business English for engineering students in India.
National Seminar / Conference
Workshop for Teachers
Workshop for Students
Guest Lecture for Students
Organized ICMR-Sponsored two national conference on “Women and Mental Health : A Psychosocial Perspective” by the school of social sciences and Humanities, BS Abdur Rahman Institute on 17 and 18 February 2016.
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Events Conducted:
Guest- Lecture Social Sciences for Engineers
In order to prepare the faculty for the teaching of Business English Certificate courses effectively and to prepare them and the technical staff for conducting the Computer based test, the following training programmes were organized.
Dr. H.Sofia
Professor & Head,
Department of English,
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
Vandalur, Chennai – 600048
Tamilnadu, India.
Ph: +91-44-22759247 Extn:247
Fax : (+91)(44)22750520
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